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Maggie’s Queen Is dead

Some of you seem to be disappointed in my "ignorance".
At the same time, I'm disappointed in yours on a semi regular basis.
The comments have been very illuminating. It seems we still have lots of folks in this country, who likely sprang from loyalists.

Some news for you.
The queen wasn't your buddy. She wasn't your grandma, nor even your break dance partner. She was a mostly benevolent RULER, of the nation we fought to form our own. A nation we fought several bloody wars against. A nation that still refers to us as "the colonies". A nation who even after 87 years of our forming, was trying to fracture the United States.
A nation who actually despises you for "winning WW2", they really hate that shit. They actually think THEY were the heros of WW2.
I literally can't talk about WW2 around my wife.

They ain't your buddies. They are actually your oldest enemies.

Lower it, raise it I reckon it really doesn't matter much anymore.
I'm getting sick of beating off to the flag anyway. It represented an ideal that is dead, in what is left of this shithole that was the greatest nation on earth.
Not real keen on all the chest thumping over what we "fought for" either. We fought for corporations since Vietnam.
Eisenhower warned us.

I'm sure the Queen was a sweet old bird...when she wasn't killing Duchesses and such. Gotta break some eggs you know.
I do wish her soul peace.
Never said I hated her, her position did require a modicum of respect. Respect is great, having some fantasy about who she was and WHAT she represented, is not wise.
Yeah...again, I'm disappointed in some of you too.
fuck the UK. I had that debate all the time when I taught over there. "oh, you colonies would have been so much better off if you had stayed part of England". yeah, fuck you. And the Irish, Scots and Welsh agree.
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Like I tell foreigners when they think they are entitled to comment and pontificate on our internal affairs, I will tell you.

You're not British. What happens or doesn't happen there, and what they should or shouldn't do, is none of your fucking business.

We’ll in the US we have freedom of speech, so I’ll voice my opinion as I see fit

Don’t like freedom of speech move to the UK
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Since you're going to hold the late Queen accountable for the sins and errors of her predecessors, let me dig into your family history. I bet there's plenty of shit I can hang on you.

Does his family get about 100 million from tax payers PER YEAR, a free castle and full fleet of aircraft and SUVs, guards, etc?

Is he a public a public figure?

If not, make a better comparison
fuck the UK. I had that debate all the time when I taught over there. "oh, you colonies would have been so much better off if you had stayed part of England". yeah, fuck you. And the Irish, Scots and Welsh agree.
Just point Out that if it weren’t for Americans, they would all be goose-stepping to the Bier Hall for a Becks right about now….

You are welcome Yankee Doodle Lend Lease!

I love the Brits. But along with that goes a love of taking the legs off them any chance I get.

And if they didn’t swing right back, then they weren’t worthy of ridicule in the first place.

If we made fun of each other more… and took ourselves seriously less, we would have more fun.

Except the Irish. And the Polaks. Oh and the Canadians. Can’t forget them. And those fat ficking Samoans.

But other than that… we should lighten up!

The most unfortunate part about Lizzy passing is that now UK and Canada must stop minty Lizzy headed coins. Now, they now put Charles' Head on all the coins. Oh boy, I can't wait to see those in my change. Here's the proposed new design for Canadian coinage.
Nah.. He’s not that good-looking…
is he the Epstien island frequent flyer one?
no, that's his brother, who got his HRH and everything else taken away from him.
We watch a lot of PBS (science, nature, and technology, and a LOT of Brit stuff - absolutely none of their current events propaganda, EVER), so we probably know at least as much Brit history as USA history.
Only for a short time longer. And we won't get saddled by his inbred son until he dies like you all.

I don't like the Democrats or Biden (I even have a MAGA hat), just as I don't like or vote for the lefty UK political parties, but we shall see. If the Democrats stole one election, who says that thy won't steal the next one?
Gosh, never seen so many people happy or revealing in someone’s death, find it quite strange (sad)?

The misinformation (from CNN perhaps 😉😂) is incredible - in the literal meaning of the word!
We are not ‘ruled’ by the monarchy we had a civil war to sort that out, the ‘rules’ are made by people who are elected and far less paid for than you own officials, yes paid for but to less of an organised extent.
Bended knee - really 🤦🏼‍♂️ FFS grow up.
Cost to the tax payer, more goes into the exchequer than comes out, revenue from tourism alone pays enough to cover everything.

Sure, Speak out, it is a free world, but is this not very similar to the rhetoric we see from liberals, BLM etc ‘burn it down/ defund/ get rid of etc?

I respect your country, lived there for 5 years, it is very different to Britain but I would not slate your system it is yours Nor celebrate the death of anyone who lives there, just wrong.

"It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult." QE II
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Gosh, never seen so many people happy or revealing in someone’s death, find it quite strange (sad)?

The misinformation (from CNN perhaps 😉😂) is incredible - in the literal meaning of the word!
We are not ‘ruled’ by the monarchy we had a civil war to sort that out, the ‘rules’ are made by people who are elected and far less paid for than you own officials, yes paid for but to less of an organised extent.
Bended knee - really 🤦🏼‍♂️ FFS grow up.
Cost to the tax payer, more goes into the exchequer than comes out, revenue from tourism alone pays enough to cover everything.

Sure, Speak out, it is a free world, but is this not very similar to the rhetoric we see from liberals, BLM etc ‘burn it down/ defund/ get rid of etc?

I respect your country, lived there for 5 years, it is very different to Britain but I would not slate your system it is yours Nor celebrate the death of anyone who lives there, just wrong.

"It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult." QE II

Well said. Pay no mind to the idiots who don't understand the very basics of diplomacy and respect.
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Gosh, never seen so many people happy or revealing in someone’s death, find it quite strange (sad)?

The misinformation (from CNN perhaps 😉😂) is incredible - in the literal meaning of the word!
We are not ‘ruled’ by the monarchy we had a civil war to sort that out, the ‘rules’ are made by people who are elected and far less paid for than you own officials, yes paid for but to less of an organised extent.
Bended knee - really 🤦🏼‍♂️ FFS grow up.
Cost to the tax payer, more goes into the exchequer than comes out, revenue from tourism alone pays enough to cover everything.

Sure, Speak out, it is a free world, but is this not very similar to the rhetoric we see from liberals, BLM etc ‘burn it down/ defund/ get rid of etc?

I respect your country, lived there for 5 years, it is very different to Britain but I would not slate your system it is yours Nor celebrate the death of anyone who lives there, just wrong.

"It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult." QE II
There is a difference between celebrating and not caring though. It’s not positive or negative feelings, just none.
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You are not Ruled by a Monarchy, this is the reason we bowed our heads and lowered the Flag for the Iron Lady, she was our friend and our Political Ally.

Your Monarchy is your special Kink, not ours. Your Charles spoke at the WEF, just trying to keep that $300Billion purse full? European Monarchy was Globalism 1.0, now we have Globalism 2.0.

My Rhodesian friend, his mother traveled to Scotland for his birth, grew in Africa and got thrown under the bus by your Government. Abandoned after all the money was made and they became a political liability. They fought commies in the bush for two weeks and then back to the farm for two weeks, left Rhodesian with only a few gold coins taped to the inside of his car door and the clothes on his back, ask him how he feels.

Elizabeth I pray for your soul, but Monarchy, when they turn over their 300B to the people, I might change my mind that they are just another group of Elites.

Globalism 2.0 is bad and will become Authoritarian total El Mundo.

Google and Facebook need to be broken up and regulated as Utilities.

Apple and Microsoft need to be broken up.

All the Oligarchs need their holdings broken up.

We had Oligarch Monopolies before in the USA in Oil, Steel, and Telecom and broke them up.

You don't have a Bill of Rights, so really don't understand what ordered Liberty really is, nor do you understand what true freedom really is, a bit of our Declaration of Independence from your beloved Monarchy.

" We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World."

Oh and your Ginger "Harry" sits in his California Mansion and lectures Americans, my Welsh buddy says his Hewitts son, he only plays Low Goal Polo, really playing all his life and that is all he can do, shameful.
Gosh, never seen so many people happy or revealing in someone’s death, find it quite strange (sad)?

The misinformation (from CNN perhaps 😉😂) is incredible - in the literal meaning of the word!
We are not ‘ruled’ by the monarchy we had a civil war to sort that out, the ‘rules’ are made by people who are elected and far less paid for than you own officials, yes paid for but to less of an organised extent.
Bended knee - really 🤦🏼‍♂️ FFS grow up.
Cost to the tax payer, more goes into the exchequer than comes out, revenue from tourism alone pays enough to cover everything.

Sure, Speak out, it is a free world, but is this not very similar to the rhetoric we see from liberals, BLM etc ‘burn it down/ defund/ get rid of etc?

I respect your country, lived there for 5 years, it is very different to Britain but I would not slate your system it is yours Nor celebrate the death of anyone who lives there, just wrong.

"It has always been easy to hate and destroy. To build and to cherish is much more difficult." QE II
Harry and his hoe just got replaced !

Not a psychologist but Meghan Markle comes off as exhibiting EXTREMELY narcissistic traits. If this was the Middle Ages, she would take advantage of her entry into the royal family, gather an army of nobles loyal to her and try to take over the throne by force. Harry would be useless. She would only have use for him to bear a male heir, or serve as a diplomat to continental powers to obtain allies in France or Burgundy, and have him removed once his purpose has been served. And with her surface charm and seemingly expert knack of exhibiting just the right emotions and appeals at the right time, she WOULD have an army of knights and nobles fanatically loyal to her, completely smitten by her. She would either succeed and establish a new dynasty of the house of Sussex, or she would be facing a horrific fate in a castle oubliette if she failed.
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Not a psychologist but Meghan Markle comes off as exhibiting EXTREMELY narcissistic traits. If this was the Middle Ages, she would take advantage of her entry into the royal family, gather an army of nobles loyal to her and try to take over the throne by force. Harry would be useless. She would only have use for him to bear a male heir, or serve as a diplomat to continental powers to obtain allies in France or Burgundy, and have him removed once his purpose has been served. And with her surface charm and seemingly expert knack of exhibiting just the right emotions and appeals at the right time, she WOULD have an army of knights and nobles fanatically loyal to her, completely smitten by her. She would either succeed and establish a new dynasty of the house of Sussex, or she would be facing a horrific fate in a castle oubliette if she failed.

In the middle ages, Kate would have had Meghan sent to the tower.

Historically the kings, queens and crown princes and such tended to take care of any potential rivals pretty quickly.

In modern times, you have to make it look like a tragic car accident...