You might want to look at post #41. There appears to have been a big FU fdr on that confiscation. Some sent their precious metals out of the country to off shore storage facilities. Some were given an exemption due to numismatic value of their gold collections and other exceptions also existed:
One coin dealer speaks of how his father smuggled gold coins into the US (1970?) and he is on yt. There was not the compliance that you believe. What logic for confiscation by .gov. today? The fiat currency that we live under is not backed up by gold as it was in '33. Today the money is only backed up by the full faith and credit of .gov. MMT requires no backup and it is destroying the world. If they confiscate, it is outright theft, but you'll have more to worry about if this happens.
I would be more concerned with the 401k's, Roth's, ect. That is a pot that they will first go after. It has been written into law in all 50 states now........Too big to fail will be the reason for brokerages and banks to look at and confiscate your retirement funds. Christy Noem has tried to hit back on this law in her state. If this happens (confiscation) , I don't even want to think of the consequences.
Once the manufactured crisis is in place, look for this to be utilized. I do believe that the precious metals will also be outlawed. Some have already moved their metals offshore and some are in the process of moving out of the US and Canada.