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So...what's yer "Plan B"?

Work, drop dead.

Once the house is payed for I'll stock up some savings. Then I'll probably have a heart attack the day after I retire.

Wife is wanting a "vacation home". I told her great, I pay the bills here, you save and buy a house. VRBO it until it's paid for and we can at least have an extra asset to dump if things get really bad.

If they get truly horrible I'll end up selling the Montana house for stupid money and live in the damn heat in a single wide in Florida. Shits cheap when you only need to worry about freezing to death a couple days a year.
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It's no secret that many of our "Representation" in Congress and The Senate would like to "turn off" Social Security, Medicare, etc. or at least make deep cuts to these programs that millions of Americans depend on to keep a roof over their heads, food and medicine on the table, and keep on living another year or so. No doubt as well that these Programs have not been administered properly and are probably in trouble financially in the long term.

While I have saved and invested like a bandit, I'm now retired and ashamed to admit that without that $3600 a month in SS (and Medicare) I'll need to survive the next 30 years on roughly $3K a month for the two of us. Frankly with the Markets being in the biggest shitter they have been in for decades I have actually lost $30K this year already. I can't make it without SS and Medicare in America.

I have lots of friends and coworkers all over the world. My Plan B for when they end (if they end) Social Security is to emigrate to places where folks can live well on $2K - $3K a month . I have friends who have been begging me for a decade to look at some options - seems that a couple can get an apartment (nice place) outside of Lisbon Portugal, eat well, get senior transportation (free!) to see Europe and get some of the best health care in the world and live well for $2K a month. I'd have to give up my guns (maybe) but if I sell the house and the cars and everything and move to Portugal/Spain I can live out my days without fear of starving, living in a box, or not getting medical attention I can't afford. Worse case scenario, this is my Plan B.

What's yours?

Good question, considering I just spent my 68th birthday today standing in line at the SS office because they won't answer the phone and put you on hold listening to elevator music until they disconnect you, causing you to have to start all over and go to the end of the waiting line in que for someone that doesn't exist thats not going to answer the phone. It's like the smoke and mirror sham of trying to enroll in Obamacare that didn't exist.

SS had my quarterly payment schedule so fucked up, they said in Feb. I didn't owe anything and then yesterday I received a notice saying my Medicare Plan B coverage was being terminated because they hadn't received a payment for Feb.

They set me up to default so they could drop my Medicare. So I waited in line outside for two hours with the rest of the pissed off people saying the same thing I just said, that they want you to fail, until an armed guard let me in to speak to the one woman inside behind the plexiglass.

English was obviously not her 1st language and she again said I currently owed $310.00 when my quarterly payment is now $530.00. I told her "No, thats the kind of misleading mis-information that caused me to get my Plan B coverage terminated and get this notice sent." She looked at the letter saying I owed $1,042.00 and again looked in her computer and said "You owe $1,042.00." I had my checkbook and I asked, "That will get me caught up and reinstated?" She said yes so I wrote the check and got a receipt.

My gf said to wait till im 70 to collect SS but after seeing that clown show today I don't think there will be a SS in two years. A lady in front of me went full Karen and got warned by the guard to quit cussing the one woman behind the glass. The $100.00 increase I'd get waiting two more years won't even be a tank of FJB's $10.00 gal. diesel.
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I've spent some time living in those places some say they live in for 1-2 k per month. Most months living like a middle class American (but with no vehicle) cost me 4k+.

Those living on the cheep? They live about the same way the poor live all over America.
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Work, drop dead.

Once the house is payed for I'll stock up some savings. Then I'll probably have a heart attack the day after I retire.

Wife is wanting a "vacation home". I told her great, I pay the bills here, you save and buy a house. VRBO it until it's paid for and we can at least have an extra asset to dump if things get really bad.

If they get truly horrible I'll end up selling the Montana house for stupid money and live in the damn heat in a single wide in Florida. Shits cheap when you only need to worry about freezing to death a couple days a year.

You fat?

I used to fly lots of those types, just don’t treat your body like a garbage dump, be kinda active, and you’ll be fine
It's no secret that many of our "Representation" in Congress and The Senate would like to "turn off" Social Security, Medicare, etc. or at least make deep cuts to these programs that millions of Americans depend on to keep a roof over their heads, food and medicine on the table, and keep on living another year or so. No doubt as well that these Programs have not been administered properly and are probably in trouble financially in the long term.

While I have saved and invested like a bandit, I'm now retired and ashamed to admit that without that $3600 a month in SS (and Medicare) I'll need to survive the next 30 years on roughly $3K a month for the two of us. Frankly with the Markets being in the biggest shitter they have been in for decades I have actually lost $30K this year already. I can't make it without SS and Medicare in America.

I have lots of friends and coworkers all over the world. My Plan B for when they end (if they end) Social Security is to emigrate to places where folks can live well on $2K - $3K a month . I have friends who have been begging me for a decade to look at some options - seems that a couple can get an apartment (nice place) outside of Lisbon Portugal, eat well, get senior transportation (free!) to see Europe and get some of the best health care in the world and live well for $2K a month. I'd have to give up my guns (maybe) but if I sell the house and the cars and everything and move to Portugal/Spain I can live out my days without fear of starving, living in a box, or not getting medical attention I can't afford. Worse case scenario, this is my Plan B.

What's yours?

I'm gonna do like Ernest Borgnine in his Viking movie.

grab a sword and jump into the wolf pit while yelling "Odin!"

Given some thought to gettin lost in Denali or Canadian Rockies .
My 401K is down 70 effin K . We moved from Vanguard and have been takin it in the ass ever since .
That's a mistake. vanguard and blackrock are the two biggest fund managers. Do you think they're going to lose? I mean either way they get a cut of your money but their bonuses are bigger when they make you money.
If you have a 401K you need to be looking at what your possible tax liability will be. When you hit the age of RMD's not only will you be hit with taxes, but it could impact the price of your medicare and Part D. Any income (MAGI from your taxes) after you start Medicare can impact your total cost. Your medicare could go from about $170/month to $580/month (2022 cost) just from RMD's, and your Part D goes up also.

And don't believe the thieves in DC aren't eying your 401K's. Hildabeast has already talked about it. They know there is a huge amount of money there. Just ripe for the taking.

Always keep "redistribution, income equity, reparations, etc" on your radar.
If I thought I would die at 70 I'd have a completely different approach to the whole mess. Pretty good chance I'll make it to 90+ (planning on 100) so I can't start burning my RIF Principle of $500K for a few more years . And right this very moment it ain't earning shit but it'll be back. Eventually....

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll change the rules and tax all of the Roth IRA money before this is all done. There are literally Trillions of $ in IRS's, Retirement Saving accounts, college savings funds, etc. in America and "They" want that money. That's a fact - .01% of The Population control most of the Planets Wealth yet they want more. Ever more. And they want it from you and even if it starves US.

I don't expect any Social Security money. If I get any, it will buy more guns and ammo with it
I hope medicare is still around, but that is the ONE thing I have no handle on for retirement
what medical costs will be

For those already retired that HAD a plan that is now fucked, only option is to beg or go back to work
This is our plan.
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I don't expect any Social Security money. If I get any, it will buy more guns and ammo with it
I hope medicare is still around, but that is the ONE thing I have no handle on for retirement
what medical costs will be

For those already retired that HAD a plan that is now fucked, only option is to beg or go back to work
Don't quit working if you can get out of bed, dress yourself and get around. Inactivity is a killer.
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This appears to the type of thread where conservatives who follow politics and economics on a daily basis and espouse philosophies of economic freedom and liberty from government overreach get together to bitch about:

1) ... the declining opportunity to take advantage of a government program that has no Constitutional mandate, has been chronically underfunded for decades, and is so obviously bankrupt that the government literally sends me a yearly statement showing that it's going to run out of money years before I ever collect a penny

2) ... swings in the value of the equities in which they have invested, despite adequate evidence from two prior crashes in the past 22 years which established some pretty good suggestions on when to move retirement investments to cash equivalents several years prior to needing those funds

3) ... the current guy in charge as if he is the only one at fault, when in reality there has been a bipartisan effort over the past two decades to rig the game in favor of the banking system and Big Business and against the average middle class working man.

4) ... individual circumstances such as getting exploited by an abusive employer, when every shred of evidence suggests that one needs to ruthlessly control one's own destiny by acting completely selfishly and not playing by romanticized ideals of the employer-employee relationship that were obsolete a half-century ago.

Sound about right? :cautious:
This appears to the type of thread where conservatives who follow politics and economics on a daily basis and espouse philosophies of economic freedom and liberty from government overreach get together to bitch about:

1) ... the declining opportunity to take advantage of a government program that has no Constitutional mandate, has been chronically underfunded for decades, and is so obviously bankrupt that the government literally sends me a yearly statement showing that it's going to run out of money years before I ever collect a penny

2) ... swings in the value of the equities in which they have invested, despite adequate evidence from two prior crashes in the past 22 years which established some pretty good suggestions on when to move retirement investments to cash equivalents several years prior to needing those funds

3) ... the current guy in charge as if he is the only one at fault, when in reality there has been a bipartisan effort over the past two decades to rig the game in favor of the banking system and Big Business and against the average middle class working man.

4) ... individual circumstances such as getting exploited by an abusive employer, when every shred of evidence suggests that one needs to ruthlessly control one's own destiny by acting completely selfishly and not playing by romanticized ideals of the employer-employee relationship that were obsolete a half-century ago.

Sound about right? :cautious:
No, I'll tell you what sounds about right. Responsible people that work all their lives paying taxes to support a corrupt government and the irresponsible 'gubmint' assistant freeloaders they support, expecting back what they were promised and paid in every year.
There needs to be a better Plan than "It's bankrupt because we have mismanaged it so everyone is fucked". I was probably naïve but I have obeyed the law and paid my taxes all my Life - never defaulted on a loan nor even missed a payment on houses, cars and goods I purchased on credit. I have played by the Rules as The Game was laid out.....no cheating, no shit.

I deserve better than to lose half my retirement because a bunch of Rich Assholes mismanaged it to their profit and gain. I won't get what was promised me and I'm kinda bitter and worried about it. So are millions of other people who have worked their lives away "doing for The Man" only to have to rug appear to be being pulled out from under US. I'll be fine. I might have to flee America (Immigrate as my Grandparents did) but a Man has to eat and take care of himself as best he can.

1) ... the declining opportunity to take advantage of a government program that has no Constitutional mandate, has been chronically underfunded for decades, and is so obviously bankrupt that the government literally sends me a yearly statement showing that it's going to run out of money years before I ever collect a penny

Its’s not really “taking advantage” to expect getting back some of what you and your employer has paid into a program that was suppose to guarantee that pay back. The only reason it’s underfunded is because of worthless thieves in congress who stole the money and used it to line their own pockets and fund their pork projects promising to pay the money back with more of our money by taxing us more. They should be defunded, not the police. They need term limits, a $150,000 max salary, and no retirement (It’s not suppose to be a career).

At some point, the politicians are going to run out of middle class money to redistribute to the unproductive and poor. When they do and the poor are no longer able to get what they think they are owed by the guberment for not working they are going to get pissey in a hurry. Turn off food stamp cards and see how fast a riot begins. At some point, somebody will have to pay the Piper.

This is the reason they all, no matter which party, either outright or secretly want to take away our guns. When the money runs out, the poors will be the first to point them in their direction and the middle class will likely, at some point, follow.
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No, I'll tell you what sounds about right. Responsible people that work all their lives paying taxes to support a corrupt government and the irresponsible 'gubmint' assistant freeloaders they support, expecting back what they were promised and paid in every year.

Payroll taxes aren't a deposit into a named account for future withdrawal. They're taxes. We're paying to support today's retirees, and maybe someone will do the same for us when we're at that age, but probably not. That's simply the way Social Security works; anyone claiming differently is lying.
Payroll taxes aren't a deposit into a named account for future withdrawal. They're taxes. We're paying to support today's retirees, and maybe someone will do the same for us when we're at that age, but probably not. That's simply the way Social Security works; anyone claiming differently is lying.
SS is basically a pyramid scheme. They just need to keep it going long enough for me to get mine lulz.
Payroll taxes aren't a deposit into a named account for future withdrawal. They're taxes. We're paying to support today's retirees, and maybe someone will do the same for us when we're at that age, but probably not. That's simply the way Social Security works; anyone claiming differently is lying.
The way I understood, the projected amount one will receive in SS is based on the amount they made during their working life and whatever percentage of that they paid in taxes.
Payroll taxes aren't a deposit into a named account for future withdrawal. They're taxes. We're paying to support today's retirees, and maybe someone will do the same for us when we're at that age, but probably not. That's simply the way Social Security works; anyone claiming differently is lying.
We all know that. My point is that I played the Game and paid in on the *PROMISE* that the Game would pay me back and now after I paid they want to stop the game. Fix it. It can be fixed but in order to do that the .01% will have to pay their share and they own our Representation. It'd be more fair if we liquidated everyone in Congress and The Senate and all of their Campaign Financiers and used that money to fix SS.

They don't dare fuck with ss too much, old people that have nothing to lose because they are already knocking on heavens door would be up in arms literally.
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You fat?

I used to fly lots of those types, just don’t treat your body like a garbage dump, be kinda active, and you’ll be fine

Moderately... 6', 220lb

I move all day long, eat decent, just too much most of the time. I'll be down to 200 by fall, and 220 next spring. Just the winter time insulation.

Most of the men in my family are dead by 70. Cancer, random accidents, diabetes, etc. I'm ok with not living forever, but I'm not going to be the health nut living a miserable existence to still get killed by genetics.
No, I'll tell you what sounds about right. Responsible people that work all their lives paying taxes to support a corrupt government and the irresponsible 'gubmint' assistant freeloaders they support, expecting back what they were promised and paid in every year.
Sounds like you have faith in the government.
Moderately... 6', 220lb

I move all day long, eat decent, just too much most of the time. I'll be down to 200 by fall, and 220 next spring. Just the winter time insulation.

Most of the men in my family are dead by 70. Cancer, random accidents, diabetes, etc. I'm ok with not living forever, but I'm not going to be the health nut living a miserable existence to still get killed by genetics.

Work on it man, get a good diet and stick to it, in my EMS life being fat was the ultimate demise of most.

If you work out 1hr a day, eat stuff that’s grown or harvested a few hours from you, that’ll make a ton of difference, cutting out sugar makes a TON of difference

Just the act of only eating protein you kill will fix tons of those issues by default.
It can be fixed but in order to do that the .01% will have to pay their share

I’m certain they pay are more in taxes than 95% of the rest.

You want to fix it?

You were right about term limits and no pension for politicians. Add to that a flat tax and cut the irs by 95%. While we are cutting eliminate the batf, department of homeland security and about 30 other departments that are a waste.

That more than pays for ss.
I’m certain they pay are more in taxes than 95% of the rest.

You want to fix it?

You were right about term limits and no pension for politicians. Add to that a flat tax and cut the irs by 95%. While we are cutting eliminate the batf, department of homeland security and about 30 other departments that are a waste.

That more than pays for ss.

Income tax should be removed and the government shrunk to fit its box.

Shit I look at what I pay for “the roads” and compare it to the condition of the actual road, it’s a fucking rip off in a major way

I’m sick of being forced at gun point to pay $100 for a $5 product.
The way I understood, the projected amount one will receive in SS is based on the amount they made during their working life and whatever percentage of that they paid in taxes.

That's the promise which was made to all of us. The longer any of us live, the more likely the promise is broken, because demographics and math do not allow that the promise will be kept indefinitely.

Don't take my comments as an endorsement of this theft. Just like everyone else, 15% of everything I've ever earned has gone into a program that will be bankrupt by the time I retire. This is what happens when an entire generation abdicates its responsibility to govern; this will likely be the last butt-rape committed by Boomers on Gen X, and it will come from beyond the grave.

But shame on anyone who has ignored basic math and logic for the past few decades.
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Started getting mine last fall. I've paid both halves for most of my life so I don't feel a bit bad about drawing it now. I like what I do(machinist)
and since my shop is just down the driveway, I plan to continue working. If I do shut down I will start doing more gunsmithing work and only take cash. Since I'm in CA I might as well work cause the fishing sucks.