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Coyote rifle help

Bryan W M

Full Member
Oct 31, 2011
East KS
Thinking about putting together a coyote rifle. Leaning towards a.223. I don’t want to reload for this one. Range would be 500 yards max. Do you guys recommend the 223 for this? What factory loads do you recommend?

I’m looking at getting the night stalker stock does anyone know if I can run an impact and origin in the same inlet with mini chassis?
6arc. Factory ammo is easy and cheap, and it just gets easier and cheaper every month. I'm not saying you can't kill coyotes with a .223, but you'll lose some, maybe quite a few, especially at ranges beyond 200y.
We think alike. You must have lost some, or tracked some that had been lost.

We've done more with .223 than it ever owed anybody, but coyotes are a lot tougher than some other types of animals.
You could also just go buy this, drop it in a stock, and start killing things:

We think alike. You must have lost some, or tracked some that had been lost.

We've done more with .223 than it ever owed anybody, but coyotes are a lot tougher than some other types of animals.
Yes sir. I've seen way too many soak up those 55's and run off, or are still spinning after they've been hit two or even three times. I've lost one coyote with the 6arc and the 87gr vmax in the last probably 4 years. And to be fair, I can't even swear I hit it. I had one at about 70y facing me, standing still and it was a monster, 40+ lbs. I shot, he stumbled like he was hit and disappeared. I never even figured out where he went. It was like he just evaporated. We were in a tournament where the whole thing was single heaviest coyote, and it was a shit day, terrible weather. The winning coyote was like 31lbs.
Yes sir. I've seen way too many soak up those 55's and run off, or are still spinning after they've been hit two or even three times. I've lost one coyote with the 6arc and the 87gr vmax in the last probably 4 years. And to be fair, I can't even swear I hit it. I had one at about 70y facing me, standing still and it was a monster, 40+ lbs. I shot, he stumbled like he was hit and disappeared. I never even figured out where he went. It was like he just evaporated. We were in a tournament where the whole thing was single heaviest coyote, and it was a shit day, terrible weather. The winning coyote was like 31lbs.

Mine have mostly been with a straight .243 and 75-85 grain bullets.

They do NOT get up from that very often.

Edit: Tracked one example, probably 20 years ago, where an ol' boy put one in the dirt with a 3" 20 gauge at about 15 mostly vertical yards.

For you non-shotgun types: That's an extremely punishing round at that distance; well over twice the energy of the nearest .44 Mag, and equal to the .243 and 6mm Remington, for probably 50 yards.

Said coyote was pounded into the ground, and didn't move. Then, a number of seconds later, began spinning in the dirt (I saw the fur and mud) and barking, got up, and the last fencerow he cleared was over 1/4 mile away and into the next property. Gone. We had very good blood the entire way.

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223 is plenty of gun for coyotes, stepping away from the 55 grain bullets is probably a good idea though if you plan on ranges out to 500 yards. I shoot a 223 20-inch gun with 75gr ELDM's and it'll put a coyote in half at that range. We've shot deer-sized game with them at 300-400 yards. There is also nothing wrong with the 6mm's, I love the ARC and GT.

This yote took one 75ELDM at just under 500 yds IIRC:

This is my 223 heavy gun, mainly for chucks but I'd smoke coyotes all day with it:
I have killed coyotes out to 350 yards with a 223 and 50gr V-Max, but they don't drop in their tracks. My 223 bolt gun with 75gr ELDM @3025 fps will work, but I switched to a 6 Creedmoor with 87gr V-Max at 3230 and they don't run too far when hit with it.
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223 is plenty of gun for coyotes, stepping away from the 55 grain bullets is probably a good idea though if you plan on ranges out to 500 yards. I shoot a 223 20-inch gun with 75gr ELDM's and it'll put a coyote in half at that range. We've shot deer-sized game with them at 300-400 yards. There is also nothing wrong with the 6mm's, I love the ARC and GT.

This yote took one 75ELDM at just under 500 yds IIRC:
This is my 223 heavy gun, mainly for chucks but I'd smoke coyotes all day with it:

I've got a lot of experience with the 90 Sierra and Berger both, as far as 1,000...plain ol' Lapua blue box.

I disagree with you, but then again, I haven't shot a coyote with your rifle and loads.

OTOH, I also haven't ever shot a couote with 55 ball.

Despite thousands of JLK80, Berger 73, and Sierra 69 fired in match use, I can't recall ever shooting a dog with them. Mine have ALL been heavy charges of RE-15 and 2000-MR behind 68 Hornady, 65 GameKing, and 77 SMK. Mine have all been under 200.

Inadequate performance. Did not "cut in half". :)
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223 73 gr eldm at 2800 < 243 75 gr vmax at 3600. Max range is 500 yds, but I'm guessing majority will be inside 300. I'll take speed at that distance. Just hold on fur and dump them. Because coyotes usually don't give you a lot of time to check your dope.
75 Vmax's from a 6mm are also very messy. And you make good points about trajectory and coyote activity.
Not a coyote, but you can see how much meat and bone are scattered by the energy the 75 still has at 454yds.
C'mon man, a Prarie dog?

I've vaporized them with a well thrown rock. There may not be a more explosive fur packet on the planet. It's almost like they come packed with tannerite. 😂😂
Thinking about putting together a coyote rifle. Leaning towards a.223. I don’t want to reload for this one. Range would be 500 yards max. Do you guys recommend the 223 for this? What factory loads do you recommend?

I’m looking at getting the night stalker stock does anyone know if I can run an impact and origin in the same inlet with mini chassis?

I've ran and built quite a few Coyote Rifles in the past 20 years. The Manners mini chassis will work fine with either of the above actions. I currently run a few Origins with the Mini Chassis on some PRS-1s and T5A's. I would recommend a prefit barrel chambered in a 22-250, 18" with a relatively quick twist, most of ours are 8, but the newest Carbon Six barrels are 7.7 which were stacking the 50 vmax, now we are using primarily the 62 ELD-VT which would suit your needs for the 4-500 yard mid to longer range shots.
The 223 has plenty of power to kill coyotes at 4-500 yds but something with a flatter trajectory is better. Coyotes rarely hold still long in hunting situations.
I would look at the 204 ruger, 22-250 and fast 6mms like 6mm creedmoor and 243 win.

My personal choice is 204 ruger for my light rifle and 6mm cm for heavy.

This pair was bang flopped at 300+ and 400+ yards with the 204


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So .223 with the 70 class or 6mm ARC with the 80 grain, Should be fine.
No, not really?

You have a whole thread of guys saying somewhere between "Will kill, but it sucks" through "No, just don't".

There is only one guy here that was really in favor of it, and @coldboremiracle doesn't know the difference between a pdog and a song dog. (lmao! That WAS a big fuckin rodent)

It's still your call, but if you only heard ".223 is great", then you didn't absorb what was really being said.

I'll shoot a coyote with a .22 Magnum, at the right range and situation, but you're asking for advice on purpose built goodness.

Go bigger, or practice tracking. :)
There is only one guy here that was really in favor of it, and @coldboremiracle doesn't know the difference between a pdog and a song dog.

Like everything else, if you hit coyotes in the right spot they are done. I've lost coyotes at 500 with 6mm's and gotten them with a 223. Obviously because one hit right, and the other just took some meat.
Often what's left out, or at least glossed over in these discussions is bullet selection. To me, it can be more important than cartridge selection. Yes, every bullet will kill, but some do it much quicker than others. I've absolutely crushed coyotes with a 16" 223 shooting the 50 grain v-max. As in not one more step. Had I been shooting a target bullet, they would have died, but not as quickly. You want your varmint bullets to basically explode on impact, dumping all energy and not exiting.
Having said all that, I moved to a 22 Creedmoor with 75 ELDM because I want the extra range. It kills quite well, but not instantly like a varmint bullet. If I can ever get my hands on the 62gr ELD-VT, I'll likely be switching to those.
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I am curious as to what you guys do with coyotes after taking em out?
If they have a nice hide I'll skin and have tanned, otherwise leave them where they are or toss them in a ditch. Unfortunately all the ones I've gotten lately have had terrible hides.

On topic of the OP - go with 6mm ARC. Mine has been great for coyotes. I just picked up some loaded 58gr Vmax from Druid Hill Armory to try out, and then new 80 ELD-VT is finally hitting shelves. Working on putting a bolt action together now as well.
Often what's left out, or at least glossed over in these discussions is bullet selection. To me, it can be more important than cartridge selection. Yes, every bullet will kill, but some do it much quicker than others. I've absolutely crushed coyotes with a 16" 223 shooting the 50 grain v-max. As in not one more step. Had I been shooting a target bullet, they would have died, but not as quickly. You want your varmint bullets to basically explode on impact, dumping all energy and not exiting.
Having said all that, I moved to a 22 Creedmoor with 75 ELDM because I want the extra range. It kills quite well, but not instantly like a varmint bullet. If I can ever get my hands on the 62gr ELD-VT, I'll likely be switching to those.
Also have to look at velocity as well. I've shot the 50 gr vmax at 3800+ out of my 22-250, and the performance was horrible. I had more runners with that combo than I had in all the previous years combined. But you slow it down to 223 speed and it is an effective bullet.
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Also have to look at velocity as well. I've shot the 50 gr vmax at 3800+ out of my 22-250, and the performance was horrible. I had more runners with that combo than I had in all the previous years combined. But you slow it down to 223 speed and it is an effective bullet.
If you run the 75ELDM at 2900 or more (like 3300) it has unbelievable pop, just like a Vmax. Definitely would not recommend if you are keeping hides.
depending on what percentage of your kills will be 50-250 vs 250-500yds
If 75% are closer, I'd lean toward the 22-250 or even 22GT and 22 ARC.
If you're looking more like half and half...I'd absolutely go 22 Creed.
223 can kill coyotes at 500 yards but it doesn’t anchor them like others. Even at 200 yards with perfect hits I’ve had them run a long ways and that’s with heavy for caliber bullets that expand. Also depends on where you are and the size of the coyotes.

My favorite coyote round ever has been 6CM with 95gr LRX, it knocks the shit out of them but doesn’t destroy fur. I shot a lot of them with 243’s with other bullets and it also puts them down hard. I would definitely go with a 6MM. I haven’t shot anything with my 6ARC yet but if I was going coyote hunting tomorrow that’s the rifle I’d grab.
I would go 22-250 or 6mm variant if you want to go out to 500yds. My other advise is don't go with too heavy of barrel. I feel like so many people think they need a heavy barrel for predator hunting. I really enjoy Bartlein #3 & #3b contours.... unless you're going carbon
Planning on doing carbon that’s why I’m thinking 6ARC for barrel life .
.243 and 6 creed have a lot of options for ammo.

500 yards is the max distance I can safely take a shot at a yote. Most shots will be inside 300 .
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We think alike. You must have lost some, or tracked some that had been lost.

We've done more with .223 than it ever owed anybody, but coyotes are a lot tougher than some other types of animals.

They are tough, they are a predator, they are not real big, lots of fur but they can "power through" pain IMHO.

Also in my view I want as much wiggle room as I can for that less than perfect shot. Sure you could kill one with a 22 rimfire if you hit it right, but that is not the question. You are talking some distance, and a tougher mammal.

My vote that also means less then Niki's campaign is for two of the oldies, pure Fudd area. 243 and 22-250, both have legs to get out there, and both will put him down unless the shot was just....well should not have been taken.

There are some other oldies, but those two, really 243 you can find on the shelf.

I would run them through the rifle first naturally.

I love this photo, and generally say Willow is not a fan of Federal 243.

The story goes my rifle,

I tried several factory 243 loads, I got like 4 different boxes and all of them shot roughly equal at 100 yards. Close enough to even to call it even, Likely me being what the difference was and old eyes and irons.

But the Federal would not cut paper. Zero hits....none. I am really glad I did not start with that one because who knows what kind of tail chasing would have happened. Not one single hole in the target. I ended up pulling them down as they are really worthless to me as that is the only 243 I have.
Barrel life is overrated ;)
OP: consider this advice.

--Most coyote hunting never involves more than 2-3 shots in rapid succession.

--Most coyote hunting is done in moderate to low temperatures.

--You really only NEED about a 3/4 minute rifle, as long as the groups are round, to make hits.

--If you DO fire 1,000 rounds total, in factory upper-echelon ammo, and you DO kill a hot cartridge'd barrel, then a simple barrel change shouldn't bother your wallet much.
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Take a picture if there is anything interesting about them, and then....... throw them in a ditch.

^ This.

I have a few photos of my "kill hill", which is just a little clearing about 220 yards from the house. Occasionally I'll kill a hog and use it as bait, or have a cow/calf die. When that happens my kill hill gets filled up pretty quickly.

Currently there are 7 rotting carcasses there (5 coyotes, 2 feral dogs that were in my cattle together last month). I made the mistake of thinking that the buzzards would clean them up...which they do a great job of on single carcasses out in a pasture. For some reason when you pile a bunch up, the buzzards leave them alone.

My favorite coyote cartridge of late is a 6.5x47 with the 130gr ELD-M.

It isn't fur friendly.
The Remington 22-250 is a destroyer of song dogs. Ammo is readily available and will smoke a coyote at 500 yards like a cheap cigar.

Just make sure you get a 1:12 twist barrel to handle the heavier bullets above 55 grains. A lot of the barrels are 1:14 twist which you don't want for that kind of range.

EDIT: I use 55 grain Hornady V-Max. Drops coyotes on the spot and turns prairie dogs inside out.
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I think the best factory coyote medicine going is a 243 federal or winchester 58gr vmax or varmint x's. Dogs go straight down and when not hit on the edges or shoulder often look like they died of a heart attack! No exit, small entrance. I now intentionally aim mid ribs to avoid shoulders. Still die immediately. I don't recall shooting any past 300 tho.

Having said that I'm leaning at trying a 22 Creedmoor and the new 62 eld vt. I just can't leave good enough alone! Good luck
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