Does that include the lawyer fees we need to pay to have someone digest the shit we are "agreeing to" when we use that website? What about the legal fees involved when CA DOJ sues us for something misprinted on the form that we shouldn't even have to fill out in the first place? One minute to you, is more like 10 minutes in reality... and even at that, its 10 minutes I don't have to spend when sending a rifle to an FFL in any other state in the goddamn country. I know, you californians are experts at dealing with stupid unconstitutional shit... but out here in other states... we aren't. So maybe you cut US some slack? It's THAT state that is different... not the rest of them... remember?
Then we're labeled unpatriotic cocksuckers, right? If we don't want to deal with the governmental red tape and hassle of it... we draw the spite of every gun owner in the whole goddamn state.
I don't give a flying shit about how big "the california market is." Last I checked, CA was still part of the United States... and everyone in this country is potentially "my market." My view is that you guys are on the "front line" so to speak. I'm not going to withhold our goods, from the people that might end up needing it the most. It doesn't have one fucking thing to do with money. It has to do with what is right. Try that argument from now on hairball... I think you might have more success.
Hell, I think most californian gun owners could do with a lesson on how to argue their points. If you guys could just relate to the rest of us, being honest about what is wrong, instead of trying to have us conform to CA's way, which is totally backwards... you'd find more supporters.
On that same note, most non-californians could do with a lesson on what is actually happening in places like CA, IL, and NY. If they lose the fight there... we lose the fight EVERYWHERE.
You need a Snickers Bar