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nuc danger?


Full Member
Aug 11, 2010
florida 32621

hope this is just some saber rattling but i am sure it was cleared "at the highest level". no real winners in a nuc exchange. my fear (1) is that with the condition of our military it wouldn't even be an "exchange". if the unthinkable were to happen,china would stay out of it and take taiwan,western pacific and most of SE asia at little cost. india would stay clear,NoK would trash SoK again. israel would be over run. so would what is left of No america and western europe. my fear is that our warmongers in DC would see some threat to their game and try some destined to lose preemptive try.
I can't remember the year exactly, maybe it was in the 1990's, but Russia "lost" dozens of suitcase nukes
or they were lost in the late 80's and something leaked out in the 90's
I forget the entire story, but always wondered when those would turn up

This might be the year...
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About once a year there's a thread on arfcom where people brag about living in a nuke target city because they once saw a humvee.
People that say that shit have never actually researched nuclear warfare and policy. The primary goal is to remove your enemies ability to launch theirs, not wipe out their cities and guarantee a retaliatory strike against a similar target.

DC, nuclear launch sites, the backup relay ATT system in Texas, etc.
The Soviet/Russian nuclear forces have been in serious decline since before the fall of the Soviet Union. I would be very surprised if any of their delivery systems (ICBMs) could even make it to CONUS given their history of neglect and corruption, just look at the state of their best equipment in the Ukraine fiasco. It would probably be like shooting fish in a barrel for our SM-3s and they know the second round is on us and our shit works as we demonstrate with periodic tests out of Vandenberg. I’m not losing sleep over this one.
People that say that shit have never actually researched nuclear warfare and policy. The primary goal is to remove your enemies ability to launch theirs, not wipe out their cities and guarantee a retaliatory strike against a similar target.

DC, nuclear launch sites, the backup relay ATT system in Texas, etc.
If China were to launch nukes - I'd imagine they would want to hit the US microchip manufacturers too.
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I can't remember the year exactly, maybe it was in the 1990's, but Russia "lost" dozens of suitcase nukes
or they were lost in the late 80's and something leaked out in the 90's
I forget the entire story, but always wondered when those would turn up

This might be the year...

No such thing as a Soviet suitcase nuke.

For the simple reason that the USSR lacked the technological capacity to make a suitcase.

As far as nuking military targets, that makes sense, but this fellow in Russia said they were going to send a nuke to Washington DC and several NATO capitals. Putin has one on record since then saying he has no intention of using nuclear bombs on anyone’s capital.
Biggest nuke fear is when Iran gets one.

They have no problem having “hamas” set one off.

If it’s not a “state” then we have no way to retaliate. “Russia” knew it was over, same as the US. But a rogue faction has no home base to target.

If you have no fear of consequences you have no fear of starting.

As soon as muzzies have nukes the world is far closer to one being set off then we were in the Cuban missile crisis.
I'm still stuck on if nukes exist. Somebody mentioned it here about 3-6 months ago. I thought the statement was absurd when I read it, but then I remembered how everything major to happen as been some sort of lie or cover-up. I'm more confident that people would lie about the existence of a nuke, than they actually existing. I'm gonna say they don't exist until I actually see one. Until then, no skin off my back......pun intended.

They can't get back into Chernobyl, but Hiroshima, no problem??????? Seems odd??????
The Soviet/Russian nuclear forces have been in serious decline since before the fall of the Soviet Union. I would be very surprised if any of their delivery systems (ICBMs) could even make it to CONUS given their history of neglect and corruption, just look at the state of their best equipment in the Ukraine fiasco. It would probably be like shooting fish in a barrel for our SM-3s and they know the second round is on us and our shit works as we demonstrate with periodic tests out of Vandenberg. I’m not losing sleep over this one.
They will bring it across the border or in through a port. Blame some shadowy wanna be previously unknown “terrorist” org in order to impose martial law to “save us”.
No such thing as a Soviet suitcase nuke.

For the simple reason that the USSR lacked the technological capacity to make a suitcase.

That is EXACTLY what the Soviets said, hmmmmm suspicious comment ;)

The US had one, so it was possible to build - Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM).

SADM was a family of man-portable nuclear weapons fielded by the US military in the 1960s, but never used in actual combat.
Do nukes exist? LOL - LOL GAG Cough

Rows and rows on display.
Uploaded to aircraft and taxied around the runway then put up.

Gets scetchy when on drops or some asshole drives through a no lone zone or stupidly throws a headset into a no lone zone from outside of it. Etc.