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And people wonder why wheels are falling off of airplanes.

I would love to see a debate between her and Trump... :LOL:
I think if Trump and FJB debate one of the best things he can do is get Brandon upset. We know he will be pumped full of drugs for the event. That will make him more edgy. We have seen it before. He will start yelling and going on and on. If Trump is calm and force Pedo Pete into a corner he will come off the rails. That will be a very good thing. Provided the TV cameras stay running.
I think if Trump and FJB debate one of the best things he can do is get Brandon upset. We know he will be pumped full of drugs for the event. That will make him more edgy. We have seen it before. He will start yelling and going on and on. If Trump is calm and force Pedo Pete into a corner he will come off the rails. That will be a very good thing. Provided the TV cameras stay running.
Trump can’t zip it up , man doesn’t have a filter.
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The Amish drive cars ?

Who knew ?

People who wear their pants like this.

Are they having their Momma stitch the belt line of their pants to the asshole end of their drawers so the pants don't constantly hit the floor?

In what bizarro universe does it make sense to have pants half down and limit mobility like this.
View attachment 8423440

My daughter graduated with honors from a local college. She had scholarship but far from a full ride. Every cent we bowered was paid back in full.
This was years ago . There’s many Hiders that did the same for their kids ,
can WE get our $$$ back ?? 🥱

Hell what about all the money people paid to immigrate the Correct & Costly way ?.
Isn’t a cheap process and a total PITA to do it right. I helped a friend through the hoops of getting a K-1 Visa , she’s now a US Citizen , works her ass off. Bet they would like the approx. 12K back , but that ain’t going to happen. They aren’t holding their breath 🙄
Worlds gone 100% Dinky Dau 😖
HO LEE FUK what is 2024 coming to. Just heard about it today that Johnny Rebel songs are flooding Chinese social media in response to the new video game about the black samurai. And in the confusion, a lot of Winnie the Pooh content is also getting past the lagging censor walls and getting views. The gamer(s) who thought they'd just make an innocent critique about the new game did not anticipate the flash fire that they just ignited. HO LEE FUK... 😳😂

Just more propaganda. "We the People" are getting a lesson in someone being a constitutionalist. The Deep State hate constitutionalist, especially when they are in elected leadership positions. Why ? Because those in leadership can silence the minions (RINO's) of the Deep State. This is exactly what is happening. Look at the number of Republican US Representatives suddenly disappeared. It is now a number's game.
Your fellow American's are the constituents of our US Representatives and US Congressmen. Look around at your worthless brother-in-law, your nieces and nephews on the SNAP program, Medicaid, and every other hand out they can get. When your alarm goes off and you head out to that crappy, dead end job... You are paying for all the free loaders in America.
Come November, you will find out how screwed you are... Rather than blame Mike Johnson, blame the constituents in your voting district. Pull up the numbers on the morning after and look at how out numbered you really are.
No one is coming.