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How bad will the riots be when Trump wins in November?

The GOP doesn't even have an agenda. Why cheat? They're useless when they win. We don't need any more Dan Crenshaw's running around trying to pass TAPS Act and Red Flag laws.

No shit. I don't think the GOP would have accomplished any less if Hillary would have won. Dead weight, and that includes Barr and the DOJ.
As far as supporting Trump, they remind me of the corrupt police dept. in the movie Serpico that drug their feet and tried to block Al Pacino's every move whenever he tried to make a bust.
Oh just a friendly reminder that Bill Clinton and Dershowitz are now confirmed child rapists, and Trump and Barr don't give a fuck about it. There's their Big Club, and then there's us. Anyone that thought Trump and Barr were going to save the world can light that idea on fire.
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Oh just a friendly reminder that Bill Clinton and Dershowitz are now confirmed child rapists, and Trump and Barr don't give a fuck about it. There's their Big Club, and then there's us. Anyone that thought Trump and Barr were going to save the world can light that idea on fire.
Bill should be in jail already, Trump should stop worrying about election.
We are gonna vote him in again, He should buckle up and do his Job.
Vaccine will be introduced and required if you want to work and do many other things. Meanwhile, Fauci, Gates and the NWO will fog the U.S. with Covid, like fogging for mosquitoes, and anyone not vaccinated will succumb. Population, society control.

Crazy, whats crazy anymore?

Won't they need something more effective than COVID-19?

It still has a +99% survival rate, right?
How bad will the riots be when Trump wins in November?

I know this may not be a real popular opinion here, and sorry not to be part of the choir, and I try to keep my mouth shut unless someone directly asks for my opinion, but since you asked for my opinion I'll tell you. It's time for a reality check my Brother. So to answer your question, my bet is in all probability we'll never know. That's a bet I'd take all day long if I was in Vegas. Because it's very highly probable he's not getting re-elected. Just look at the bookie's spread on the Presidential and Senatorial elections, google them...Even Trump knows that... himself saying this week, "Nobody likes me!" WTF Trump? Like I said repeatedly here, if he would just have kept his mouth shut and let other talk for him for the most part during most of the campaign season, he would have gotten re-elected. No one likes Biden. But self-control was just out of his reach. Again, sorry to be a buzz-kill, but you might need to start preparing a Plan B. So get a Plan B. For example, McConnell has told the Senators it's OK to "distance themselves" from Trump, "do what you have to do to save yourselves", so the Trump-Titanic has already hit the election-iceberg. So get on your life jacket and prepare to disembark. And memorize your Plan B. You'll need it in just 96 days. But any way this goes, you're right this is shaping up to be a real shit show, and I suppose that's the most important thing to prepare for. So maybe that's Plan C, or that should be Plan A?

I clicked like on your post because it is going to be so much fun seeing you do the "aw gosh I was wrong" dance on a Wednesday in November.

I am an optimist today, but the Democrats have made the choice too stark, and if President Trump is good at just one thing it is getting the truth to the American people in spite of the Fake News. This November you vote for Chaos division, riots, destruction and mob rule,complete with political lynchings or you vote to reelect President Trump. Republicans who stand with President Trump or who (belatedly) assume strong law and order stances of their own will do well too.
The GOP doesn't even have an agenda. Why cheat? They're useless when they win. We don't need any more Dan Crenshaw's running around trying to pass TAPS Act and Red Flag laws.

What you say is fair. We support Republicans by and large not because they deserve our support but rather because they are the only possible opposition to Democrats. We do need to do a better job of making them do their job correctly once we get them elected.
What you say is fair. We support Republicans by and large not because they deserve our support but rather because they are the only possible opposition to Democrats. We do need to do a better job of making them do their job correctly once we get them elected.
I haven't heard a single person I know, say that they're voting for someone because they like them. Every single person without any exception I can think of has said that they are voting for a candidate specifically so the other candidate won't win.

This is a blatant failure within the system.
I haven't heard a single person I know, say that they're voting for someone because they like them. Every single person without any exception I can think of has said that they are voting for a candidate specifically so the other candidate won't win.

This is a blatant failure within the system.

Then I'll be the first. I like President Trump. I like my representative Chris Jacobs.
Ham radio works well, as does CB for close range stuff, but the problem I have found is that most folks are just too busy with their current lives to bother studying & taking the tests for Ham radio.

But again remember that if you are transmitting, lots of others are listening and many others might have ways to locate the source of the transmission.

So if times are "difficult", you'll need to understand the risks and such as well.

Remember that in WWII and for a long time afterwards, in most European Countries, owning long range radios was not exactly smiled upon by the government. Lots of times the local government and oppressors were even more interested in everyone turning in their radios than guns.
During an exigent/emergent situation, you don't need to have a license to broadcast on HAM freq's.

Legalities aside, they'll (FCC et. al) need to have directional locating equipment to track your broadcasting location.

Mobility is your friend in said scenario.
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During an exigent/emergent situation, you don't need to have a license to broadcast on HAM freq's.

Correct however, there is a significant learning curve if you want to reliably be able to talk to specific people, over greater distances.
Close range with UHF/VHF it's probably not too hard to just set all your radios to the same settings and hope for the best when you need them.
But once you start getting into further distances and/or HF then you need practice and fine tuning of your gear.

It's much the same as yes, you can have a gun(s) that you keep hidden under the bed till the day you need them....

Or you can get out and practice with said guns so you actually know how to effectively use them if you need to & also enjoy the use of them.

Having the licence lets you practice and get better, as well as test out your gear with your buddies to make sure everybody is lined up.

Simple little settings such as yes/no to split frequency send/receive and what mode settings you are in, are easy to get mixed up with if you haven't played around with it and you don't want to be dealing with that in an emergency.

Legalities aside, they'll (FCC et. al) need to have directional locating equipment to track your broadcasting location.

Finding where a transmitter is hidden is actually one of the fun and games things folks do with Ham radio.
In close ranges, it's not as difficult as you think for someone who has practiced it for sport or profession.

Then you get into individual radio fingerprinting which the snobby tech types like to feel superior about being able to do.

I think this tells you what's going to happen with supporters of the communist party (i cannot call them democrats) should Trump win by some miracle.
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I think this tells you what's going to happen with supporters of the communist party (i cannot call them democrats) should Trump win by some miracle.
Ain't this some shit, and I'm not saying what you say isn't true, but six months ago Pres. Trump was a rock star heading like a freight train for a 2020 blowout win, as he should have. And now, due to a fake, manufactured pandemic that shut the country and his record setting economy down, coupled with a communist revolt, it may be miracle he will still be our president.

The Left and some military leaders are waiting to rig the election, pull a military coup to remove our president and 2016 will be the last democratic election held in a once great republic.

I think this tells you what's going to happen with supporters of the communist party (i cannot call them democrats) should Trump win by some miracle.
I can't wait to see Armed soldier arrest major CNN staffs and director and break the place down.
Ain't this some shit, and I'm not saying what you say isn't true, but six months ago Pres. Trump was a rock star heading like a freight train for a 2020 blowout win, as he should have. And now, due to a fake, manufactured pandemic that shut the country and his record setting economy down, coupled with a communist revolt, it may be miracle he will still be our president.

The Left and some military leaders are waiting to rig the election, pull a military coup to remove our president and 2016 will be the last democratic election held in a once great republic.
I think it's obvious the pandemic was manufactured (by whom or by multiple entities) to completely shut down our economy (and the world's too as we were exporting stuff as well). If he does win, it will be a mind blowing. The pubics won't rally around him because they are basically now what the democrats were under klinton. They don't want to lose their stranglehold on power (or perceived power) either. It's sad to watch The Republic disappear. I thank God my parents who went through the depression and WWII didn't live to see this day - they both saw enough under obama.
I believe, Trump's going to get a second term. I feel there's a lot of closet D's, that will vote for #45, because, I think they are starting to feel the "pinch" of what their party has become and the sh^tstorm that's about to come down on them, with all that they have allowed to happen in their sh^t cities. I think this election is going to be F'n EPIC! Just like '16 was. Trump is working with the doctors/pharmaceuticals (making $$, I would also assume), working on the drugs/vaccine's for this fake as^ pandemic, then making them available to the people, pandemic will wane, D's will absolutely go batshit crazy, because, it would be another "big" win for the Orange Man, Creepy Joe, will be drooling out the side of his neck, then, Trump will take it by a 98% Popular Vote, lead. I've got faith in the American people, doing the right thing, whether a D or an R, I still have hope. Too much "bad" has happened to this Country and I hope we can pull one out of our as^es, for the win. Mac:cool:
I believe, Trump's going to get a second term. I feel there's a lot of closet D's, that will vote for #45, because, I think they are starting to feel the "pinch" of what their party has become and the sh^tstorm that's about to come down on them, with all that they have allowed to happen in their sh^t cities. I think this election is going to be F'n EPIC! Just like '16 was. Trump is working with the doctors/pharmaceuticals (making $$, I would also assume), working on the drugs/vaccine's for this fake as^ pandemic, then making them available to the people, pandemic will wane, D's will absolutely go batshit crazy, because, it would be another "big" win for the Orange Man, Creepy Joe, will be drooling out the side of his neck, then, Trump will take it by a 98% Popular Vote, lead. I've got faith in the American people, doing the right thing, whether a D or an R, I still have hope. Too much "bad" has happened to this Country and I hope we can pull one out of our as^es, for the win. Mac:cool:
First of all, I hope and pray that you are correct. However, my across the street liberal neighbors are committed beyond all to ignore the obvious. They are communists (she teeter totters and he makes no qualms he's a socialist) and she works for a Gov Lab!!! Unfortunately, that's Laboratory and not Labrador (since a Labrador would be too smart to hire that). I thought about giving them Hannity's new book and one or 2 of Levin's for reading. Another buddy informed me I'd be turned in for hate crimes. So, I sided with him...after all, these people were threatening (Did??) to turn in some people celebrating a birthday during "lockdown."

My other neighbor says to just ignore them and not to care how they vote...but I do, they are nullifying my vote. Mind you, these liberals are so scared of the 'Rona they won't go get milk for their kids, won't get mulch from Lowes, won't do anything but stay on their 0.25 acres of land. They live in fear...exactly the kind of fool that votes communist. It all adds up...always.

I also see a bunch of Doug Jones signs. Now, I have a small sample set I'll grant you; but I think there is good reason to be very concerned.

It's obvious somebody in America is concerned as hell; because I just went looking online for shits and giggles for guns and ammo. Still a few guns there even some AR's at Sportsman's are listed; but magazines, pistols, rifles, revolvers are in very limited supply. Shotguns (sporting) still seem to be available. Then we get to ammo. Once again...maybe I'll learn. Sell all stocks 6 months before election and buy ammo, then sell some at 2-3x the price. 380 ACP....4 months ago was I think < 250 per 1000. Now, 700-800!!!!!!!!! That's not good hollow point, that's not even blazer...it's like Priv or Magtech.

I guess the only positive from that is more guns have been sold (by large margin) through July than all of 2019 which was also a banner year. They're going to have a lot of cold dead hands to be pulling stuff from...that's all I'll say. Not enough boats for everybody to lose them unless we all buy those 80 foot yachts on the other thread.
Then I'll be the first. I like President Trump. I like my representative Chris Jacobs.

I'll be 2nd, Trump is very likable to me now. I did not like him in '16, but I do now.

Before the midterms he accomplished so much that he far exceeded my expectations, and he has proven himself a worthy fighter and patriot. We need hold the senate and win the house so he starts his second term with firepower to fight these communists and continue his agenda. I have faith in my fellow Americans, the loud whiny voices are NOT the majority, we just need to get all of the silent majority to vote!
buy more ammo

Praise Jesus!

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Do you think that conservative UA fans will refuse to vote for Tuberville because he was the AU coach?
Since I am a fan of neither, I don't know; however, I can see 'Bama fans being that biased against Auburn. He did win a few SEC west and 1 SEC title. 5 SEC west probably still pisses 'Bama fans off. So, yes, I can see that happening. Stupid as it is.
I believe, Trump's going to get a second term. I feel there's a lot of closet D's, that will vote for #45, because, I think they are starting to feel the "pinch" of what their party has become and the sh^tstorm that's about to come down on them, with all that they have allowed to happen in their sh^t cities. I think this election is going to be F'n EPIC! Just like '16 was. Trump is working with the doctors/pharmaceuticals (making $$, I would also assume), working on the drugs/vaccine's for this fake as^ pandemic, then making them available to the people, pandemic will wane, D's will absolutely go batshit crazy, because, it would be another "big" win for the Orange Man, Creepy Joe, will be drooling out the side of his neck, then, Trump will take it by a 98% Popular Vote, lead. I've got faith in the American people, doing the right thing, whether a D or an R, I still have hope. Too much "bad" has happened to this Country and I hope we can pull one out of our as^es, for the win. Mac:cool:
Seeing a lot of optimistic blips.... Laura Ingramn surpasses Maddow. Tucker's and Hannity's ratings through the roof, Hannitys book hitting best seller list on Amazon... and this:

Then again.. one mustn't under estimate the staggering level of conniving and corruption of the Liberals
First of all, I hope and pray that you are correct. However, my across the street liberal neighbors are committed beyond all to ignore the obvious. They are communists (she teeter totters and he makes no qualms he's a socialist) and she works for a Gov Lab!!! Unfortunately, that's Laboratory and not Labrador (since a Labrador would be too smart to hire that). I thought about giving them Hannity's new book and one or 2 of Levin's for reading. Another buddy informed me I'd be turned in for hate crimes. So, I sided with him...after all, these people were threatening (Did??) to turn in some people celebrating a birthday during "lockdown."

My other neighbor says to just ignore them and not to care how they vote...but I do, they are nullifying my vote. Mind you, these liberals are so scared of the 'Rona they won't go get milk for their kids, won't get mulch from Lowes, won't do anything but stay on their 0.25 acres of land. They live in fear...exactly the kind of fool that votes communist. It all adds up...always.

I also see a bunch of Doug Jones signs. Now, I have a small sample set I'll grant you; but I think there is good reason to be very concerned.

It's obvious somebody in America is concerned as hell; because I just went looking online for shits and giggles for guns and ammo. Still a few guns there even some AR's at Sportsman's are listed; but magazines, pistols, rifles, revolvers are in very limited supply. Shotguns (sporting) still seem to be available. Then we get to ammo. Once again...maybe I'll learn. Sell all stocks 6 months before election and buy ammo, then sell some at 2-3x the price. 380 ACP....4 months ago was I think < 250 per 1000. Now, 700-800!!!!!!!!! That's not good hollow point, that's not even blazer...it's like Priv or Magtech.

I guess the only positive from that is more guns have been sold (by large margin) through July than all of 2019 which was also a banner year. They're going to have a lot of cold dead hands to be pulling stuff from...that's all I'll say. Not enough boats for everybody to lose them unless we all buy those 80 foot yachts on the other thread.
Yeah, I get ya. I live in a small town(and love it), so, we've been here for 20+ years, know a few people. Most people, Trump signs in their yards, me included, so, feel pretty safe. I know there's D's around, but, don't see a lot of signage, but, know their out there.
Planned on moving to a bigger city, due to doctors, specialist. Took the house off the market when the rona hit and glad we did. Been doing some home renovation and went to H/D and of course, had to wear the masks. Checking molding out for a basement project, had my mask down, so I could talk to the wifey, couple of guys my age, shot me the wtf look. I don't wear masks, I figure if God wants me to get the rona, I'm going to get it and he has better plans for me than I do. I don't get too caught up in this shit and if people don't like it, well, I just don't know what to say. I'm livin my life as I see fit and luckily, my wife feels the same. Luckily, I'm pretty good on the shtf stuff, cause I got ahead of it a while back, so, I'm GtG. BUT, I did stop at one of Wisc. big farm/hunting supply stores and if you needed 6.5, 300Win. mag., 270, 308, stuff, plenty of that, but, anything .223/5.56mm, shelves were empty. Handgun stuff was pretty good, not a sh*^ load, but, a good amount.
I'm just hoping, that the reason people aren't marching on their Capitals, is because they just don't want to be targets and or doxed. I hope when the polls open up, people will actually get off their AS*^# and vote. We can't have this mail in crap either, toooo much fraud out of that. I just don't know what or how to feel, about how this Country, the one I defended and when Uncle Sam said, "pack your bags", I did, is going to be, in one or two years from now. It really has effected me and not in a good way either.
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Since I am a fan of neither, I don't know; however, I can see 'Bama fans being that biased against Auburn. He did win a few SEC west and 1 SEC title. 5 SEC west probably still pisses 'Bama fans off. So, yes, I can see that happening. Stupid as it is.
It would be monumentally STUPID, but I get little inklings from some that suggest to me that it might be the case for a bunch of them. (You left out the fact that he beat them 6 years in a row. The SEC titles are irrelevant).
Someone said they had faith in the American people shit they voted for okenyen Twice ! and hillabeast edged the popular vote . I’m in GJ western Co.the supposed conservative side but the amount of lazy stupid money sucking bidenites is incredible .across the nation people will sit on their butts and feed at the trough, I’ve said repeatedly starting about 7-8 years ago the Republic is lost ! Buy more ammo.
First of all, I hope and pray that you are correct. However, my across the street liberal neighbors are committed beyond all to ignore the obvious. They are communists (she teeter totters and he makes no qualms he's a socialist) and she works for a Gov Lab!!! Unfortunately, that's Laboratory and not Labrador (since a Labrador would be too smart to hire that). I thought about giving them Hannity's new book and one or 2 of Levin's for reading. Another buddy informed me I'd be turned in for hate crimes. So, I sided with him...after all, these people were threatening (Did??) to turn in some people celebrating a birthday during "lockdown."

My other neighbor says to just ignore them and not to care how they vote...but I do, they are nullifying my vote. Mind you, these liberals are so scared of the 'Rona they won't go get milk for their kids, won't get mulch from Lowes, won't do anything but stay on their 0.25 acres of land. They live in fear...exactly the kind of fool that votes communist. It all adds up...always.

I also see a bunch of Doug Jones signs. Now, I have a small sample set I'll grant you; but I think there is good reason to be very concerned.

It's obvious somebody in America is concerned as hell; because I just went looking online for shits and giggles for guns and ammo. Still a few guns there even some AR's at Sportsman's are listed; but magazines, pistols, rifles, revolvers are in very limited supply. Shotguns (sporting) still seem to be available. Then we get to ammo. Once again...maybe I'll learn. Sell all stocks 6 months before election and buy ammo, then sell some at 2-3x the price. 380 ACP....4 months ago was I think < 250 per 1000. Now, 700-800!!!!!!!!! That's not good hollow point, that's not even blazer...it's like Priv or Magtech.

I guess the only positive from that is more guns have been sold (by large margin) through July than all of 2019 which was also a banner year. They're going to have a lot of cold dead hands to be pulling stuff from...that's all I'll say. Not enough boats for everybody to lose them unless we all buy those 80 foot yachts on the other thread.
What part of Alabama do you live in? Ain't no liberal/commies in my part of AL. They would not make it. Doug Jones ain't gonna win, either. You can tell your stupid neighbors not to waste their time voting. Anyway, if they are skeert to leave the house, how are they voting. AL is not playing the mail in vote game. LOL. I don't like Tommy Tupperware, but I will vote R.
Do you think that conservative UA fans will refuse to vote for Tuberville because he was the AU coach?

I think there will be some that will but I don’t personally know any. Everyone I know is setting that aside and will vote for the more common man, in this case Tubberville because they are sick of lawyers and career politicians. I don’t know if one thing Jones has even done in office, much less anything good. I can’t believe he even got in.

North Central Alabama. It's gotten progressively more liberal the last 3-4 years.

Yes, this is something I’m afraid of. Lots of people that work in computers and those at redstone are not conservatives! Many of them are transplants from super liberal areas around the country and of course move to AL and love it but then vote and exercise the same way that did where they came from. I know some super smart people that work at the base, one of them speaks like 14 languages fluently, among other things, but he is too blind to see that he is changing the very landscape he moved to in order to escape the old. It’s crazy. Anyways Huntsville is setting up to be the new capital and powerhouse city of AL. And the fact that many of them are leftist transplants means they could start turning AL. I’ve been saying it for years and years, I think it’s strategy.
I think there will be some that will but I don’t personally know any. Everyone I know is setting that aside and will vote for the more common man, in this case Tubberville because they are sick of lawyers and career politicians. I don’t know if one thing Jones has even done in office, much less anything good. I can’t believe he even got in.

Yes, this is something I’m afraid of. Lots of people that work in computers and those at redstone are not conservatives! Many of them are transplants from super liberal areas around the country and of course move to AL and love it but then vote and exercise the same way that did where they came from. I know some super smart people that work at the base, one of them speaks like 14 languages fluently, among other things, but he is too blind to see that he is changing the very landscape he moved to in order to escape the old. It’s crazy. Anyways Huntsville is setting up to be the new capital and powerhouse city of AL. And the fact that many of them are leftist transplants means they could start turning AL. I’ve been saying it for years and years, I think it’s strategy.
100% correct there sir. Look at Battle. He is NOT under any circumstances conservative. He'd be running as a democrat if we still had democrats and not just commies. The amount of fool-hardy projects he's worked on here is mind-numbing. The only real thing he's done since I've been here is Cecil Ashburn...and I'm just waiting till the mountain caves in AGAIN (as it did in April) and kills folks. I guess VBC expanded, but he's blowing all sorts of money on "playgrounds" and "concert venues" and that type of stuff when he really needs to be widening roads and paving the damn things we have before they collapse. Maybe, just maybe come up with a 10-20 year road plan that involves an honest-to-God BYPASS from about the Airport to the "eastern bypass (that's a shitty 2 lane road)"

I think courting the 3 letter agency will further the liberalism of this place. All these folks from DC are going to ruin it here. Just like you said....they transplanted and bring their SHIT with them. Same shit going on in TX, even though TX doesn't want to admit it...just look at Austin ...went from being weird to pure commie! Not sure how bad Redstone is, but Marshall may as well fly a hammer and sickle as almost every person there seems to have their NASA sticker beside their Bernie/Doug Jones sticker. Neighbors works at Redstone and the other half worked at Marshall one time. That they claim they're worried about "TRUMP TAKING OUR INSURANCE" and "TRUMP STARTING WAR WITH CANADA" - it is mind boggling. "PEOPLE IN MY BUILDING SAY TRUMP IS REALLY IN BED WITH PUTIN" - that literally came out of this person's mouth. I truthfully cannot even stand saying hello to them anymore (as apparently nobody else can either).

Oh, and half these "smart people" are not as smart as you think they are. :).
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100% correct there sir. Look at Battle. He is NOT under any circumstances conservative. He'd be running as a democrat if we still had democrats and not just commies. The amount of fool-hardy projects he's worked on here is mind-numbing. The only real thing he's done since I've been here is Cecil Ashburn...and I'm just waiting till the mountain caves in AGAIN (as it did in April) and kills folks. I guess VBC expanded, but he's blowing all sorts of money on "playgrounds" and "concert venues" and that type of stuff when he really needs to be widening roads and paving the damn things we have before they collapse. Maybe, just maybe come up with a 10-20 year road plan that involves an honest-to-God BYPASS from about the Airport to the "eastern bypass (that's a shitty 2 lane road)"

I think courting the 3 letter agency will further the liberalism of this place. All these folks from DC are going to ruin it here. Just like you said....they transplanted and bring their SHIT with them. Same shit going on in TX, even though TX doesn't want to admit it...just look at Austin ...went from being weird to pure commie! Not sure how bad Redstone is, but Marshall may as well fly a hammer and sickle as almost every person there seems to have their NASA sticker beside their Bernie/Doug Jones sticker. Neighbors works at Redstone and the other half worked at Marshall one time. That they claim they're worried about "TRUMP TAKING OUR INSURANCE" and "TRUMP STARTING WAR WITH CANADA" - it is mind boggling. "PEOPLE IN MY BUILDING SAY TRUMP IS REALLY IN BED WITH PUTIN" - that literally came out of this person's mouth. I truthfully cannot even stand saying hello to them anymore (as apparently nobody else can either).

Oh, and half these "smart people" are not as smart as you think they are. :).

Sad isn’t it?