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Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Image 53.jpg
No, but we had a gal that stabbed her husband to death, drove down the Interstate and threw her two kids out of the car, and then ran into a tree and killed her self. The story is that she was afraid of what was going to happen during the eclipse. She was a astrology influencer, whatever that is….
No, but we had a gal that stabbed her husband to death, drove down the Interstate and threw her two kids out of the car, and then ran into a tree and killed her self. The story is that she was afraid of what was going to happen during the eclipse. She was a astrology influencer, whatever that is….
Possession due to openness to it is a thing that few want to acknowledge.
Possession due to openness to it is a thing that few want to acknowledge.

Astrology, tarot, crystals, new age "thought/mind manifestation" etc, are all veiled guises of satanism and satanic practices. MANY theologians, both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, have went into great detail breaking down the various ways evil manifests to take hold of the vulnerable and those with too much free time on their hands. That new age spirituality stuff is not really "new". It has been around since the early Middle Ages in various cults and descriptions. And even in the relatively lax days prior to the Office of the Holy Inquisition being formed after the founding of the Kingdoms of Aragon and Navarre following the final expulsion of the Moors from Spain, that "manifestation" and "you yourself is a being of light" shit and their adherents were routinely put to the sword by rulers like Charlemagne, William I of Normandy, and Roger de Hauteville of Sicily and for a good pragmatic reason: Those who dabble in that shit are of no use in contributing to the agricultural infrastructure, construction guilds, or the warrior order who were all desperately trying to carve some peace out of the turbulent chaos of Dark Ages lawlessness. They, like the modern left, only created more chaos and further divisions in an already fragile populace and they were hunted down by the soldiers of almost every duchy, principality, or kingdom they happened to reside in.
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