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What part of 'F*ck off, Redcoat' do the English not understand?

I reckon I shouldn’t say cancelled, to my knowledge they originally planned to go on longer with it but for whatever reason decided to finish out when they did.
Wish they would do more shows that are similar.. IMO it needed more Robert Rogers, tho I realize he didn’t play a big part in the revolution

that guy was a fucking riot! Loved his character and but for the dying homeless, is an aspirational character for us all I think.
you're worried about meghan markle, I'm worried about CHina, Russia and Iran. But it's good that you've got the rearguard taken care of. God knows the brits have been planning an invasion for years....

good fookin' grief man...
you're worried about meghan markle, I'm worried about CHina, Russia and Iran. But it's good that you've got the rearguard taken care of. God knows the brits have been planning an invasion for years....

good fookin' grief man...
Im worried about other criminal 'tards getting ready to rig an election and overthrow our government with their communist regime.

Meanwhile, you're worried I called some British cuck agitator here in the U.S. a Redcoat.
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Harry did serve his time in the British Armed Forces. He went to Iraq and Afghanistan and served. Not hide in a bunker, or play FOBBIT, but he went outside the wire and did his job. I do have to give him respect for that.

But dude. How did he go from the UK's bad boy playboy to someone so whipped that he is giving up everything for her?
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Harry also created the Invictus Games which is a worthy achievement. The majority of British public can't understand his transformation and the fact he's left his complete life behind and that he's become hypocritical and woke. Becoming a parent can do funny things but I can't help but feel that its down to Meghan's influence and that she's got his balls in a sling.
Can't you fucking leftards give that a rest? You look like fools pushing that angle. Because you are fools.

when you can entertain more than one thought in your head we can talk. If you think Russia is benign or benevolent to the US (and no, not that impreachment stuff) then fine. We have such different views we should just not engage on this topic. I take your contempt as a positive sign. Cheers!
when you can entertain more than one thought in your head we can talk. If you think Russia is benign or benevolent to the US (and no, not that impreachment stuff) then fine. We have such different views we should just not engage on this topic. I take your contempt as a positive sign. Cheers!
I fully expect Russia to look after its own interests just like we look after ours. I neither expect them to be benign nor hostile in a vaccum.

Russia could be our greatest ally on the world stage if we approached them as such and not as an adversary. In fact, a DC-London-Moscow axis can bring the EU to heel and contain or shrink China's influence.
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I fully expect Russia to look after its own interests just like we look after ours. I neither expect them to be benign nor hostile in a vaccum.

Russia could be our greatest ally on the world stage if we approached them as such and not as an adversary. In fact, a DC-London-Moscow axis can bring the EU to heel and contain or shrink China's influence.
If we wanna actually avoid a war with China we're gone have to make it seem hopeless for them. And if thats gonna happen, we are going to have to cozy up to Russia. The fact we aint doing anything to make a Anti China coalition is troublesome and IMO a fatal mistake.
I fully expect Russia to look after its own interests just like we look after ours. I neither expect them to be benign nor hostile in a vaccum.

Russia could be our greatest ally on the world stage if we approached them as such and not as an adversary. In fact, a DC-London-Moscow axis can bring the EU to heel and contain or shrink China's influence.

here is my personal lamentation on how we have handled China and Russia. They're like unparented kids who are big and strong (Russia's actually not very strong. They are clever and aggresive, but they are dysfunctionally corrupt and are a one trick pony in regards to oil/gas for revenue). China let off a fucking missile off our shore and Russia flies turbo prop atomic bomb planes over our skies and we let that happen. We need to take a firm, overt stance against both, a sort of "fuck around and find out". When Russia invaded Ukriane we should have escalted, a real and overwhelming show of force and told the EU you girls are coming for the show too and let Russia know that sabre rattiling earns them a curb stomping. Instead, we do what we do with false diplomacy and appeasement. We let chinese nationals into our universities and into high profile positions in our R&D departments of private corps with govt. contracts.

Fuck that. China and RUssia are enemies. Treat them as such, let the world know we are the only safe harbor in town and they'll come to us.

I'm not suggesting we become the world's policeman. If other nations wants the umbrella of our protection, contributions in blood and treasure must be made, but it's our tune, our dance.

CHina and Russia are tyrannies. China is the modern version of Nazi Germany is EVERY WAY. They want Chinese nationalism spread and homogeniety of culture and race same as Nazi Germany. It's morally abhorrent that we have anything to do with those souless ghouls. RUssia is a gangster nation, end of story. TO suggest we can partner with, as allies, and 'hold the EU' in check is just weird. This is a country where the dictator poisons democractic candidates. History has shown us, again and again, where the cultural divide is too wide, allies do not do well. Look at WWII with us and Soviets.

That was a rant and I feel better. Have a good one y'all!
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I lived in England for not too long about 20 years ago. I have a deep respect for the British people, or at least some British people. They have gone off the fucking deep end, though. The days of America and UK gruesome twosome are over, probably forever. Sad because they can be whip motherfucking smart, metered in their actions, and very principled. At one time they commanded the largest empire the world has ever known, and there's a reason for that. There's also a reason they don't anymore and I think their problem is rampant bureaucracy and pussification, something we see here as well. I honestly wish them the best, but don't see them returning to their former glory anytime soon.
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I lived in England for not too long about 20 years ago. I have a deep respect for the British people, or at least some British people. They have gone off the fucking deep end, though. The days of America and UK gruesome twosome are over, probably forever. Sad because they can be whip motherfucking smart, metered in their actions, and very principled. At one time they commanded the largest empire the world has ever known, and there's a reason for that. There's also a reason they don't anymore and I think their problem is rampant bureaucracy and pussification, something we see here as well. I honestly wish them the best, but don't see them returning to their former glory anytime soon.

I left England shortly after a close friend was murdered in the 7/7 bombings. Her burnt corpse had to be identified from hair taken from her hairbrush back at her flat as she was in the car that the bomber was in at Kings Cross. The thing about that day was that all the bombers were British born. They'd been radicalized, obviously, but they'd grown up in one of the most assimilated, multi-cultural societies. I've lived in UK, Canada, USA, Singapore, Germany, Norway and a few months in Spain. The UK, was, the best of the lot in regards to cross-cultural integration with a sense of Britishness and Englishness held intact for many years. Almost every ethnicity retained their identity and indigenous culture, but they also spoke English. They had their favourite football teams, they'd all go down the pub and the whole nation turned out for the Queen's Silver Jubilee. It wasn't paradise. I remember seeing up close and personal my first skinhead at 12 and being head-butted. My neighbour taught me to take off the chain of my bike and how use it and then there was always the good ol' friendly punch ups because I looked like a 'paki'. I went to the funeral of a childhood friend killed in NI by the IRA and other fun stuff. In the '70's and '80s The National Front was in full swing and the police were full on thugs and without question racist, BUT, it never really, fully got out of hand. The legislature, the Establishment, was vested in maintain order, unity and above all, national pride and 'getting on with it'. We all, got on with it, regardless.

England's lost it edge and position because, I feel, the people have swapped national pride and identity with the drive to 'get more' and rampant consumerism that the 80's gave birth to made people just run harder and faster to stand still and so suddenly there's more to life than being 'the best' or Bitish or English. Pride of nation and history was replaced with sports and other bite-sized patriotism that could be taken or left with no consequence. When you define yourself by stuff and pomp you don't leave yourself with much depth to grow roots that'll hold you firm in the hard times. So what happens? You look to someone/thing else to create rules to make it all better.

The Brits now don't nearly have as much a sense of themselves, their history and unity as they used to when I first moved there and grew up there. I wonder how many know the Battle of Hastings, the Reformation or the Civil War and Cromwell's ideals and the role of the monarchy in meeting some of the largest challenges the small island state faced in its history. England's history is as fascinating, varied, bloody and miraculous as any you're ever going to find and there's a lot there to be proud of. Just look at Cambridge's contributions to science and understanding.

The multiculturalism of England caught the disease of political correctness and identity first politics - now we're African British, or Pakistani British or some other drivel. And for a country like England, a small nation, where a single identity was what precisely made it formidable, irresistible and so blindingly effective in industry, commerce, war and welfare reform, it became the rot that would kill the mighty oak.

We have had other governments that have infested the country with CCTV. We have a judiciary that has suspended habieus corpus. And this is the country of the Magna Carta!! The single oldest functioning judiciary body in the world.

You guys here might wonder why or how we've become so divisive here, it's not really that much of a mystery. The same thing that happened there happened here, but American patriotism is more entertaining to the patriots. American patriotism has not gotten to the point of being viewed with a sense of self-deprecation or self-loathing as it has in the UK (if you wear the St. Georges Cross you're assumed to be a racist...!!). I hope it doesn't either.

So be warned, my fellow Americans. Whatever we think of the Left, they have an ailment that needs remediation and it's not a knock out punch in the street or ArmyJerry loading mega-fuck tons of ammo. This divide needs to be figured out and solved. We need reform in education (and frankly DeVos is a tragic neglect of this need and one of Trumps worst decisions that will impact us for years), we need to teach civics, ours and international history without the lens of 'feelings' and we should bring back saying the Pledge of Allegiance and flying our flag - everywhere. Without or without god. It's about the nation, not the notion of a higher power. As Condoleezza Rice said, "There is no American gene, or race other than the native americans. If modern United States is to survive, we need to keep the American ideal and ethos."

Long live the Federal Republic of the United States of America and it's Constitution!
Cromwell's ideals

Let's just say I have the same opinion of Cromwell that the Irish do.

That being said, at least from what I remember of my history from many years ago, the tyranny of Cromwell and his religious zealots in the end had a long chain effect on getting the "pilgrims" over to America and kick starting the whole them setting up shop and such.
Not gonna act like I know a ton of UK history minutia, only went through three grades and most of what took up my time was spelling. I remember we had to sing and I just thought it was the gayest shit ever, but nevermind all that bullshit. I was impressed with the stability of their melting pot, again this was a while ago, but there wasn't a whole lot of clinging to ideals based on skin color or culture. It was just like you say MUManiac, everyone had their own things but everyone was also ubiquitously English at the same time. Definitely had an underlying martial aspect to their culture, you HAD to stick up for yourself or you'd get beat the fuck up. I got beat up once by these three older kids, because I was American, but I got em back before leaving lol. Don't beat up a kid who knows where you live and ain't scared of the dark.

Nevertheless, I respected that folks had a fire in their belly in general. They didn't mince words while being friendly or critical of anything, people were very matter of fact and generally open. You always knew where you stood with folks. Much more relaxed about some things, namely drinking. I had a small beer in a pub for one of my birthdays and thought that was pretty cool. As a culture I really enjoyed everything about it, very sad to see things have changed recently.
Well it appears QE II may indeed slap that miserable git Harry back to reality

Wish she wouldn’t wait till March though. Slap his ass down NOW.
Well it appears QE II may indeed slap that miserable git Harry back to reality

Wish she wouldn’t wait till March though. Slap his ass down NOW.
GOOD. I dont know why this aint happen sooner