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UH Oh......maybe secession isn't such a far fetched idea

It would be interesting to see how the Red states feel about it when they realize the financial impact. New York pays 24 Billion more in federal taxes that it gets back in benefits, New Jersey pays about the same. Texas collects 36 Billion more than they pay. For the most part it is the blue states that fund the red states. I'm sure they would be happy to end this socialist practice.

Like a lot of things, it's probably not quite that cut-and-dried. Here's a different opinion on the issue, that delves deeper into it -
Are Red States Tax Takers And Blue States Tax Makers?

Some would do well to read this ^^^.

Wonder which states run in line with the above and which are counter to this axiom?

Texas is not currently paying for the wall, ICE or the border patrol. Those are all federal programs.

Maybe because... Its actually in the CONSTITUTION that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is in charge of securing the border(one of the few responsibilities it ACTUALLY does give them)... So why should Texas(California, Arizona, or New Mexico) pay a single dime to secure the border? If we do pay...we should have a say... Texas would seal up the border yesterday, but we dont really get a say... we just get to deal with the horse shit aftermath of the border being left open for the last 40 years...
It would be interesting to see how the Red states feel about it when they realize the financial impact. New York pays 24 Billion more in federal taxes that it gets back in benefits, New Jersey pays about the same. Texas collects 36 Billion more than they pay. For the most part it is the blue states that fund the red states. I'm sure they would be happy to end this socialist practice.

I have had this discussion many times and it is amazing how people that think they are conservative and smart will listen to the crap that is published in the liberal media.

If you were to look much deaper into this you would find that it is all oke amd mirrors. Here is an example. Kalifornia counts all of the tariffs that are collected as part of the GDP for the state. Even though it is a complete pass through to tje federal government. They also count the hyperinflation there are more money to the GDP. As an example a bushels of corn that costs $10 in Nebraska to grow and ship to both Kalifornia and Arizona will sell for $50 in Kalifornia and $30 in Arizona because of the crazy overhead. That extra $20 counts twords the states GDP even is the actual profit is $5 in Kalifornia and $10 in Arizona.

Smoke and Mirrors that you have fallen for.
Maybe because... Its actually in the CONSTITUTION that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is in charge of securing the border(one of the few responsibilities it ACTUALLY does give them)... So why should Texas(California, Arizona, or New Mexico) pay a single dime to secure the border? If we do pay...we should have a say... Texas would seal up the border yesterday, but we dont really get a say... we just get to deal with the horse shit aftermath of the border being left open for the last 40 years...

The funds for securing the border always came from Texas. And every other state in the Union. It was just a different armed robber pointing a gun at you and taking your wallet.

If a state secedes, then federal income tax/SSI/Medicare/Federal Corporate taxes etc all go to the state budget all the sudden. So do the responsibilities to deliver the mail and defend the state border.

Somehow I think that without massive payments to Buttfuckistan, social welfare programs, etc etc most states have a very good chance of making a go at it.

Secession is a pretty good idea frankly. And if California was the first to go, it would be a magnet for leftist commies. And the state conservatives would probably finally decide to leave.

Lets send Illinois, Maryland, New York/Jersey, and California from the union and see how things shape up for a few years after that. I'd rather kick them the fuck out than leave, personally.
Texas has allowed, no, invited, thanks Rick Perry, dumbfuck, so much communist, big tech trash from California into the state it would be sub-divided again in a few short years over the same issue.

And why should we surrender one square foot of the U.S. that was paid for with American blood in two world wars to the communists?
Rick Perry was/is, scum. Actually thats an insult to good self respecting scum.
The funds for securing the border always came from Texas. And every other state in the Union. It was just a different armed robber pointing a gun at you and taking your wallet.

If a state secedes, then federal income tax/SSI/Medicare/Federal Corporate taxes etc all go to the state budget all the sudden. So do the responsibilities to deliver the mail and defend the state border.

Somehow I think that without massive payments to Buttfuckistan, social welfare programs, etc etc most states have a very good chance of making a go at it.

Secession is a pretty good idea frankly. And if California was the first to go, it would be a magnet for leftist commies. And the state conservatives would probably finally decide to leave.

Lets send Illinois, Maryland, New York/Jersey, and California from the union and see how things shape up for a few years after that. I'd rather kick them the fuck out than leave, personally.
You misspelled Chicago.

NO,NO,NO! FLORIDA MUST BE THE FIRST TO LEAVE! maybe,plus the rest of the old south along with idaho,dakotas,others? montana before the kali commies ruin it like they did CO. anyplace else where people believe in freedom and liberty. i know there are good folks in the left coast and other bad places. must be some way to vet their bonafids and encourage "immigration" into the free states. severe measures should be in place to prevent invasion by "illegals" and liberals/progressives,including the use of armed force. maybe could get some foriegners to come,if any have the stones to join in. care would need to be taken as alot of "conservatives" would want to put in restrictive,abusive laws such as exist in many areas controlled by them. oh well,one can dream.
again, it’s really as simple as this: if you are for less govt you live here, if you are for more govt you live there. There always will be the need for administration of some kind. But I think once the ever present looming threat of “if you don’t keep me in office or it will turn blue” is removed from the equation, accountability and actions will once again determine if that person has the earned the right to help steer the ship.
not too mention this country has been circling the drain for a while now. Pandora’s box has literally been ripped open and if you think we can put the lid back on…..well..good luck with that.
If you were a working person or one with money? Would you stay in a commie state that would tax you into oblivion? Or move to a free state where you keep more of what you earn?

Any economic advantage currently held by Blue over Red, would quickly dissipate. So much that the Blue would begin to build walls to keep people in. JMHO
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Do you guys realize that this is a global attempt to make the vast majority of humans serfs to the elites orchestrating all the chaos? You think they let you be free in your own enclave?
Exactly what Ive been saying for years. But it goes even deeper than mere royalty and serfs. Consider well Paul's words:

Ephesians 6:12

King James Version

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Im unclear or undecided as to whether or not there is a true Satan apart from the lower part of the human nature. Was Jesus tempted by an outside force, or his own lower nature.

I know I wrestle daily with my lower nature and only by putting on the whole armor can I triumph, and too often I forget one piece or another.


13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
In Dripping Springs west of Austin some cockslobbering pos sold his 1700+ acre ranch to developers who plan on cramming 3500 new houses on it. You can count on two adults living in each or 7,000 more people just in that one area. How many of those new people do you think will be Liberals from out of state escaping shitholes like California they've already made uninhabitable?

And thats just one development in central Texas, which is exploding with development, and most of those people are from out of state. Once dug in here, they aren't going anywhere. The Hillary signs were already the predominant signs and billboards in 2016 in Dripping Dick.

Seceding isn't going to accomplish shit unless Texas passes and enforces a no communism law like the Communist Control Act of 1954 signed by Eisenhauer.
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THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated
Thomas Paine, The Crisis
Tags: 1776, december-23
In Dripping Springs west of Austin some cockslobbering pos sold his 1700+ acre ranch to developers who plan on cramming 3500 new houses on it. You can count on two adults living in each or 7,000 more people just in that one area. How many of those new people do you think will be Liberals from out of state escaping shitholes like California they've already made uninhabitable?

And thats just one development in central Texas, which is exploding with development, and most of those people are from out of state. Once dug in here, they aren't going anywhere. The Hillary signs were already the predominant signs and billboards in 2016 in Dripping Dick.

Seceding isn't going to accomplish shit unless Texas passes and enforces a no communism law like the Communist Control Act of 1954 signed by Eisenhauer.
Thats really sad. Dripping Springs is/was a beautiful area. Wait til they turn Hamilton Pool into a resort full of $1,000,000 condos.
In Dripping Springs west of Austin some cockslobbering pos sold his 1700+ acre ranch to developers who plan on cramming 3500 new houses on it. You can count on two adults living in each or 7,000 more people just in that one area. How many of those new people do you think will be Liberals from out of state escaping shitholes like California they've already made uninhabitable?

And thats just one development in central Texas, which is exploding with development, and most of those people are from out of state. Once dug in here, they aren't going anywhere. The Hillary signs were already the predominant signs and billboards in 2016 in Dripping Dick.

Seceding isn't going to accomplish shit unless Texas passes and enforces a no communism law like the Communist Control Act of 1954 signed by Eisenhauer.
same shit here in NE Bama.
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I'm not, I actually vote Republican most of the time, I'm just don't take the koolaid without question.
I probably seem blue because I like to play devil's advocate, just try to get people to ask more questions. My opinion is that session or civil war is bad for everyone, except Russia and China.
Mercantilists can't be trusted with freedom
It won't happen by the ballot box. It'll be another box corporations can't buy.

There is no organizing.

In 1770s with much smaller populations colonists got bigger numbers in the streets for lesser offenses than we suffer today.

New England/Tampa on today and I've got to follow the Gabby Petito story.
There is no organizing.

In 1770s with much smaller populations colonists got bigger numbers in the streets for lesser offenses than we suffer today.

New England/Tampa on today and I've got to follow the Gabby Petito story.

Please add a sarcasm disclaimer for the last remark. Remember, literalists lurk among us.
Exactly what Ive been saying for years. But it goes even deeper than mere royalty and serfs. Consider well Paul's words:

Ephesians 6:12​

King James Version​

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Im unclear or undecided as to whether or not there is a true Satan apart from the lower part of the human nature. Was Jesus tempted by an outside force, or his own lower nature.

I know I wrestle daily with my lower nature and only by putting on the whole armor can I triumph, and too often I forget one piece or another.


13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Of course, the global elites are the distillation of human evil. They already got more money than they could possibly spend in their privileged bubbles. You would think that's enough for a semi-decent person. But no, they then need to dick around with the lives of the remaining 99% and make those lives even worse.

Pure, fucking evil. Orders of magnitude worse than the FSA parasites, who at least have the excuse of being too stupid to know better.
Of course, the global elites are the distillation of human evil. They already got more money than they could possibly spend in their privileged bubbles. You would think that's enough for a semi-decent person. But no, they then need to dick around with the lives of the remaining 99% and make those lives even worse.

Pure, fucking evil. Orders of magnitude worse than the FSA parasites, who at least have the excuse of being too stupid to know better.
Look at the age of these evil people. Feinstein is 88, pelosi is 81, potato Jo is 78, Bernie Sanders is 80, RBG, McStain and many others. They must be miserable people to be around. Clinging to the power even until death. All the money a person could want or need and what are they doing? Spending time with their family? Taking their grandchildren to Disney? They are more about taking this country down than living life.
Look at the age of these evil people. Feinstein is 88, pelosi is 81, potato Jo is 78, Bernie Sanders is 80, RBG, McStain and many others. They must be miserable people to be around. Clinging to the power even until death. All the money a person could want or need and what are they doing? Spending time with their family? Taking their grandchildren to Disney? They are more about taking this country down than living life.

Look at the demonic claws on her....


Im telling you we are living the plot for that Kingsmen movie that had Samuel L Jackson in it.
Somebody needs to tell Barney Fife to buy his trousers with three less inches of inseem.
Look at the demonic claws on her....

View attachment 7714129

Im telling you we are living the plot for that Kingsmen movie that had Samuel L Jackson in it.
Looks like someone gave the Pillsbury Doughboy and uniform and a badge.
There is no organizing.

In 1770s with much smaller populations colonists got bigger numbers in the streets for lesser offenses than we suffer today.

New England/Tampa on today and I've got to follow the Gabby Petito story.
You'd be surprised at how few well disciplined individuals it will take to create massive chaos.
Somebody needs to tell Barney Fife to buy his trousers with three less inches of inseem.

Looks like someone gave the Pillsbury Doughboy and uniform and a badge.

So few people know how to wear a uniform....only bound to get worse as the "Sweat Pants" generation starts to take over.

I work with a uniform that is throw back to the 30's. Pre SS but people accuse us of stealing their shit....other way around chronologically.

Its uncomfortable to wear and requires a certain bearing to do so correctly. It forces you to some extent hold that bearing. The boots part of it is the first thing people mention to me and how when the were of the crime cohort years the boots scared the shit out of them.

Not only does it force a bearing on the wearer but it illicits a favorable reaction generally from the public......of course if that public runs there is little doubt they will get away no matter how slow they are.

Soon we will be "updating" to stretchy nylon materials and the boots will be ceremony only. Im expecting along with the comfort will comfortable attitudes.
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