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not as slight as the chances of young healthy people dying from covid.

guessing this is just to make people wait a certain amount of time after the clotshots, but if it isn't good for others, is it good for you?
or it could be fake i guess.

I wouldn't be surprised if they will still collect, but are separating jabbed vs. unjabbed supplies for "special" people (elite and migrants).
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My 4th child was born last summer and he ended up in the NICU. Because of all of the blood draws they did he needed a blood transfusion. Same blood type as Momma and I, but those fucks made us jump through a bunch of hoops and had us worried for most of a week fearing they would not let us give him our blood. I was set to just say no blood then, and let the chips fall where they may. Though if I’d have lost him over them telling us there was no need for a ’directed donation’, and that ‘vaxxed blood was safe’. You can just use your imagination as to what would have been served up cold for dinner one day.

My wife wanted to just give in and let him get whatever they gave him. I hounded her relentlessly and told her since she was the only one with him and in another state to boot , she was his protector. No one else could or would do it. After talking with someone from the ethics board it all worked out. But I swear, there were some satanic worshipping motherfuckers behind the scenes over there. Why else would they fight us? It used to be common place to donate blood for a family member.

I’m going to go calm back down now…
blood banking is and has always been the biggest racquet in the bigger medical racquet. i think the charge 20 years ago was about $5-600 per unit. the costs to the patient were a huge,nuc weapon level,secret. none of us could ever get a clue. the process was set up so that ANY mistake or bad outcome was ALWAYS the administering nurse's fault. directors salaries were said to be in the 200k+ range at that time. don't know. get a product free and sell it at a 500% mark up with no liability risk? what's not to like? of course they did knock off a few people during the HIV deal. it has to be used as nothing else works in the shock,blood loss,pre renal failure etc setting. it is wasted in huge amounts. have given 20+ units in an 8hr shift during a liver transplant disaster. just another disease care problem with no apparent solution.
My 4th child was born last summer and he ended up in the NICU. Because of all of the blood draws they did he needed a blood transfusion. Same blood type as Momma and I, but those fucks made us jump through a bunch of hoops and had us worried for most of a week fearing they would not let us give him our blood. I was set to just say no blood then, and let the chips fall where they may. Though if I’d have lost him over them telling us there was no need for a ’directed donation’, and that ‘vaxxed blood was safe’. You can just use your imagination as to what would have been served up cold for dinner one day.

My wife wanted to just give in and let him get whatever they gave him. I hounded her relentlessly and told her since she was the only one with him and in another state to boot , she was his protector. No one else could or would do it. After talking with someone from the ethics board it all worked out. But I swear, there were some satanic worshipping motherfuckers behind the scenes over there. Why else would they fight us? It used to be common place to donate blood for a family member.

I’m going to go calm back down now…

You guys aren't going to believe this, the baby boy in this article that died, was in the same Hospital as my son in the same time frame. I'm fucking freaked out right now.

From the article.
Alexander was born with a throat problem that can only be treated with surgery. Hertzler claimed that her son was given the blood by the doctor at Sacred Heart in Spokane, Washington, without her or her husband’s permission.

“He had an operation to fix an issue in his throat he was born with. He did not need a blood transfusion during the operation. Most babies do not.”

“Later on, after our authorization had expired (we only authorized a blood transfusion in case of an emergency during an operation). The doctor gave him a blood transfusion because his hemoglobin levels were a little low. We had not given permission for this and the doctor knew we did not want vaccinated blood because we were worried about blood clots. The next day after the transfusion, they discovered a blood clot,” Hertzler said.

In September, a mother told The Gateway Pundit that her one-month-old baby died from a blood clot caused by receiving “COVID-vaccinated blood” during a blood transfusion. “He died after getting a blood transfusion of vaccinated blood,” Hertzler claimed. “He got a blood clot instantly after receiving his transfusion. A blood clot that no blood thinner could resolve.”

The way I'm looking at this, it's possible that this baby boy died right before they relented and "allowed' us to donate blood to our son. My heart goes out to their family...
You guys aren't going to believe this, the baby boy in this article that died, was in the same Hospital as my son in the same time frame. I'm fucking freaked out right now.

From the article.

The way I'm looking at this, it's possible that this baby boy died right before they relented and "allowed' us to donate blood to our son. My heart goes out to their family...
Good on you for following your intuition.

That’s a ton of pressure to resist.

Those hospital fucks are evil too. They don’t like it when any “scum” questions their vaunted positions. They just double down than think they have to force their diagnoses on you in order to save face.

Doctors did Kill themselves unlike Epstein.
Good on you for following your intuition.

That’s a ton of pressure to resist.

Those hospital fucks are evil too. They don’t like it when any “scum” questions their vaunted positions. They just double down than think they have to force their diagnoses on you in order to save face.

Doctors did Kill themselves unlike Epstein.
I read that article and it put me in a weird place. With an ashen face I went to show it to my wife and I fell on the stairs, ass over tea kettle and threw the laptop across the floor. Fucking surreal.
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Published reports from the original randomized phase 3 trials concluded that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. In the interim, problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of these pivotal trials have emerged....

Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders. Furthermore, these products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards....

Given the extensive, well-documented SAEs and unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.
  • Wow
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That dude and his buddies are trying for accountability.

The problem is genpop….


Note about the GIF. Always kind of feel bad posting this guy but at the same time I’m thinking the dude did it for this reason sort of. I’m guessing he is made of stronger stuff then “genpop”.
Anyone one thinking of a blood bank business for pureblood?
I have thought of this for a while now. I think the baby steps approach would be some sort of fund that anyone interested donates to. We had to pay $500 to test my wife's blood for...whatever they test for, platelets or whatever. She told me she heard in some hospitals/medical systems directed donations and testing are free, but I have to assume those places are few and far between. If we could get most purebloods to look at this as an investment in their health and donate $20 or more that could get the ball rolling. Have the first facility built in Texas or Florida maybe. A place where it could succeed anyway. Have to find someone to administrate that doesn't want to, but would be honored.

WTF am I thinking, they would sue this pipe dream to death. Fucking uppity purebloods trying to break away from the system! Let's play big bank take little bank...

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