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Another Cheater: Harvard Chief Diversity Officer Accused of Plagiarism


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Feb 25, 2017

Harvard DEI Boss Sherri Ann Charleston

Harvard University Chief Diversity Officer Sherri Ann Charleston has been accused of plagiarism in a new complaint, which alleges that Charleston claimed credit for her husband’s work.
Harvard has received a complaint claiming that its chief diversity and inclusion officer has plagiarized some of her academic works, lifting large portions of text from without including quotation marks, and even taking credit for a study conducted by her own husband, according to a report by the Washington Free Beacon.
The complaint reportedly cites 40 separate instances of plagiarism that span the entirety of Charleston’s publication record.
In her 2009 dissertation for the University of Michigan, for example, Charleston is accused of quoting or paraphrasing nearly a dozen scholars without proper attribution.
The complaint claims, “Parts of Charleston’s dissertation were published previously, word for word, by her advisor, Rebecca Scott, and others,” adding, “Charleston will lift whole sentences and paragraphs from other scholars’ work without quotation marks, then add a correct reference somewhere in the footnote ending the long paragraph.”
Interestingly, one of the allegations involves Charleston’s sole peer-reviewed article from 2014 — co-authored by her husband, LaVar Charleston — who is the deputy vice chancellor for DEI at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The study, also co-authored by Jerlando Jackson, is accused of having the same methods, findings, and even interview subjects as a 2012 study written solely by Lavar Charleston.
“The 2014 paper appears to be entirely counterfeit,” Peter Wood, head of the National Association of Scholars and a former associate provost at Boston University, said. “This is research fraud pure and simple.”
Notably, the allegations against Charleston come after Harvard’s recently ousted president, Claudine Gay, resigned following her own plagiarism scandals — which came to light after her failure to address antisemitism on campus in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel, as well as her disastrous testimony on antisemitism during a December congressional hearing.
These are not the only academic issues to have been exposed recently at the Ivy League university.
As Breitbart News reported last week, top cancer researchers at Harvard have been accused of scientific fraud affecting 37 studies. The researchers are also accused of manipulating data images with simple methods such as copy-and-paste and Adobe Photoshop.

Actually, this is turning into a really interesting concept.

The Washington free Beacon is a apparently being real reporters. They’re looking at diversity hires to see how much of the resumes padded. How much of their dissertation is stolen.

Perhaps we perhaps we need an organization like project Veritas that does nothing but look at university, presidents and liberal staff and tenured professors and start dissecting their dissertations and published works.

These crazy bitches who publish doctoral work, saying that 1619 made America racist? That published climate studies that are complete garbage? And then get on the news to peddle there propaganda?

Think about the possibilities of cutting through American universities like a threshing machine through wheat and discrediting and removing the jobs, PhD’s, tenure and microphones from thousands of corrupt ignorant cheating professors. You could absolutely tear liberal academia to pieces.

I think we’re seeing a tiny tip of the iceberg and it’s not limited to a handful of DEI hire black women. I’m betting that plenty of lefty lazy three bong hit philosopher, pasty white suburban professor types who utterly faked huge parts of their dissertations. But no one is going to check as long as they are good leftists who will spew garbage to indoctrinate underclassmen who are paying $50 grand a year for shitty education.

Somebody please start this organization!


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Actually, this is turning into a really interesting concept.

The Washington free Beacon is an apparently being actual reporters. They’re looking at diversity hires to see how much of the resumes padded. How much of their dissertation is stolen.

Actually, this is turning into a really interesting concept.

The Washington free Beacon is a apparently being actual reporters. They’re looking at diversity hires to see how much of the resumes padded. How much of their dissertation is stolen.
Say "actually" again. Say "actually" again. I dare you. I double-dare you. Say "actually" again you mother-fucker. Say "actually" one more goddamn time.
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Say "actually" again. Say "actually" again. I dare you. I double-dare you. Say "actually" again you mother-fucker. Say "actually" one more goddamn time.
Yeah... I don't know what went on with that. Typing on a phone before coffee! My bad for hitting the 'send' button before editing!

Fixing it now!


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At Harvard University Dr.Charles Lieber commanded the bio-chemistry lab...... simultaneously paid millions under the table by the Chinese to develop virus's as many other American scientists.... were .....and are.....
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Or brains.

Harvard is a rubber stamp for elite POS kids. Has been for almost 300 years. Look up the history of that place. It was all about an education for 'elite' kids in Boston. Yup, it produced a revolution... that was largely run by entrepreneurs, not students. But the students were part of it... and the graduates. Funny thing is that many of them were rebelling against their ossified religious professors and Harvard administration. The school is a name... not an educational institute.

Your degree with honors is guaranteed the instant you are accepted. Everyone gets an A in everything. And you are just there to mark time until you become the equivalent of a West Point ring-knocker who is going to be a general even if he slaughters every private in his command.

Ivy League is a pathetic joke. Look up its 'distinguised graduates.' Dictators, serial killers, monsters, genocidal maniacs, crooks, thieves, mugs, pugs, buggerers, scum... sorry, I digress. It's Headley!

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The so called leadership of institutions in this country are predominantly filled with graduates of these so called elite universities. In fact its a club and a prerequisite for getting in. But one must ask the question, if they are so smart why are things so fucked up?
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The so called leadership of institutions in this country are predominantly filled with graduates of these so called elite universities. In fact its a club and a prerequisite for getting in. But one must ask the question, if they are so smart why are things so fucked up?

We think they are fucked up.

The Harvard Elites think things are going swimmingly well on the shining path to true communism.

Half of them are where they are because they dodged the draft by getting PhD’s while spitting on troops and selling out our country. They sat in Academia knowing that it not only let them have their socialist fantasies… but that if they controlled the system they would control generations.

Now they run the institutions ranging from education to media to congress.

As far as they are concerned, their big brains have won every battle since Bill Clinton oozed into office. And they’d be right.

Honestly no suprise there

Anyone who works in higher education can attest that whole system runs on 'plagiarism' this selective outrage around person x or y is just that selective, system is designed around piggybacking on work of others, i am not talking un quoted passages listed , but from my perspective much more daming practice of 'co-authorship' by folks who have literaly done zero work on the papers and research , just have senior position that enables them to be signed as co authors in work of others.