These have made it in and while I was disappointed to see the TRAIL being replaced I must say that I'm really liking the Thermion series so far. The #1 thing that was immediately noticeable was the very forgiving eye-box and impression of a much larger and crisper display compared to the trail. Further, the reticle options include at least 3 different FFP options as well as color options for both the full reticle and center dots. The traditional form factor also lets the optic sit further back towards your natural head position on a bolt gun. Being 12 micron 320 unit, the XM50 as pictured has an Optical mag of 5.5 that can be digitally zoomed to 22x. I had no trouble picking up a guy walking his dog on a hilltop street @ a little over 2200 yards. Let me know if you guys have any specific questions on the optics. This is a really nice addition to the commercial market.