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Is abortion ok

I think the percentage of 18-24 year olds, in America today, who could literally survive on their own -- maybe 1-3%. I think that's being generous, too. Most of these kids today would die within a week of actually being completely on their own.

I jest, but I do agree with what y'all are saying there.

What's odd about the whole abortion thing is... I mean, they're targeting their constituents. Literally. Republicans aren't killing babies by the tens of millions -- just Democrats. Democrats are also reproducing less in general. Taking the ethical question out of the argument -- it's confounding; what is really their goal? Subjugation, maybe? I'm at a loss -- it's like seeing a wolf eat it's own leg. It's got a reason, but holy fuck.
this is just my opinion, but the left wants to remove responsibility and accountability and they want everyone to rely on the state for everything.
when the majority relies on the government to provide their basic needs, they have control.
democrats can increase their voter base by importing more poor immigrants to ensure the existing immigrants must work for low pay.
they also run inner city failure factories disguised as public schools to ensure most of the poor folks can't get a decent education.
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Can't believe you could say such a thing, You're entitled to your believes and deeds but The unborn child and the mother has equal rights to live. For people who chant "All lives matter" on protest it is hypocritical for them to support abortion. Double standards at its peak.
Can't believe that a woman with outstanding risk of potential death (not typical risks, outstanding) should have the right to chose life? Lol, okay.
I always crack up at the hypocrisy with the pro-life advocates who are totally against abortion, but yet support the death penalty. You can't have it both ways! You're either pro-life or not. There is no middle ground.

My stance on abortion really hasn't change at all. I put abortions in the same category as a mercy killing. You know, a last resort thing. I've never been a supporter of the argument that life begins at conception. If you can honestly look at a freshly fertilized egg and at a full term baby and say they're the same lively thing, you got issues.
what crime did the baby commit to warrant a death penalty?

you are put to death because you have proven yourself to be too dangerous to society.....an unborn baby hasnt been given that chance.

the murderer also has the benefit of a trial by his peers.....what trial does the unborn baby get?

i do think there are very limited applications for abortion...just as there are very limited applications for the death penalty......we obviously dont put people to death for petty crimes.....nor should we be treating abortion like birth control.

with Condoms, the pill, IUDs, ect....there is absolutely 0 reason to have to rely on murder to prevent your dumb ass from having a baby.
Yes and no.

It's not wrong, but its not moral. But its the same as me going to some terrorist fuck foreign shithole and shooting some haj fuck in the face; yet not many people have a problem with that. Again, not moral, yet its definitely not wrong.

The main thing that fucking bothers me is that, if the women decides to keep the child the father is on the hook regardless. Yet if the women decides to abort it, the father's input isn't even a thing.

Abortion should require consent from BOTH parents. If both don't give it, its not allowed and if done anyways, is literally 2nd degree murder.

Whiny ass bitches want to be 'equal' well, now you're fucking equal.
lol so funny but you're forgetting one thing, She could have used a condom, She could have taken birth pills or not have sex at all.
We live in a world where people do the most heinous things to justify their irresponsibility.
Where did I say the baby was an accident. Her initial intention could have been to have the child. Risk assessment can and does change as the pregnancy progresses.
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Yes and no.

It's not wrong, but its not moral. But its the same as me going to some terrorist fuck foreign shithole and shooting some haj fuck in the face; yet not many people have a problem with that. Again, not moral, yet its definitely not wrong.

The main thing that fucking bothers me is that, if the women decides to keep the child the father is on the hook regardless. Yet if the women decides to abort it, the father's input isn't even a thing.

Abortion should require consent from BOTH parents. If both don't give it, its not allowed and if done anyways, is literally 2nd degree murder.

Whiny ass bitches want to be 'equal' well, now you're fucking equal.

Here is the problem with that. The man does not carry the child nor have to give birth. Women and men do not share an equal burden when it comes to birthing a child. I am not saying you are wrong but in that scenario men get to determine what a woman can and can't do with her body. I am not sure that is right either.
Oh the higher law of God....🤣🤣🤣🤣

Isaiah 57:4-5​

Who are you mocking? At whom do you sneer and stick out your tongue? Are you not a brood of rebels, the offspring of liars?
You burn with lust among the oaks and under every spreading tree; you sacrifice your children in the ravines and under the overhanging crags.
There is nothing new under the sun. People have been sacrificing their children, at the alter of the self, for thousands of years. It has always been and still is, the sign of a dying society. It is evidence of hatred for one's self and hatred for what the unborn child is to be. This is abortion.
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Here is the problem with that. The man does not carry the child nor have to give birth. Women and men do not share an equal burden when it comes to birthing a child. I am not saying you are wrong but in that scenario men get to determine what a woman can and can't do with her body. I am not sure that is right either.

9 months < their entire life.

It's like saying your entire year is determined by the first week in January. Oh, and you don't get to have any input as to what goes down during that week either.

Fuck all that.

If the outcome is that I need to be involved in some form and could be forced to be, legally, then I get a say in it. That embryo/child didn't just fucking sprout out of the womb like fucking Anakin Skywalker; no, I fucking put it there. Just because you're the oven, doesn't make the cake mix I put in any less mine.

eta - The other upside to abortion is, most people who abort their kids; did we really want their fucktrophies walking around? If there's solid evidence of God having a twisted sense of humor, its literally looking at 50% of peoples' kids and knowing what a complete shitshow its all going to be.
Yes and no.

It's not wrong, but its not moral. But its the same as me going to some terrorist fuck foreign shithole and shooting some haj fuck in the face; yet not many people have a problem with that. Again, not moral, yet its definitely not wrong.
eh, i suppose it depends on how you define "morality"......one could make the argument that since you are both free and willing combatants, it is perfectly moral since you both accept the risks of mutual combat....much like accepting a duel, i dont necessarily see any moral conundrum with killing someone in a duel as they both freely agreed knowing death was a potential outcome.

then there is the other argument that since that terrorist fuck is committing acts of violence against innocents....it would be immoral NOT to kill him to prevent him from spreading suffering.

.....but i get your point....
eh, i suppose it depends on how you define "morality"......one could make the argument that since you are both free and willing combatants, it is perfectly moral since you both accept the risks of mutual combat....much like accepting a duel, i dont necessarily see any moral conundrum with killing someone in a duel as they both freely agreed knowing death was a potential outcome.

then there is the other argument that since that terrorist fuck is committing acts of violence against innocents....it would be immoral NOT to kill him to prevent him from spreading suffering.

.....but i get your point....

9 months < their entire life.

It's like saying your entire year is determined by the first week in January. Oh, and you don't get to have any input as to what goes down during that week either.

Fuck all that.

If the outcome is that I need to be involved in some form and could be forced to be, legally, then I get a say in it. That embryo/child didn't just fucking sprout out of the womb like fucking Anakin Skywalker; no, I fucking put it there. Just because you're the oven, doesn't make the cake mix I put in any less mine.

eta - The other upside to abortion is, most people who abort their kids; did we really want their fucktrophies walking around? If there's solid evidence of God having a twisted sense of humor, its literally looking at 50% of peoples' kids and knowing what a complete shitshow its all going to be.

Fair enough, I don't agree %100 but can respect your viewpoint.
what crime did the baby commit to warrant a death penalty?

you are put to death because you have proven yourself to be too dangerous to society.....an unborn baby hasnt been given that chance.

the murderer also has the benefit of a trial by his peers.....what trial does the unborn baby get?

i do think there are very limited applications for abortion...just as there are very limited applications for the death penalty......we obviously dont put people to death for petty crimes.....nor should we be treating abortion like birth control.

with Condoms, the pill, IUDs, ect....there is absolutely 0 reason to have to rely on murder to prevent your dumb ass from having a baby.
His argument is a false equivalency.
One is without crime or guilt.
The other has proven they can not live within societal rules.
The death penalty is almost exclusively given to those who have deprived others of life.
Post birth arguments fail as well.
They are no more capable of providing for themselves than when they were in the womb.
When one has to search for justifications you already know you're skirting the rules.

Here is the problem with that. The man does not carry the child nor have to give birth. Women and men do not share an equal burden when it comes to birthing a child. I am not saying you are wrong but in that scenario men get to determine what a woman can and can't do with her body. I am not sure that is right either.
That thought process should have been used when she decided to screw some dude from the
Bar that she is unwilling to have a child with.
Strangely sex is the cause of all children.

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what crime did the baby commit to warrant a death penalty?

you are put to death because you have proven yourself to be too dangerous to society.....an unborn baby hasnt been given that chance.

the murderer also has the benefit of a trial by his peers.....what trial does the unborn baby get?

i do think there are very limited applications for abortion...just as there are very limited applications for the death penalty......we obviously dont put people to death for petty crimes.....nor should we be treating abortion like birth control.

with Condoms, the pill, IUDs, ect....there is absolutely 0 reason to have to rely on murder to prevent your dumb ass from having a baby.

A fetus and full term baby are NOT the same thing. Wanna know what abortions were like back in Biblical days? The unwanted baby was carried full term and born naturally. The baby was then taken and thrown into a body water to drown it, or buried alive, or taken into the woods and left to starve, freeze, or be ripped to pieces and eaten by wild animals.

When someone who's against abortion says they are pro life, but support death penalties, they are NOT pro-life, they are simply anti-abortion. I personally don't give a shit whether people are for or against abortions, I just wish people wouldn't bullshit themselves into believing they're something they're not. By saying you're pro-life means you support the ideology of ALL people good or bad living out their lives in their entirety and not have their life stolen from them in an untimely fashion whether justified or not. That's pretty much the point I'm trying to drive home.
That thought process should have been used when she decided to screw some dude from the
Bar that she is unwilling to have a child with.
Strangely sex is the cause of all children.


I've always wondered if sex didn't feel good what would our population look like today? Obviously passing ones genes is part of our evolutionary job but how much incentive does the physical sensation play in procreation vs. Genetic propagation?
Here is the problem with that. The man does not carry the child nor have to give birth. Women and men do not share an equal burden when it comes to birthing a child. I am not saying you are wrong but in that scenario men get to determine what a woman can and can't do with her body. I am not sure that is right either.
The unborn child, is NOT her own body. The unknown child is dependent on the mother's body. It's not a tooth to be extracted, limb to be severed, or organ to be removed. It is a human being. People can deny this, all they want, but it does not change the fact that it is still a human being.
The debate over Abortion is already lost.
There is no point expending energy arguing about it.
Rather the good folks need to get busy being fruitful and multiplying as they were commanded to do.
Most good folks are not even reproducing generational replacement numbers, let alone generational growth numbers.

Now is the time to gear up for the next battle that is about to be on our doorstep.... "Euthanasia" or in more straight forward terms, killing off all the elderly that are more trouble to care for in their old age than they are worth to society. Europe is just now becoming an example of the horrors that will happen. Those same ideas WILL be here before you know it.

What did Como and his ilk think was going to happen when they forced elderly care homes to accept Wuhan Virus patients.....
The numbers speak for themselves.

Remember the communists have no use for anyone not a productive worker drone.

Killing the unborn or just born is not only socially accepted, but is apparently now the be all, end all meaning of "women's rights" according to SJW dogma.

Killing the elderly who can't speak for themselves (or even those who sometimes can) will soon becomes the next thing the forces of evil push and those same people who were happy to kill off their unborn babies will one day be worried about others happy to kill them off, legally, once it becomes "inconvenient" to care for them any further.

don't be so stuck on the last battle that you can't see the enemy massing for the next battle in their never ending war to bring all humans into subjugation under the rule of the servants of the Illuminated One.
The debate over Abortion is already lost.
There is no point expending energy arguing about it.
Rather the good folks need to get busy being fruitful and multiplying as they were commanded to do.
Most good folks are not even reproducing generational replacement numbers, let alone generational growth numbers.

Now is the time to gear up for the next battle that is about to be on our doorstep.... "Euthanasia" or in more straight forward terms, killing off all the elderly that are more trouble to care for in their old age than they are worth to society. Europe is just now becoming an example of the horrors that will happen. Those same ideas WILL be here before you know it.

What did Como and his ilk think was going to happen when they forced elderly care homes to accept Wuhan Virus patients.....
The numbers speak for themselves.

Remember the communists have no use for anyone not a productive worker drone.

Killing the unborn or just born is not only socially accepted, but is apparently now the be all, end all meaning of "women's rights" according to SJW dogma.

Killing the elderly who can't speak for themselves (or even those who sometimes can) will soon becomes the next thing the forces of evil push and those same people who were happy to kill off their unborn babies will one day be worried about others happy to kill them off, legally, once it becomes "inconvenient" to care for them any further.

don't be so stuck on the last battle that you can't see the enemy massing for the next battle in their never ending war to bring all humans into subjugation under the rule of the servants of the Illuminated One.

I still do not get how that fucker hasn't been held accountable for that.
i don't believe in them but that's my opinion you got to choose for yourself what you want and don't want . I fundamentally disagree that abortions are a right no right give you the right to kill another person or being and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill gives other people the right to choose for you decisions after the first on you should have to be fixed so you can't be a burden on society ever again call it a trade of if you want other people to pay for your poor ability to govern your own actions that or pay for your own out of your own money then it really would be your body your choice .
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i don't believe in them but that's my opinion you got to choose for yourself what you want and don't want . I fundamentally disagree that abortions are a right no right give you the right to kill another person or being and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill gives other people the right to choose for you decisions after the first on you should have to be fixed so you can't be a burden on society ever again call it a trade of if you want other people to pay for your poor ability to govern your own actions that or pay for your own out of your own money then it really would be your body your choice .

Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for it regardless of my beliefs on the matter. You want to get one then you pay for it. Same thing with contraception.
The left now claims that only "the religious right" opposes abortion, which, is ironic given that they use pseudoscience to justify murdering babies. Of course as we all now know only democrats are moral so its all okay 🙄.
I always crack up at the hypocrisy with the pro-life advocates who are totally against abortion, but yet support the death penalty. You can't have it both ways! You're either pro-life or not. There is no middle ground.

My stance on abortion really hasn't change at all. I put abortions in the same category as a mercy killing. You know, a last resort thing. I've never been a supporter of the argument that life begins at conception. If you can honestly look at a freshly fertilized egg and at a full term baby and say they're the same lively thing, you got issues.

Death penalty is punishment for a crime after you've had your due process.

Is threatening to make someone accept the consequences of their actions a capital offense?
Here is the problem with that. The man does not carry the child nor have to give birth. Women and men do not share an equal burden when it comes to birthing a child. I am not saying you are wrong but in that scenario men get to determine what a woman can and can't do with her body. I am not sure that is right either.

A man who doesn't want to support a child is a deadbeat bum. A mom who doesn't want to support a child is making an enlightened choice?
There is nothing new under the sun. People have been sacrificing their children, at the alter of the self, for thousands of years. It has always been and still is, the sign of a dying society. It is evidence of hatred for one's self and hatred for what the unborn child is to be. This is abortion.
No civilization that sacrificed its children escaped destruction and complete oblivion as a reward. Phoenicia, Carthage, the Philistines, the Chimu, etc. Abortion is murder of the innocents and that is a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance. Separate yourselves from that.

Fear of the Lord is the begining of Faith.
My Father was a practicing OB/Gyn for over 50 years. There were 8 OB/Gyn's in town who worked between two hospitals with a total of 650 beds between them. In the 52 years he was in practice, there was not a single abortion performed to save the life of the Mother. The goal is to save the life of both the Mother and Child. Both the Mother and Child are the physician's patients and he has a responsibility to protect both of their lives.

It is a sad commentary on us as human beings that the primary reason for abortion is for convenience.
outsidI always crack up at the hypocrisy with the pro-life advocates who are totally against abortion, but yet support the death penalty. You can't have it both ways! You're either pro-life or not. There is no middle ground.
The bigger hypocrisy is the need to destroy 2A "for the children" when how many million are aborted each year?

The OP asked if "Abortion was "ok"". Legally? Legally we are supposed to separate church and state; so God and religion shouldn't be part of law. So now we go back to when does life begin; at conception, at the first heartbeat, or when a fetus is viable is outside the womb? I think abortion should be illegal except in cases of rape, harm to mother. I don't believe abortion should be an automatic "right". For one, its not just the woman's body, its also the man's DNA. If both agree to abort, its still murder. I see it more as a justifiable manslaughter in cases of rape or harm to mother. Why should it be allowed in cases of rape? Because of the severe psychological harm to the mother. (Whoever above said we need to castrate rapists - I can get 100% behind that).

Now - is abortion OK ethically or in the eyes of God? The issue of abortion in cases rape or harm to other may be more difficult to ascertain, since abortion wasn't readily available in Biblical times. That God's judgment call; not mine. The closest I found was this:
Matthew 18:14: In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.
That being said; he did allow non-Hebrew infants to die via the Angel of Death (Exodus 12:23), and also allowed infants to perish in in Sodom & Gomorrah and in the great flood of Noah in the Old Testament. He asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac. On that basis, one could extrapolate "justifiable" abortion. But inconvenience should not be a reason.

Now this may be even more controversial: Tax-payer dollars. While I do wish there is more support for young, unwed girls to get care to delivery when committed to adoption; I also believe individuals also need to learn how to be responsible for their behavior. The far left/communists have got this far in good part because of the destruction of the ideals of the nuclear family. You shouldn't be pushing out kids just to get a bigger welfare check. Pushing late-term abortion, esp. when a fetus can survive, is absolutely disgusting. The sale of fetal parts is horrid. Lets not forget, Planned Parenthood was founded by a eugenics proponent who believed in white supremacy.
My girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly and was talking about abortion, even went to the clinic when I was trying to talk her out of it.
Which brings about yet another issue: what about father's rights? How many fathers don't even know they fathered an aborted child?
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A foetus is not a "person" , the same that a ship is not a "she".
Don't attribute personality or consciousness, to what is basically a template under construction.
Abortion is an option that needs to be available to women.
If the amniocentesis performed on my future daughter, had come back with abnormalities, my partner and I had agreed to terminate the pregnancy.
To me, that's just prudent planning.
Neither of us wanted to raise a disabled child.