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Jane Fonda: ‘There’d Be No Climate Crisis if It Wasn’t For Racism’


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Feb 25, 2017

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 30: Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda host Homeboy Industries 2019 Lo Máximo Awards Dinner at JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE on March 30, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images for Homeboy Industries)
Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images for Homeboy Industries
David Ng27 Jan 2023362


Hollywood star and radical leftist activist Jane Fonda has declared that the current “climate crisis” is a result of racism, saying in a recent interview that “everything’s connected.”
Speaking this week on NBC’s “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” Jane Fonda offered her theory on climate and race.
“Well, you know, you can take anything -– sexism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, whatever, the war, and if you really get into it, and study it and learn about it and the history of it and — everything’s connected. There’d be no climate crisis if it wasn’t for racism,” she said.
When asked to elaborate, Fonda replied: “Where would they put the shit ?”
“Where would they put the poison and the pollution?” she continued. “They’re not gonna put it in Bel Air. They’ve got to find some place where poor people or indigenous people or people of color are living. Put it there. They can’t fight back. And that’s why a big part of the climate movement now has to do with climate justice.”
Watch below:
Some real talk yesterday with @kellyclarkson and my Gameday crew. See more of the @KellyClarksonTV here: https://t.co/3tpSX6hXOr#80ForBrady @FireDrillFriday pic.twitter.com/38gmoEVSs6
— Jane Seymour Fonda (@Janefonda) January 25, 2023
This isn’t the first time Jane Fonda has linked racism and the climate.
In a December appearance on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” the two-time Oscar winner said that racist and misogynistic “mindsets” are causing the “climate crisis.”
Fonda’s climate activism began in earnest in 2019 when she led a series of protests in Washington, including one where she was arrested on Capitol Hill. She has since organized “Firedrill Fridays” — a series of in-person and virtual climate protests that recruit Hollywood celebrities to champion her cause.
Celebrities who have joined Fonda in her climate protests include Sally Field, Sam Waterston, Rosanna Arquette, and Joaquin Phoenix.

A good friend, veteran, spit on this traitorous bitch when she was at a book signing in Albuquerque many years ago. He's one of my heroes.
Everyone knows that the climate crisis is caused by Cheesteaks . They are an institutional construct of racism . They metaphorically represent the Brown skinned of the world , (the steak ) being lorded over , subjugated and literally held down by the provolone .
Further the cows slaughtered by predominantly white cattlemen let off tons of methane . In fact millions of Death Farts a year . The trucks that transport from ranch to processor to store etc . , more greenhouse gases . The gas grill at the local fastfood emporium . The delivery driver's 73 Pinto spewing death from a tail pipe .
Man I should write this shit for these fuck wits .
At least there are some examples in my bullshit instead of the straight up ass ventriloquism .

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 30: Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda host Homeboy Industries 2019 Lo Máximo Awards Dinner at JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE on March 30, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images for Homeboy Industries)
Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images for Homeboy Industries
David Ng27 Jan 2023362


Hollywood star and radical leftist activist Jane Fonda has declared that the current “climate crisis” is a result of racism, saying in a recent interview that “everything’s connected.”
Speaking this week on NBC’s “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” Jane Fonda offered her theory on climate and race.
“Well, you know, you can take anything -– sexism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, whatever, the war, and if you really get into it, and study it and learn about it and the history of it and — everything’s connected. There’d be no climate crisis if it wasn’t for racism,” she said.
When asked to elaborate, Fonda replied: “Where would they put the shit ?”
“Where would they put the poison and the pollution?” she continued. “They’re not gonna put it in Bel Air. They’ve got to find some place where poor people or indigenous people or people of color are living. Put it there. They can’t fight back. And that’s why a big part of the climate movement now has to do with climate justice.”
Watch below:

This isn’t the first time Jane Fonda has linked racism and the climate.
In a December appearance on MSNBC’s “The Beat,” the two-time Oscar winner said that racist and misogynistic “mindsets” are causing the “climate crisis.”
Fonda’s climate activism began in earnest in 2019 when she led a series of protests in Washington, including one where she was arrested on Capitol Hill. She has since organized “Firedrill Fridays” — a series of in-person and virtual climate protests that recruit Hollywood celebrities to champion her cause.
Celebrities who have joined Fonda in her climate protests include Sally Field, Sam Waterston, Rosanna Arquette, and Joaquin Phoenix.

A good friend, veteran, spit on this traitorous bitch when she was at a book signing in Albuquerque many years ago. He's one of my heroes.
good man, she's a cunt
I knew a gun shop owner in San Jose that had a box of the " Boycott Jane Fonda, American traitor Bitch" bumper stickers. I asked him
why he had so many and he said he wanted to make sure he had one for every car he would own in his lifetime.
the recruiter's office had hanoi jane urinal stickers in every urinal. i would think that after all these years, she would have given up the ghost after being "waterboarded" with all that piss.

i give no shits what she thinks. she gets no attention or clicks from me.

i also wonder why all these evil cocksuckers seem to go on and on and on.....they never seem to die.
Cool, if climate change is caused by racism, that means there's no reason not to have gas
stoves and diesel trucks. beef also, filet for everyone, let them cows fart
Cool, if climate change is caused by racism, that means there's no reason not to have gas
stoves and diesel trucks
You don’t understand. Everything can be blamed on racism, everything. It totally makes sense as long as you don’t spend even 5 seconds thinking about it
You don’t understand. Everything can be blamed on racism, everything. It totally makes sense as long as you don’t spend even 5 seconds thinking about it
Even the black guy killed by black cops in memphis is explained away as white supremacy culture. They'll ride that dead horse as long as it keeps blacks in line.
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By order of the squadron commander, we were not allowed to mention this cunt's name in the building....and funny enough, none of us had a single problem with it.

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WTF did she say? I'd even go as far as to give her the benfit of the doubt. Maybe she sniffed so much agent orange she has a problem using appropriate words in order, but JFC, this shit is just retarded.
Hard to penetrate the armed-guard perimeter.
Maybe today, I think it was 1994, but I was standing right beside the cunt in a bait shop in Fort Smith, MT. I assumed she was waiting for a guide to float the river.
It made my skin crawl.
I'm sure I'm not alone, but I always wonder how I will act if I do meet someone I despise, I froze up, and just glared at her. My wife was with, and we wanted to fish some ice out walleye above the dam, a scene wasn't in the cards that day.