Abortion was always available to women/girls who had been raped, Risk of death/health of mother, Risk of deformation or severe retardation, Incest, and incapacity of the mother (coma, mental retardation, minor).
The "Woman's Choice" came about due a liberal interpretation of Roe v. Wade. The case was a pregnant woman, who hated her husband so badly, she didn't want him to have ANYTHING, including the child. He argued, "Please, let the child live and give him/her, to me, if you really don't want it". It wasn't any of the above stated reasons, it was simply, She hated him so badly, she would kill her own child to keep him from having it.
The decision disenfranchised men from ever having a say in the life of his child. Ever, in any way. Roe v. Wade has been used to conduct genocide and wholesale slaughter.
Then along came "Planned Parenthood" an organization who's founder (SANGER), hated blacks, and wanted to develop a means of exterminating them. It is a privately owned organization, that is supported by Federal money (not only medicare/medicade, rather, cash injections), and services primarily black and hispanic people,(check the numbers, 27% black vs 10% white, for 2014, last year data is available). The majority are for "convenience, not need. Planned Parenthood is also a cash cow for the left, as much of the Federal money given is donated right back to the DNC. That, too has been documented. When investigative reporters documented the illegal sale of human body parts from abortions, by PP, Kamala Harris prosecuted... the reporters.
{The "need" test by the way, is an argument often offered by the left regarding your ownership of any weapon.}.
The "Beginning of Life " discussion does not even need to considered, since the option of "Abortion for Convenience" is morally repugnant at any stage , and "The Man has No Right to His Child", is a disenfranchisement of an entire half of humanity. "My body my choice" is a speciaous argument intended to distract from the viewer that the Child gets no say whatsoever. The fetus is NOT HER BODY, it is someone else. IN fact they acknowledge that, since they often refer to a fetus as a parasite. The lack of choice by the human baby regardless of stage of development (NOBODY has ever asked the baby how he/she feels about it) is hypocrisy.
Abortion as an industry is a heinous program. It's practitioners are serial murderers.