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I'm sorry for posting this....DO NOT read or go to the link if you have thin skin.


Dog-Face One-Horse Pony-Soldier (AVN RGT)
Full Member
  • Feb 14, 2011
    I'm usually pretty laid back, not much gets the hate flowing towards someone or topic. I don't mind conversation, I enjoy hearing both sides of the argument.

    With this shit I just don't know anymore....I can't even FATHOM the conversation people have gone thru to get to this point. I read thru this article just to end up speechless.

    I'm usually pretty laid back, not much gets the hate flowing towards someone or topic. I don't mind conversation, I enjoy hearing both sides of the argument.

    With this shit I just don't know anymore....I can't even FATHOM the conversation people have gone thru to get to this point. I read thru this article just to end up speechless.

    Anyone that said gay marriage was a slippery slope ( no pun intended) was considered a nut conspiratorialist.

    Conspiracy and truth is defined by the passage of time
    They’ve been given over to a reprobate mind.

    “For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient (proper)” (Romans 1:26-28).
    OK, so I know I am out of touch but I can usually figure things out on my own but do those pictures have to do with "females transitioning to males"?

    The cut out muscle and skin to attach a surgeon created "penis". It's called a phalloplasty and has 100% chance of complications that range from awful to living hell. It's literally a nightmare come into reality.
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    Drano, the liquid formula, is a mixture of bleach and lye. This is a highly caustic formula designed to dissolve hair, fats, and proteins. Filling a colon would result in almost instant chemical burns and then internal bleeding. The lye would react with the water in your body and form hydrogen gas. Eventually, you end up bleeding out while the Drano continues to burn it's way through your guts. It would be an incredibly painful and prolonged death.

    Drano, the liquid formula, is a mixture of bleach and lye. This is a highly caustic formula designed to dissolve hair, fats, and proteins. Filling a colon would result in almost instant chemical burns and then internal bleeding. The lye would react with the water in your body and form hydrogen gas. Eventually, you end up bleeding out while the Drano continues to burn it's way through your guts. It would be an incredibly painful and prolonged death.

    Only contains a small amount of caustic. Also, the whole hydrogen gas thing is a no. Metal hydroxides ionize with water.
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    They’ve been given over to a reprobate mind.

    “For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient (proper)” (Romans 1:26-28).
    Where it all goes after being given over is a nightmare. Being given over to sin is not just God simply pulling away, it’s a curse. And we are only living in the initial phases of this. And it is our collective fault.

    On the left is Michigans cunt of a governor in the middle is a tranny and on the left is a school administrator -main reason we are home schooling- that just may trigger someone somewhere eventually to go all kildozerish.
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    I'm usually pretty laid back, not much gets the hate flowing towards someone or topic. I don't mind conversation, I enjoy hearing both sides of the argument.

    With this shit I just don't know anymore....I can't even FATHOM the conversation people have gone thru to get to this point. I read thru this article just to end up speechless.


    Awesome... [sarc] my high school is included in this shit. I went there, my parents went there, my kids will not.

    There was definitely some weirdness when I was there in the early 90s. I remember my sophomore year English teacher talking about how "anyone would bend over and grab their ankles for the right price."
    • Wow
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    On the left is Michigans cunt of a governor in the middle is a tranny and on the left is a school administrator -main reason we are home schooling- that just may trigger someone somewhere eventually to go all kildozerish.

    Gay staff is why you’re homeschooling?

    For me the major reason would be because it’s not school as much as gov indoctrination center, and big gov has killed far more than some wacky looking crossdresser, though that’s not good ether

    When I was a kid a male neighbor would cross dress, even got tits installed, he had a wife too, sometimes would be working on his place in like dazy dukes with a bikini top for is man tits, anyway we all thought it was funny, but he was cool so no one gave him crap, in fact borrowed some saws and stuff from him a few times, he was also on a bowling league with lots of the local people in our “hood”, though he dressed more normal for that

    Anyway, he didn’t try to tell teenage me about whatever the fuck he had going on, and I didn’t ask

    Life rolled along just fine

    Not sure why people need to put stuff in everyone’s face these days
    Awesome... [sarc] my high school is included in this shit. I went there, my parents went there, my kids will not.

    There was definitely some weirdness when I was there in the early 90s. I remember my sophomore year English teacher talking about how "anyone would bend over and grab their ankles for the right price."

    Your English teacher might have been one of the few ones teaching the truth
    Gay staff is why you’re homeschooling?

    For me the major reason would be because it’s not school as much as gov indoctrination center, and big gov has killed far more than some wacky looking crossdresser, though that’s not good ether

    When I was a kid a male neighbor would cross dress, even got tits installed, he had a wife too, sometimes would be working on his place in like dazy dukes with a bikini top for is man tits, anyway we all thought it was funny, but he was cool so no one gave him crap, in fact borrowed some saws and stuff from him a few times, he was also on a bowling league with lots of the local people in our “hood”, though he dressed more normal for that

    Anyway, he didn’t try to tell teenage me about whatever the fuck he had going on, and I didn’t ask

    Life rolled along just fine

    Not sure why people need to put stuff in everyone’s face these days
    Of course there are multiple reasons for homeschooling globalhomo if foremost among them. Big big difference between gay teacher or tranny neighbor whom does not expose himself to children and half naked tranny shows - Big difference
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    Yo. Yo. YO. Where these muthafuckas were at when I was 11, huh? Give me a dildo, watch me turn that shit into a concealed shank with a 4 inch blade and then open yo ass up like a junkyard car with all yo insides out right in front of everybody. Even at that age I know what a predator is and I don't have no qualms about putting one permanently to sleep if I ever run into one.
    Yo. Yo. YO. Where these muthafuckas were at when I was 11, huh? Give me a dildo, watch me turn that shit into a concealed shank with a 4 inch blade and then open yo ass up like a junkyard car with all yo insides out right in front of everybody. Even at that age I know what a predator is and I don't have no qualms about putting one permanently to sleep if I ever run into one.

    As a kid I’d be sling shotting those things, hitting other kids with them, get some model rocket motors and making a dick missiles, there’d be mushrooms prints abound 😂
    I've told you this before.
    You don't believe me, nor do you believe the man who wrote it.
    You were told in 1987, that the things you are seeing, has been planned.
    He told you it was their goal, and you sat by for nearly 4 decades insisting they just wanted to be who they are. You ignored their "in your face" activism...and here we are.
    Look it up for yourself.
    Michael Swift, gay revolutionary.
    He told you what he and others like him wanted to do.
    "Well you are painting with a broad brush..."
    Am I motherfucker?
    From where I'm looking, its leaving pretty broad rainbow strokes.

    You never try to eat an elephant in one bite.
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