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Flared .308 brass?


Full Member
Feb 14, 2017
Hey guys. Im trying to bump my shoulders down .002 as per the guys on Modern Day Sniper, but after I ran them through my FL sizing die (minus the expander ball) I noticed that all my cases have a 2 thou flare at the case
mouth. WTF? This never happened just running the normal FL die setup.
The end of the neck is springier and has less material in front holding it in back in place. Yyou sized it down far enough that the mouth is springing back larger but the rest of the neck is holding its smaller diameter.

Whats the difference between your loaded round outside neck diameter, the sized mid neck diameter and the sized flared mouth diameter?

What it measure if you use the expander ball?

What happens if you anneal it?
I havent run it thru my sinclair expander yet so this may be a moot point. Standby good sir.
Oops, it came right out after I ran it thru the expander mandrel. Thanks anyways!