Id hate to slander ANYone that is pro-gun but I feel this deserves a little attention... That being said, did anyone watch the Mark Kelly/Wayne LaPierre interviews this afternoon with Chris Wallace from Fox News?? First, Mark Kelly began the interview. He proceeded to make some pretty strong arguments that seemed to advocate for ideas and, therefor infringements, against of our 2A rights. I strongly dislike the Kelly/Gifford family and everything they stand for but I truly think they may have acquired a couple fence riders via this interview. Maybe I'm an idiot, but, sadly enough Wayne LaPierre got ran over and looked like a damn fool throughout. He was constantly choking up, fumbling his words, and letting Chris Wallace dominate the conversation in its entirety.. When Wallace brought up DC v Heller and quoted Scalia's determination that the Second Amendment "was not unlimited," couldn't he have at least fired back with "it clearly states the right to bear arms shall NOT be infringed!" Soon after that, Wallace brought up that retarded ad they ran about the Presidents children which furthered the obliteration. I don't know, but, I truly believe NRA members need to demand a new spokesman and advocate for our 2A rights. We need someone a hell of a lot more bold & assertive! Now is not the time to absorb punishment. This is our 2nd Amendment he's fucking with. Correct me if Im wrong, but, this was just one of many sub-par performances from Mr. Wayne LaPierre... What do you guys think???