Month 13 for me for 1 of 2 suppressors submitted on the same day, same paperwork. They gave me the .22 cal but not my .30 cal rifle. Meanwhile, in that period of time, I've most certainly harmed my hearing (hunting, ear muffs and foamies are never enough). Thanks.
I know how you feel... My original SOT got audited by the ATF (won't ever use them again...For MANY reasons). I bought 3 cans 1 day apart. I bought 2 the first day, and then 1 the following day. My 2 that I bought at the exact same time on Silencer Shop (same order), got cashed at the same time, but were approved 3 days apart...Which I thought was weird, but whatever, the stamps showed up 8 months to the day, after purchase...No hiccups, everything went smooth as glass.
The audit happened sometime near the 7 month mark, and the 3rd can got disapproved until the audit was over, which took about an extra 3 months to clear up. Then, it got resubmitted and cashed. Then it sat in limbo for 3 more months, where I was promised a 1 month expedited turn-around. Then it finally got approved after calling and speaking with an examiner, only to find out that what was taking so long, was because someone at the ATF had put in the wrong (regular processing) stack, and it hadn't even been assigned to an examiner yet!
Luckily she was really nice and helpful (she was the one that approved my first 2 cans), and got it sent to her, approved, and sent out, and the can in my hands in less than a month...During the holidays. Overall, It took a week shy of 14 months to finally get that damn can. I was about 3 weeks from an approval when the audit happened, too. I was beyond pissed off. It literally took almost twice as long as it should have, all because 1 idiot at the dealer screwed up a bunch of paperwork and created a massive clusterfuck of bureaucratic red tape.