When I lived in Germany, there was so few instances of road rage -- I was frankly stunned. Then I figured out why.
If you are caught not moving right for a faster vehicle, even if it means you will need to slow down, you get a ticket. Not the faster vehicle. It was incredible -- I'd be driving and see cars in the middle lane move right even if the left lane was clear. I once went 150 mph for like 20 min on the Autobahn and it was like the red sea was parting -- I never had to slow down for a car that was in the left lane in front of me. They all were aware, they all moved well before they would have been in the way. When I was on my motorcycle, I actually felt safe. When I returned to the US, I went from putting 10,000 miles on my motorcycle in one year (in Germany) to not putting another 2,000 on the same bike in the subsequent 5 years because of how selfish and unaware drivers are in this country -- doesn't matter the city. The different is literally night and day. What
To get a license, you have to go through years of progressive training/re-certification and your vehicle is inspected often. It's not just a lazy test.