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    • jwhjwh54
      i've got the inserts but haven't used them yet. I'm guessing they'd be fine for the hunting application I was thinking of using them for...
    • jwhjwh54
      my SFAR shoots federal fusions 165 and 180 really well. Just gotta find what it likes. My gas block barely touches on one side and I...
    • jwhjwh54
      jwhjwh54 replied to the thread 16-18 inch shorty rifles.
      Building this exact gun except 6mm creed and black on the chassis. Shoot all my hogs up close at day and night. Waiting on the gunsmith...
    • jwhjwh54
      jwhjwh54 reacted to AMG04's post in the thread 16-18 inch shorty rifles with Like Like.
      Finally finished inletting and fitting the Origin and Hawkins bottom metal. General purpose hunting rig. 18" Benchmark Carbon, 6.5 PRC...
    • jwhjwh54
      jwhjwh54 replied to the thread 16-18 inch shorty rifles.
      I need to try the bolt gun at night. The 6cm, I'm going to throw in a chassis and do it. I've used the precision hunter stuff and been...
    • jwhjwh54
      jwhjwh54 replied to the thread 16-18 inch shorty rifles.
      I'm putting together at 16" 6cm for this purpose. Going to use an resonator k or an U7. Not planning on any shorter because I've got...
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