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LOL do people actually shoot anymore?


Full Member
  • Jan 25, 2010
    the Westside
    I've been training someone for roughly the last year while they were recovering from a back surgery and couldn't really shoot comfortably. He had wanted to get into it more seriously and we came up with a plan where we'd get together twice a week and I'd go through everything. I honestly thought I'd burn him out because it was a ton of work, learning and constant improvement on things you can't just YouTube (well you can, but they're mostly totally fucking wrong and/or Fudd level).

    He had a bolt gun and nice Vortex scope beforehand, and shot a bit but was soon as I asked him how he adjusted for the huge temperature swings or the gigantic differences in DA from day to day we get out here and he just looked at me, I knew we were starting from the bottom. Which was actually kind of ideal.

    So for months, we went over basics and built onto them. I had a mapped out plan of what we'd do, what we'd learn and how to use it based on what you should now know. He went from never even having data to knowing how to set everything up and take specific notes for the day and position we were in. He can spot and set up first round hits, immediate adjustments, get you on new targets, make decisions, has a very good understanding of how wind works and tricks you and communicates information as good as anyone I've ever had to do this with. He understands equipment selection based on the mission, gear layouts, options depending on what we're doing, basically everything. I still get random texts and calls from him studying things during the week and asking questions. And I thought I'd burn him out at the start.

    All of this after roughly a year.

    I had him learn everything while I used a 22LR and we started on targets at around 100-175 and then moved on to 22 sized targets at 250 out to 300. Then I started bringing out my Mk12Mod1 to mix things up and go much further. The first time he saw what a 77g round could do, to his amazement as he was under the impression you couldn't get far with 5.56, he put together a parts list and built a Mod0.

    So whats my point in this?

    He knows and works with a ton of 'gun people' that 'shoot alot'. Some are even the 'I shot a .5 group at a mile' types.

    Anyone that he has ever told what we are doing as far as equipment and hits thinks he is 110% full of shit.

    22LR with consistent hits at 200+? Fucking impossible.

    5.56 at 712 yards on a 60% IPSC going 4/5 or 5/5? No fucking way. (literally did this yesterday to the point it got boring;)

    Doing all of this in crazy southern Utah desert winds in canyons? You're a fucking liar.

    What is this with people? I see this trend more and more. EVERYONE has a gun and/or a 'sniper rifle' and has all sorts of stories. Then when people actually do things, people literally lose their minds trying to prove to you how a 77g 5.56 round 'looses too much energy' to even go 700 yards LOL

    Does anyone actually fucking shoot anymore or does everyone just buy shit and play Tactical Mr.Potatohead with gun accessories for pictures? Anytime I've had anyone out there (if theyd even show up) theyd be a total shit show but have like 8k worth of shit on their custom gun. WTF people?

    And for those that are interested, the Mk12Mod1 I have (because I know you're going to ask):

    Colt M16A1 lower US gov marked
    KAC trigger
    HCS built Colt upper with the Mk12 chamber
    Douglas barrel
    Ops Inc suppressor
    Nightforce NAVSPEC 2.5-10x24 (second run version so it is mil/mil)
    Nightforce rings
    Wilcox MRDS ring half
    Insight MRDS
    Harris bipod
    Wilcox RAPTAR

    I shoot McCourt Munitions MK262 that he made specifically for this chamber/gun.
    Last edited:
    Before I quit going to the public range, MO dept of conservation. I was out there fairly often, and shooting my general "old stuff". I was amazed at the number of people with pretty new springfield M1's and set the target at 25 yards. I am there with a 90yr old Remington model 8 in 30 remington. What is 30 remington, basically a rimless 30-30. Oh you can't shoot that at 100 yards (distance of the range), you will not even hit paper. Oddly enough they get quiet when the targets come back. One even walked down with me to "help" me get the target. Guess he thought I was poking holes in it with a pencil or something.

    People are clueless at what guns in general do.
    I've been training someone for roughly the last year while they were recovering from a back surgery and couldn't really shoot comfortably. He had wanted to get into it more seriously and we came up with a plan where we'd get together twice a week and I'd go through everything. I honestly thought I'd burn him out because it was a ton of work, learning and constant improvement on things you can't just YouTube (well you can, but they're mostly totally fucking wrong and/or Fudd level).

    He had a bolt gun and nice Vortex scope beforehand, and shot a bit but was soon as I asked him how he adjusted for the huge temperature swings or the gigantic differences in DA from day to day we get out here and he just looked at me, I knew we were starting from the bottom. Which was actually kind of ideal.

    So for months, we went over basics and built onto them. I had a mapped out plan of what we'd do, what we'd learn and how to use it based on what you should now know. He went from never even having data to knowing how to set everything up and take specific notes for the day and position we were in. He can spot and set up first round hits, immediate adjustments, get you on new targets, make decisions, has a very good understanding of how wind works and tricks you and communicates information as good as anyone I've ever had to do this with. He understands equipment selection based on the mission, gear layouts, options depending on what we're doing, basically everything. I still get random texts and calls from him studying things during the week and asking questions. And I thought I'd burn him out at the start.

    All of this after roughly a year.

    I had him learn everything while I used a 22LR and we started on targets at around 100-175 and then moved on to 22 sized targets at 250 out to 300. Then I started bringing out my Mk12Mod1 to mix things up and go much further. The first time he saw what a 77g round could do, to his amazement as he was under the impression you couldn't get far with 5.56, he put together a parts list and built a Mod0.

    So whats my point in this?

    He knows and works with a ton of 'gun people' that 'shoot alot'. Some are even the 'I shot a .5 group at a mile' types.

    Anyone that he has ever told what we are doing as far as equipment and hits thinks he is 110% full of shit.

    22LR with consistent hits at 200+? Fucking impossible.

    5.56 at 712 yards on a 60% IPSC going 4/5 or 5/5? No fucking way. (literally did this yesterday to the point it got boring;)

    Doing all of this in crazy southern Utah desert winds in canyons? You're a fucking liar.

    What is this with people? I see this trend more and more. EVERYONE has a gun and/or a 'sniper rifle' and has all sorts of stories. Then when people actually do things, people literally lose their minds trying to prove to you how a 77g 5.56 round 'looses too much energy' to even go 700 yards LOL

    Does anyone actually fucking shoot anymore or does everyone just buy shit and play Tactical Mr.Potatohead with gun accessories for pictures? Anytime I've had anyone out there (if theyd even show up) theyd be a total shit show but have like 8k worth of shit on their custom gun. WTF people?

    And for those that are interested, the Mk12Mod1 I have (because I know you're going to ask):

    Colt M16A1 lower US gov marked
    KAC trigger
    HCS built Colt upper with the Mk12 chamber
    Douglas barrel
    Ops Inc suppressor
    Nightforce NAVSPEC 2.5-10x24 (second run version so it is mil/mil)
    Nightforce rings
    Wilcox MRDS ring half
    Insight MRDS
    Harris bipod
    Wilcox RAPTAR

    I shoot McCourt Munitions MK262 that he made specifically for this chamber/gun.
    I shoot, was at the range Wed. Crappy day but any day at the range is a good day.

    Havent shot it at distance for a while but was getting good hits with my stock Colt LE at 650. Not much wind though.
    Every guy ever born thinks they are expert at shooting, driving, and fucking. Just ask them. 😉
    used to shoot pretty well

    actually raced and was good

    im not a porn star but i try real hard...does that count :ROFLMAO:

    but truthfully, no one shoots and if they do they arent trying they are just pulling the trigger

    people think going to the range 5 times a year blasting of 200 rounds of crap ammo is shooting

    i give people a pass on distance shooting as most may have only shot at a 100 yard range their whole life

    but when they are at the range or at dinner and they start spouting idiocy.. my applied ballistics solve said that my 308 drops 10 inches at 500 yards and dumb shit like that

    they know they are lying but do it anyway...makes no sense
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    Had a m82a1 in class once...most impressive thing was the consistent ejection, with 660 ball ammo. You could have put an ice cream pale 3ft forward and 8ft right of this noise maker and it would catch EVERY casing. otherwise2-3moa....
    • Haha
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    Anytime I've had anyone out there (if theyd even show up) theyd be a total shit show but have like 8k worth of shit on their custom gun. WTF people?
    They bought the skill and hits. They don’t need to shoot. Just read all these threads about GBPSE, and your shitty cheap equipment for proof.

    I’ve learned more from shooting my 22LR in tough wind conditions than I have with most anything else I think.
    Barely. Losing the big good local range, a couple years of drought and not comfortable shooting at a buddies ranch. Got a new place to shoot, and ammo prices coming back to somewhat reasonable is helping.
    2 quick stories.

    Shooting at K&M. Guy brings a Barrett 50 cal to the line. Lots of oohs and ahhhs. Touches one off and digs a trench for about 20', 50 yards down range.

    Local Pro shooter, sponsored by a big time firearms company. Diagnoses issues with guns for people, zeroes them for people. Breaks out some hunting rig someone sent him, not sure he even knows what caliber it is. Tells me he needs to zero it. Takes a shot on paper at 100, misses the target, the berm, pretty sure he launched it into the next county. Looks over at me and mumbles something about dealing with it later.


    I hope they are better at fucking than shooting. Nevermind, scratch that. No need to continue that bloodline. :)
    I've been training someone for roughly the last year while they were recovering from a back surgery and couldn't really shoot comfortably. He had wanted to get into it more seriously and we came up with a plan where we'd get together twice a week and I'd go through everything. I honestly thought I'd burn him out because it was a ton of work, learning and constant improvement on things you can't just YouTube (well you can, but they're mostly totally fucking wrong and/or Fudd level).

    He had a bolt gun and nice Vortex scope beforehand, and shot a bit but was soon as I asked him how he adjusted for the huge temperature swings or the gigantic differences in DA from day to day we get out here and he just looked at me, I knew we were starting from the bottom. Which was actually kind of ideal.

    So for months, we went over basics and built onto them. I had a mapped out plan of what we'd do, what we'd learn and how to use it based on what you should now know. He went from never even having data to knowing how to set everything up and take specific notes for the day and position we were in. He can spot and set up first round hits, immediate adjustments, get you on new targets, make decisions, has a very good understanding of how wind works and tricks you and communicates information as good as anyone I've ever had to do this with. He understands equipment selection based on the mission, gear layouts, options depending on what we're doing, basically everything. I still get random texts and calls from him studying things during the week and asking questions. And I thought I'd burn him out at the start.

    All of this after roughly a year.

    I had him learn everything while I used a 22LR and we started on targets at around 100-175 and then moved on to 22 sized targets at 250 out to 300. Then I started bringing out my Mk12Mod1 to mix things up and go much further. The first time he saw what a 77g round could do, to his amazement as he was under the impression you couldn't get far with 5.56, he put together a parts list and built a Mod0.

    So whats my point in this?

    He knows and works with a ton of 'gun people' that 'shoot alot'. Some are even the 'I shot a .5 group at a mile' types.

    Anyone that he has ever told what we are doing as far as equipment and hits thinks he is 110% full of shit.

    22LR with consistent hits at 200+? Fucking impossible.

    5.56 at 712 yards on a 60% IPSC going 4/5 or 5/5? No fucking way. (literally did this yesterday to the point it got boring;)

    Doing all of this in crazy southern Utah desert winds in canyons? You're a fucking liar.

    What is this with people? I see this trend more and more. EVERYONE has a gun and/or a 'sniper rifle' and has all sorts of stories. Then when people actually do things, people literally lose their minds trying to prove to you how a 77g 5.56 round 'looses too much energy' to even go 700 yards LOL

    Does anyone actually fucking shoot anymore or does everyone just buy shit and play Tactical Mr.Potatohead with gun accessories for pictures? Anytime I've had anyone out there (if theyd even show up) theyd be a total shit show but have like 8k worth of shit on their custom gun. WTF people?

    And for those that are interested, the Mk12Mod1 I have (because I know you're going to ask):

    Colt M16A1 lower US gov marked
    KAC trigger
    HCS built Colt upper with the Mk12 chamber
    Douglas barrel
    Ops Inc suppressor
    Nightforce NAVSPEC 2.5-10x24 (second run version so it is mil/mil)
    Nightforce rings
    Wilcox MRDS ring half
    Insight MRDS
    Harris bipod
    Wilcox RAPTAR

    I shoot McCourt Munitions MK262 that he made specifically for this chamber/gun.
    Pics or it didn’t happen. You know better man
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    I think a lot of people are influenced in the wrong way because of the internet. IE Too much shit posting and know it alls thrown in with the 'my grandpa was a Vietnam sniper so I know what I'm doing' type of gun culture and it really doesn't do favors for anyone.

    On the other hand you have plenty of people that know their stuff but if you watch them they are constantly trying to learn something new and/or are totally open to being wrong.

    In other words who people hang out with in person or online matters.
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    It’s nice to see people with your experience and training take the time to help and pass your knowledge on to someone who WANTS to learn the craft. It is time consuming and sometimes very frustrating but in the end, if they stay with you and learn from you it should be rewarding.
    While I just have pretty common rifles, I know that all of them, from the .22 on up to the .375 H&H will out perform my abilities to use the to their max.
    I would like to find someone that could do that for me, and someday I might find someone. In the meantime, thank you for sharing your know
    edge and experience with someone who can appreciate it.
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    I used to shoot more than I do now.
    Increased responsibilities and the realities of family life have conspired to slow my ammo consumption down.
    But I don't do the 100-yd range shooting very much.
    Open desert and steel placed at odd distances are more my thing.... and the weather in AZ is perfect for it right now!
    If I were to use a car to describe my shooting (sex, driving…. Life) it’d definitely be a Ferrari……

    …….I don’t have a Ferrari.
    I know plenty of people who buy shit just to buy shit and post it on the grams for the internet epenis points. But to shoot a lot, nah. Screw that. It's better to impress other dudes on the interwebs then it is to actual shoot and be a better shooter. lol. That just doesn't go with guns. Pick a hobby and you get those people.
    Well... not sure about no one shooting anymore - because based on your post (OP) you're saying no-one has ever shot, basically.

    I think what you mean is this 'new' generation is a bunch of LARPing fucktards who think shit they saw on youtube/tv/movies is a 'lived experience'.

    And in that regard, yes, this new generation tooling up to take over is a bunch of inexperienced, coddled, entitled little fucks that need to know what a switch feels like.

    That's the fault of people my age, who raised their kids to be whiny little shits that expect Daddy to come do everything for them when it gets hard.

    I do believe I'm just ranting
    I think people in general shoot more now than they ever have. We are more knowledgeable on the fundamentals as a whole and we have far superior equipment and more access to that equipment than we ever have.
    People also lie about their achievements more now than ever because their lies now are actually more plausible than ever.

    An honest man....... now this is a hard thing to find.
    I shoot almost exclusively blackpowder anymore, lol. They're the only things that give me enjoyment at this point. The way a buddy of mine put it, I watched to much regular porn, and now I need weird shit to get off. Makes sense to me on why blackpowder is more fun to shoot now.

    I still shoot, but not as much. Life is crazy busy. Shoot a couple uspsa matches a month. I didn’t have anywhere to practice long range, and was tired of getting my ass kicked at PRS matches by locals farm boys who have 900 yds in their pasture to practice. Member at Coleman’s Creek now, so I have a place, I just need more hours in a day. Anyone who says ARs aren’t that accurate don’t know what they are talking about. My big rifle was down, and I had a match coming up that I had committed to RO at. I took the scope of my match rifle and stuck it on my 18” AR, zero’d it the day before the match, then went and cleaned the KYL stage at 650 yds. They were scratching their heads over that one. Too much fun!
    Sheeez, I haven't shot my long gun in damn near a year now (life/surgeries). Use to do my 600yd. stuff, 5-8 times a summer. My long distance stuff sucks and is relegated to just those times. Not a lot of "doping" to do during those shoots. Now, if, I still had the desert available to me, I probably would have a huge arse dope book, because, I could really hang it out there.
    I do still keep my hands/skills current with my handguns though. Mac
    • Like
    Reactions: BurtG
    I've been training someone for roughly the last year while they were recovering from a back surgery and couldn't really shoot comfortably. He had wanted to get into it more seriously and we came up with a plan where we'd get together twice a week and I'd go through everything. I honestly thought I'd burn him out because it was a ton of work, learning and constant improvement on things you can't just YouTube (well you can, but they're mostly totally fucking wrong and/or Fudd level).

    He had a bolt gun and nice Vortex scope beforehand, and shot a bit but was soon as I asked him how he adjusted for the huge temperature swings or the gigantic differences in DA from day to day we get out here and he just looked at me, I knew we were starting from the bottom. Which was actually kind of ideal.

    So for months, we went over basics and built onto them. I had a mapped out plan of what we'd do, what we'd learn and how to use it based on what you should now know. He went from never even having data to knowing how to set everything up and take specific notes for the day and position we were in. He can spot and set up first round hits, immediate adjustments, get you on new targets, make decisions, has a very good understanding of how wind works and tricks you and communicates information as good as anyone I've ever had to do this with. He understands equipment selection based on the mission, gear layouts, options depending on what we're doing, basically everything. I still get random texts and calls from him studying things during the week and asking questions. And I thought I'd burn him out at the start.

    All of this after roughly a year.

    I had him learn everything while I used a 22LR and we started on targets at around 100-175 and then moved on to 22 sized targets at 250 out to 300. Then I started bringing out my Mk12Mod1 to mix things up and go much further. The first time he saw what a 77g round could do, to his amazement as he was under the impression you couldn't get far with 5.56, he put together a parts list and built a Mod0.

    So whats my point in this?

    He knows and works with a ton of 'gun people' that 'shoot alot'. Some are even the 'I shot a .5 group at a mile' types.

    Anyone that he has ever told what we are doing as far as equipment and hits thinks he is 110% full of shit.

    22LR with consistent hits at 200+? Fucking impossible.

    5.56 at 712 yards on a 60% IPSC going 4/5 or 5/5? No fucking way. (literally did this yesterday to the point it got boring;)

    Doing all of this in crazy southern Utah desert winds in canyons? You're a fucking liar.

    What is this with people? I see this trend more and more. EVERYONE has a gun and/or a 'sniper rifle' and has all sorts of stories. Then when people actually do things, people literally lose their minds trying to prove to you how a 77g 5.56 round 'looses too much energy' to even go 700 yards LOL

    Does anyone actually fucking shoot anymore or does everyone just buy shit and play Tactical Mr.Potatohead with gun accessories for pictures? Anytime I've had anyone out there (if theyd even show up) theyd be a total shit show but have like 8k worth of shit on their custom gun. WTF people?

    And for those that are interested, the Mk12Mod1 I have (because I know you're going to ask):

    Colt M16A1 lower US gov marked
    KAC trigger
    HCS built Colt upper with the Mk12 chamber
    Douglas barrel
    Ops Inc suppressor
    Nightforce NAVSPEC 2.5-10x24 (second run version so it is mil/mil)
    Nightforce rings
    Wilcox MRDS ring half
    Insight MRDS
    Harris bipod
    Wilcox RAPTAR

    I shoot McCourt Munitions MK262 that he made specifically for this chamber/gun.
    Hello German (sorry, don't know what else to call you).

    I'm having my second back surgery in first week of Mar. Got to fuse a couple of disks...just no way around it at this point. And, I'm 70 so it ain't going to get any easier by delaying it (and I've been putting this off for 5-6 years now).

    Of course I will do my PT and walk...walk a LOT. Walking is really good post back surgery.

    But, I'm also in Frank/Marc's clinic in the last week of Sep (been twice now...me and a buddy go, we think its great fun and a challenge).

    I scheduled this surgery so all restrictions would be lifted by end of June (if all goes well).

    But in reading your post, I wonder if you have any tips for a post-back surgery shooter. Anything you did with this gent that was sort of special and seemed to work?

    Just thought I'd take a flyer and ask.

    Thank you.

    Thanks for considering my question.
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    Reactions: Ronws
    Must be nice to not have a job and no other activities.

    I get to go every couple weeks and there's usually a couple others there. Max yardage is 540 and that's about what everyone is shooting. See a new face here and there which for Hillbilly Fudd country that's not bad.
    Besides, twisting knobs is for bitches that don't know their rifle. Kentucky windage for the win!!
    • Like
    • Haha
    Reactions: jrassy and BurtG
    Hello German (sorry, don't know what else to call you).

    I'm having my second back surgery in first week of Mar. Got to fuse a couple of disks...just no way around it at this point. And, I'm 70 so it ain't going to get any easier by delaying it (and I've been putting this off for 5-6 years now).

    Of course I will do my PT and walk...walk a LOT. Walking is really good post back surgery.

    But, I'm also in Frank/Marc's clinic in the last week of Sep (been twice now...me and a buddy go, we think its great fun and a challenge).

    I scheduled this surgery so all restrictions would be lifted by end of June (if all goes well).

    But in reading your post, I wonder if you have any tips for a post-back surgery shooter. Anything you did with this gent that was sort of special and seemed to work?

    Just thought I'd take a flyer and ask.

    Thank you.

    Thanks for considering my question.

    His was a partial rebuilding of his spine. I'm sure theres a better way to explain it, but he basically had multiple metal rods, screws and whatever other hardware put in as his back was getting less and less support due to his spine literally curving.

    The surgery made him 2-3 inches taller.

    He wasn't allowed to pick up more than 10lbs for a year and to literally do nothing. He was recently cleared by the surgeon and doctor as they gave it a year to reevaluate and see how everything looked. Hence why he learned spotting and all of the 'software' first.

    My suggestion would be like him - go slow. If it feels weird even if it doesn't hurt, stop. At least until you know WTF it is.

    Find out if there's less or more stress/weird feeling on your back and body shooting prone, standing yet bent forward, etc. For all you know, you can get super great at shooting off of a tripod because your back and body like that position whereas prone feels horrible, or the other way around.
    His was a partial rebuilding of his spine. I'm sure theres a better way to explain it, but he basically had multiple metal rods, screws and whatever other hardware put in as his back was getting less and less support due to his spine literally curving.

    The surgery made him 2-3 inches taller.

    He wasn't allowed to pick up more than 10lbs for a year and to literally do nothing. He was recently cleared by the surgeon and doctor as they gave it a year to reevaluate and see how everything looked. Hence why he learned spotting and all of the 'software' first.

    My suggestion would be like him - go slow. If it feels weird even if it doesn't hurt, stop. At least until you know WTF it is.

    Find out if there's less or more stress/weird feeling on your back and body shooting prone, standing yet bent forward, etc. For all you know, you can get super great at shooting off of a tripod because your back and body like that position whereas prone feels horrible, or the other way around.
    Thank you so very much. And your acquaintance had the BIG fusion. I know a lady who also had a full spine fusion due to very bad Scoliosis (curvature of the spine).

    I'm only have three lumbar vertebraes fused...three vertebrae covering two collapsed disks.

    Great advise....mine is not nearly so radical of a surgery but yes....if things are feeling funky then the worst that happens is I cancel out of the Frank/Marc show.

    Oh, bit of an aside....I have a friend who is the most medalled American skeet shooter and is a highly respected coach. He works with Seal Team 6 twice a year and gets to know a lot of this guys including...well, let's call him Harry. Harry gpt IED'd and has no lower legs...one below the knee and one above and my friend has gotten him to shoot tournament skeet on his prosthetics and they have even been quail hunting in Georgia (fucking awesome). According to Harry, when in the hospital to get measured up for his new legs, he said to the Dr. "I have one absolutely non-negotiable demand"...and this is from a guy who can be pretty scary when he wants. The doc replied "what...what is it is Harry. Tell me". And Harry said he always want to be 6 foot or taller and never made it! So, now with his new lower legs he is 6' 1". haha

    I do appreciate your taking the time to reply.

    Ummmm, I don't shoot, but from what I read on SnipersHide, supposedly no one can shoot straight with Harris bipods-you need an Atlas.....Maybe that's why nobody believes you.... :p

    So the secret with this is as follows:

    Harris bipod on a gun

    -35 accuracy
    -15 Tacticoolness
    -5 recoil management
    And your dick looks like you got out a cold pool 24 hours a day.

    Harris bipod that is 100% correct for the actual build of a gun

    +47 accuracy
    +55 Tacticoolness
    +15 recoil management
    +10 time travel
    Knowing BOTH halves of the battle!
    I still shoot, but not as much. Life is crazy busy. Shoot a couple uspsa matches a month. I didn’t have anywhere to practice long range, and was tired of getting my ass kicked at PRS matches by locals farm boys who have 900 yds in their pasture to practice.
    Hint, they arent winning because they have 900 to practice. They are winning because they want it more.