Non of your business. Did you watch the video? His partner was appalled.
1. A taser is not effective on someone wearing body armor.
2. His partner was right behind him.
3. The perp was running away
Ok, I'm gonna entertain a few people at your expense and go down the Rabbit Hole with you, AND point out how you and those that attempt to think like you are seriously flawed. I'm gonna pick apart your very words to the "nth" degree on how the real world works, yet I'm certain you're still not gonna get it, cuz you either unwilling or unable to understand. Which one is just as bad as the other, and unfortunate.
Non of your business: That answer tells me what I already know. You know fuck all about this scenario and are ill prepared to discuss your misunderstanding of the real world due to "you just don't know what you just don't know".
Did you watch the video?: Yes, yes I did. Otherwise I wouldn't have opened my Pie Hole.
His partner was appalled: I give two fucks about his partner and his feelings are inconsequential when it comes to what a person can do to an armed Officer with his own kit being used against him OR HIS PARTNER, OR THE PUBLIC.
1. A Taser is not effective on someone wearing body armor. : You are absolutely an idiot. Yes, yes a Taser is still very effective on someone wearing Body Armor, it depends on where you're hit. Just because you have a vest and a trauma plate doesn't mean you can't be incapacitated by a Taser. I kinda know this, as well as everything else I'm gonna try and drive home here for you.
2. His Partner was right behind him. : So. What's that suppose to mean? Anybody that is shit house crazy enough to fight two Cops while drunk and/or high, go to the ground with them, grab a device that can INCAPACITATE one of them enough to grab another device, ie GUN, is probably more than willing to get a running shot off, make a good connection to give the Po Po a ride on the lightning enough to drop his gun, is more than willing to turn and come back for it even though "His Partner" is right behind him. Dude already made his intent more than clear. Again, you grab my kit, you getta hollow point. Period. THAT's The Training Jimmy. You can make up all the shit you want about "whatta about this, whatta bout that", well, so can the Po Po, and they do, IN THEIR TRAINING. Like it or not, THAT's the way the real world works. You don't understand it? Nobody is gonna fault you for that. But you don't get to walkaway with your falsehoods and not get called on them. Today it's me. Tomorrow probably someone else, or hell, even today someone else, but you just don't know what you don't know.
3. The Perp was running away. : Already covered this above, but ok, you felt compelled to toss that out there so we'll cover this again, with a bit more info for you to chew on from some personal past experience. He's running away WITH A TASER POINTED AT LEO WITH A GUN DRAWN AND APPARENTLY TRYING TO HIT THE COP WITH IT's PRONGS! What's stopping him from turning around if successful and snagging the gun when it's dropped and capping them both? NOTHING. He's in it to win it Jimmy. All of his actions up to and including to the point his blood pressure gets dropped are legit and well within Policy & Procedures AND their TRAINING. We had a 17 yr old Male who tried to kill a guy. He literally thought he'd killed him, but didn't, so Attempted Murder. During Transport to a Juvenile Facility, before he was remanded as an Adult, he broke his Restraints, kicked out a window and dove outta a Transport Van. The only reason he didn't take a few in the back is because the backstop was an Apartment Building with people outside. If he would have continued towards the building he'd of had to been shot before he could break in and either arm himself or kill someone.
Why do I point out THAT scenario, because he wasn't even armed at the time, BUT HE WAS STILL A SHOOTER and not under the ole FLEEING FELON RULE either. He made his intent known by TRYING to kill someone, just like this Perp made his intent known by his actions. Don't drink the grape drink man, and don't try to sell keyboard bullshit. We gotta nuff idiots as it is............