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You just can't fix stupid

I use to believe they were that smart, yet when you peel that onion its much different, There is no logic to their methods at all, which in reality makes them much more dangerous.
You have to understand while they are too stupid to do this, they're simply marionettes dancing at the end of another's strings.
There is an article somewhere cant find it explaining how the process of selection of the frontmen for wesrern destruction are chosen. In short there are two major requirements one is being sick and evil mofo to start with and competence is not required as they are in business of destruction hence their job is easy, just fuck everything you touch up. This is especially evident in my country where leftist politicians are always presented at elections as “new faces” which get elected. Each new being worse than former. Nwo masters through their fundations and thinktank events carefully identify sick and amoral people, prepare them for their jobs of destruction and then replace them as needed. Unfortunately for them people started noticing the pattern, it got enough widespread that some are waking up and it just might happen than in a few months or years bastards will hang from lamposts all over the world as nowhere will be safe. Global vile agenda will bring global justice this time around.
It was like a article I read a few days ago, a Seattle business owner has been broken into 23 times in the last few years, then he said he “has lost confidence in leaders”, it just hasn’t dawned on him that that cities leaders have all been from one political party for the last few decades. It’s no different in most major cities, they just keep voting for democrats, and every election cycle their bad ideas from the last cycle are outdone with even worse ideas by the next administration. Liberalism is simply evil, I mean for God’s sake Canada is trying to make it legal to a
“Assist’ the mentally ill in dying, not criminals just mentally ill, decided by a group of professionals, that program can’t lead to disaster.
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When I was a young guy, a co-worker of mine told me "If I have a boss who is stupid, but an honest and decent man, I can work with that. If I have a boss who is very smart but a real prick I can work with that. I know what to expect. It is a problem when your boss is a stupid prick."

This is the predicament in our country now.
Between the lines: "We are screening all of our officers for right wing beliefs such as support of civilian gun ownership and proactive anti-crime policies. We will let them go and replace our ranks with those who will follow our narrative without question or social media posts exposing our plans"...

Just another step towards the creation of the Homeland Security Special Forces like in The Black Arrow by Vin Suprynowicz, loyal only to the Democratic Party, not to the Constitution or what this Republic stands for.
They don't need the police if the DA and judges are not going to do their part.

The defeatism among the few good officers left that actually want to represent their community is very striking now with the invasion of woke DAs everywhere. Last year when they arrested the predator who smeared feces on the head of a grandmother waiting for the train, the arresting officers were seen shaking their heads and commenting on how the "judge will let this motherfucker back out before the day is done", and the perp laughing like a maniac as he was being led to the patrol car.
Nothing stupid about it. Now there's less police for the illegal immigrants to beat on.
Yes really stupid as you're/they're are only looking at the shortest of end game. W/O the Po-lice interfering with the Law, another door opens for those that are enterprising enough.
The defeatism among the few good officers left that actually want to represent their community is very striking now with the invasion of woke DAs everywhere. Last year when they arrested the predator who smeared feces on the head of a grandmother waiting for the train, the arresting officers were seen shaking their heads and commenting on how the "judge will let this motherfucker back out before the day is done", and the perp laughing like a maniac as he was being led to the patrol car.
and the likely hood of them catching prison time if 'something happened while he was resisting arrest' has grown exponentially so why bother

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I am positive the Americans that decided to fight for liberty circa 1776 as well as those Americans that decided to fight for liberty circa 1865 would be actively taking different action than what I am currently doing.
I am ashamed.

You saying the NYPD needs to bring back dumping bodies in the river again?
When the shit hits the fan where are the police? They gather around city hall and the politicians to protect democracy.
What is he saying by reducing the number of protectors? They don't fear that the people will rebel against what they have done.