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All Unicorns and Rainbows

Although I find this quite difficult to believe being reported by the CNN and the FBI...

Surprise... the capital “siege” was planned ahead of time. Essentially meaning Trumps speech did not incite it, meaning this impeachment vote was completely made up as the evidence actually shows dem members of Congress providing walk throughs with protesters who showed up the next day.

Again, I’m not surprised it has turned out to be true, I’m shaking my head thinking that 11th bourbon was one to many seeing it on cnn by the fbi???

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That was reported earlier today. The FBI said they had chatter as early as Sunday. They knew about it, either didn't pass the information onto Congress, didn't notify the White House, or they told Congress and they didn't act. The fired CP Chief said he asked for assistance 5 or 6 times and it was denied each time. I don't know the time frame to his statement.

But you have to realize this has nothing to do with Wednesday's speech or what happened after. This is Pelosi having the votes to drive a spike into Trump's heart. She wants him ruined. The fact that she can kill most Republicans at the same time is just sprinkles on her ice cream.
That was reported earlier today. The FBI said they had chatter as early as Sunday. They knew about it, either didn't pass the information onto Congress, didn't notify the White House, or they told Congress and they didn't act. The fired CP Chief said he asked for assistance 5 or 6 times and it was denied each time. I don't know the time frame to his statement.

But you have to realize this has nothing to do with Wednesday's speech or what happened after. This is Pelosi having the votes to drive a spike into Trump's heart. She wants him ruined. The fact that she can kill most Republicans at the same time is just sprinkles on her ice cream.
There seems to be a lot of chatter about them asking for help and it being denied. Can you imagine if the entire security appratus had been there.

Another way to ask this - if they had gunned down a few hundred protestors what would have happened? Exactly how many E-1's do you trust to point a loaded gun at your grandma? 10,000 at once? 50,000? 100,000?

This next time I do hope they keep the number of people that show up effectively to zero, because while supporting the President is important and all...if 100,000 people show up and 50,000 are there pointing loaded guns at them we are gonna do the whole Kent State thing again.

And then its over. Forever. And Xi Xinping wins.
I don't see this going in any way that will help our republic. I think they are broadcasting their intent to manufacture the case and shape the narrative to pin this on whomever they want to be the boogieman this month. Newsflash, it is Trump supporters and patriots.
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Although I find this quite difficult to believe being reported by the CNN and the FBI...

Surprise... the capital “siege” was planned ahead of time. Essentially meaning Trumps speech did not incite it, meaning this impeachment vote was completely made up as the evidence actually shows dem members of Congress providing walk throughs with protesters who showed up the next day.

Again, I’m not surprised it has turned out to be true, I’m shaking my head thinking that 11th bourbon was one to many seeing it on cnn by the fbi???

Kinda like those peaceful protests last summer.......

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There seems to be a lot of chatter about them asking for help and it being denied. Can you imagine if the entire security appratus had been there.

Another way to ask this - if they had gunned down a few hundred protestors what would have happened? Exactly how many E-1's do you trust to point a loaded gun at your grandma? 10,000 at once? 50,000? 100,000?

This next time I do hope they keep the number of people that show up effectively to zero, because while supporting the President is important and all...if 100,000 people show up and 50,000 are there pointing loaded guns at them we are gonna do the whole Kent State thing again.

And then its over. Forever. And Xi Xinping wins.

We had dozens and dozens of e1’s holding the line receiving bricks, Molotov cocktails, frozen bottles, fireworks over 4 months...

BLM killed= 0

(Well.. one here in Louisville but that was a direct fire incident)

..and yes... I was there on that line.. leading SRT.

So.... not so much.
Love how they are saying that no resource of the fbi will be left unchecked and how they are following the money. If they had done this back in May when our country started to burn to the ground, it may have halted the majority of it.

Also, how they found "live ammunition" at the proud boy dudes house in Miami. OH WOW! They didn't find sim or dud ammunition?!? They actually found LIVE ammunition!?! Oh no, what a world we live in!? Gtfoh
If you watched the FBI press conference, you will see the hypocrisy of this entire made up story.

The FBI knew of plans to storm the Capitol. They either withheld that information or someone used that information to instigate what we are seeing today. If the FBI knew of these plans on Sunday, how could Trump have been involved at all?

What a set up.
If you watched the FBI press conference, you will see the hypocrisy of this entire made up story.

The FBI knew of plans to storm the Capitol. They either withheld that information or someone used that information to instigate what we are seeing today. If the FBI knew of these plans on Sunday, how could Trump have been involved at all?

What a set up.
yet he was impeached over it. like how that works??
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We had dozens and dozens of e1’s holding the line receiving bricks, Molotov cocktails, frozen bottles, fireworks over 4 months...

BLM killed= 0

(Well.. one here in Louisville but that was a direct fire incident)

..and yes... I was there on that line.. leading SRT.

So.... not so much.

I hope you realize how much I want you to be correct about your hypothesis, and I would be much less worried if Kent State had not proven that more caution was warranted.

We will all know next week, one way or another.
There's multiple videos of the capital police opening the doors and allowing people into the building.
The problem for those that were allowed in will be that the government will use it's power against the innocent. They will be arrested and charged. They will have to get a lawyer to defend themselves and in a biased court try to get relief. If they manage to swim up that stream they still have lost. Lost time, money and many other things.

Watching history repeat itself!! A government against the people.
Again, just posting as news. Let’s keep things high level, everyone has an opinion. Just news and facts... no rabbit holes that compromise the thread or SH as a site.

Trump is declassifying the Obamagate TS Docs and FISA’s.

These allegedly show full insurrection and blatant illegal actions of using federal resources to spy on and elected president.

What will happen... ehhhh... hard to say. If history is an indicator, nothing. If history is being changed, will be interesting.

We will know nothing more than speculation until something happens.

You know what ticks me off-- This damn lockdown of the capital. Nothing says banana republic like deploying the army to the capital to "keep the peace" If you need an army to keep the peace, you don't have peace. Its a total BS over reaction and actually worse optics than the Capital Fiasco (which is being waaaaay over hyped). Just torques me off.

I have spoken.

Also this weeks podcast was all jittery cause my signal was bad and it was cold. I should make a short joke.
A treasure trove of information appears to have been released on Mewe posting Clinton's emails and some audio and video with peeps like Huma, McCain et al. Too much to go through immediately. Will be interesting to see if it stays up long. Not saying its vetted, but to the untrained eye it appears ugly.
So the Utah Blm/Insurrection USA leader has been arrested with Trump briefed (earlier). Just announced and video released that a CNN journalist Jade Sacker also dressed like a Trump supporter and infiltrated the Capitol.... and they impeached (house vote) for inciting it.

It’s going to be quite a weekend.

The second battle of Falluja involved about 12k troops. There are over 20k in the Capitol right now. Just watched truck after truck bring in bitburg and t-wall barriers.
But but but.....walls don't work!!!!
They have been clamoring about tearing down the walls that Trump had put up along the border. Not once did I hear anyone ask why. If walls don't work. What's the difference if you leave them?
So the Utah Blm/Insurrection USA leader has been arrested with Trump briefed (earlier). Just announced and video released that a CNN journalist Jade Sacker also dressed like a Trump supporter and infiltrated the Capitol.... and they impeached (house vote) for inciting it.

It’s going to be quite a weekend.

The second battle of Falluja involved about 12k troops. There are over 20k in the Capitol right now. Just watched truck after truck bring in bitburg and t-wall barriers.
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Latest just released.

Frustrating I know as we need more proof... “Where’s the smoking gun..”. Etc.

But... this video just voice analyzed and released.


I’m trying to just post events with little commentary and opinion... so I’ll just let you watch and listen.

Latest just released.

Frustrating I know as we need more proof... “Where’s the smoking gun..”. Etc.

But... this video just voice analyzed and released.


I’m trying to just post events with little commentary and opinion... so I’ll just let you watch and listen.

The video has been yanked already. Hopefully it's in the right hands.