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Young lady needs your help

Hmmm…What are 3 non creative tasks you could pull off in a day for money???
She said she would die if she had to work 9-5.
To paraphrase Brad Paisley -

"I'm gonna miss her..." (from "the fishing song.")

Two ways to look at it. If you believe in God, God is going to teach her, one way or another.

If you believe in evolution, then she could be a Darwin Award recipient, posthumously, if she dies.

In reality, she is a salesperson selling her music. Stream and pay for her music so that she doesn't die?

Remind me to send flowers to her memorial service.
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I had to stop because I couldn’t decide if the cop was retarded or if the subject was retarded.

It’s definitely not a Reese’s moment. If you add two pieces of shit you end up with twice as much shit.
lol right!!!!!!! great examples of how not to do police work.

some people just need to dragged out, beaten, head stomped and then put in cuffs:)
I had to stop because I couldn’t decide if the cop was retarded or if the subject was retarded.

It’s definitely not a Reese’s moment. If you add two pieces of shit you end up with twice as much shit.
i didn't last 3 minutes.

/ok, i get that a lot. :p
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Sounds a lot like every woman looking for a man to take care of her.
I bet she's one of those women who says she doesn't need a man, but resents men because the good ones aren't interested in her, because of her entitlement attitude. She'll always be a spoiled rotten child, who is looking for another "daddy" to keep her in spending money, so she can "create". She reminds me of my ex-wife.
Piece of duct tape over her mouth and I'd do her.....from behind because if I saw the face I would envision the noise coming from it.....and that would end with an instant anti erection.
Another, trash the younger generation thread. Neat.

I would bet most young people work through these feelings as they learn reality.

Flying the nest is not easy for all. We don’t all have direction at 18.

Few, are born snipers. We are the fortunate.
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Another, trash the younger generation thread. Neat.

I would bet most young people work through these feelings as they learn reality.

Flying the nest is not easy for all. We don’t all have direction at 18.

Few, are born snipers. We are the fortunate.
Are they like you?
Are you their age?
Are they worthy of criticism?
What do snipers have to do with it?

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Are they like you?
Are you their age?
Are they worthy of criticism?
What do snipers have to do with it?

Are they like you? No.

Are you their age? Far from it.

Are they worthy of criticism? Yes, we all are all worthy of criticism.

What do snipers have to do with it? Snipers are a cut above and never have such feelings. / sarcasm
Are they like you? No.

Are you their age? Far from it.

Are they worthy of criticism? Yes, we all are all worthy of criticism.

What do snipers have to do with it? Snipers are a cut above and never have such feelings. / sarcasm
Just answer the questions Freud.

Point is if this doesn't reflect who you are why do you give a fuck if they are, rightly, criticised?
BTW leave the psychology to Sigmund.
This group identity is part of the problem.
How they've gotten that way was not being held to a reasonable standard by parents and peers.

Points for not wanting to be taxed, enslaved, and summarily poisoned without representation of their interests and well being. Approach is all wrong. Of course if you don’t work, you don’t eat applies in reality.

But at least, as a group, their heads aren’t as buried in the sand. They can smell the corruption where older generations around them tolerate it and let it fester against them. Where is the motivation for their future in that?

You old goats have allowed a prison to be foisted around you and yours, and yet you still defend what was, and is no more. Then gloat down your long nose at those who don’t want to be a part of the whore that rides the beast.
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Points for not wanting to be taxed, enslaved, and summarily poisoned without representation of their interests and well being. Approach is all wrong. Of course if you don’t work, you don’t eat applies in reality.

But at least, as a group, their heads aren’t as buried in the sand. They can smell the corruption where older generations around them tolerate it and let it fester against them. Where is the motivation for their future in that?

You old goats have allowed a prison to be foisted around you and yours, and yet you still defend what was, and is no more. Then gloat down your long nose at those who don’t want to be a part of the whore that rides the beast.
Just because I/some believe they are worthy of criticism doesn't mean we support all/any of the blue line's actions/policies.
One can be opposed to both at the same time.
The prison was built before this "old goat" came of age.

Points for not wanting to be taxed, enslaved, and summarily poisoned without representation of their interests and well being. Approach is all wrong. Of course if you don’t work, you don’t eat applies in reality.

But at least, as a group, their heads aren’t as buried in the sand. They can smell the corruption where older generations around them tolerate it and let it fester against them. Where is the motivation for their future in that?

You old goats have allowed a prison to be foisted around you and yours, and yet you still defend what was, and is no more. Then gloat down your long nose at those who don’t want to be a part of the whore that rides the beast.
Dang Inifinty, you write real good.

Just because I/some believe they are worthy of criticism doesn't mean we support all/any of the blue line's actions/policies.
One can be opposed to both at the same time.
The prison was built before this "old goat" came of age.


Was not my intent to single anyone out. I could have chosen better words. This is a predicament we all find ourselves in. I am just as guilty as any.

I will say this though. There is an age rapidly approaching where fence sitting between good and evil (injustice) will no longer be tolerated.

Until then we all get to experience what we have let been sewn having not shined a light wherever there was darkness.
Well....she'll either figure it out, or she won't. She'll possibly find some poor schmuck she can control who will provide her with a home, money, and status she so desires, or she won't. Men marry who they want, Women marry who they can.

I wouldn't say that she represents a generation of kids. I imagine every new generation, including your's, and mine, has had their share of dramatic individuals that just didn't have their shit together, and presented themselves in an odd way to garner attention, or to make themselves stand out in a crowd because their uniqueness somehow validated their existence. Every late teen and early 20's entering the world has a certain amount of laziness, and desire to have fun more than participate in responsibilities. As i'm entering my mid 40's, i'm certainly having a greater desire to be lazy or have fun rather than work my ass off on a daily basis. My responsibilities to ensure my kids are educated, fed, and housed, drive me to work hard and take care of them rather than cater to my desire to binge watch some new netflix series instead of work. The difference comes down to responsibilities. If you're in your 20's, with no kids, it's easy to have fun today, with the attitude of working later cause you're going to live forever right? As we get older, we realize

I have a niece that's about to turn 20. She is lazy, has a seriously terminal case of resting bitch face, and entitlementitus, completely opposite of my nearly 19 year old daughter who's got her shit together, solid work ethic, independent, straight A high school and college student. There's something to be said of the family, and parental history, differences between my nieces upbringing, and my daughters upbringing. My 15 year old though, she makes me think that I screwed up somewhere along the line, and she also often makes me thing that a push down the stairs might fix her. She can make me incredibly proud sometimes as well. My oldest was a great kid. Never pissed me off too bad, always made me happy and proud. My 15 year old is a roller coaster, sometimes she makes me happy and proud, and other times I start wondering if the hospital gave us the wrong baby.

As we all have at one point or another, we either figured shit out, or we didn't. This forum tends to attract those that figured shit out, more than it does those that didn't.

Doesn't mean we can't post a video we saw to point, laugh, and redicule someone who's at the crossroads and whining about it.

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Was not my intent to single anyone out. I could have chosen better words. This is a predicament we all find ourselves in. I am just as guilty as any.

I will say this though. There is an age rapidly approaching where fence sitting between good and evil (injustice) will no longer be tolerated.

Until then we all get to experience what we have let been sewn having not shined a light wherever there was darkness.
Not feeling singled out.
Tried to give perspective of many that have posted in this thread.

Fence sitting has died, some may not realize this yet.

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Just answer the questions Freud.

Point is if this doesn't reflect who you are why do you give a fuck if they are, rightly, criticised?
BTW leave the psychology to Sigmund.
This group identity is part of the problem.
How they've gotten that way was not being held to a reasonable standard by parents and peers.

Ole Sig had a thing about mothers. And bananas.
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Well....she'll either figure it out, or she won't. She'll possibly find some poor schmuck she can control who will provide her with a home, money, and status she so desires, or she won't. Men marry who they want, Women marry who they can.

I wouldn't say that she represents a generation of kids. I imagine every new generation, including your's, and mine, has had their share of dramatic individuals that just didn't have their shit together, and presented themselves in an odd way to garner attention, or to make themselves stand out in a crowd because their uniqueness somehow validated their existence. Every late teen and early 20's entering the world has a certain amount of laziness, and desire to have fun more than participate in responsibilities. As i'm entering my mid 40's, i'm certainly having a greater desire to be lazy or have fun rather than work my ass off on a daily basis. My responsibilities to ensure my kids are educated, fed, and housed, drive me to work hard and take care of them rather than cater to my desire to binge watch some new netflix series instead of work. The difference comes down to responsibilities. If you're in your 20's, with no kids, it's easy to have fun today, with the attitude of working later cause you're going to live forever right? As we get older, we realize

I have a niece that's about to turn 20. She is lazy, has a seriously terminal case of resting bitch face, and entitlementitus, completely opposite of my nearly 19 year old daughter who's got her shit together, solid work ethic, independent, straight A high school and college student. There's something to be said of the family, and parental history, differences between my nieces upbringing, and my daughters upbringing. My 15 year old though, she makes me think that I screwed up somewhere along the line, and she also often makes me thing that a push down the stairs might fix her. She can make me incredibly proud sometimes as well. My oldest was a great kid. Never pissed me off too bad, always made me happy and proud. My 15 year old is a roller coaster, sometimes she makes me happy and proud, and other times I start wondering if the hospital gave us the wrong baby.

As we all have at one point or another, we either figured shit out, or we didn't. This forum tends to attract those that figured shit out, more than it does those that didn't.

Doesn't mean we can't post a video we saw to point, laugh, and redicule someone who's at the crossroads and whining about it.

Great perspective! I’ve been there and have allowed myself to understand some of what’s going on and how two children can be so different.

In my case twin son and daughter that are almost polar opposites, except they are both thankfully very smart and artistic, just driven in much different directions.