Suppressors Surefire 762SS fitment


Full Member
Dec 29, 2010
Virginia Beach, VA
I have a Surefire 762SS that I would like to be able to put on a factory threaded rifle, however most of the heavy barreled, factory threaded rifles such as the 700 AAC have to much barrel OD for the required brake to work. Would it be possible to make or does anyone already make an adapter that could thread into the brake and onto the end of the barrel and have the correct OD to mount the brake without turning down the factory barrel.

If this was done would it even work, and if so what do you think would happen to accuracy?
It would end up being a extension that is over 2 inches long and it would not give you any benefits except for not having to turn the barrel down. Not to mention you are adding more room for error by making it 2 plus inches extra that the bullet has to travel while not touching the rifling before it even enters the suppressor. I would either get a different brake if you don't already have the suppressor or just have the barrel turned down to .775.