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Montana NG recruiting ........ nazis?

When all branches of the military are severely lacking in recruitment quotas, what better way to fill the billets than with millions of illegals. There's no "loyalty" to our nation from an illegal alien and with the correct military industrial complex propoganda indoctrination, you now have the perfect recipe of a Gestapo-esque ran nation. Then, create a catastrophic incident of some sort and !!VOILA! You have Martial law enforced by illegals whom have no loyalty or kinship to the citizens of the U.S. :sneaky:
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Some liberal arts college grad at an advertising agency uses a photo from Google and the Hide comes up with Montana recruiting Nazi's. I suppose if it was the Red Army a lot of members would be okay with that.
I did Nazi it coming, but most of the unknowing public just Goebbels it up without question, despite some people raising a huge Fuhrer about it...

Sorry, can't resist. 😂

That said though, the media and graphics design people contracting for the military most likely don't know squat about national uniforms, gear, or insignias. Remember the time when an Air Force poster featured silhouettes of Russian fighter jets?

ETA: Found another one. Navy recruiting poster with a Russian nuclear sub featured in it:

most people here support russia over ukraine not russia over america because:
ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe,rivaling mideast,latin america and china.
it serves a s a laundry for transfers of wealth from US taxpayers to the elite bosses of the WEF.
it is complicit with the biden crime family in it's corrupt wealth accumulation.
served as a funnel for the attack on trump.
has at least some nazi elements.
has canceled elections,jailed priests,press ganged men into it's army,suppressed any domestic protests to the current war and served as a conduit for modern state of the art weapons to drug cartels and mideast jihadists.
what's not to like about it?
most people here support russia over ukraine not russia over america because:
ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe,rivaling mideast,latin america and china.
it serves a s a laundry for transfers of wealth from US taxpayers to the elite bosses of the WEF.
it is complicit with the biden crime family in it's corrupt wealth accumulation.
served as a funnel for the attack on trump.
has at least some nazi elements.
has canceled elections,jailed priests,press ganged men into it's army,suppressed any domestic protests to the current war and served as a conduit for modern state of the art weapons to drug cartels and mideast jihadists.
what's not to like about it?
You forgot murder journalists.
most people here support russia over ukraine not russia over america because:
ukraine is the most corrupt country in The world, rivaling the USA, mideast,latin america and china.
it serves a s a laundry for transfers of wealth from US taxpayers to the elite bosses of the WEF.
it is complicit with the biden crime family in it's corrupt wealth accumulation.
served as a funnel for the attack on trump.
has at least some nazi elements.
has canceled elections,jailed priests,press ganged men into it's army,suppressed any domestic protests to the current war and served as a conduit for modern state of the art weapons to drug cartels and mideast jihadists.
what's not to like about it?
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most people here support russia over ukraine not russia over america because:
ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe,rivaling mideast,latin america and china.
it serves a s a laundry for transfers of wealth from US taxpayers to the elite bosses of the WEF.
it is complicit with the biden crime family in it's corrupt wealth accumulation.
served as a funnel for the attack on trump.
has at least some nazi elements.
has canceled elections,jailed priests,press ganged men into it's army,suppressed any domestic protests to the current war and served as a conduit for modern state of the art weapons to drug cartels and mideast jihadists.
what's not to like about it?
I'm sure some are valid points, others are from talking heads feeding their opinion. Most of those our own government is just as guilty of. The Obama/Biden Whitehouse walked away from military agreements with Ukraine allowing Putin to keep the Crimean Penninsula and Biden has proven to be a pussy by allowing Putin to invade. The question is what is Russia giving Biden?
I'm sure some are valid points, others are from talking heads feeding their opinion. Most of those our own government is just as guilty of. The Obama/Biden Whitehouse walked away from military agreements with Ukraine allowing Putin to keep the Crimean Penninsula and Biden has proven to be a pussy by allowing Putin to invade. The question is what is Russia giving Biden?
so.you are saying that obama/biden should have gone to war with russia over crimea? maybe go to war with china when they invaded vietnam in '79? dozens of choices in 20th cent africa. putin did seek some arrangement early on. biden/zalinsky sunk that. biden allowed putin to take crimea?
that whole mess got started when nikita gave it to ukraine for some long past political reason. there is nothing there that warrants 60 bil US $ and threats to send american troops there. NO american national interest at stake at all. what idiocy.
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so.you are saying that obama/biden should have gone to war with russia over crimea? maybe go to war with china when they invaded vietnam in '79? dozens of choices in 20th cent africa. putin did seek some arrangement early on. biden/zalinsky sunk that. biden allowed putin to take crimea?
that whole mess got started when nikita gave it to ukraine for some long past political reason. there is nothing there that warrants 60 bil US $ and threats to send american troops there. NO american national interest at stake at all. what idiocy.
Let's use chronological order and go back before 79 to French colonial Viet Nam when we had three choices. Back France, back the Vietnamese, or stay out of it. Yep, we followed the Domino Theory in to a war we weren't allowed to win and told France what was coming then backed South Vietnam to stop the spread of communism. No reason to be there in 79 we had no relations with Vietnam at the time.

Same with Africa, including being there now. We were only involved by the Domino Theory or dragged in by our misguided formation of the UN. As far as Somali pirates go they sink easy, we shouldn't be trying to install a friendly government.

Ukraine split from the Soviet Union in 91 with Crimea. Boarders recognized by Russia, the US and the unless UN. We've also supplied arms and training since 91 with the only reason that Ukraine wasn't a NATO member was an agreement from the fall of the Soviet Union that Russia broke. O and B passed financial sanctions 10 years ago that supposedly broke Russias economy. As soon as Biden was in the White House, Russia knew he wouldn't do anything about a second invasion. We have US Naval facilities in Odessa and Biden pulled out of the Black Sea because he is afraid of the country he doesn't remember "breaking" in 2015.

We didn't have to send troops to Ukraine but Biden stepped aside for Russia then blamed Trump for it.

PS: though a far from effective weapon for the job. Missile strikes in front of a Russian column as a joint US/Ukrainian strike op would have sent them back into Russia.
correct chronology matters. my point is that o/b did not "allow" putin to take back crimea. was the point that it was previously always part of russia valid? who cares? maybe the mexicans claim for AZ,NM,so CAL is valid? that matters. crimea doesn't. there has never been 1 thing anywhere,anytime in europe that is worth 1 american life or 1 american $. yea,the domino theory sorta tanked. trying to save the french empire and make an asian country democratic cost us 58,00 kia. communism is such a bad,non functional system that the russian empire would have tanked 10 years before it did had we let them have all of it '45. keep england for an aircraft carrier in case. this screwing around with converting every place to a liberal democracy and an elite cash cow is an abject failure. rooting for whichever team in a foriegn war is a spectator sport that doesn't matter unless you throw down a 6 bil $ bet. rank insanity while ignoring the western hemisphere,except for cia screwing around,is not productive.
Whatever happened to old fashioned war? Where there was a Victor, and that was established by plundering wealth from the loser.

If we would have went in and taken everything of value from every place we've been in a war with for the last 150 years, people would be a little more hesitant to piss us off.

Either way, recruiters are going to do dumb shit. Which is why we devolved into arguments on Russia vs Ukraine in less than a page of a thread on SS soldiers in a US ad... 🤣
Anything that kills Russian soldiers and depletes their military resources is a good and useful thing to the US. Plus, the Ukrainian situation is proving to be a gold mine for developing new fighting techniques and technology. Every superpower in the world is watching Ukraine and studying what weapons and tactics work and which do not. Case in point, the US recently cancelled development of an advanced attack helicopter because we learned that attack helicopters can be replaced by drones and shot down at an alarming rate by manpads. Take the "Are we right? or Are we wrong?" to be aiding Ukraine out of the equation and look at it for what it is - a massive proving ground for new weapons and a way to tie up the Russians. Think of it as a 21st century version of Afghanistan during the 70s when we supplied the Talibastards with Stingers.
Anything that kills Russian soldiers and depletes their military resources is a good and useful thing to the US. Plus, the Ukrainian situation is proving to be a gold mine for developing new fighting techniques and technology. Every superpower in the world is watching Ukraine and studying what weapons and tactics work and which do not. Case in point, the US recently cancelled development of an advanced attack helicopter because we learned that attack helicopters can be replaced by drones and shot down at an alarming rate by manpads. Take the "Are we right? or Are we wrong?" to be aiding Ukraine out of the equation and look at it for what it is - a massive proving ground for new weapons and a way to tie up the Russians. Think of it as a 21st century version of Afghanistan during the 70s when we supplied the Talibastards with Stingers.
That is a stretch - or maybe Putin is bankrupting the US. What if Putin starts arming and inciting our new immigrants?
I saw this quote somewhere else and it rings true.

Reagan used the Star Wars defense system to bankrupt the Soviet Union.
Putin is using Ukraine to do the same to the United States.
Years ago when I was in college studying Political Science I had an epiphany. Reagan wasn't destroying the Soviet Union by fighting them - he was burning them out economically. So I agree with your first observation. As far as Putin trying to drain the US, the democrats are already way ahead of him. All he can do is lend a hand.
....and how well did that work out for us?...

Oh right, we lost a 20yr and multi billion dollar war in the middle east to the same terrorists we armed to fight the Russians.

Surely arming neo Nazi groups in Ukraine will not come back to bite us in years to come.

All to fight the Russians...remind me, when was the last time Russia launched an attack on American soil again?
Politics, like a gun, is neither good nor evil. It is whatever we allow it to be. IF there are neo-nazis in Ukraine, then we need to make them OUR neo-nazis. Control them, don't try to reform them.
Years ago when I was in college studying Political Science I had an epiphany. Reagan wasn't destroying the Soviet Union by fighting them - he was burning them out economically. So I agree with your first observation. As far as Putin trying to drain the US, the democrats are already way ahead of him. All he can do is lend a hand.
So you were that one guy in the PolySci class ?

Always wondered who that dude was.
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*grenade in the port-a-shitter warning*

Think big picture.

The only reason why Russia is our "enemy" after the fall of communism/USSR is because they want to be a generally white homogeneous Orthodox Christian ethnostate, and as we can all blatantly fucking see has played out over the last, uh, ya know 80 years "The West" doesn't like that, and will do many things to upend that goal, because reasons.

Change my mind.
Orthodox Christian state - are you serious? Putin is a non-reformed Communist through and through. You'd better read a little of Marx (one of the original Communists) where he says religion is the opiate of the masses.
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Orthodox Christian state - are you serious? Putin is a non-reformed Communist through and through. You'd better read a little of Marx (one of the original Communists) where he says religion is the opiate of the masses.
Talk to me more about how a leader (or many "leaders" of a same nation) claim to be of one belief, but the results are different than their words, and from the results you can infer their intent.

I've read both the Manifesto as well and multiple other above readings about communism many times over.

There's a rule in life that goes something like "assume the person you're talking to knows something you dont."

How many dual citizens 🇺🇸/🇮🇱 srael do we have in Senator/Cabinet positions in our government currently?

I don't argue [cast pearls among pigs] but you're a clown. Putin may be a complete asshole dictator, but he ain't no communist.

Ever been to Dubai? Much authoritarian theocracy, but a total free market and amazing place to live and work.
Orthodox Christian state - are you serious? Putin is a non-reformed Communist through and through. You'd better read a little of Marx (one of the original Communists) where he says religion is the opiate of the masses.
Ever been to Poland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia? Until the last 15-20 years, they were, in fact, European Christian Ethnostates.

Leftists don't like that shit and want to foment destruction of a peaceful society.
Oh, by the way @GrayRyder your name is now GayRyder, because you know exactly shit about fuck when it comes to communism, geopolitical events, or even general European history over the last 50-ish years. I've been in this game *maybe between the time you were shitting diapers to getting training wheels off your bicycle.

You ain't it.

And if you're older than 30... read the Gulag Archipelogo and actually visit at least ONE eastern Europe nation for your own health.
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You may think you were in the game but I think you were probably sitting on the bench just watching. - Are you papacalrock under a different name? I will confess that calling Putin a Communist "through and through" is an incorrect statement. He's in it for himself and his buds no two ways about that. But still his thirst for hegemony can't be denied. Aside from that tell me one thing that I said that was incorrect.
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Oh, by the way @GrayRyder your name is now GayRyder, because you know exactly shit about fuck when it comes to communism, geopolitical events, or even general European history over the last 50-ish years. I've been in this game *maybe between the time you were shitting diapers to getting training wheels off your bicycle.

You ain't it.

And if you're older than 30... read the Gulag Archipelogo and actually visit at least ONE eastern Europe nation for your own health.
Show doe dick some "action" photos.
You know, from the basement couch.

^^^^ Dude, lose some of that hostility.

I'm bored with this thread. It's clear clcustom1911 is a geo-political "operator" who implies he's been there and done that. How can I argue with a "muppet extraordinaire?"
When all branches of the military are severely lacking in recruitment quotas, what better way to fill the billets than with millions of illegals. There's no "loyalty" to our nation from an illegal alien and with the correct military industrial complex propoganda indoctrination, you now have the perfect recipe of a Gestapo-esque ran nation. Then, create a catastrophic incident of some sort and !!VOILA! You have Martial law enforced by illegals whom have no loyalty or kinship to the citizens of the U.S. :sneaky:
When I went through Air Force basic back in 1974 , we had 3 Philippino's in our flight, only one of which spoke English, evidently back then there was some policy that allowed them to become citizens if they joined the military, IIRC they all made it through basic somehow.
The Navy one is kinda smart because it was right after Red October came out.

Ever been to Poland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia? Until the last 15-20 years, they were, in fact, European Christian Ethnostates.

Which is why the EU wants to flood them with migrants from africa/mideast. Liberal socialists hate whites, hate christianity and so they want to ruin it wherever they find it.
The only reason why Russia is our "enemy" after the fall of communism/USSR is because they want to be a generally white homogeneous Orthodox Christian ethnostate

Russia has been our enemy since WW2 because Communism (back then anyways). Right now they are the "enemy" because our government always needs a bogeyman and they're a convenient one (think about it, they have all this social infrastructure from the Cold War that they can dust off and put to use all over again).

If Russia flops then the next "enemy" will be a domestic one. Vilifying Trump supporters for example. Unless the Muslims do something crazy again, they always make a good "bad guy" for people to hate.
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