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Have i changed a single mind? Pi**a G@te IS real!

That was absolutely majestic.
Have you guys ever seen the video series on you tube called "fall of the cabal"? It was probably 3 or 4 years ago. Last I knew it was nuked. It covered nearly everything and everyone in this thread. Some of it seemed a little farfetched but had lots of supporting evidence.

I don't know how to find it now. A coworker of mine at the time got me going on it.
Have you guys ever seen the video series on you tube called "fall of the cabal"? It was probably 3 or 4 years ago. Last I knew it was nuked. It covered nearly everything and everyone in this thread. Some of it seemed a little farfetched but had lots of supporting evidence.

I don't know how to find it now. A coworker of mine at the time got me going on it.

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And if one looks up missing children in Maui the majority of the media reports are "fact checks" when people on the ground say otherwise.

And then there was the hot Mike incident with Amy Robach who was pissed she crashed told not to talk about the Epstein story long before he made the news.

The media's job is to keep us stupid and divided, they are doing great.
For a while I have been of the opinion that none of this will change until we hold the media's "feet to the fire." Whether that is done literally or figuratively, I leave to you. But until there are some pretty dire consequences for omissions, coverups, or outright blatant lies... Then we won't get the truth.

When reporters, editors, and producers come to the harsh realization that airing stories like "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" is not conducive to a long and pain-free life then things will get truthful in a hurry. There isn't a paycheck big enough to convince Valerie from Ch 5 to air a blatant lie if she knows it will drastically reduce the number of sunrises she will live to see.

Not many want to say that. And even fewer want to hear it... But that's the sad, cold, hard truth of it.

Have you guys ever seen the video series on you tube called "fall of the cabal"? It was probably 3 or 4 years ago. Last I knew it was nuked. It covered nearly everything and everyone in this thread. Some of it seemed a little farfetched but had lots of supporting evidence.

I don't know how to find it now. A coworker of mine at the time got me going on it.
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Sounds like you are rooting for the pedos.

Just facing the reality that they're like cockroaches except cockroaches are worth more.

They're everywhere, even in hallowed places. We'll probably never get rid of all of them but I'm OK with getting rid of all the ones we find, preferably permanently.

Being a drama queen about it in an echo chamber probably won't stop very many.
Dates on posts are 2015/16.

Looks like AI psyop.

Only thing I saw in there that looked truthful is that 2A is dismissed as meaningless because no one will use it.

Also looks like the idea of not wanting depopulation has “evolved”.

Agreed. It's definitely psyop and fascinating for a variety of reasons. It predates Q and feeds my theory a little bit about how all of this is playing out. I've suspected that Q and Trump are part of the NWO plan for a long time. Their role is to keep patriots calm and believing in a good guy plan to buy more time. This "three" person and that thread has some things in it that validate my thoughts.
Agreed. It's definitely psyop and fascinating for a variety of reasons. It predates Q and feeds my theory a little bit about how all of this is playing out. I've suspected that Q and Trump are part of the NWO plan for a long time. Their role is to keep patriots calm and believing in a good guy plan to buy more time. This "three" person and that thread has some things in it that validate my thoughts.
This. I’ve thought for a long time that Trump is controlled opposition and a useful idiot. Man is never going to save us.
Dates on posts are 2015/16.

Looks like AI psyop.

Only thing I saw in there that looked truthful is that 2A is dismissed as meaningless because no one will use it.

Also looks like the idea of not wanting depopulation has “evolved”.
I see it as someone who may be an “insider” but doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. As in his hubris blinds him and he only thinks he knows, when it is deeper
Just facing the reality that they're like cockroaches except cockroaches are worth more.

They're everywhere, even in hallowed places. We'll probably never get rid of all of them but I'm OK with getting rid of all the ones we find, preferably permanently.

Being a drama queen about it in an echo chamber probably won't stop very many.
Someone said if you want to stop it. You kill the offenders *and* the victims.

Cause the victims are likely to do the same thing.

I’m convinced most faggots were molested/ raped when young and it turned them.

Monkey pox lends credence to that
Someone said if you want to stop it. You kill the offenders *and* the victims.

Cause the victims are likely to do the same thing.

I’m convinced most faggots were molested/ raped when young and it turned them.

Monkey pox lends credence to that

Could be something to the molested thing. There was a study a while back that supported the idea that a lot of fat chicks made themselves fat (intentionally or impulsively) to make themselves less attractive because they were molested by a family member as a child. Trauma is definitely a proven behavior changer even at very young ages.

But then I have two female dogs that we got from the same litter as soon as they were weaned and they've been trying to hump each other at least a couple times a week since long before they were ever exposed to other dogs. I've also heard porpoises will hump nearly anything whether it moves or not.

Based on the latter and more examples like it I tend to believe at least some gay/fag behavior doesn't originate from nurture and is inevitable. That said, it needs to be voluntary and between adults or it needs to be skinned and it's head put on a post as an example.
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Could be something to the molested thing. There was a study a while back that supported the idea that a lot of fat chicks made themselves fat (intentionally or impulsively) to make themselves less attractive because they were molested by a family member as a child. Trauma is definitely a proven behavior changer even at very young ages.

But then I have two female dogs that we got from the same litter as soon as they were weaned and they've been trying to hump each other at least a couple times a week since long before they were ever exposed to other dogs. I've also heard porpoises will hump nearly anything whether it moves or not.

Based on the latter and more examples like it I tend to believe at least some gay/fag behavior doesn't originate from nurture and is inevitable. That said, it needs to be voluntary and between adults or it needs to be skinned and it's head put on a post as an example.
@Bigfatcock does not endorse this post.

Fake news!
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Deeeeep hole here

Tracey Twyman

Dont even get em started on Fiona Barnett.
Holy shit bro...
If even 1% of "Eyes Wide Open" is true... well, its some of the most fckd stuff I ever read.

And yall know Im pretty deep into the Mexican Cartels/Drug wars... and the only 2 things/stories from the narco world that even comes close to disturbing me as much as Fiona's story is the femicides of Juarez(still a mystery to this day who was killing all those women in Juarez from the mid 90's to ~2009 or so BTW) which is a rabbit hole in itself: "elites" coming down to Juarez for some demonic delights where a murder can easily be disguised as a cartel hit? A/multiple serial killers who again, chose Juarez because it was super hot/violent in that period and dead chicks would go uninvestigated?
"The Counselor" had a interesting take.. but IMO the femicides went far deeper and had a far more sinister explanation(I tend to lean toward elites paying cartels(or simply dedicated "professional" kidnapping groups eg: Los Polillos from Tijuana) to kidnap chicks off the street for them to then have their fun with along with serial killers using the warzone to have their fun):

Personally disagree with their explanation^^.. I just can't see it. If it were Los Zetas then absolutely I could see them doing shit like this. They massacred entire towns just because a single dude from the town snitched. But the Juarez Cartel capos themselves just never really had that reputation for crazy evil or anything really hinting to it...
And the other narco story thats nearly as disturbing as Fiona Barnett's was "el narcosatanico". Adolfo Constanzo. This demon literally had other capos scared to even go near or work with the dude.

Fiona's story is downright unnerving though. The power of the individuals involved.. the details of the rituals.. hol-eeee fckn shit bro
Dont even get em started on Fiona Barnett.
Holy shit bro...
If even 1% of "Eyes Wide Open" is true... well, its some of the most fckd stuff I ever read.

And yall know Im pretty deep into the Mexican Cartels/Drug wars... and the only 2 things/stories from the narco world that even comes close to disturbing me as much as Fiona's story is the femicides of Juarez(still a mystery to this day who was killing all those women in Juarez from the mid 90's to ~2009 or so BTW) which is a rabbit hole in itself: "elites" coming down to Juarez for some demonic delights where a murder can easily be disguised as a cartel hit? A/multiple serial killers who again, chose Juarez because it was super hot/violent in that period and dead chicks would go uninvestigated?
"The Counselor" had a interesting take.. but IMO the femicides went far deeper and had a far more sinister explanation(I tend to lean toward elites paying cartels(or simply dedicated "professional" kidnapping groups eg: Los Polillos from Tijuana) to kidnap chicks off the street for them to then have their fun with along with serial killers using the warzone to have their fun):

Personally disagree with their explanation^^.. I just can't see it. If it were Los Zetas then absolutely I could see them doing shit like this. They massacred entire towns just because a single dude from the town snitched. But the Juarez Cartel capos themselves just never really had that reputation for crazy evil or anything really hinting to it...
And the other narco story thats nearly as disturbing as Fiona Barnett's was "el narcosatanico". Adolfo Constanzo. This demon literally had other capos scared to even go near or work with the dude.

Fiona's story is downright unnerving though. The power of the individuals involved.. the details of the rituals.. hol-eeee fckn shit bro

Fiona’s story should call everyone to arms on a death March. But no, sill asleep
Someone said if you want to stop it. You kill the offenders *and* the victims.

Cause the victims are likely to do the same thing.

I’m convinced most faggots were molested/ raped when young and it turned them.

Monkey pox lends credence to that
I remember hearing this story of a family that had something like five daughters and a son that was the youngest. The oldest daughter might have been early teens I'm not sure but the son ended up drowning in a swimming pool when he was a couple years old and as a result, directly or indirectly, the mother become some sort of radical man hating lesbian.

Nothing new with man hating lesbians however her five daughters also all turned out to be lesbians as well, now statistically this doesn't really add up and is one of the clearest cases of nature vs trauma/up-bring in regards to gay folk that I've heard about.

As for child abuse, yes there is a very strong link between children who were abused turning into abusers themselves.
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Discretion advised when reading that book gents^^. It's completely fckd.
Nicole Kidman is definitely a player.. her dad was a head honcho.

I'm just glad Jesus found this lady Fiona. Don't wanna spoil the story but she was literally in the middle of a child sacrifice, they were about to get her to kill a kid for the first time when she says a bright beam of light entered through the window and a voice called out to her "are you sure you want to do this Fiona? Are you here voluntarily?" ....
Fckn insane story dude.
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Someone said if you want to stop it. You kill the offenders *and* the victims.

Cause the victims are likely to do the same thing.

I’m convinced most faggots were molested/ raped when young and it turned them.

Monkey pox lends credence to that
You are correct. Why do you think, until recently, strict laws with harsh penalties were created to deter THAT sort of shit.
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Too bad they didn't resist a little and survived.
Thats the thing with pedos...
They can't really be redeemed or "cured" aside from a terminal solution.

Eg: a drug user or violent alcoholic can get clean and lead a productive life contributing to society, or a drug dealer can be reformed and turn their sales enthusiasm toward something legitimate. A lock-picking thief can be reformed and become a consultant for companies that make safes. Etc etc... most criminals can be reformed when they see what hard time feels and looks like.
But theres a "one percent" that simply dont belong in society and never will. Dudes who get off on rape, diddling little kids, serial killers/sociopath monsters, etc.. theres no way to reform that. Their brain and soul is fckd. I aint even sure that castration would solve their illness..? But it'd be a decent start I suppose.

Which leads me to question- why do we have non-violent drug offenders doing LIFE.. while at the same time letting pedos go with less than 5 years or in some cases a slap on the wrist? Theres something wrong with that picture. Something even more wrong with the picture when the Podestas of the world never face any justice at all.. or even any serious investigation.
Professional courtesy?
Exactly what I was trying to subtly hint at, unfortunately. Nice "conclusion-drawing" there (y) (is that a term? Anyway...)

So many of the lawmakers, kingmakers, and others who live an entire lifetime in power profiting directly from our taxes being deposited in their various accounts... they sympathize with the pedos. They know very well that if they fall out of favor with the establishment or make a couple wrong moves OPSEC-wise, it could very easily be them on the chopping block having a sentence handed down for their perversions. So in turn they make policies which are soft on punishment for their own fckd up perversions, while the legal problems that are usually reserved for us peons and our family members(drug charges, illegal SBR's or any other tard 2A infringement, etc.), they throw the book at us and use it as a way to suck even more money from us(along with other life-altering consequences).

California is all the way screwed. Legalizing sodomy with underage kids, no punishment at all for all types of theft and even some violent crimes.. but let a taxpayer get caught with a unregistered SBR + no "bullet button" or whatever tardedness they require out there, they'll turn his life upside down.
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  • Lawrence E. King
  • Alan Baer: Heir to the Brandeis fortune, wealthy Omaha businessman
  • Harold Andersen: Publisher and CEO of the Omaha World-Herald
  • Robert Wadman: Omaha police chief (1982-1986, 1987-1989)
  • Peter Citron: Columnist in the World-Herald and TV personality
  • Theodore Carlson: Judge for the Douglas County District Court
  • Eugene Mahoney: Game and Parks Commissioner of Omaha
  • P.J. Morgan: Mayor of Omaha (1989-1994)
  • Ronald Roskens: President of the University of Nebraska system (1977-1989), USAID administrator (1990-1993)
  • Deward Finch: Superintendent of the Fort Calhoun school district
  • Kent Miller: Principal at Fort Calhoun High School
  • Father James Kelly: Director of Spiritual Affairs at Boys Town
  • Dr. Leslie Collins: Longtime Boys Town counselor (with a self-proclaimed CIA background)
  • Thomas Thalken?: Assistant US Attorney
  • Harmon Tucker?: Supervisor of vocational education for the Council Bluffs school district
  • ...

Washington DC​

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