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Is the NRA getting a Waynectomy?

Good grief man! Zero skill on handling that rifle. Chambering a round is an after thought for the clown who needed to be reminded. If you can't shoulder the rifle with out the "sticks", you have no business being out there. Those elephants were probably waiting for some fruit or something like that. Was really waiting to see some real action like this....

Like the people who hunt on land that is fenced in. Looked staged.......kick rocks la peeair
Good grief man! Zero skill on handling that rifle. Chambering a round is an after thought for the clown who needed to be reminded. If you can't shoulder the rifle with out the "sticks", you have no business being out there. Those elephants were probably waiting for some fruit or something like that. Was really waiting to see some real action like this....
View attachment 8312029

Like the people who hunt on land that is fenced in. Looked staged.......kick rocks la peeair
This. I have no respect for those who kill for fun. Self defense, yep. Culling a herd for old animals, yep, especially if it helps the locals. But just killing it so you can say you killed an elephant...which are becoming endangered. Chickenshit.
He’s done what he needs to do with the nra. Removing him now would not be enough to reverse the damages.

The nra needs to be dissolved and forgotten about. They have forgotten about the people they were supposed to support a long time ago.
I have to disagree. They are the largest voice out there. Reform and restore.
I have to disagree. They are the largest voice out there. Reform and restore.
Largest maybe. Largest on YOUR side, definitely not. They haven’t went to bat for gun owners in decades. They just roll over and come to a compromise. As long as the upper echelons get to have trendy vacations, lifetime opportunities to hunt animals no ordinary citizens can afford ON YOUR DIME, they are not “laughing with you” to say.
I do not think it needs to go away. Not by a long way. Yes it is nothing but ole' Wayne's slush fund, and if he is gone someone else of his ilk will likely take over. But I have hope that it can go back to being what it is suppose to be.

There is that word again.....perhaps if I vote harder this next time.

I like I bet a few others belong to the NRA for one reason, the club requires it. I even floated around the idea of being a member of some other org. HARD NO. So see even the club knows where their money comes from.

The rot goes down to a level so low you would have to dig a hole to find it.
I do not think it needs to go away. Not by a long way. Yes it is nothing but ole' Wayne's slush fund, and if he is gone someone else of his ilk will likely take over. But I have hope that it can go back to being what it is suppose to be.

There is that word again.....perhaps if I vote harder this next time.

I like I bet a few others belong to the NRA for one reason, the club requires it. I even floated around the idea of being a member of some other org. HARD NO. So see even the club knows where their money comes from.

The rot goes down to a level so low you would have to dig a hole to find it.
Clubs tend to go with them because of the insurance aspect.
This. I have no respect for those who kill for fun. Self defense, yep. Culling a herd for old animals, yep, especially if it helps the locals. But just killing it so you can say you killed an elephant...which are becoming endangered. Chickenshit.
Most PHs will only let hunters take older animals that need to be culled out of the herd so a younger bull with new DNA can take over and keep the herd healthy. The biggest trophy bulls are usually the ones that need to be culled. Wayne is still a piece of shit and I probably wouldn’t lose a second of sleep if he got reincarnated as a lion turd on that safari.
Oh and while we’re taking about corruption, abuse of power, misuse of club funds, etc.

How much money do you think the defense team is going to cost in this?

Where is they money coming from?
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Most PHs will only let hunters take older animals that need to be culled out of the herd so a younger bull with new DNA can take over and keep the herd healthy. The biggest trophy bulls are usually the ones that need to be culled. Wayne is still a piece of shit and I probably wouldn’t lose a second of sleep if he got reincarnated as a lion turd on that safari.
Hard to tell from the video but neither of the ones in the video looked old.
The nra needs to be dissolved and forgotten about. They have forgotten about the people they were supposed to support a long time ago.
Not sure if it’s always been this way but from my understanding the NRA is primarily funded by the gun manufacturers such as Sig/S&W/Mossberg/Remington (what’s left of it).

The NRA mostly takes it‘s marching orders from the manufacturers not the individual members as a whole.

They still appeal to individuals for money but if all of us stopped donating they will survive. The manufacturers must be happy with Wayne or he would be gone.
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They still appeal to individuals for money but if all of us stopped donating they will survive. The manufacturers must be happy with Wayne or he would be gone.
With all the states that gave raped and pillaged firearm manufacturers, how could they be happy with getting no representation for their commitment?

Seems if they had a great relationship, the nra would have fought harder for companies or situations like

Remington (Sandy Hook lawsuit)
Californias law AB1594
Every single state that has enacted red flag laws

The list goes on with stuff the nra could have fought harder on if they weren’t away from the office hunting elephants or other stupid shit.
Any organization that sets the left's hair on fire like the NRA is mostly good. You can argue for more openness and new leadership, but it would be a huge mistake to scrap it in favor of GOA (of which I am also a member) and smaller organizations that do not have the lobbying power in DC. You can argue they don't take on enough cases, but the reality is that the ones they back they win, and with the exception of lost causes like NY, IL, and CA our rights have grown in my lifetime, not contracted. When I first purchased a gun there was an assault weapons ban, and the only people in the USA who could carry concealed were detectives.

I don't want to defend Lapiere, but I will defend the NRA, because for all their faults they're to ones the left is actually afraid of, because they do indeed wield the most power.
The NRA does some good things. Our range, where I am a RSO, gets insurance through them. Without their RSO/Instructor certs, I wonder if we would exist at all, since we lease through the county.

We have a heated building on the 100 yard range courtesy of a grant from the NRA. Though I rarely use it due to mirage, it sure is nice to sit in there on a windy 20° Wyoming day and shoot with the fire roaring…. Christmas Eve I was testing my new Xero in there with a buddy. 🔥🎄

Can the NRA be fixed? I haven't a clue.

Is it worth saving?

Damn I hope so……..

Wayne must go!
This isn't entirely WLP - the Board of Directors allowed the nonsense to continue unchecked for far too long. WLP is employed at the discretion of the Board so this is clearly a sign of a weak, disconnected Board. He needs to go and fresh leadership and approaches may salvage whats left but it depends on whether the Board is ready to put on their big-boy pants. The old schtick of promoting shooting sport through a message of fear only is worn out. Certainly self-defense is a valid point but leading with that is a turn-off for many and does nothing to promote the fun, recreational side of gun ownership.
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Any organization that sets the left's hair on fire like the NRA is mostly good. You can argue for more openness and new leadership, but it would be a huge mistake to scrap it in favor of GOA (of which I am also a member) and smaller organizations that do not have the lobbying power in DC. You can argue they don't take on enough cases, but the reality is that the ones they back they win, and with the exception of lost causes like NY, IL, and CA our rights have grown in my lifetime, not contracted. When I first purchased a gun there was an assault weapons ban, and the only people in the USA who could carry concealed were detectives.

I don't want to defend Lapiere, but I will defend the NRA, because for all their faults they're to ones the left is actually afraid of, because they do indeed wield the most power.
In my lifetime they (gun rights) have retracted. Circa 1975 I walked into a Virginia Hardware store, plopped down $275 (?) and walked out with my first (of many to come) Colt 1911. Nothing but a no name receipt. Fuck the ATF.

'Pierre' has two r's .
Does me no good to threaten them, they have already received the dues for the highest level life membership.

I send my money to the GOA and TSRA, but I am a life member both of those as well.
Well, I’m stuck. Shooting at our local range requires NRA membership due to insurance. So, they got my money again on December 29th for 2024, 2025 dues. Let’s see how long it will be, before they start sending emails asking…….

a. We need you to extend your membership
b. We need more money
c. Do your part, leave the NRA in your will.
d. You don’t have send money to enter to win this contest (with a whole bunch of firearms as prizes which I don’t have the slightest interest in ) but please do, NRA needs your (financial) support to keep your rights.

To keep from having to worry about these folks, I use a two year membership. So, Iast renewed on December 26th of 2021 for 2022-2023 years. By January 20, 2022, they were already asking for more money.
Well, I’m stuck. Shooting at our local range requires NRA membership due to insurance. So, they got my money again on December 29th for 2024, 2025 dues. Let’s see how long it will be, before they start sending emails asking…….

a. We need you to extend your membership
b. We need more money
c. Do your part, leave the NRA in your will.
d. You don’t have send money to enter to win this contest (with a whole bunch of firearms as prizes which I don’t have the slightest interest in ) but please do, NRA needs your (financial) support to keep your rights.

To keep from having to worry about these folks, I use a two year membership. So, Iast renewed on December 26th of 2021 for 2022-2023 years. By January 20, 2022, they were already asking for more money.

Our range has no stipulations on NRA but still used their insurance.

I think that's fudds running the place, nothing to do with the NRA.
The NRA is like a fucking lion with no teeth or claws, no one give two shits about them or there brainwashed members who hand over hard earned money so ole Wayne O can have all of his extravagant trips, clothes, cars, homes.

Don’t kid yourselves. What politicians fear is what they already know and what became evident in 2020. People are all out of fucks to give about what the gov’t thinks is best. There are more firearm owners in this country than any place on earth. No one needs a “voice” for supporting gun ownership, we the people are the voice. And we have spoken loud and clear when it comes to bs regulation….go fuck yourselves!
Cull the corrupt save the teaching, insurance, etc. Also as mentioned, they do make a nice shield for others to focus on.
What if they have never actually been a shield? What if their only purpose was to make you think you got a good deal while your rights were treaded underfoot? Have you ever noticed in pro wrestling that it seems like the bad guys and good guys work together?

How many years ago did we find out Wayne was skimming money? Same for the NFL, find me a fan that doesn't rabidly hate Goodell.
And I will apologize ahead of time for calling members of the NRA brainwashed…..I realize some must maintain membership in order to shoot at their local range or the insurance thing. I shoot BPCR silhouette, and they require a NRA book for scoring….f them….I tell the match director to put me in the “ I don’t give a shit about my score class” ain’t payin those corrupt assholes nothing….
This. I have no respect for those who kill for fun. Self defense, yep. Culling a herd for old animals, yep, especially if it helps the locals. But just killing it so you can say you killed an elephant...which are becoming endangered. Chickenshit.

Like anything there are places with none and places with too many. The permits for species like elephant are highly regulated by the wildlife conservation agency in that country and bring in a substantial amount of money to help fight poaching and stop the locals from killing anything that presents an inconvenience.

And on top of that some of them are assholes, more than a few of those hunts are going after an animal that is being a problem. Like that guy that paid $350,000 to go hunt a rhino, the people that were sending him death threats completely glossed over the fact that the local wildlife agency was going to kill it regardless because it was an older male that was killing other rhinos. Why do for free what someone will pay you $350,000 to do for you?
In my lifetime they (gun rights) have retracted. Circa 1975 I walked into a Virginia Hardware store, plopped down $275 (?) and walked out with my first (of many to come) Colt 1911. Nothing but a no name receipt. Fuck the ATF.

'Pierre' has two r's .
Yeah, but could you stick in a holster under your shirt without breaking the law?

NRA needs new leadership for sure. But I wouldn’t say anything that happened warrants demo-ing the whole org. As others have said, the value of NRA is just as much in the grassroots organizational structure they’ve built through things like helping clubs with insurance, providing instructor training, organizing shooting sports, etc. As of late, GOA seems to be the tip of the spear on the legal front. But with new leadership (so badly needed), the NRA would instantly return to being a powerhouse if gun owners like what they see.
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In my lifetime they (gun rights) have retracted. Circa 1975 I walked into a Virginia Hardware store, plopped down $275 (?) and walked out with my first (of many to come) Colt 1911. Nothing but a no name receipt. Fuck the ATF.

'Pierre' has two r's .

Yeah, but could you stick in a holster under your shirt without breaking the law?

NRA needs new leadership for sure. But I wouldn’t say anything that happened warrants demo-ing the whole org. As others have said, the value of NRA is just as much in the grassroots organizational structure they’ve built through things like helping clubs with insurance, providing instructor training, organizing shooting sports, etc. As of late, GOA seems to be the tip of the spear on the legal front. But with new leadership (so badly needed), the NRA would instantly return to being a powerhouse if gun owners like what they see.

One of the problems is that we made some “trades” along the way that we should not have made. The background check laws paved the way for the anti-2Aers to expand, expand, expand the exclusions.

Some folks don’t realize that whatever individual states decide to tack on goes into that NICS refusal process. Why do you think they want Universal background checks. It’s not just for registration. They want to expand, expand, expand the exclusions.

I remember when the NRA was pushing the “Fix the NICS” legislation and they were telling people that the only thing that disqualified you in the NICS check, was the federal exceptions. A lot of people were buying that crap.

And of course we all know about the unholy Trump/NRA “bump-stock ban”, which paved the way for the “brace ban” and other expansions of the ATF’s power. Fortunately, some of that is getting rolled back in the courts but we’ve gotten exceedingly lucky there. We shouldn’t just be hanging our hat on luck.

A lot of folks, don’t realize that the current gains that we’ve been getting in the courts are largely the product of the anti-abortion crowd who have been playing the “long-game” for a long time now. We can feign victory, but these are not our proverbial scalps to take……..
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This isn't entirely WLP - the Board of Directors allowed the nonsense to continue unchecked for far too long. WLP is employed at the discretion of the Board so this is clearly a sign of a weak, disconnected Board.
The few board members who voiced opinions against WLP and wanted audits when this started were forced out by the rest of the board. It's too late to save face by kicking him out now.

The NTA has lost a lot of their punch but other organizations have stepped up in their place.
i Love big game hunting in Africa YouTube video for the simple fact of all the snowflakes crying in the comments😂
It seems that a lot of this hunting really benefits the local population as well as the local economy. It is reported that the fees mostly go back to the conservation of the animals. Of course, the leftybesties all say the money goes to corruption. (Its not like these same folks support some of the most corrupt ”elected” officials in the good ole US of A. :( )

The meat from one elephant can provide the protein needs for a village for an entire year.

My hunting dream was to take a tuskless elephant. They are a recessive gene that survive by stealing the food that the tusked elephants take down. Of course, the leftybesties all claim that it is the elephant evolving to defeat the ivory hunters. Typically, they don’t realize that their lovely tuskless elephants can’t feed themselves. But, if it meets their agenda that’s good no matter how bad the consequences.
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It seems that a lot of this hunting really benefits the local population as well as the local economy. It is reported that the fees mostly go back to the conservation of the animals. Of course, the leftybesties all say the money goes to corruption. (Its not like these same folks support some of the most corrupt ”elected” officials in the good ole US of A. :( )

The meat from one elephant can provide the protein needs for a village for an entire year.

My hunting dream was to take a tuskless elephant. They are a recessive gene that survive by stealing the food that the tusked elephants take down. Of course, the leftybesties all claim that it is the elephant evolving to defeat the ivory hunters. Typically, they don’t realize that their lovely tuskless elephants can’t feed themselves. But, if it meets their agenda that’s good no matter how bad the consequences.

They never dig deep into just what the hell is going on. You should know me now as an animal nut. But that does not mean they should not be managed. There is a reason humans sit at the top of the food chain, because.....well some of us....got the brains. Brains to keep things all in balance. It is not good seeing a super skinny deer stripping bark off a tree in the dead of winter. The thing is going through a long and suffering death. Humans should have the ability to say, this hunk of land will support X of this or that animal. Anymore and there will be issues.

Then you get into genetic issues like with the Leopard and Cheetah, both are "smaller" and having an odd issue where they are being born sterile, people can't figure out why. Is it darwin, or something chemical/man made. You know what one side is going to jump to with zero proof it is one or the other.

On the other hand I really don't want to be the one that tries to find out if a male leopard is shooting blanks.
The few board members who voiced opinions against WLP and wanted audits when this started were forced out by the rest of the board. It's too late to save face by kicking him out now.

The NTA has lost a lot of their punch but other organizations have stepped up in their place.

If that's the case, removing WLP isn't the answer. Again, he has been employed at the discretion of the Board so the issues truly rest with poor board leadership. If he's telling the Board what to do and the Board is not doing what they should be doing in terms of holding WLP accountable (as can happen in typically smaller not-for-profits) then there is a level of dysfunction that goes way, way deeper than the issues with WLP. Sounds like a Board shakeup is needed and leaders that truly understand their role and fiduciary duty to the organization need to be brought in.
They Did IT!

The NRA broke their record. I sent in my dues on December 29th. Today, January 04, I got an email from the NRA asking that I take out their life insurance. While not a direct contribution, a fellow has to know that they are getting some sort of payback if not a direct percentage.
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