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False Alert and Hilarious Reaction


Banned !
Nov 22, 2012
Kicking Ass Somewhere
Just listening to a democrat congress bitch blaming trump for not having talks with NORKS and causing the scare of her family and constituents. going back to LBJ maybe even Ike and Harry, our presidents have shirked their responsibility and the last 4 are going to be directly responsible for not fully funding missile defense and slapping down the Kims. Bush senior and Clinton had the best opportunity to defeat him militarily. If Hawaii gets nuked I would hold the last 4 responsible , like treason responsible, with appropriate punishment for the globalist POS's.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/efHzGxEzDQA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Just listening to a democrat congress bitch blaming trump for not having talks with NORKS and causing the scare of her family and constituents. going back to LBJ maybe even Ike and Harry, our presidents have shirked their responsibility and the last 4 are going to be directly responsible for not fully funding missile defense and slapping down the Kims. Bush senior and Clinton had the best opportunity to defeat him militarily. If Hawaii gets nuked I would hold the last 4 responsible , like treason responsible, with appropriate punishment for the globalist POS's.

Okay, just trying to understand your state of mind. A guy goes on a shooting rampage and you blame all the bullshit in the guys life and not the guy himself?

Do you blame the USA for Pearl Harbor? Some how believing that the political pressure USA put on Japan at the time justified Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor?

If Kim-jong- fuck face makes the decision to "push the button" that is on him not on us nor our past leaders.

A preemptive strike has never and will never work. It does not work on a personal level or a world level.
It worked in Iraq. Preemptive strikes do work, and we are still technically in conflict with NORK so no its just a continuation and finishing of what should have been done in 52 when McArthur wanted to finish it. Yes I will blame them for letting Kim Nuke us, he said he will do exactly that and those presidents defunded missile defense, your other scenarios have no place in this conversation.

Okay, just trying to understand your state of mind. A guy goes on a shooting rampage and you blame all the bullshit in the guys life and not the guy himself?

Do you blame the USA for Pearl Harbor? Some how believing that the political pressure USA put on Japan at the time justified Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor?

If Kim-jong- fuck face makes the decision to "push the button" that is on him not on us nor our past leaders.

A preemptive strike has never and will never work. It does not work on a personal level or a world level.

Okay, just trying to understand your state of mind. A guy goes on a shooting rampage and you blame all the bullshit in the guys life and not the guy himself?

Do you blame the USA for Pearl Harbor? Some how believing that the political pressure USA put on Japan at the time justified Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor?

If Kim-jong- fuck face makes the decision to "push the button" that is on him not on us nor our past leaders.

A preemptive strike has never and will never work. It does not work on a personal level or a world level.

I have to disagree with your third statement.
Here's why: