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Term Limits Protest


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    Hey all,

    Up in Alaska teaching, weird trip coming up,

    Anyway, we were saying, I think we need a Protest we all can get behind, I think we need to hit the streets and protest the politicians who want to screw us. The two faced liars who want to talk out both sides of their mouths, Term Limits.

    Term Limits, Shout it from the rooftops, if these problems are systematic, they are the system, Term Limits

    So without getting ugly, threatening language, or going over the top, we need to organize a March for Term Limits

    I’ve been about term limits for years. I think Thomas Massie or Rand Paul might be also would need to verify.

    I believe being a politician should be a calling not a career, George Washington style. Term of military service to your country, maximum of 8 years in any one politicL office, then go farm, bang betsy ross or whatever.

    You heard it, I’m a fan of 4 years conscription, one duty station, one year of which is training, one year is deployment, one year is supervising your replacement.

    Also lets add females to selective service. Because equality is an Fn two way street.
    Was just talking with a buddy about this the other day.

    the current protests/etc who exactly are they petitioning to change? The general population? that’s not getting anybody anywhere. People can run around screaming BLM, stop police brutality all they want but you are screaming wishes into the air with no real way to point at something and fix it.

    These politicians that live their life in government are ruining this country. This is a protest I can get behind. And they have no good reason to deny it
    If you want term limits, you'll need to skip doing protests and such for the most part and focus on getting public support for it across just about all the states.
    The chances of getting it passed are exceptionally slim due to the very high bar of support across the country you would need to gather and convincing most of the elected representatives from coast to coast, that giving up their place in the club house is the right thing to do.
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    I’m back, not to derail the topic LL Sir, HMFIC, but Robert Heinlein style federation...

    Service to earn citizenship, voting rights, the right to have children that is also cool stuff too. There are some rights you are born with, but people should earn some privileges through their actions. That is equality.
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    Why would legislators willingly vote for legislation that would effectively fire themselves, remove a lifetime pension for minimal work, willingly give up the best healthcare in the world....?

    Ya that ain't happening
    Only if we let them and allow it! Remember, they work for us seeing as we pay they’re salary!
    • Haha
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    Unfortunately, politics has become about getting the money, as much money as you can steal for as long as you can steal it.

    Want to get dead quick?

    Threaten the money.


    Epstein didnt kill himself.
    Only if we let them and allow it! Remember, they work for us seeing as we pay they’re salary!
    We gave that up in the 1930's when "we" gave them the right to give themselves raises and their own special benefits package...

    If you think "they" work for you I dunno what to tell you bud...
    We gave that up in the 1930's when "we" gave them the right to give themselves raises and their own special benefits package...

    If you think "they" work for you I dunno what to tell you bud...
    You have to make em an offer they can’t refuse! I know they are not working for anyone but themselves! But that can and should be changed!
    I can’t figure how to ever make it happen, but it is an excellent solution if it could be implemented. If there was as much passion behind it as say, defund the police, then maybe.
    I do also think we are getting close to the point that 2 separate countries is going to make sense. The left and right have drifted so far apart that that is almost impossible to reconcile and neither side wants to live in a country with the other party in full power. The split can be peaceful and we can have full free trade between them. We don’t need a boogaloo.
    To get term limits, we would need a convention of states. I believe it would have to be ratified by 38 of the 50 and those articles would be sent to congress and they are forced to follow it per the founders design. But in today’s day and age, it would go the way of all things that should have followed the original frame work.... it doesn’t. We damn near got it perfect when the framers wrote it.... just wish they would have included:
    1) term limits on all federal offices
    2) congressional salaries are set by the district that you represent
    3) anything congress passes they too must follow
    4) true oversight of congress (which is written very skimpily in the first two or three articles.
    I don’t say it’s a bad idea, but refreshing Congressmen and Senators too quickly might hand a lot of power over to the bureaucracy, which is already way too powerful and unchecked. Repealing the 17th Amendment, and checking Federal power by allowing the State Assemblies to elect their own Senators would make half the equation moot. Direct election of Senators turned them from servants into powerful free agents, and it relegated the states to rump municipalities. This is THE biggest constitutional check on power that The Progressive Movement of the last century was able to get removed, and it is not coincidence that this is when the federal government began to grow exponentially.

    So I’m for this in the House, but the Senate needs to go back to being controlled by the states, which would actually make who your state assemblyman is importance once more.
    I think it could and should be done but I think it needs to run a parallel path with formal petitions and signatures/ emails of people in support to have any hope. It’s got to happen as local and state wide measures/propositions before it has any chance to make it to a national level. Look at the broad support shown in Virginia to make counties 2A sanctuaries, if all the people who had come out in support of those measures had also signed on to recall the governor, they might have had a chance at removing an honest to god tyrant. It will take either a massive ground level effort while people continue to adhere to the two party system. It’s gotten to a stalemate of people who supposedly represent different ideologies and the politicians are the only benefactors. It makes it easy for someone like Lindsey graham who doesn’t actually give a shit about gun rights or declassifying certain NFA items to point at someone like Dianne Feinstein, and tell the good people of South Carolina, “if I’m not around, you can’t be sure that my replacement won’t let her win on gun control” so people feel like they have to vote for him even if they don’t really agree with him in much at all.

    Most people vote on two or three issues that are important to them but I don’t know many people on the left or the right that actually feel that they are receiving good representation from their elected officials. Everyone knows that we are getting the shaft. The only way something like this takes off is if people start petitions for term limits on everything from city council to senators and congressmen. They gotta be kept specific to term limits and not branch out to other more divisive topics and you could get broad support from both sides.

    My whiskey fueled processing unit makes me think that the best way to start something of this nature is to look around for other members on this site in your local area or state and start putting some numbers to it. We all know a lot of people who feel the same way we do, get them involved and get them to spread the word.

    To me, a protest without documented petitions to redress government behavior or at least a list of demands are little more than whining. They have to be used together. Those petitions need to be used like a mailing list to remind people to put boots to asses in November.
    I agree with term limits. We should also rescind the seventeenth amendment and return to having the individual states appoint them.

    Note - the past 3 and a half years have made it clearly obvious that even if we cleared (dumped) everyone in congress we would still be stuck with the unelected bureaucrats that actually operate the country. Congress has abdicated much of their constitutional responsibility to bureaucrats and ambiguous regulations.

    Plot introduction[edit]
    Three of Washington's most powerful politicians are executed. The assassins demand that the American government set aside partisan politics and restore power to the people, specifically a balanced budget amendment and term limits for all of Congress. Michael O'Rourke, a U.S. Marine turned Congressman finds out who they are and why they do it.

    Excellent novel by Vince Flynn
    I’ve been about term limits for years. I think Thomas Massie or Rand Paul might be also would need to verify.

    I believe being a politician should be a calling not a career, George Washington style. Term of military service to your country, maximum of 8 years in any one politicL office, then go farm, bang betsy ross or whatever.

    You heard it, I’m a fan of 4 years conscription, one duty station, one year of which is training, one year is deployment, one year is supervising your replacement.

    Also lets add females to selective service. Because equality is an Fn two way street.
    Though I didn't serve in the military I agree with conscription. Sadly, our country has become too wussified to allow a tough drill Sargent to toughen folks up. There would be all sorts of lawsuits, etc, etc, etc. Had we done this in the 90's we'd likely be in a much better place than we are today.
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    I agree with term limits. We should also rescind the seventeenth amendment and return to having the individual states appoint them.

    Note - the past 3 and a half years have made it clearly obvious that even if we cleared (dumped) everyone in congress we would still be stuck with the unelected bureaucrats that actually operate the country. Congress has abdicated much of their constitutional responsibility to bureaucrats and ambiguous regulations.
    Home run hit!!!
    To get term limits, we would need a convention of states. I believe it would have to be ratified by 38 of the 50 and those articles would be sent to congress and they are forced to follow it per the founders design. But in today’s day and age, it would go the way of all things that should have followed the original frame work.... it doesn’t. We damn near got it perfect when the framers wrote it.... just wish they would have included:
    1) term limits on all federal offices
    2) congressional salaries are set by the district that you represent
    3) anything congress passes they too must follow
    4) true oversight of congress (which is written very skimpily in the first two or three articles.
    Probably need to toss in balanced budget there. #1 would likely weed out 2 & 3 - if you cannot be there forever then the effect of money and not having to follow the laws they set for us for "life" goes away.

    Also need a limit (%??) on the number of actual employees in government service and the power their unions wield, not including the military branches. Though, a balanced budget amendment would go a long ways to this end.

    I'm all behind Convention of States. Sadly when there were 40+ Republican governors they didn't take the opportunity to get this going, because they too are swamp creatures controlled by their handlers.
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    Vote everybody out...EVERYBODY. unless they are absolutely 100% supportive of this Republic, get rid of everybody in an elected position.

    You can't vote somebody OUT of office.

    You have to vote somebody INTO office.

    Who will replace these folks that need to not be there?

    Think about it on the local level. Do you see a bunch of ballots where the incumbent is running unopposed? Who do you vote for, when there is nobody to vote for?
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    Great idea but when the fox is in charge of the hen house it wont be easy to convince him to lock the hen house door.

    Rick Scott FL is also for this, maybe go to the supporters like him and Cruz and ask them how we can help. Mitch says we already have term limits...they are called elections. That is BS because once in it is very hard to unseat them.

    Also like stated above how do you vote them out when they run unopposed. Does anyone one really trust the election process anymore? Broward County Florida is a great example of crooked vote counters. Does anyone remember Michigan's vote could not be recounted (2016) because the ballot did not reconcile? That's a strange law. The winner wins even if the vote was crooked. Go figure.
    This has been my mantra for over 20 yrs.
    Also believe a honest Convention of States,
    maybe the only way.
    Also believe that, compulsory service for citizen/voter Rights should be a fact.
    Many paths to this...

    Among others
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    It'll never happen in our lifetime. You could go down every professional avenue to try and legally implement it; by getting the population involved, then the states governors, then onto congress etc.. But, it will NEVER happen peacefully. There would need to be deadly force used to get a term limits bill even remotely close to getting approved with our current political "system". Hate to say it, but the only way it would happen is if a group.....or a nation, of patriots did a reenactment of Vince Flynn's book "Term Limits" and brought term limits into effect by force.
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    Always have wondered why, just the POTUS, can serve only two terms, but not Congressman/woman or Representatives. When they're voted into office, they only get two terms (8 years), max. Also, they need to provide access to their bank accounts/stock portfolios, meaning transparency (LoL), so when a .gov official is making millions of $$$, from back door deals, but only makes a salary of X amount per year off the taxpayers backs, they get impeached and tossed off the gravy train. Corruption is a hard thing to control, unless drastic measures are taken. Mac
    Always have wondered why, just the POTUS, can serve only two terms, but not Congressman/woman or Representatives. When they're voted into office, they only get two terms (8 years), max. Also, they need to provide access to their bank accounts/stock portfolios, meaning transparency (LoL), so when a .gov official is making millions of $$$, from back door deals, but only makes a salary of X amount per year off the taxpayers backs, they get impeached and tossed off the gravy train. Corruption is a hard thing to control, unless drastic measures are taken. Mac

    You'll notice Trump is probably the least corrupt, fleecing the public purse politician recently and is also very adamant on not giving out his financial information.

    But all the most corrupt thieving types are happy to show they have "nothing to hide".....

    I wouldn't trust anyone to lead that is stupid or clever enough to agree that the baying sheeple can have access to their financial information.
    Why? All anyone wants to do is try to find something to rag on you about. Either you are stupid enough to open yourself up, or you're plenty smart to know how to make sure nothing is listed in your name.

    I seriously doubt you'd be interested in having all your private financial details made public.

    Of course that is not stopping the democrats from trying to turn the IRS into a weapon to embarrass Trump, which if they actually manage to do, (and in doing so pretty much turn the USA into a third world mess), they will most likely simply find out that Trump is a lot less rich than he makes out to be and hires top notch tax avoidance lawyers. No real surprise there.

    When you are all crying out for these "drastic" measures, you need to sit back and think long and hard about who told you to think about that and how those who truly hate this country will use it to destroy the good.

    Perhaps you'll remember the "public outrage" (that was later openly admitted / bragged about to have been nothing but propaganda and paid influencing), to get the "campaign finance reform" bill passed on a fast track.

    Only later did the people clamoring how good it was come to realize what the bill actually did was enshrine the two party system of the D's and R's into law and make it near impossible for any 3rd parties to spoil the fun and give the ruling parties all the power they needed to legally clobber anyone that tried to get outside the two party system......
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    Not politically correct to say, but since I give two fucks about anyone's feelings: too many people are allowed to vote in this country. You should have some skin in the game, like being a land owner. Professional welfare kings and queens should not be allowed to vote, students who don't know shit from shinola should not be allowed to vote, etc. That's the way it used to be, until we became more "enlightened". That's worked out real well.
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    Are term limits what you really want? Or would you rather have NONE OF THE ABOVE as a choice for every election?

    If the political parties didn't put up decent candidates two or three times in a row, and government ground to a halt, maybe then things could change.
    I'm voting for Karen, all down the ticket. Funny thing is we have Jennifer Smith for mayor signs all over that just appeared the last couple days. Fucking Jennifer Smith. Probably has experience yelling at people at the dog park.
    Term limits and campaign contributions need a complete overhaul. The problem is that the ones who hold the power to change them are the ones who would be voting themselves out of a job...and money. There’s zero chance of getting a majority of members to vote themselves out of a career position.
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    Not politically correct to say, but since I give two fucks about anyone's feelings: too many people are allowed to vote in this country. You should have some skin in the game, like being a land owner. Professional welfare kings and queens should not be allowed to vote, students who don't know shit from shinola should not be allowed to vote, etc. That's the way it used to be, until we became more "enlightened". That's worked out real well.
    So those who rent instead of own shouldn’t be allowed to vote? What classifies someone as a student? An 18yr old HS senior or 18yr old college freshman? What about a 22yr old or 30yr old college freshman? The vet that left service and is now using the GI bill? They don’t get to vote just because they are in college? What about those in trade schools? They are students, so do they not count? A person who lost everything in a divorce and had to go on govt assistance, does that person get a vote? What about the business owner that lost everything due to the COVID shutdown and needs govt assistance? Does he get to vote?

    If you’re an American citizen, you deserve the right to vote and the freedom to choose who you vote for (as well as to abstain, should you wish to). That’s what makes us who we are. Remember man, your status as a citizen is only an opinion away from being deemed a criminal. All it takes is someone to not agree that you meet the requirements to vote (maybe they feel you don’t know shit from shinola) and boom, you’ve now been labeled the thing that you disapprove of and can no longer vote in the country you’re a citizen of.
    Hey all,

    Up in Alaska teaching, weird trip coming up,

    Anyway, we were saying, I think we need a Protest we all can get behind, I think we need to hit the streets and protest the politicians who want to screw us. The two faced liars who want to talk out both sides of their mouths, Term Limits.

    Term Limits, Shout it from the rooftops, if these problems are systematic, they are the system, Term Limits

    So without getting ugly, threatening language, or going over the top, we need to organize a March for Term Limits


    Community Organizer!
    • Like
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    You'll notice Trump is probably the least corrupt, fleecing the public purse politician recently and is also very adamant on not giving out his financial information.

    But all the most corrupt thieving types are happy to show they have "nothing to hide".....

    I wouldn't trust anyone to lead that is stupid or clever enough to agree that the baying sheeple can have access to their financial information.
    Why? All anyone wants to do is try to find something to rag on you about. Either you are stupid enough to open yourself up, or you're plenty smart to know how to make sure nothing is listed in your name.

    I seriously doubt you'd be interested in having all your private financial details made public.

    Of course that is not stopping the democrats from trying to turn the IRS into a weapon to embarrass Trump, which if they actually manage to do, (and in doing so pretty much turn the USA into a third world mess), they will most likely simply find out that Trump is a lot less rich than he makes out to be and hires top notch tax avoidance lawyers. No real surprise there.

    When you are all crying out for these "drastic" measures, you need to sit back and think long and hard about who told you to think about that and how those who truly hate this country will use it to destroy the good.

    Perhaps you'll remember the "public outrage" (that was later openly admitted / bragged about to have been nothing but propaganda and paid influencing), to get the "campaign finance reform" bill passed on a fast track.

    Only later did the people clamoring how good it was come to realize what the bill actually did was enshrine the two party system of the D's and R's into law and make it near impossible for any 3rd parties to spoil the fun and give the ruling parties all the power they needed to legally clobber anyone that tried to get outside the two party system......
    I'm just say'n, IF you are going to be involved in the Nations politics, you're going to need to be more transparent. The rest of us, we don't have access to the range of influences, let's say, .gov members do, so we, the people, aren't the problem.
    To put it simply, I've got nothing to hide and you said so yourself, the IRS has their finger firmly planted on the rest of us, so, checks and balances for our elected officials, need to be put in place. The F'n corruption has been going on for decades and will be damn near impossible to stop, so, I guess we do nothing and let the ball keep a roll'n. Mac
    1. Change tax law so that the federal government taxes each state, rather than the individual or the corporation. Make the state the primary tax collector. There is going to be overhead and waste...that is a given. You might as well keep that waste close to home. Also, the people making the fucked up tax laws have addresses in your state so they would be easy to find. This would give the state more power to negotiate and greatly hinder the federal governments ability to go after the individual.

    2. Create electoral colleges within each state to limit the power of population centers within that state.

    3. Require 10 years residency before being able to vote in that state.