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Iran attacks Israel start of WW3?

Back on track and from the intelligent and excellent Simplicius76 substack:

This strike was unprecedented for several important reasons. Firstly, it was of course the first Iranian strike on Israeli soil directly from Iranian soil itself, rather than utilizing proxies from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, etc. This alone was a big watershed milestone that has opened up all sorts of potentials for escalation.

But Iran did something unprecedented. They conducted the first ever modern, potentially hypersonic, assault on an enemy with SRBMs and MRBMs across a vast multi-domain space covering several countries and timezones, and potentially as much as 1200-2000km.
Your hubris is off the charts. Maybe you should work the book Humble Inquiry into your busy reading schedule. It might help. Oh, before you tell me that I am an uneducated, conservative wretch, please consider that I have a PhD, have studied French and Spanish, and have been published in many journals in addition to presenting at numerous national conferences dealing with leadership. Having said this, if my air conditioning goes out, I don’t ask the person who shows up to fix it where they went to school. I appreciate the fact that they can make my house cool again. I also appreciate the opinions that are shared with me by other people, regardless of their education or vocation. You should give it a try too.
Finally, I will leave you with a little food for thought since you like to try and flex your vocabulary in here.
“If you care about being thought credible and intelligent, do not use complex language where simpler language will do” (Kahneman, 2011, p.63).

Agreed, it is ultimately a character flaw, and I am working on it, and clearly still have a lot of work to do.

I did work hard to get where I am, was in the top 5% on my state's bar exam, and then the first year I was eligible for selection I received an award for being in the top 2% of lawyers in my state as rated by my peers. That's just the "tip of the iceberg" as far as what I have accomplished, I won't get into specific details of cases, trial wins, etc.

So yes, I do have a problem with hubris, and yes it frequently does go to my head.

It is probably my only character flaw, which in the realm of flaws that one could have, dishonesty, greed, lack of integrity, dishonorable deeds, sloth, lust, wrath, envy, treachery, deceit, to name but a few, I can probably consider myself fortunate that "hubris" is the one I have to contend with.

I don't disrespect the air conditioning technician for being an HVAC tech, in fact my main HVAC tech and I have had several interesting conversations over the last week, each lasting about 30-45 minutes, mostly on rifles, his experiences in the Marines, some ongoing and developing legal problems his business has, his long-term business interests, my thoughts on how to approach tackling his legal problems, my ongoing air conditioner problems, and other topics, some related to my professional realm and others related to his professional realm.

Now if he were to flippantly write me off as an "academic egg head nerdy book worm who doesn't understand the *real world*" then I would have a problem with him.

I may often be in an ivory tower of intellectual elitism, but I do understand life down below in the gutter as I wasn't born in an ivory tower of intellectual elitism, I had to toil and struggle and claw my way to where I am.

So yes I am fairly arrogant, but I can also back up pretty much all of it with accomplishments and the ability to accomplish more. I can also do a lot of my own work. When I wound up with 1.5 cords of wood and nobody to split it, I split the wood and stacked it myself over a period of some days. When I wanted a 40 foot by 40 foot backyard vegetable garden and nobody was willing to do the work I simply did it all myself, hacking with the machete, pulling weeds up by hand, chopping up roots with an ax, working the tiller.

If I'm visiting with a friend's business and discussing some topic of mutual importance, and suddenly he needs help on his loading dock, I never say, "well I'm too good to move your boxes for you," I might say, "well we didn't cover moving boxes in law school, but I think I can help you out if you don't mind, if you trust me not to slip and fall..."
Your hubris is off the charts. Maybe you should work the book Humble Inquiry into your busy reading schedule. It might help. Oh, before you tell me that I am an uneducated, conservative wretch, please consider that I have a PhD, have studied French and Spanish, and have been published in many journals in addition to presenting at numerous national conferences dealing with leadership. Having said this, if my air conditioning goes out, I don’t ask the person who shows up to fix it where they went to school. I appreciate the fact that they can make my house cool again. I also appreciate the opinions that are shared with me by other people, regardless of their education or vocation. You should give it a try too.
Finally, I will leave you with a little food for thought since you like to try and flex your vocabulary in here.
“If you care about being thought credible and intelligent, do not use complex language where simpler language will do” (Kahneman, 2011, p.63).

Just for lolz I should inquire what your PhD is in and then get into a pissing contest and claim you're lower on the totem pole because "your PhD was an easy PhD" or "yeah, that's not really a real PhD" just for the lolz.

No, I won't actually do that, I was just jabbing at you and joking with you, but it would provide some fodder for the high school grads who want to hurl stones at the educated, "look at those two eggheads, now the one is criticizing the PhD credentials of the other." Then we get somebody to shout, "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" and the scene is complete.

Getting a PhD [unless it is gender studies or the like] it is a significant academic accomplishment and something that should be proudly broadcasted.

I occasionally contemplate getting an LLM followed by a PhD in law or an SJD, but that would likely mean moving to a major city on the East Coast for at least 3-4 years and I don't really want to do that, I also have too many cases, too many responsibilities, and I enjoy what I do too much to stop for 3-4 years to do research, write, and attend more classes. Sometimes I just swear by the sentiment of Yoda, "already know you, that which you need" in terms of formal education, although I do try to do a formal philosophy class or language class every few years, it is part of my "always be learning" whether on the rifle range for a 4 day course or a single semester course in philosophy, "always be learning" something useful or interesting.
Not really selling the university eduction with those examples.

It isn't my job to sell it. I'm not a college administrator.

The "college for all" is pure BS.

The "college for none, don't be a nerd, do real work" is also pure BS.

*College for some, knowledge and skills for all.*

SOME people should go to college. If have the potential and desire, combined with a clear viable path to the career, for a career that requires a degree, law, medicine, engineering, accounting, then probably go to college.

Do NOT go to college just because your parents expect you to, or because somebody told you, "you'll be poor, broke, and stupid if you don't go."

If you want to learn for the sake of learning, that is fine, but don't go into debt to that. If you know, "I want to be a welder and work for my uncle who has a shop, but I really like history and philosophy" then get a welding certificate and take 1-2 philosophy or history classes at a community college each semester while making a point to read several relevant books per month.

You do not have to go to college, but if you shun learning, never pick up a book, and think, "har har har, I have real skills" you may be a one trick pony with that one "real skill" but that is probably all you are going to know.

Having recently discovered that there are few gunsmiths under 40 years old in the industry, and virtually no young people coming up in gunsmithing, I would like to explore devoting 1-2 days per week to learning the basics of gunsmithing, so at a minimum I could do some of my own minimal-moderate gunsmithing work. There is obvious value in it to me, even if I am not going to make money from it because I won't be doing it as a business. I would hope that the blue collar high school graduates would be able to see, history, economics, philosophy, poetry, art, music, geo-politics, and the basics of law, as topics to be interested in and to know the basics of, even though it doesn't necessarily translate into additional wages, because those topics are relevant and meaningful.

Reading Plato is unlikely to result in a higher salary, but it may help you in life and it may make you a more complete person.

There is certain knowledge a man should just want to learn so he has additional knowledge or skills in his "belt of useful stuff" that he carries with him everywhere he goes.

If you never set foot inside a college, but you manage to read and understand Plato or you read and understand the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, great, but if we're being honest we know few people are going to undertake such studies on their own in an independent manner and fewer still will develop a solid grasp of the material without some guidance. By the same token, putzing around in my garage with some scrap metal and a drill press isn't likely to result in my grasping the fundamentals of gunsmithing the same way say working under the supervision of a gunsmith with 25 years of experience for 2 sessions per week for 4 hours per week for a year would.
It isn't my job to sell it. I'm not a college administrator.

The "college for all" is pure BS.

The "college for none, don't be a nerd, do real work" is also pure BS.

*College for some, knowledge and skills for all.*

SOME people should go to college. If have the potential and desire, combined with a clear viable path to the career, for a career that requires a degree, law, medicine, engineering, accounting, then probably go to college.

Do NOT go to college just because your parents expect you to, or because somebody told you, "you'll be poor, broke, and stupid if you don't go."

If you want to learn for the sake of learning, that is fine, but don't go into debt to that. If you know, "I want to be a welder and work for my uncle who has a shop, but I really like history and philosophy" then get a welding certificate and take 1-2 philosophy or history classes at a community college each semester while making a point to read several relevant books per month.

You do not have to go to college, but if you shun learning, never pick up a book, and think, "har har har, I have real skills" you may be a one trick pony with that one "real skill" but that is probably all you are going to know.

Having recently discovered that there are few gunsmiths under 40 years old in the industry, and virtually no young people coming up in gunsmithing, I would like to explore devoting 1-2 days per week to learning the basics of gunsmithing, so at a minimum I could do some of my own minimal-moderate gunsmithing work. There is obvious value in it to me, even if I am not going to make money from it because I won't be doing it as a business. I would hope that the blue collar high school graduates would be able to see, history, economics, philosophy, poetry, art, music, geo-politics, and the basics of law, as topics to be interested in and to know the basics of, even though it doesn't necessarily translate into additional wages, because those topics are relevant and meaningful.

Reading Plato is unlikely to result in a higher salary, but it may help you in life and it may make you a more complete person.

There is certain knowledge a man should just want to learn so he has additional knowledge or skills in his "belt of useful stuff" that he carries with him everywhere he goes.

If you never set foot inside a college, but you manage to read and understand Plato or you read and understand the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, great, but if we're being honest we know few people are going to undertake such studies on their own in an independent manner and fewer still will develop a solid grasp of the material without some guidance. By the same token, putzing around in my garage with some scrap metal and a drill press isn't likely to result in my grasping the fundamentals of gunsmithing the same way say working under the supervision of a gunsmith with 25 years of experience for 2 sessions per week for 4 hours per week for a year would.
This is sort of my point, even amongst the educated you will not find as many well rounded people as you might expect.

Doctors range from supremely competent to dangerously incompetent on a professional level. Of course they are rightly held to a higher standard then other people but there seems to be little evidence that higher education weeds out people that are unsuitable for certain professions.
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I don't think this guy understands that the internet is for shitposting. This dude's over here writing War and Peace in every reply. My guy's nickname in college was TLDR.

That reveals a startling lack of understanding of history.

In Rhodesia in the 1940s-1950s there were thriving vibrant African [black] owned farms, the white minority colonial government passed laws to nationalize and seize all of those farms so they could be broken up and then distributed as homesteads to newly arriving white working class immigrants, largely poor English and Portuguese. I recall reading about a legal case in the late 1950s whereby a thriving 400 hectacre black commercial farm was on the chopping bloc, the man's white neighbor tried to help him with the legal case, but the highest court in Rhodesia approved the seizure and the farm was broken up and parceled out to newly arriving poor working class white immigrants from the Portuguese Empire and elsewhere in the British Empire.

If my parents had lost their farm to a government that took it to give it away to people on the basis of skin color, I would absolutely be interested in pushing my claims to get it back once that previous government was gone.

Broadly speaking, a significant number of the farms in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe are existing on stolen land with the thieves or the beneficiaries of the theft still being alive and the victims or their immediate offspring/descendants still being alive.

If I stole your father's classic Shelby Mustang and gave it to my son, then your father died, you would likely want it back, even if it had already been delivered to my son. You would understandably and rightly insist, "I want my father's car back." You would have a living memory of the car having been your fathers and of my theft of the car.

The more I study the land situation in Zimbabwe the far less sympathy I have for the beneficiaries of the land theft. On the other hand, about half of all of the original white owned farms, going back to the late 1800s and early 1900s, were operations begun on vacant/barren/fallow land, and many of the beneficiaries of the seizures are just Zimbabwe party functionaries and international bankers promoting agribusiness, so that is pretty crappy.

It is an "oh well, what can you do" situation, but to say, "white farmers good, let them all keep *their* land" ignores the fact that much of it was never *their* land, and that numerous thriving black farms were trampled underfoot to make way for small homesteads being given to the scum of the Portuguese and British slums who were brought to Rhodesia as part of a policy to boost white numbers via attracting destitute and working class whites with the enticement of the offer of "free" farm land. The government had to get that "free" land from somewhere, and that somewhere was expropriation of black farm land.

If I were in charge of the legal system, I personally wouldn't compensate any [white] farmers in Zimbabwe who lost "their" land as a result of the end of the policies implemented under the Land Apportionment Act of 1930.

Did Romans living in Gaul get compensated when the Franks, Burgundians, and other Germanics arrived?

These things happen as part of historical reality. People lose land. Land changes hands. Africans had land prior to the 1800s, they lost it for about 100 years, then they regained it back. I'm not inclined to feel too sorry for people [Rhodesians] who lost "their" land because they were unable to hold onto it. I don't feel sorry for people who wound up on the losing end of a struggle, even if they share my skin color. They were on "stolen" land and were not strong enough to hold onto it.

I think you purposely missed most of what I said in earlier posts, but that is okay.

Scroll up a few posts before making a drive-by flippant remark.

If my parents had lost their farm to a government that took it to give it away to people on the basis of skin color, I would absolutely be interested in pushing my claims to get it back once that previous government was gone.

Broadly speaking, a significant number of the farms in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe are existing on stolen land with the thieves or the beneficiaries of the theft still being alive and the victims or their immediate offspring/descendants still being alive.

If I stole your father's classic Shelby Mustang and gave it to my son, then your father died, you would likely want it back, even if it had already been delivered to my son. You would understandably and rightly insist, "I want my father's car back." You would have a living memory of the car having been your fathers and of my theft of the car.

There is nobody in the United States who has living memory of having lost land or their parents or grandparents having lost land to a policy that was implemented and could be reversed. A vague, "Well 400 years ago, somebody I think was related to me or who looked like me, had land in what I think was this area, and it was taken I think by ancestors of those who looked like you."

That's not going to cut it.

If your great great grandfather's Holland and Holland double rifle was stolen, the police aren't simply going to return it to the first white dude who shows up and says, "I'm white, he was white, give me that rifle." They might return it to you, contingent upon your providing proof of your lineal descent from him, along with information to identify the actual rifle in question.

Also you're assuming I am an Englishman in the USA descended from colonial era Englishman. You're also assuming I support trying to right every single historical wrong imaginable, stretching back centuries, when all of the players are dead, as opposed what I said was a narrow limited righting of current/ongoing wrongs involving parties and players who are often still alive, or whose immediate descendants are still alive with a living memory of what their parents went through.

If somebody stole your father's priceless Rembrandt during a war, you would want the painting back no matter where it had landed since that point. If we get 300-600 years out from the theft, that isn't something society is inclined to want to try to right, because it becomes very difficult to administer justice when the original victims, their immediate heirs, perpetrators, and witnesses are all dead and the painting has changed hands dozens of times.

Valid point, I lost sight of the fact that the Japanese were not just interned for the war, but were forced to sell real property at below market rates.

On the one hand, it is a "wrong" in the sense of justice (which I would argue is solely and exclusively a Western/European/American concept), on the other hand, there was a war and the winner's typically don't pay the bills for the losers. It would not be unreasonable to require the government of Japan to provide compensation to those individuals. Their group lost and they should pay the expenses associated with their people losing, even if those expenses were incurred by their people in another country and not in the mother country.

We could spend a weekend long seminar debating whether WW2 should have happened, would have happened, whether Japan was justified in attacking the USA, whether the USA provoked Japan into attacking because the US wanted to escalate into war, and that would be an interesting discussion, but I believe we can all agree Japan ultimately lost the war, and beyond that, typically the loser pays war reparations and other costs associated with the war. Seldom does the winner pay the losers bills.

Let us turn briefly to the wisdom of Cicero, Inter arma enim silent leges.

In any event, the United States was at war and had a basic national right to prosecute the war in such a manner deemed fitting and proper to assure or increase the likelihood of victory. The Supreme Court held in Korematsu v United States that the internment of Japanese and their exclusion from the Western Seaboard areas was a permissible exercise of executive power during war-time. The first and most important rule in a war or a fight is "survive" with the second most important rule being "win or at least don't lose" everything else is academics and to be left to future debate by philosophers, historians, professors, academics, military theorists. The first two rules help assure that there are future generations around to debate how and why this happened or if it had to go down that way. Was it wrong (morally) to round up Japanese Americans? Maybe it was, on the other hand maybe it was necessary and perhaps if we had failed to do so we would have lost the Battle of Midway, lost a number of other key battles, and lost the war. We cannot know how things might have turned out in some hypothetical.

In American law, the "American rule" is that each side generally pays their own attorney's fees absent a contractual provision, a statute authorizing recovery of fees, or some finding of bad faith on the part of one party.

In many other jurisdictions, the rule is simply, "loser pays."

I have never seen a jurisdiction of "winner pays the losers fees."

When a country suffers a defeat and occupation in a war, they lost, everything else is just theoretical discussion at that point.

In terms of justice, it is interesting to note that as a general rule, only Westerners are concerned about doing justice, especially in regards to dealings with non-Westerners. I have seldom ever seen a non-Westerner who was concerned about anything other than acquiring more resources and benefits for himself and his immediate group, whether at the expense of other non-Westerners not of his particular group, or at the expense of Westerners.

I have only once in my entire life and legal career seen a case [not my own, but a case I was aware of and following] where a plaintiff prevailed on their claims and was then ordered to pay the attorney fees of the losing defendant. Specifically it was due to social media posts about the attractiveness of defense counsel and how the plaintiff "would do her if given the chance" which the female judge said was inappropriate and needed to be punished, "lest men think they can say anything they want about women." I believe it should have been an easy First Amendment appeal, because there is no authorization for a judge to award attorney fees to a losing party based on an out of court social media post by the prevailing plaintiff about his sexual desire for defense counsel, however the appeal was apparently poorly done as the plaintiff lost the appeal.

Disagree, the USA did extremely poorly in most of the wars of the 1800s, did fairly poorly [all things considered] in WW1, and didn't do that great in WW2 on the tactical level. That was well before the era of "the public demanding this and that."

The USA is a like a mediocre athlete who has never faced a champion in his prime, believing that he is invincible because of having been able to defeat a few "over the hill past their prime" former champions and having been able to curb-stomp a few lesser contenders.

The USA has *never* been toe to toe with any near equal power in its prime.

In 1944 the USA was fighting against about 15-25% of the German Wehrmacht, which represented a fraction on their combat power, and it was a badly depleted and under-supplied force at that, and the going was still horrifically slow.

The US has tended to be extremely weak at the tactical and operational level in most situations. The USA tends to do well with logistics, economics, production, and mobilizing the economy for a war, which are all good things to have going for your side, but in terms of a US infantry squad out-fighting a German infantry squad, the USA did fairly poorly in that regard. A typical US 105mm or 155mm howitzer in 1944 was allocated no less than 400 shells per day, while Germans received less than 30 shells per day for their howitzers. In the firepower war [which flows from economics and logistics] the USA simply drowned the Germans with firepower.

As a group/movement/ideology in the USA, the conservative right has been promoting a culture of anti-intellectualism since at least the 1940s, which helps explain why the country has fallen to leftist intellectuals over the course of a cultural revolution that began in the 1950s, bore fruit for the Left in the 1960s and 1970s, and is continuing, largely unchallenged on an ideological level, to this day.

Of the 55 delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention...

35 were lawyers, judges, or had legal education.
13 were merchants, businessmen, or ship-owners.
6 were significant land speculators.
11 were significant speculators of securities.
12 owned or managed slave plantations or large farms worked by slaves.
9 received most of their income from public office.
3 were retired.
2 were scientists.
3 were physicians.
1 was a university president.
1 was an ordained minister.
3 others had studied theology in an academic setting but were not formally ordained.]

The most common occupations were law, business, and slave-owning.

I didn't see "ditch digger" or blacksmith on the list, not that those occupations are not important or somehow unnecessary, but the blue collar mentality of, "I has bulging biceps and do real work, you nerd no have real skillz" doesn't build a nation or result in the formation of a government.

Obviously the numbers are higher than 55, which means it isn't mutually exclusive. It is possible to be a retired lawyer who is also a slave-owner, or a lawyer who studied theology and is also a land speculator, or a physician who is also a ship-owner who studied law.

There are generally two responses/reactions I get when I divulge I am a lawyer, either everybody in the room immediately assumes I am the smartest guy in the room and they defer to me on all matters [which isn't really warranted] or they get a knee-jerk reflexive reaction of what I would call "blue collar rage" and they feel the need to "put me in my place" by insisting I have no real skills and cannot "do real work." Those two reactions summarize the sad state of affairs of the society, because neither reaction is warranted.

Most of the lawyers I know were doing things other than law before they became lawyers, some were enlisted military personnel before they went to undergrad on the GI bill and then law school (one of my friends/colleagues was 0311 for 8 years before becoming a lawyer], some did agricultural work and went into law to handle the legal aspects of their family ranch, but they all did something prior to law; so yes they do have "real skills" to do "real work." Likewise, we're seldom the smartest on every single possible topic under the Sun, but in a society where few people have a classical education as the foundation of their education, the words of a classically educated man should tend to carry more weight than people who brag about their lack of formal education and who would be unlikely to be able to spell the names of Cicero, Cassius Dio, Tacitus, Plutarch, Livy, and Polybius, let alone discuss who they were and why their ideas matter.

The American Right thinks that Ben Shapiro is an intellectual, Rush Limbaugh was an intellectual, and other "commentators, critiques, cynics, and talking heads" constitute intellectuals and philosophers in the realm of advancing theoretical thought.

If all that was posted was, "Come attend a week-long conference of 35 lawyers and judges, a university president, 2 scientists, and 3 physicians" most modern "conservatives" would snicker and make some snide remark about "a bunch of losers who can't do real work, no thanks!"

You don't need to attend formal schooling to get educated or to learn things, but I have found that the people who brag they never had any formal education beyond age 18, also tend to be the same people who barely have a command of the English language, don't know any foreign languages, don't know Ancient Greek or Latin, and have never read the Classics.

The idea of, "I am a self-taught man" really only counts for something if you actually taught yourself some things.

Which philosophical school of thought do you identify with? Platonists? Aristotelians, Empiricists, Rationalists, Existentialists? What is the last work of philosophy you read? If you're self-taught what precisely are you teaching yourself?

Frankly, if somebody came along and said, "I'm a self-taught Army Ranger" and we asked, "what do you mean by that?" and he said, "I never went to Ranger School but I obtained their manuals and I put myself through all of their course work" we would [rightly] laugh our collective asses off at that man.

Some things are meant to be learned in a formal setting, and a classical education, along with a youthful initiation into martial arts, is probably the best foundation for a young person. If you can fight but can't think about why or how you are fighting, then what good is that? It is as useless as being able to think but not being able to fight.

The reason we have lost the United States and the West in general is because three generations of rednecks have raised their kids to think that "30 years of manual labor experience is the only way to be a real man and doing any work that involves having a university education means you are a chump who can't hack real work." This is why almost every single corporation is woke, why the medical industry is woke, why large engineering firms are woke, why even large defense manufacturing and heavy industry have gone work. Being able to handle working a blast furnace doesn't qualify you to administer and manage an entire steel manufacturing company, and if all you've done is load the coke for 30 years, you're not qualified to move up beyond shift supervisor.

Agreed, it is ultimately a character flaw, and I am working on it, and clearly still have a lot of work to do.

I did work hard to get where I am, was in the top 5% on my state's bar exam, and then the first year I was eligible for selection I received an award for being in the top 2% of lawyers in my state as rated by my peers. That's just the "tip of the iceberg" as far as what I have accomplished, I won't get into specific details of cases, trial wins, etc.

So yes, I do have a problem with hubris, and yes it frequently does go to my head.

It is probably my only character flaw, which in the realm of flaws that one could have, dishonesty, greed, lack of integrity, dishonorable deeds, sloth, lust, wrath, envy, treachery, deceit, to name but a few, I can probably consider myself fortunate that "hubris" is the one I have to contend with.

I don't disrespect the air conditioning technician for being an HVAC tech, in fact my main HVAC tech and I have had several interesting conversations over the last week, each lasting about 30-45 minutes, mostly on rifles, his experiences in the Marines, some ongoing and developing legal problems his business has, his long-term business interests, my thoughts on how to approach tackling his legal problems, my ongoing air conditioner problems, and other topics, some related to my professional realm and others related to his professional realm.

Now if he were to flippantly write me off as an "academic egg head nerdy book worm who doesn't understand the *real world*" then I would have a problem with him.

I may often be in an ivory tower of intellectual elitism, but I do understand life down below in the gutter as I wasn't born in an ivory tower of intellectual elitism, I had to toil and struggle and claw my way to where I am.

So yes I am fairly arrogant, but I can also back up pretty much all of it with accomplishments and the ability to accomplish more. I can also do a lot of my own work. When I wound up with 1.5 cords of wood and nobody to split it, I split the wood and stacked it myself over a period of some days. When I wanted a 40 foot by 40 foot backyard vegetable garden and nobody was willing to do the work I simply did it all myself, hacking with the machete, pulling weeds up by hand, chopping up roots with an ax, working the tiller.

If I'm visiting with a friend's business and discussing some topic of mutual importance, and suddenly he needs help on his loading dock, I never say, "well I'm too good to move your boxes for you," I might say, "well we didn't cover moving boxes in law school, but I think I can help you out if you don't mind, if you trust me not to slip and fall..."

Just for lolz I should inquire what your PhD is in and then get into a pissing contest and claim you're lower on the totem pole because "your PhD was an easy PhD" or "yeah, that's not really a real PhD" just for the lolz.

No, I won't actually do that, I was just jabbing at you and joking with you, but it would provide some fodder for the high school grads who want to hurl stones at the educated, "look at those two eggheads, now the one is criticizing the PhD credentials of the other." Then we get somebody to shout, "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" and the scene is complete.

Getting a PhD [unless it is gender studies or the like] it is a significant academic accomplishment and something that should be proudly broadcasted.

I occasionally contemplate getting an LLM followed by a PhD in law or an SJD, but that would likely mean moving to a major city on the East Coast for at least 3-4 years and I don't really want to do that, I also have too many cases, too many responsibilities, and I enjoy what I do too much to stop for 3-4 years to do research, write, and attend more classes. Sometimes I just swear by the sentiment of Yoda, "already know you, that which you need" in terms of formal education, although I do try to do a formal philosophy class or language class every few years, it is part of my "always be learning" whether on the rifle range for a 4 day course or a single semester course in philosophy, "always be learning" something useful or interesting.

It isn't my job to sell it. I'm not a college administrator.

The "college for all" is pure BS.

The "college for none, don't be a nerd, do real work" is also pure BS.

*College for some, knowledge and skills for all.*

SOME people should go to college. If have the potential and desire, combined with a clear viable path to the career, for a career that requires a degree, law, medicine, engineering, accounting, then probably go to college.

Do NOT go to college just because your parents expect you to, or because somebody told you, "you'll be poor, broke, and stupid if you don't go."

If you want to learn for the sake of learning, that is fine, but don't go into debt to that. If you know, "I want to be a welder and work for my uncle who has a shop, but I really like history and philosophy" then get a welding certificate and take 1-2 philosophy or history classes at a community college each semester while making a point to read several relevant books per month.

You do not have to go to college, but if you shun learning, never pick up a book, and think, "har har har, I have real skills" you may be a one trick pony with that one "real skill" but that is probably all you are going to know.

Having recently discovered that there are few gunsmiths under 40 years old in the industry, and virtually no young people coming up in gunsmithing, I would like to explore devoting 1-2 days per week to learning the basics of gunsmithing, so at a minimum I could do some of my own minimal-moderate gunsmithing work. There is obvious value in it to me, even if I am not going to make money from it because I won't be doing it as a business. I would hope that the blue collar high school graduates would be able to see, history, economics, philosophy, poetry, art, music, geo-politics, and the basics of law, as topics to be interested in and to know the basics of, even though it doesn't necessarily translate into additional wages, because those topics are relevant and meaningful.

Reading Plato is unlikely to result in a higher salary, but it may help you in life and it may make you a more complete person.

There is certain knowledge a man should just want to learn so he has additional knowledge or skills in his "belt of useful stuff" that he carries with him everywhere he goes.

If you never set foot inside a college, but you manage to read and understand Plato or you read and understand the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, great, but if we're being honest we know few people are going to undertake such studies on their own in an independent manner and fewer still will develop a solid grasp of the material without some guidance. By the same token, putzing around in my garage with some scrap metal and a drill press isn't likely to result in my grasping the fundamentals of gunsmithing the same way say working under the supervision of a gunsmith with 25 years of experience for 2 sessions per week for 4 hours per week for a year would.
hey fktard, the crusades were in response to Muslim assaults and aggression and they murdered and massacred plenty. Not to mention that happened 1k years ago. you are a special kind of dumb
Gotcha. So it’s ok for one group to slaughter the other. But you’ll cry and bitch when the tide changes? Give me break dude.
I don't think this guy understands that the internet is for shitposting. This dude's over here writing War and Peace in every reply. My guy's nickname in college was TLDR.

But you found the time to quote it all, right?

If I can type 86 words per minute with a 98% accuracy and only a 2% error rate, you should be able to read through something if you're going to quote it.

Believe me, if it took long to type, I wouldn't type it. Thank the junior high school for making us all take typing, I took it seriously and the result is being able to consistently type anywhere from 80 to 90 words per minute. Everybody should learn typing.

I can't write cursive worth a damn but I sure can type. Fortunately nobody uses cursive anymore. Unfortunately, it looks so pretty and elegant, but I can't do it.

If you're having a party and you don't mind, I could have a pet shit in your punch bowl and I could call it "shit posting gone live" if that would be acceptable.

The internet is not for shitposting, the internet is for arguing with strangers in the comments sections of videos on Youtube or news articles on Yahoo, right?
Your hubris is off the charts. Maybe you should work the book Humble Inquiry into your busy reading schedule. It might help. Oh, before you tell me that I am an uneducated, conservative wretch, please consider that I have a PhD, have studied French and Spanish, and have been published in many journals in addition to presenting at numerous national conferences dealing with leadership. Having said this, if my air conditioning goes out, I don’t ask the person who shows up to fix it where they went to school. I appreciate the fact that they can make my house cool again. I also appreciate the opinions that are shared with me by other people, regardless of their education or vocation. You should give it a try too.
Finally, I will leave you with a little food for thought since you like to try and flex your vocabulary in here.
“If you care about being thought credible and intelligent, do not use complex language where simpler language will do” (Kahneman, 2011, p.63).
actually,there is a huge disconnect between education,wisdom,training and knowledge. that has gotten far worse in my lifetime and can be laid squarely at the foot of "higher" education. that has converted to huge doses of indoctrination in ALL fields of education,knowledge and endeavor.
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We've had/have lawyers on here before.
One that comes to mind.
Never saw him come off as a pretentious prick.
Be like him.

Like all conceited fucks you think you've the answers to all the problems caused/allowed by the previous generations.
If so why didn't the previous gens of law grads fix the shit you think you have figured out?


The damage your generation and your parent's generation did won't go away overnight. Once you Boomers are gone, we can start sorting things out. Until then, you simply have too much political power due to your numbers and your hold on the institutions of state.
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Well, I must indeed apprehend that your above comment is infested with arrogance and displays a modicum of ignorance. If you have expended any of your inestimably valued time with many of the more intellectually superlative "hammer swingers" you would indeed observe a vibrant and developing culture.

Your statement evinces a lack of manly firmness in your own character that is obscured by your compensatory methods, to wit; over education of one's self, and subsequent attachment of one's identity and self valuation to his level of education.
what-does-that-mean-confused (1).gif
I didn't reply to yer bs....yer gettin outted here and don't even see it...🤣
The fact that you seem to be some overeducated zit on a fat chick's ass is beyond yer own scope of comprehension.
Please continue....

It is okay if you want to take everything so seriously.

I'm sure you're a hit at cocktail parties.

It will be okay, don't worry.
Israel should consider itself very fortunate that it does not share a land border with Iran.

Unless Israel uses nuclear weapons, Israel cannot hope to win a direct confrontation with Iran. If Israel does use nuclear weapons, then Pakistan will likely step in and use its nuclear weapons to finally end Israel and thus there will be peace in that region, for a few years any way.
Um, no...
The USA cannot enforce a no-fly zone in Ukraine because Russia has S-300s, S-400s, S-500s, and an air force of their own. If the US sent a squadron of F22s to Ukraine, they better be prepared to have the squadron wiped out.

If you want to start a war with Russia that will escalate into a nuclear war, I would appreciate it if you don't drag along the country I live in, into the nuclear fray. This is the problem with war-mongering Americans in the USA, they will wreck everything for the rest of us.

I have zero enemies in Moscow.

I have many enemies in Washington DC and NYC.
It seems that even this thread is microcosm of world we live in. Few typed posts and drones and hypersonics seem to fly while original topic becomes completely irrelevant.
Fortunately dick measuring contest here doesn't cost any lives and resources (except time but this is something we have plenty of as it appears).
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But you found the time to quote it all, right?

If I can type 86 words per minute with a 98% accuracy and only a 2% error rate, you should be able to read through something if you're going to quote it.

Believe me, if it took long to type, I wouldn't type it. Thank the junior high school for making us all take typing, I took it seriously and the result is being able to consistently type anywhere from 80 to 90 words per minute. Everybody should learn typing.

I can't write cursive worth a damn but I sure can type. Fortunately nobody uses cursive anymore. Unfortunately, it looks so pretty and elegant, but I can't do it.

If you're having a party and you don't mind, I could have a pet shit in your punch bowl and I could call it "shit posting gone live" if that would be acceptable.

The internet is not for shitposting, the internet is for arguing with strangers in the comments sections of videos on Youtube or news articles on Yahoo, right?

A resume in every response.
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It seems that even this thread is microcosm of world we live in. Few typed posts and drones and hypersonics seem to fly while original topic becomes completely irrelevant.
Fortunately dick measuring contest here doesn't cost any lives and resources (except time but this is something we have plenty of as it appears).
Yes my friend, it seems that way but is it because the powers to be, are trying to stifle the awaking, or is there a more sinister plot? I tend to believe its the later.
Agreed, it is ultimately a character flaw, and I am working on it, and clearly still have a lot of work to do.

I did work hard to get where I am, was in the top 5% on my state's bar exam, and then the first year I was eligible for selection I received an award for being in the top 2% of lawyers in my state as rated by my peers. That's just the "tip of the iceberg" as far as what I have accomplished, I won't get into specific details of cases, trial wins, etc.

So yes, I do have a problem with hubris, and yes it frequently does go to my head.

It is probably my only character flaw, which in the realm of flaws that one could have, dishonesty, greed, lack of integrity, dishonorable deeds, sloth, lust, wrath, envy, treachery, deceit, to name but a few, I can probably consider myself fortunate that "hubris" is the one I have to contend with.

I don't disrespect the air conditioning technician for being an HVAC tech, in fact my main HVAC tech and I have had several interesting conversations over the last week, each lasting about 30-45 minutes, mostly on rifles, his experiences in the Marines, some ongoing and developing legal problems his business has, his long-term business interests, my thoughts on how to approach tackling his legal problems, my ongoing air conditioner problems, and other topics, some related to my professional realm and others related to his professional realm.

Now if he were to flippantly write me off as an "academic egg head nerdy book worm who doesn't understand the *real world*" then I would have a problem with him.

I may often be in an ivory tower of intellectual elitism, but I do understand life down below in the gutter as I wasn't born in an ivory tower of intellectual elitism, I had to toil and struggle and claw my way to where I am.

So yes I am fairly arrogant, but I can also back up pretty much all of it with accomplishments and the ability to accomplish more. I can also do a lot of my own work. When I wound up with 1.5 cords of wood and nobody to split it, I split the wood and stacked it myself over a period of some days. When I wanted a 40 foot by 40 foot backyard vegetable garden and nobody was willing to do the work I simply did it all myself, hacking with the machete, pulling weeds up by hand, chopping up roots with an ax, working the tiller.

If I'm visiting with a friend's business and discussing some topic of mutual importance, and suddenly he needs help on his loading dock, I never say, "well I'm too good to move your boxes for you," I might say, "well we didn't cover moving boxes in law school, but I think I can help you out if you don't mind, if you trust me not to slip and fall..."
Yet, not a person here knows your name!

In 100 years, everything about you will not matter. Your education, your court cases, none of it. Congrats, you're just as important as the rest of us. A spec on giant rock. In the end, you will get old and you will cross over to death by yourself. You will become a small piece of what you think you are now.

Laying out your "has done" and "will do" only makes you sound like an arrogant prick. If that is how you want to define yourself among your peers, that is your choice....... Hopefully you can reel in your ego and pride, otherwise your time around here will be short.

When everyone around you seems below you, you might consider the money and intellect required to play in the game of Long Range Shooting, and realize that some people here, are way above and beyond what you will ever be or think you are.
Yet, not a person here knows your name!

In 100 years, everything about you will not matter. Your education, your court cases, none of it. Congrats, you're just as important as the rest of us. A spec on giant rock. In the end, you will get old and you will cross over to death by yourself. You will become a small piece of what you think you are now.

Laying out your "has done" and "will do" only makes you sound like an arrogant prick. If that is how you want to define yourself among your peers, that is your choice....... Hopefully you can reel in your ego and pride, otherwise your time around here will be short.

When everyone around you seems below you, you might consider the money and intellect required to play in the game of Long Range Shooting, and realize that some people here, are way above and beyond what you will ever be or think you are.

Considering 98% of people here are behind screen-names, and considering that I have never had a problem in person at any of the approximately 80 courses I have gone to in the last 10 years, but I have had people online and on social media try to damage my career over online spats, I am not going to divulge my name online for any reason. I don't care if somebody says, "I bet you're fat and living in your mom's basement, you're not a real lawyer" I am divulging my name online to "prove" anything. I have never had any problem at any course I have ever attended and I have never been ejected or banned from any academy or program, although I do tend to get a lot of flak on forums, because for some reason the internet is different from the real world, keeping in mind that it is the real world that actually matters.

We live in a society where I have had people insist "I am going to track you down and get you disbarred by filing ethics complaints" over the content of social media posts. I have had people leave false reviews on my professional legal review profile because they said I was a "misogynist" or a "racist" despite the fact they never even consulted me on a legal matter and never retained me in a professional capacity, yet they were leaving me 1/5 star reviews to vandalize my page and my rating. So you're right, I'm not divulging my name. This is because we live in a society of, "you said something I take issue with, now I'm going to try to obliterate your career and turn your life upside down because this is how we act and behave in this society." Defamation is the ultimate coward's tool and we live in a nation largely comprised of cowards.

If you're actively training at structured courses at reputable academies across the USA or you're attending tactical/legal seminars or training [especially in the Midwest], you'll probably encounter me at some time or you probably already have, and I'll be happy to talk with you about this or that, answer your questions, brainstorm, as long as it is generally on-topic to whatever is going on and doesn't step on the toes of whoever's academy it is and whoever is running the program, or anything you can think of even if it is off-topic as long as it is during lunch breaks or at the end of the training day.

It ultimately doesn't matter who knows or doesn't know my name and it doesn't matter what unknown people not yet born think of me in the 100 years after I die. I am still going to do as I do, accomplish what I can, do what matters, do what I enjoy, and continue to build and improve myself.

Even the Founding Fathers, having been through a war, and being among the richest and most elite men in the new nation, wrote the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist papers under pen-names. They didn't attach their real names to their essays. I'm not among the richest most elite men in the USA and I certainly do not have the safety net or insulation they would have had, so I'm certainly not posting online under my name.
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Considering 98% of people here are behind screen-names, and considering that I have never had a problem in person at any of the approximately 80 courses I have gone to in the last 10 years, but I have had people online and on social media try to damage my career over online spats, I am not going to divulge my name online for any reason. I don't care if somebody says, "I bet you're fat and living in your mom's basement, you're not a real lawyer" I am divulging my name online to "prove" anything. I have never had any problem at any course I have ever attended and I have never been ejected or banned from any academy or program, although I do tend to get a lot of flak on forums, because for some reason the internet is different from the real world, keeping in mind that it is the real world that actually matters.

We live in a society where I have had people insist "I am going to track you down and get you disbarred by filing ethics complaints" over the content of social media posts. I have had people leave false reviews on my professional legal review profile because they said I was a "misogynist" or a "racist" despite the fact they never even consulted me on a legal matter and never retained me in a professional capacity, yet they were leaving me 1/5 star reviews to vandalize my page and my rating. So you're right, I'm not divulging my name. This is because we live in a society of, "you said something I take issue with, now I'm going to try to obliterate your career and turn your life upside down because this is how we act and behave in this society." Defamation is the ultimate coward's tool and we live in a nation largely comprised of cowards.

If you're actively training at structured courses at reputable academies across the USA or you're attending tactical/legal seminars or training [especially in the Midwest], you'll probably encounter me at some time or you probably already have, and I'll be happy to talk with you about this or that, answer your questions, brainstorm, as long as it is generally on-topic to whatever is going on and doesn't step on the toes of whoever's academy it is and whoever is running the program, or anything you can think of even if it is off-topic as long as it is during lunch breaks or at the end of the training day.

It ultimately doesn't matter who knows or doesn't know my name and it doesn't matter what unknown people not yet born think of me in the 100 years after I die. I am still going to do as I do, accomplish what I can, do what matters, do what I enjoy, and continue to build and improve myself.

Even the Founding Fathers, having been through a war, and being among the richest and most elite men in the new nation, wrote the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist papers under pen-names. They didn't attach their real names to their essays. I'm not among the richest most elite men in the USA and I certainly do not have the safety net or insulation they would have had, so I'm certainly not posting online under my name.
You have a way of saying not much with a whole lot of verbiage.
Back on track and from the intelligent and excellent Simplicius76 substack:

This strike was unprecedented for several important reasons. Firstly, it was of course the first Iranian strike on Israeli soil directly from Iranian soil itself, rather than utilizing proxies from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, etc. This alone was a big watershed milestone that has opened up all sorts of potentials for escalation.

But Iran did something unprecedented. They conducted the first ever modern, potentially hypersonic, assault on an enemy with SRBMs and MRBMs across a vast multi-domain space covering several countries and timezones, and potentially as much as 1200-2000km.
and hit nothing of high military value because that was the plan
This in what is supposedly a thread about Iran and Israel kicking off WW3:rolleyes:
Israel will do nothing but play out the victim card [which they are ] until the senate passes the aid bill and then something . Either way the doomsday clock has been set back a little , i think we will be safe as long as all the players stay on script and brandon stays on the beach for 6 months .....quietly as in no speaking [pun] .
But you found the time to quote it all, right?

If I can type 86 words per minute with a 98% accuracy and only a 2% error rate, you should be able to read through something if you're going to quote it.

Believe me, if it took long to type, I wouldn't type it. Thank the junior high school for making us all take typing, I took it seriously and the result is being able to consistently type anywhere from 80 to 90 words per minute. Everybody should learn typing.

I can't write cursive worth a damn but I sure can type. Fortunately nobody uses cursive anymore. Unfortunately, it looks so pretty and elegant, but I can't do it.

If you're having a party and you don't mind, I could have a pet shit in your punch bowl and I could call it "shit posting gone live" if that would be acceptable.

The internet is not for shitposting, the internet is for arguing with strangers in the comments sections of videos on Youtube or news articles on Yahoo, right?
Here's a tip:
Being an arrogant SOB is far, far, from your "only" character flaw. It's a fatal one that spawns sins like flies. Invariably it leads to all sorts of terrible things, because it is an open invitation to nemesis..., and nemesis never fails to follow.

You had better get a handle on your sinful nature and figure a way out before you die, or you're going to end up dead.
That's a fact.
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Considering 98% of people here are behind screen-names, and considering that I have never had a problem in person at any of the approximately 80 courses I have gone to in the last 10 years, but I have had people online and on social media try to damage my career over online spats, I am not going to divulge my name online for any reason. I don't care if somebody says, "I bet you're fat and living in your mom's basement, you're not a real lawyer" I am divulging my name online to "prove" anything. I have never had any problem at any course I have ever attended and I have never been ejected or banned from any academy or program, although I do tend to get a lot of flak on forums, because for some reason the internet is different from the real world, keeping in mind that it is the real world that actually matters.

We live in a society where I have had people insist "I am going to track you down and get you disbarred by filing ethics complaints" over the content of social media posts. I have had people leave false reviews on my professional legal review profile because they said I was a "misogynist" or a "racist" despite the fact they never even consulted me on a legal matter and never retained me in a professional capacity, yet they were leaving me 1/5 star reviews to vandalize my page and my rating. So you're right, I'm not divulging my name. This is because we live in a society of, "you said something I take issue with, now I'm going to try to obliterate your career and turn your life upside down because this is how we act and behave in this society." Defamation is the ultimate coward's tool and we live in a nation largely comprised of cowards.

If you're actively training at structured courses at reputable academies across the USA or you're attending tactical/legal seminars or training [especially in the Midwest], you'll probably encounter me at some time or you probably already have, and I'll be happy to talk with you about this or that, answer your questions, brainstorm, as long as it is generally on-topic to whatever is going on and doesn't step on the toes of whoever's academy it is and whoever is running the program, or anything you can think of even if it is off-topic as long as it is during lunch breaks or at the end of the training day.

It ultimately doesn't matter who knows or doesn't know my name and it doesn't matter what unknown people not yet born think of me in the 100 years after I die. I am still going to do as I do, accomplish what I can, do what matters, do what I enjoy, and continue to build and improve myself.

Even the Founding Fathers, having been through a war, and being among the richest and most elite men in the new nation, wrote the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist papers under pen-names. They didn't attach their real names to their essays. I'm not among the richest most elite men in the USA and I certainly do not have the safety net or insulation they would have had, so I'm certainly not posting online under my name.
Interesting but what life skills, do you bring to the table?
Israel is already pressed with active enemies on all sides. Mounting some gigantic "response" would be stupid, but whatever they do it's their call and we should support them, not hamstring them. Biden and Blinken are fucking retards. They can't be out of office fast enough.

Israel should take a page out of Trumps policy and go after the IRGC leadership and the Guardian Council members. You crush a single one of them and the rest scatter like roaches.