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To those whom have been getting all paranoid about vaccine records...

Yup, they took my allergy medicine off the market. I had taken it since I was about 5 and they pulled it when I was about 40'ish. Seems it caused strokes... in women. (thank goodness I identify as a gay transsexual reptilian of color). This stuff had to be on the market for almost 50 years.

So you spend 9 months developing a new drug that you say is safe and you want me to take it because a virus that has an over 99% survivability rate is somehow going to kill me or someone I know, or don't know, or love, or hate... just take the damn shot. I think not. Get back to me in 40 years like you did last time.

claritan-d is the only thing that works for me. i never got any kind of prescription.
You guys are a bunch of pussies. I've had 5 or so Anthraxes, smallpox, the peanut butter shot, doxy, and a shit ton more. Burn pits, radioactive gasses, breaching charge mini-cucusses that blow out the speakers on your radio, cycles of dangerous massive weight loss.

Like we don't drink 5 gallons of beer a week on top of that....
Right there with you brother. 6 anthrax shots. I swear it's like injecting molten lava in the back of your arm. Smallpox in 2003 in Iraq. The peanut butter shot before going to Africa and S. America. Yellow fever, typhoid, etc, etc.
I'm fine with a vaccine passport as long as it includes ALL required vaccines-> MMR, DPT, Polio, etc, etc, etc.

Also it should be required to vote. Hold office. Get welfare benefits.

Outta fix the problem real fast.

My only real concern is the rush to production. Guy who does it first--usually gets it wrong (words of wisdom from my hard ass phd advisor).

Yes I get a Flu shot yearly and Pneumonia shot as well. 0 side effects, part of my annual checkup. I even get a cool band aid. With 2 kids and a school teacher wife, I am catching whatever is going around.
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Need link to this claim.
There’s a news article that talks about NM state law and how you have the right to decline but are required to quarantine. I haven’t found anything where the governor stated this, but it appears that it could be within the power of that office.
The real problem won’t come from the govt with all of this bullshit... it will come from the businesses. Sure you can opt out at the govt level because of religious or existing medical issues, but when businesses won’t let you in without scanning your card or phone, that’s when you run into problems. If you don’t think businesses will do this, you’re mistaken. The ones who hold out will be pressured with financial incentives and once they take (or if they have taken) support, they’ll be required to track who visits their establishments.

You can say you don’t have a phone, unless your employer is issuing you one, but then you face the same issue of being denied entry if they require you to scan a QR code. “Oh I don’t have a camera phone.” “Well you need to text or call this number before you enter so we can contract trace.”

You can also decline rubbing whatever liquid the store put in the “hand sanitizer” bottle that’s just a non-labeled pump or spray bottle...but then they can just deny you entry.

I’m not anti-vaccination or some wacko who rubs oil on the skin to keep evil spirits at bay. I’ve had my fair share for various gigs over the years. What I am against though is shit rushed to market and being forced to take it or I’m a criminal/outcast because of some fucking political game that’s being played by fucking retarded children.

I’m just waiting for them to get their wish of defunding the police. Then none of this matters because no one will be able to stop you from doing what you want. ...like buying two big gulps from 7-Eleven and filling them with a slurpee mix of coke and cherry. ....god won’t even be able to help the attendant on duty if the machines are broken or the slushee is too watery...
Yea....I bet you think your little "covid" shot is SO special in needs it's own card........just fill it in at the next open spot....

i agree with the folks saying “if you dont want it, dont get it. if you do want it, get it”

i wish it would be that simple. if it were that, and left at that, i’d have no complaints. zero.

there is going to be a push to force this on folks. they are going to attempt to remove “choice” from it. whether it is carrying a card, proving it for access to the store, or getting the shot as a requirement for employment.....one way or another, the choice in it is going to be removed. and THAT, my friends, is where my hackles go up.

to them... it aint about a cure, it’s about compliance. see “plutoxin 7”. fucking prophetic.

to me....it’s about real world health concerns and more so i dont trust ANYONE to wants to remove my choice from anything. i dont give a fuck if it’s liberals or trump, or the company executives. it’s also about what’s been written-and low and behold, here it comes. do i think this is the one? not necessarily-but it for damn sure is a test run if nothing else. either way, i’m having no part of it. no matter what it costs me.
I'll get it as soon as it's available. People around me are dropping like flies and I am exposed daily to places like hospitals and such.

Pretty sure my employer will require it as our clients will certainly require it and I gotta work to support the Welfare State.


claritan-d is the only thing that works for me. i never got any kind of prescription.
It was called Triminicin or something like that at first it was only available with a rx, then it went OTC. About 20 years in, they brought out caplets, before then it was a syrup. Now I just use generic loratadine 10mg (Claritin)
I’m just waiting for them to get their wish of defunding the police. Then none of this matters because no one will be able to stop you from doing what you want. ...like buying two big gulps from 7-Eleven and filling them with a slurpee mix of coke and cherry. ....god won’t even be able to help the attendant on duty if the machines are broken or the slushee is too watery...

Yep it might come down to helping the communists with their push to get rid of those that "just follow orders", because without those "just doing their duty" types, the evil overlords can't enforce any of this stuff.

Maybe this is what finally gets the "good" folks to give up their slavish blind devotion to authority and those who enforce it.
Probably not however, bet they will be talking about "just obey the law" as they are being loaded onto the trains....
Prolly not, but in communist shitholes like Austin, I'm sure you'll have to show your papers if you plan to rent an overpriced apartment or God forbid, apply for a building permit with the COA.

I live in IL, another communist shit hole. I was down in Austin at Dell a couple years ago and talking to some IT director, he was trying to convince me to move to TX, specifically Austin area. His argument was, "It's (Austin) is an island of blue in a sea of red. You'll love it!"
I live in IL, another communist shit hole. I was down in Austin at Dell a couple years ago and talking to some IT director, he was trying to convince me to move to TX, specifically Austin area. His argument was, "It's (Austin) is an island of blue in a sea of red. You'll love it!"
Lot of people from Chicago moving to Austin. The women all look and act like Karen, abrupt, mad, rude and even wear the 'I'd like to speak to the manager' haircut. They are quick to say 'Back in Chicago this wouldn't be allowed' until you finally say 'If Chicago wasn't such a shithole you people wouldn't be down here.'

Austin City Council has been taken over by that Leftist, corrupt Chicago element and a $200.00 building permit that once took an hour to schedule now takes weeks or months and may cost thousands.
It was called Triminicin or something like that at first it was only available with a rx, then it went OTC. About 20 years in, they brought out caplets, before then it was a syrup. Now I just use generic loratadine 10mg (Claritin)

My mom used Triaminicin when I was a kid. She was very frustrated when it disappeared. I always wondered why it was removed.
Lot of people from Chicago moving to Austin. The women all look and act like Karen, abrupt, mad, rude and even wear the 'I'd like to speak to the manager' haircut. They are quick to say 'Back in Chicago this wouldn't be allowed' until you finally say 'If Chicago wasn't such a shithole you people wouldn't be down here.'

Austin City Council has been taken over by that Leftist, corrupt Chicago element and a $200.00 building permit that once took an hour to schedule now takes weeks or months and may cost thousands.

Yeah, the parisitic Shitcagoans are leaving their highly taxed, highly regulated crapvilles, implementing the same destructive policies they left behind and ruining the placees to which they emigrate. Same with New Yorkers and Californians. Parasites, leeches, moochers, leftists, communists, call them whatever you want, they are a virus far more destructive than COVID.
Yeah, the parisitic Shitcagoans are leaving their highly taxed, highly regulated crapvilles, implementing the same destructive policies they left behind and ruining the placees to which they emigrate. Same with New Yorkers and Californians. Parasites, leeches, moochers, leftists, communists, call them whatever you want, they are a virus far more destructive than COVID.
The hills west of Austin called West Lake Hills is a separate municipality. Thats where I'm from. Growing up it was a unique blend of hillbillies called 'cedar choppers' that were there since the 1800's and later in the 50's well to do U.T. professors.
The cedar choppers made their living chopping cedar posts, cutting firewood to sell to the rich people, hauling masonry rock from the limestone hills and deer hunting. In the fall there were the distant whine of a chainsaw and occasional rifle shots. Life was good.

I went back to do a construction project and along with paying thousands for a permit thats going to take weeks to 'review' by some turds from God knows where, I learned I can't take out any trees, even the scrub cedar, without some arborist coming out and marking and approving them. Then you have to replace them with new trees. I asked some Karen at the City did that mean I couldn't get my saw and cut a 'jag of posts?' and she looked at me and said.......no.

Also, I told the customer/owner he should put out a deer feeder on his property if he wants to see some good bucks and likes deer meat. We all hunted over corn growing up. He said the City of West Lake doesn't allow you to feed the deer. :confused:

All the 'old people' are gone now, crowded out, taxed out and died out and the place is overrun with Californians and other IT people and the Biden/Harris signs are everywhere.
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All the 'old people' are gone now, crowded out, taxed out

That is why I firmly believe all property taxes should be illegal to even consider.
You never own your house, you only rent it from the government and if you stop paying, people with guns will come to get you.
You might be able to afford taxes now, but 20 years later, your tax bill is more than your mortgage was because some developers built some fancy subdivision near you and supposedly your property "increased in value"..

Yet even on SH here you have folks blathering on about how we need property taxes to fund....

I'm at the point now my property taxes are about the same as my mortgage was when I bought the house and I'm rather annoyed by it since I get next to no benefits from all those huge taxes I pay. Not to mention if I upgrade my property the taxes will go crazy and if I want to buy a bigger place anywhere in like 100 miles, I'll pay bankruptcy level taxes.

It keeps you always having to be a slave to the government rather than being able to just pay off everything and settle down and relax.
I'd like to propose an alternative to the "its all for control"

I really don't think thats it. (you can disagree).

My thinking is its about fear.

We(as a society) are so sheltered, so comfortable in our current society, we have no clue what real risk and danger is anymore. Then along pops a bad flu and we loose our minds. We see the stockpiling, goverments going crazy to 'protect' us. Sure there a few looking to do a power grab but on the whole most people are scared out of their minds.

And then "WE MUST DO SOMETHING" Well sometimes doing nothing is something--but people want solutions NOW.

And most of all people have no idea what a real plague looks like. We've never had the black death sweep out 50% of all people. No smallpox to kill off 10% of the infected. No cholera, no yellow fever.

We're sheltered and frightened.

Politicians somewhat what control--they want a solution. So they can get re-elected. That's why they ingore the rules becuase the small shit doesn't happen or apply to them. They are even MORE removed from reality.

Get a vaccine, don't get a vaccine. Life's a risk.

On the birght side, we can generate 100% green energy by harnessing our ancestors spinning in their graves for what pussies we are.
There will be a constitutional suit on making this mandatory. It will fail. It will however come into the business world with some interesting issues. Can an airline ban non-vaccinated people? I would argue yes, it has the right as a business. Can a hotel ban similar? Yes, it has the right.

You can claim the right to forego vaccination, but others, similarly, can claim the right to exclude you from their businesses and activities based on your choice.

We were all frothing mad (rightly) when that nurse who had ebola was allowed to travel on a plane. It's the same shit (regardless of your views of lethality etc of C-19).
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Yea....I bet you think your little "covid" shot is SO special in needs it's own card........just fill it in at the next open spot....


I actually dug my shot records out-it is two books, stapled together. 20 yrs. o_O

I had a Doctor ask about an entry from early 80's: "What is that?!" :LOL: FuckifIknow!

There is a distinct difference between serving and being required to get jabs - and now. I stopped with the Flu shots when I retired. Been sick once. In almost a full "20 yr career" of not being jabbed.

They can stick the Rona shot up their asses. Just an opinion.
There will be a constitutional suit on making this mandatory. It will fail. It will however come into the business world with some interesting issues. Can an airline ban non-vaccinated people? I would argue yes, it has the right as a business. Can a hotel ban similar? Yes, it has the right.

You can claim the right to forego vaccination, but others, similarly, can claim the right to exclude you from their businesses and activities based on your choice.

We were all frothing mad (rightly) when that nurse who had ebola was allowed to travel on a plane. It's the same shit (regardless of your views of lethality etc of C-19).

The "Good" people need to get their heads out of their asses and stop letting Giant multinational corporations turn us into serfs with this whole "Private Business" B.S. that people keep regurgitating.

You'll notice the communist side is happy to use the law to tell all those corporations that they CAN'T ban things they don't like and the "private company" means absolutely nothing and you'll notice all the corporations obey without question.

Corporations are NOT people, they already abide by tons of laws willingly, dictating all manner of things they can't do or must do.
I mean did you hear any complaints and protests and lawsuits from the "Private corporations" about CA's new laws about the "diversity" of their boards?... nope just get with the program because it's politically correct.

STOP rolling over and apologizing for yourselves, no wonder the "Good" folks are loosing the culture battles.

Much like the "Good" folks have let the actual idea of "Free Speech" almost go extinct by their complacency when mega corporations monopolize the ability to communicate and then ban what they don't like and the stupid "good" folks blather on about, "well they are private companies".....
You'll notice those same corporations are happy to toe the line to any communist government and even sensor things here on behalf of the Chinese.

For the sake of future generations, take a serious look at the playbook and history of the Gay Rights movement, who refused to compromise, refused to obey, refused to cower, refused to apologize, and refused to hide in the shadows. In 50 years they went from being criminals to it almost being a crime to not agree with them.

And before the gun owners go saying, well we have so much to loose, think again, many of those in the Gay rights struggle had a lot to loose and were subject to loosing their livelihoods and even being arrested & they weren't a bunch of losers.

The Gay rights movement didn't put up with "private corporations" telling them what they could and couldn't do, they took it to the mattresses and won and now every corporation that used to discriminate against them and ban things, goes out of their way to show how supportive they are of Gay rights, much of which is enforced by law.

Wake up and stop believing the BS you are told, this slavish worship of imagined authority is destroying the future for all "Good" people.
Right there with you brother. 6 anthrax shots. I swear it's like injecting molten lava in the back of your arm. Smallpox in 2003 in Iraq. The peanut butter shot before going to Africa and S. America. Yellow fever, typhoid, etc, etc.
Damn....I wish you wouldn't of brought back those memories, just........damn. I got those when Desert Storm started and was flying out in the system. Mac
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The "Good" people need to get their heads out of their asses and stop letting Giant multinational corporations turn us into serfs with this whole "Private Business" B.S. that people keep regurgitating.

So you have a problem with private property then? I think that's the essence of communism right there. My business, my rules. Don't like it, take your money and opinions elsewhere. The entire premise of the American revolution was over private property and rights. Those rights don't vanish because you don't like how they're applied in certain circumstance. Resolve your cognitive dissonance...

You'll notice the communist side is happy to use the law to tell all those corporations that they CAN'T ban things they don't like and the "private company" means absolutely nothing and you'll notice all the corporations obey without question.

Yes, the multi-billion dollar lobbyist industry that exists in this country because corps. specifically want to get their way, and systematically do would agree with you that they're the victims... (the greatest trick the devil plays...)

Corporations are NOT people, [the SCOTUS would and has disagreed and ruled against you on this very point... by no coincidence on the topic of election influence through donations... more evidence of corps. not getting their way I'm sure...) they already abide by tons of laws willingly, dictating all manner of things they can't do or must do.

I mean did you hear any complaints and protests and lawsuits from the "Private corporations" about CA's new laws about the "diversity" of their boards?... nope just get with the program because it's politically correct. [or perhaps it's either an unenforceable facade and benign]

STOP rolling over and apologizing for yourselves, no wonder the "Good" folks are loosing the culture battles.

Much like the "Good" folks have let the actual idea of "Free Speech" almost go extinct by their complacency when mega corporations monopolize the ability to communicate and then ban what they don't like [there's that pesky, capitalist idea of private property. Why do YOU accept the utterly arbitrary ways the Hide is mod'd and yet expect Twitter and others to be altruistic....? Just as this place is the private of Frank and therefore his rules, so it is with Twitter and it's shareholders. Don't like it, find someplace else to express yourself, you are NOT entitled to a soapbox, just your voice and opinion] and the stupid "good" folks blather on about, "well they are private companies".....[yeah, us assholes who believe in real freedom and it's universal application rather than freedom just for our friends...we suck.]
You'll notice those same corporations are happy to toe the line to any communist government and even sensor things here on behalf of the Chinese.

For the sake of future generations, take a serious look at the playbook and history of the Gay Rights movement, who refused to compromise, refused to obey, refused to cower, refused to apologize, and refused to hide in the shadows. In 50 years they went from being criminals to it almost being a crime to not agree with them. [so being gay should still be a crime?... you're confusing overcoming discrimination with, I don't know, something...]

And before the gun owners go saying, well we have so much to loose, think again, many of those in the Gay rights struggle had a lot to loose and were subject to loosing their livelihoods and even being arrested & they weren't a bunch of losers. [agree on this point, they showed a lot of spine.]

The Gay rights movement didn't put up with "private corporations" telling them what they could and couldn't do, they took it to the mattresses and won and now every corporation that used to discriminate against them and ban things, goes out of their way to show how supportive they are of Gay rights, much of which is enforced by law. [There is no such things as "Gay Rights". There is no law, unless I'm mistaken, that specifically calls out gays as a seperate and elevated or special class that has protections for them over and above anyone else. The gay rights was about bringing them in line with existing anti-discrimation laws from which they had been previously excluded as being gay was viewed a choice and therefore not the same as being black or disabled or some other easily discriminated characteristic of the individual.]

Wake up and stop believing the BS you are told, this slavish worship of imagined authority is destroying the future for all "Good" people.
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there is a huge difference between the nurse with ebola and covid. no one invented a vaccine for ebola in short order, and was rushing it out the the population. the day to day life in america wasnt effected at all. in fact, if you didnt follow the news, you wouldnt even know about the “ebola nurse”.

everywhere i look, there is a constant visual ‘in your face’ reminder of the intrusion on our liberty. and for something that is maybe not even as bad as the common cold. like i said before....see “plutoxin 7”.

and if you can’t see this truth, then i can’t help ya.
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Ummm, 15+ million illegals have been living in this country for many years. They have managed to get government handouts of all sorts. Working in the factories and other jobs with the required paperwork.
Just saying.
there is a huge difference between the nurse with ebola and covid. no one invented a vaccine for ebola in short order, and was rushing it out the the population. the day to day life in america wasnt effected at all. in fact, if you didnt follow the news, you wouldnt even know about the “ebola nurse”.

everywhere i look, there is a constant visual ‘in your face’ reminder of the intrusion on our liberty. and for something that is maybe not even as bad as the common cold. like i said before....see “plutoxin 7”.

and if you can’t see this truth, then i can’t help ya.

The lethality is immaterial. This is basic property rights, the fundamental cornerstone of capitalism. A restaurant has the right to ban you for dressing like a bum or wearing yellow or, whatever... If it harms a business to not exclude people who have made a choice (to abstain from the vaccine), then theirs is the prerogative to deny business.

This is case of Newton's Third Law. You can make a choice to abstain, but others can make the choice to abstain from you.

I'm not rushing for this vaccine. I can do what I do from home and I don't generally wish to mingle with the unwashed masses anyway. My kids certainly won't be getting it and I don't believe any public agency will have the fiscal fortitude to fight the class actions suits against them if they make it mandatory.

I think this is a bit tin foil. I don't speak Brit but it sounds to me like he's talking about the vaccine sterilizing the population from the virus at an effective rate of 60%-70%

Context is important and I don't want the damn vaccine regardless. The supposedly frightening statement in the context he's using it, to me, appears to be about the efficacy of the vaccine against the virus in the overall population 🤷🏼‍♂️
I think this is a bit tin foil. I don't speak Brit but it sounds to me like he's talking about the vaccine sterilizing the population from the virus at an effective rate of 60%-70%

Context is important and I don't want the damn vaccine regardless. The supposedly frightening statement in the context he's using it, to me, appears to be about the efficacy of the vaccine against the virus in the overall population 🤷🏼‍♂️

I thought it was supposed to be 90 - 95% effective?
I'll get it as soon as it's available. People around me are dropping like flies and I am exposed daily to places like hospitals and such.

Pretty sure my employer will require it as our clients will certainly require it and I gotta work to support the Welfare State.


Unfortunately, it is killing healthy people even though some still thinks it only kills people with one foot in the grave already.
well at least its a card they stamp rather than them trying to brand your new number on your flesh see there is an up side to the card .

or worse a pecker pic tattooed to your forehead lol
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