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BREAKING: Ireland rocked by nationwide protests after Muslim migrant stabs several children.

This is presumably the suspect in the stabbings. Appears to have been tackled HARD by locals before authorities arrived:

I'm confused.
Why is this chap's head still attached to his body?

Stabbing kids?
Eye for an eye.... 10 seconds of knife work and voila'.

Best deterrent ever against future fuckery.

Like in UK stan round tip knifes only

huh....wonder when Ireland is going to call for a ban on assault knives...no one needs a knife with a blade over 3" and a high speed deployment.....only police and military are responsible enough to own knives.

what?....thats already the law?.....huh.....

View attachment 8280134

well its clear they need to ban ALL knives in Ireland.....a knife is only good for cutting things as fast as possible....no one has a need for that.
How fucking neutered are the men in that cuntree
If I remember right there was a guy he is a bad Orange man who told these fuck wads in Europe keep letting all these immigrants in and youre gonna get fucked. Of course, they laughed at him,Macron,Merkel and the rest of the globalist scumbags but whos right....AGAIN???????Soory for the kids but FAFO.Time to start electing leaders who put the people of their perspective countries over elitist global cunts.
That's interesting... I just returned from Dublin and there was Pro Palestinian shit EVERYWHERE.
All of this crap is a straight up mental disease. This super "liberal" (I don't think that's really the correct word for it anymore) insanity has been spread like a disease throughout the world through " education"( that damn sure isn't the right word for it anymore). At some point, we will all become uncomfortable enough to do something about it. Comfortable people don't start revolutions. Until that day comes, this sickness will be among us. There has to be a serious and national movement to revamp schools and get vouchers in place or we won't be able to do it. Our children spend too much time with these nuts for it not to rub off on them.

Homeschool for those who can, and private school for those who can is the only option presently, and it's just not feasible for so many. I'm so thankful we can afford Christian private school right now. I pray to always be able to afford it and that Alabama will get a voucher system in place, which will drastically change how all schooling works almost over night.

There are many small groups getting involved in schools now and it needs to continue and grow. This is how they have out flanked us and this is the only way we will gain ground. It's all about the kids and always has been.
Sure is starting to look like the goal is to sow chaos, anger, frustration, and hatred, then use the media to direct one side at the other, natrually getting the blamed side to be upset at the other side, which will create more hostility, anger, and distruction. When there's enough chaos, the people will beg for the .gov to control it, and stop it all. Then a brutal .gov will come in, strip all rights in the name of safety, security, and peace, and most of the people will go with it.

When I went to the Republic of Ireland in 2013 it was still feisty and the Pubs still played rebel music, when I returned in 2018 it was pacified and EuroTrashed. The Irish are Bell Beaker, they are pissed at the Politics of Europe. In 2013 you could get soda bread made on the hearth and freshly made ice cream, 2018 it was all packaged industrial made crap. The Irish need to clean house and give the finger to the EuroZone.
When I went to the Republic of Ireland in 2013 it was still feisty and the Pubs still played rebel music, when I returned in 2018 it was pacified and EuroTrashed. The Irish are Bell Beaker, they are pissed at the Politics of Europe. In 2013 you could get soda bread made on the hearth and freshly made ice cream, 2018 it was all packaged industrial made crap. The Irish need to clean house and give the finger to the EuroZone.

Not unlike here. Rural Ireland especially South and West is very rebel, screw England and independent minded like rural America. Dublin is like every big city here.....completely unrepresentative of the majority rural country. I refuse to go to Dublin just like every big city here. I am happy to fly into Shannon and stay in the little places though.
Complete MSM blackout. Some local news sites covering small parts of it are trying to play it off as a "football riot", which is only angering more people.

Somebody probably already said it, but MSM ain’t the only source for media now days. Funny they think news won’t get out if they don’t report it. Oh, yeah. They don’t actually report news; they are only about propaganda. I digress.

GO IRISH ☘️!!!
huh....wonder when Ireland is going to call for a ban on assault knives...no one needs a knife with a blade over 3" and a high speed deployment.....only police and military are responsible enough to own knives.

what?....thats already the law?.....huh.....

View attachment 8280134

well its clear they need to ban ALL knives in Ireland.....a knife is only good for cutting things as fast as possible....no one has a need for that.

Must suck to be a chef there...

Well, it's ireland. Everything they eat is either mashed, boiled or fermented. So not much need for chef knives, I guess.

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Must suck to be a chef there...

Well, it's ireland. Everything they eat is either mashed, boiled or fermented. So not much need for chef knives, I guess.


Even a person with very limited experience with tools can cut out a nice T handle push dagger with a 5-6 inch blade from a blank carbon steel plate, and finish and grind the edges razor sharp in the time it takes to prepare a pack of instant noodles in a saucepot. Someone with decent dexterity and good time management can do both at the same time...

After that all it needs is a handle formed from Propoxy-20, or wood on both sides of the T-tang if you want to be more classy, and then a smartphone case with holster built inside and BOOM, you got a concealed fighting blade as good as any commercial model in existence...
Even a person with very limited experience with tools can cut out a nice T handle push dagger with a 5-6 inch blade from a blank carbon steel plate, and finish and grind the edges razor sharp in the time it takes to prepare a pack of instant noodles in a saucepot. Someone with decent dexterity and good time management can do both at the same time...

After that all it needs is a handle formed from Propoxy-20, or wood on both sides of the T-tang if you want to be more classy, and then a smartphone case with holster built inside and BOOM, you got a concealed fighting blade as good as any commercial model in existence...

Be careful with all that info, Hoss...

Them ITAR folks might consider that to be exporting military secrets!


Even a person with very limited experience with tools can cut out a nice T handle push dagger with a 5-6 inch blade from a blank carbon steel plate, and finish and grind the edges razor sharp in the time it takes to prepare a pack of instant noodles in a saucepot. Someone with decent dexterity and good time management can do both at the same time...

After that all it needs is a handle formed from Propoxy-20, or wood on both sides of the T-tang if you want to be more classy, and then a smartphone case with holster built inside and BOOM, you got a concealed fighting blade as good as any commercial model in existence...
Its really much simpler. medium Phillips screwdriver or icepick in the ear canal. Wiggle briefly until movement stops. Discard into river, rinse, repeat.
Irish, historically, are edged weapon fighting sonsabitches. 'He has an ax to grind' was a term brought from Ireland and was literal. Axes were primary go to weapons. I'm thinking it comes from the Viking genes. I would have thought their first reaction would have been to go slap chop on those terrorists.

That gene surfaced one night when I was awaken by the sound of what I thought was somebody coming through a living room window. I forego a 1911 laying on the bedside table and instinctively grabbed my Cold Steel Trail Master. I was pissed and this was going to be up close and personal in the dark.

It turned out to be the neighbor's cat had somehow snuck into the house and was trying to tear a hole in the window blinds trying to get out.
All of this crap is a straight up mental disease. This super "liberal" (I don't think that's really the correct word for it anymore) insanity has been spread like a disease throughout the world through " education"( that damn sure isn't the right word for it anymore). At some point, we will all become uncomfortable enough to do something about it. Comfortable people don't start revolutions. Until that day comes, this sickness will be among us. There has to be a serious and national movement to revamp schools and get vouchers in place or we won't be able to do it. Our children spend too much time with these nuts for it not to rub off on them.

Homeschool for those who can, and private school for those who can is the only option presently, and it's just not feasible for so many. I'm so thankful we can afford Christian private school right now. I pray to always be able to afford it and that Alabama will get a voucher system in place, which will drastically change how all schooling works almost over night.

There are many small groups getting involved in schools now and it needs to continue and grow. This is how they have out flanked us and this is the only way we will gain ground. It's all about the kids and always has been.
Absolutely. My wife gave up a career as a military officer to allow us to home school. That income would have been a lot of help, but our kids are better this way.
Absolutely. My wife gave up a career as a military officer to allow us to home school. That income would have been a lot of help, but our kids are better this way.
Yeah. My wife quit her career and works for me from home for that same reason. It would be nice to have that dual income but having her here to be with my kids when they are young is well worth it. When they are both in school we may do things a little differently but we may not. My wife isn't cut out for doing homeschooling though but we are blessed to have such an excellent private Christian school that we have our oldest in and will have my youngest there too God willing. It's a heavy expense for 2 of them but it's the most important thing in my life too so where they go to school is a top priority.

I'd really like to have "community/neighborhood school" so our kids could just go to with 7 or 8 others and pay a legit teacher to do it.
Irish, historically, are edged weapon fighting sonsabitches. 'He has an ax to grind' was a term brought from Ireland and was literal. Axes were primary go to weapons. I'm thinking it comes from the Viking genes. I would have thought their first reaction would have been to go slap chop on those terrorists.

That gene surfaced one night when I was awaken by the sound of what I thought was somebody coming through a living room window. I forego a 1911 laying on the bedside table and instinctively grabbed my Cold Steel Trail Master. I was pissed and this was going to be up close and personal in the dark.

It turned out to be the neighbor's cat had somehow snuck into the house and was trying to tear a hole in the window blinds trying to get out.

It would be true. I did my DNA for the hell of it. 66% Irish and 18% Scandanavian the rest shitty English. Irish genes are strong...hell my Irish ancestors came here in the 1800's....that and small town southern inbreeding:LOL: Hell even got a blood disorder where I produce too many red blood cells and have high hematocrit unless I donate blood regularly. Very beneficial when you are hacking the shit out of each other on the regular. Hematologist called it the "viking gene". Those vikings must have sowed seed like frat boys when they hit the shores of Ireland.
Yo, nigga, dont forget al the pissed men who didnt serve but have become quite proficient in placing lead pellets in small places at long distances.

I am so fucking angry and disgusted with what has been done to the precious gift we've been given I could chew nails. The insult to everyone from George Washington to the last to die in some shithole mideast garbage dump is unacceptable at any and all levels.

I've shot against many civilians who have outshot me. Their passion for shooting humbles me regularly.
It would be true. I did my DNA for the hell of it. 66% Irish and 18% Scandanavian the rest shitty English. Irish genes are strong...hell my Irish ancestors came here in the 1800's....that and small town southern inbreeding:LOL: Hell even got a blood disorder where I produce too many red blood cells and have high hematocrit unless I donate blood regularly. Very beneficial when you are hacking the shit out of each other on the regular. Hematologist called it the "viking gene". Those vikings must have sowed seed like frat boys when they hit the shores of Ireland.
Many English women gave it up willingly to the Norse raiders. The swashbuckling Vikings were more virile, bigger, better looking and practiced better hygiene than the slovenly, ghoulish English turds with their disgusting, inbred teeth.

Found in Viking graves, along with their weapons, were whale bone combs and toothbrushes. The English had no use for either.
When the Syrian invasion started a few years ago, no Muslim country would take the fleeing, gutless Muslim cowards from the country. The Saudis did send $155 million euros to the EU for the construction of mosques in Europe. Why? Because it was a fucking invasion.

I hope the Irish kill them all or drive them into the sea. Like I've said more than a few times on this forum. Hitler did not change the cops, he simply changed the laws and the cops crapped on the people they were supposed to help. That is a perfect example of the same thing. Not one fucking Irish cop cares about the kids who got stabbed, only about the rights of the terrorist who stabbed them.

Same thing is happening here. More often than not, the cops are there to protect criminals from you hurting them or stopping their crimes. They do not care if you get murdered in your own home as long as the criminals are safe from you fighting back.

The large city near me just had an election. The media was all in with the communist running for mayor and the defund the police darkie running for council president. It is all " vote by mail" here. To no one's surprise they got letter stuffed with a mysterious white powder and reported it was MAGA types trying to cheat the election. All of the letters in question were from Portland and they stopped the vote count for a few days. Then they stopped reporting on the vote counting and then a week later they announced the communists had won it all.

The police chief resigned effective the first day of commie control and a new gay black man will be hired to represent the 10% of the area that are criminals and supporters of crime. The cops are all looking for jobs or retiring as they know they will be fired next. The new council darkie wants homeless camps in school playgrounds and city parks, free needles, no drug crimes and no more arrests for car jacking, shoplifting and assaults 'cause dats racist.
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When the Syrian invasion started a few years ago, no Muslim country would take the fleeing, gutless Muslim cowards from the country. The Saudis did send $155 million euros to the EU for the construction of mosques in Europe. Why? Because it was a fucking invasion.

I hope the Irish kill them all or drive them into the sea. Like I've said more than a few times on this forum. Hitler did not change the cops, he simply changed the laws and the cops crapped on the people they were supposed to help. That is a perfect example of the same thing. Not one fucking Irish cop cares about the kids who got stabbed, only about the rights of the terrorist who stabbed them.

Same thing is happening here. More often than not, the cops are there to protect criminals from you hurting them or stopping their crimes. They do not care if you get murdered in your own home as long as the criminals are safe from you fighting back.

The cops don't care about anyone but themselves, their paycheck and their pension.
The cops don't care about anyone but themselves, their paycheck and their pension.

Self preservation is the key motivating incentive for those who stand by no noble beliefs. The Latin American gangs know exactly how to get the police to back off from interrupting their business and they have it honed to an art form. If a cartel member in Mexico is arrested by a local police force or the military, one or more members of that police force or the army can be expected to be abducted and held hostage by the cartel very shortly. Sometimes, the policemen get a little too enthusiastic about avenging comrades killed in past clashes, and the cartel member ends up dead in their custody from beating or torture. And like clockwork, in the next few days, the abducted policemen or soldiers would also be found dangling from a lonely railroad bridge with limbs chainsawed off. That is why the war against the cartels in Mexico has effectively become a stalemate, because the cartels also demonstrated that they can play the "live human asset" game just as well as their government opponents...
Sure is starting to look like the goal is to sow chaos, anger, frustration, and hatred, then use the media to direct one side at the other, natrually getting the blamed side to be upset at the other side, which will create more hostility, anger, and distruction. When there's enough chaos, the people will beg for the .gov to control it, and stop it all. Then a brutal .gov will come in, strip all rights in the name of safety, security, and peace, and most of the people will go with it.

It's not rocket science. A House Divided

(Matthew 12:22-30; Luke 11:14-23)

24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
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I'm confused.
Why is this chap's head still attached to his body?

Stabbing kids?
Eye for an eye.... 10 seconds of knife work and voila'.

Best deterrent ever against future fuckery.

This is where @wade2big has it correct. The kings men as of now have a monopoly on violence and application of the law. The reason that dudes brains are bashed into the sidewalk? Because the kings men will throw you in prison for the rest of your life. The invaders now have “rights”. You’ll never get rid of them inside of lawful means. The lawyers will make sure of that.

The 3rd round of crusades won’t happen with modern government/police/justice system in place.
huh....wonder when Ireland is going to call for a ban on assault knives...no one needs a knife with a blade over 3" and a high speed deployment.....only police and military are responsible enough to own knives.

what?....thats already the law?.....huh.....

View attachment 8280134

well its clear they need to ban ALL knives in Ireland.....a knife is only good for cutting things as fast as possible....no one has a need for
And what the fook is a cm?

(Rhetorical question…..no instruction required. 😏)
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I'm a sucker for beautiful redheads. I'm a sucker for beautiful Irish women. I'm a fly caught in the spider's web when it comes to beautiful Irish redheads.

So let's hope they get rid of the goatfuckers to preserve beautiful Irish redheads!


Pretty sure she could stab dead a whole platoon of goatfuckers just for fun.

She looks very stabby.
