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    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      She was smart. She knew she was going to resign before she ever walked into that room. Being told that she was "full of shit" didn't...
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      And so you understand, Congress had nothing to do with her appointment. She joined the United States Secret Service back in 1995. She...
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      Really? OK, I'll play. And now for the third time I'll ask you, what would YOU have asked her? And how would you have gotten any...
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      I never disagreed. All I objected to is your typical smart ass, punky reply, acting like it's the person who's asking the questions...
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      Very good. Now that I can agree with.
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      Yeah, whatever.
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      That's what you were bitching about the first time. And?..... Do you want some cheese to go along with that cheap whine?
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      What was she supposed to say or do? Walk over and slap the ever lovin' shit out of her? This broad in the hot seat being questioned was...
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      If these people in a Congressional hearing ever come up with that nonsense answer, "I cannot comment because the investigation is...
    • billt
      billt reacted to ObiJohn's post in the thread Biden just quit with Like Like.
      The Dems are run by a coalition of 'families' much like the Mafia, each led by a capo and supported by soldiers. There's the Clinton...
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread the bitch quite.
      At 14:08 she (Mace) say's all that needs to be said.... ("You're Full Of Shit Today)". Accurate and well stated.
    • billt
      billt replied to the thread Biden just quit.
      The DNC will be better than a MMA fight..... Both inside and outside.
    • billt
      If you examine most past assassinations, both Kennedy's, McKinley, Garfield, and Teddy Roosevelt, (attempted but unsuccessful like...
    • billt
      I don't think this was "planned". It's not some mega conspiracy drawn up by, "top men". It was simply the result of what happens when...
    • billt
      They're most likely trying to shield the department against any possible law suit that could be generated against them.
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