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Woman Poses as 11 Year Old Girl Online and The Results Are Sickening


Banned !
Feb 13, 2015
Southern VA
Here is what most parents don't get these days.
They hand out little electronic devices to their kids, let them have "the wifi password" and then wash their hands and let the little electronic babysitter keep their kids from bothering them.
Those devices can be used by those who know how, to directly track, communicate and pressure your kids.

Would you let your kid just wander down the bad part of town alone letting anyone and everyone say or try to get them to do anything?

If you let your child have free and open connection to essentially the entire world unsupervised, then you WILL be letting them have direct connection to a lot of very bad things as well as a lot of very bad people.

With freedom comes responsibility to be a parent.

Unfortunately I bet most read articles like this and think... Well if the Government would just you know... make another law... regulate speech, censor the internet, or make people register.... then I wouldn't have to do anything myself & can continue to pay no attention to my kids.

Back when parents cared there were restrictions growing up that parents who cared used:
You could only watch TV at approved times and at approved programs
You couldn't listen to the radio at will, only when allowed.
You couldn't just call anyone on the phone or answer anyone, the parents would screen who could talk to you and who you could talk to.
You couldn't just read any book you wanted to, books not appropriate for children were not given to them.
You couldn't go over and play with friends at their house unless your parents met their parents and checked things out first.

Even in a rigidly controlled system, you'll have bad actors (possibly even more devious ones), it's on the parents to look out for things.

Someone I used to know was smart enough to run logging software on their teen daughter's computers & other devices. It was no secret, she told her daughter as a condition of having them, she was going to put monitoring software on them. She also took the time to check it regularly. She found some creepy married guy trying to groom her teenager, fortunately she caught it quickly and dealt with it.

There is also a big market of creeps who get kids to do things on their phones / computers of the "private show" variety and pay them with Amazon/eBay/Apple gift cards and the like. The kids often help hide the activity from their parents because they like having the money.

So being a parent is hard work and requires you to actually care and be halfway smart.
Several years ago one of the networks did a series of shows where the set up stings working w/ local LE for this kind of stuff - To Catch a Predator I think. One of the shows was in Hamilton, GA not too far from here. Small, sleepy, rural town north of Columbus/Ft Benning. It was unbelievable the filth that showed up thinking they were going to get to have sex w/ a child and how easy/quick it was to lure them.
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I couldn't finish reading that. I have a daughter that drew a lot of attention at a young age, and I almost eviscerated a few men in public. Guys with their own family, holding their wife's hand with daughters of their own in tow, stopping dead in their tracks to ogle my 12 year old! Not just one time either. Seriously changed my view of people.

I believe in forgiveness and giving people second, third, fourth chances.... But this stuff? Scorched earth retribution for these animals, no quarter. I'll face my Maker with that stain on my soul.

Sorry, this one hit a nerve...
I started to read this.

fuckin vomitted

I will stop at nothing to destroy a POS that talks to my kids that way.

damn. That really upsets me to read.
And to think, they sentenced a man in AZ to 8 yrs for killing one of these fuckers.
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The whole creepy sexual pervert thing gets people all riled up, but most forget that's by far not the most dangerous thing your kids have to worry about online. Finding out your kid flashed the insides of their underwear on cellphone camera to some creep pales in comparison to finding your kid Dead.

There is a large ongoing problem with kids being bullied into committing suicide and very often it's their own peers that are responsible.
Back in the old days, if you had a rough day at school, you could come home and shut the problems out. Today thanks to bad parenting, the kids bring the bullying and torment home with them and stay up all night getting abused by others. It is a much larger issue than people want to talk about. Do your own research and go watch the videos the kids make detailing their torment before they kill themselves. Young people these days are fully capable of springing into very vicious packs and trying to actively destroy their peers for just about any reason or none.

The parents are always later on talking about how they didn't know their kid was in trouble, and why didn't the school do something. Somebody should ask them, "When was the last time you carefully checked all your kids social media and cell phone texts and "instant" messaging platforms, e-mails, call & text logs".

Again, don't assume that just because they are talking to other "children" they are safe. Children can be just as evil as adults, especially in packs.
If it sounds good to go kill a creep trying to get pictures of kid's underwear, then what should we do to those mobs of kids hounding one of their peers into killing themselves?

One of my all time favorite make you think episodes of the series Black Mirror was: Hated in the Nation where someone who lost someone decides to teach all these online bullies acting all tough from the safety of their phone screens while calling for people to die, or kill themselves, a lesson that the country would never forget.... of course they were portrayed as the criminal, but perhaps they really had a point.

That is of course before we get into the really truly scary truly satanically evil folks like the ones that run that "Blue Whale" "game" stuff in Russia and Europe, where they actually use fairly detailed psychology and physiology to see how many young people they can get to kill themselves just for the "sport" of running up a body count.
Not even gonna read it. Any fucking with kids gets me so fucking fired up I'm liable to have a coronary if I read this shit. They ought to have their dicks laid on a stump and whacked with a bat daily. When their dicks rot off, shoot them, beat em to death, however the spirit moves you. Hate is a very mild word when it comes to how I feel about pedos. Hate this shit so much that if someone said, you have to turn in your guns but we are going to hang every rapist and pedo in the square, I might just turn em in.

Caveat to the rapist hangings is a rape charge has equal punishment for accuser if found false. I think that would discourage "crying rape" when you just got drunk and banged some dude, then regretted it.
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Damn, disgusting, though not sure why I am surprised. Adults acting like this need to just disappear, WTF is wrong with them?
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I’ll gladly go to prison if anyone touched my daughter. Zero remorse.

Also, this is why she won’t be on social media till she’s 18.

Seriously, I think my youngest was 15 before I let her on social media. The older one, a boy, I think was 14 or so. Either way, they didn't get electronic devices until well after their friends...and for good reason.
shoulda given him the key to the city


I’ll gladly go to prison if anyone touched my daughter. Zero remorse.

Also, this is why she won’t be on social media till she’s 18.

And I'd gladly provide alibi and help you dissolve the body.

Nothing in this world makes me more furious than this shit. I couldn't even come close to finishing this article even though I knew the conversation was happening between the author and the perv.

The world is a sad sad place. We used to just quietly murder this filth.
There are parental settings on phones that the kids cannot unlock. They can't add any apps without the parents permission. keeps them off of social site such Facebook, instagram, snapchat, etc. Also, you can add software to block other sites. The fucking scary thing is when your kids play games online and these fuckers come at them that way. Your kid can be on there Xbox getting this shit while play the latest fad game.
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Are they a non-profit? Or would the company be a good organization for a GGWG donation?

That article is just, well, appalling.

Makes me want to set up a company that, instead of contacting letter agencies, reels them in to meetings where they can disappear.

Maybe mail the heads with a social media trail to the popo after the fact? Seems like a noble cause!

In disgust,

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The article is the same as the now defunct "to catch a predator show"

I have two daughters that are now a junior in HS and a junior in college. I am an IT person by trade, so I started out with tight electronic leashes and everything on lock down, then I realized that was foolish.

The better path is to teach your kids about these sorts of people and the things they do. If you think 11 years old isn't old enough to learn about this sort of stuff, I disagree, my kids learned and I like to feel they stayed safe because of it. The same way I taught them to handle guns and not be afraid or stupid with them at a young age.

What I learned is that your kids friends have wide open internet and do whatever on it unsupervised, your kid goes to their house and guess what? Their friends sign them up on social media accounts to have some fun and rebel against the parents.

You can't jump in front of every bullet that may fly at your kid, you can however teach them to dodge bullets like Neo


Take the better path, teach your kids to spot these pedo democrats and avoid them.

If you don't allow them on social media, they will find a way to do it in secret, and that should scare you more than being upfront about it and knowing they are on it. Also be aware of fake accounts on social media that are setup for parents to look at.
If your kids social media isn't shocking to you at all, then there is a second or third account (this is where being in IT pays off, I can find the other accounts).

I was a complete hell raiser as a kid, I know what I did to get around everything my parents ever thought they prevented me from doing. Your kids are the same.
Attorney: Please show us the victim
Prosecutor: Brings out 37 year old woman
Jusge: Why are we here? Who brought this bullshit to my court? We are here looking for those who are committing crimes. We are NOT in the business of MAKING THEM UP.

37 year old woman is NOT a victim of 'child' anything, no matter how hard she tries to be.

Just playin the devil here, if you're going to have a victim, make sure it's a victim, not an actor. This is simply false flag type bullshit
I have 2 daughters, oldest is 5 and the youngest is 3. It feels like a death sentence!
I love them more than anything in the world and reading shit like this is absolutely terrifying. It's a must read because you don't want to be ignorant but damn, I'm going to need a better blood pressure med.
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Respectfully Switchblade she posted her pic online and the pervs initiated contact then proceeded to send dick pics that weren’t requested. She didn’t flirt with em, nothing. Just posted a picture dressed like an 11 year old with some verbiage about being excited for some event/party.
Attorney: Please show us the victim
Prosecutor: Brings out 37 year old woman
Jusge: Why are we here? Who brought this bullshit to my court? We are here looking for those who are committing crimes. We are NOT in the business of MAKING THEM UP.

37 year old woman is NOT a victim of 'child' anything, no matter how hard she tries to be.

Just playin the devil here, if you're going to have a victim, make sure it's a victim, not an actor. This is simply false flag type bullshit

Actually, case law is pretty settled that if the pedo 'thinks' they are coming to meet a kid... then they are on the hook for habeus grabbus.

The FBI has been doing this since the mid-1990's... and probably longer.

No worries about getting it thrown out for the 'bait' being 37. Heck, I've seen the 'bait' guys be 50 and 240 pounds with Joe Biden Hairy backs. No problems in court when the texts were shared.


Two words.

That out of the way.
Have you seen the videos of the security cameras being hacked.
Some guy talking to a little girl through the Ring camera in her room.
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I'm 36. People my age were the first to have the internet most of their lives. I think it was 6th or 7th grade when my parents got it. They had no idea what was out there. They were completely naive. We, people my age, won't be. We know how dangerous the internet can be because we've been on it since we were kids. Hopefully, that will mean that we will be better prepared in guiding our children into the online world. Hopefully...
OK, here’s the other thing. I want to know where they were hanging out that this type of reaction flooded in so quickly. I’m not denying that it is out there but I think the level of response might have been inflated for dramatic affect. The story have huge overtones of virtue signaling and I recognize it in other types Of writing that leftists like to use to show how oppressed they are. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely know this goes on. But I read the whole thing and it seems a little hinkey . It reads like a virtue signaling wet dream of a leftist LOL.
OK, here’s the other thing. I want to know where they were hanging out that this type of reaction flooded in so quickly.

clinton foundation forum
everytown for gun safety

epstein didn't kill himself
dems are already trying to make pedos normalized. boys dressed as girls dancing for men....
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There are pedos who are totally open about it like it's a fucking religion. That Milo Hopinominous (sp) fell from grace over that shit, because he started talking support of paedophilia as socially acceptable or some shit. NAMBLA and more are still out there too.

The whole "they can't help it" argument is bullshit to me also, if they can't help it then lock them up for goddamn life at least.
I remember watching that TV show on catching predators. There was something about getting them to show up before they could actually get any charges to prosecute. IIRC?
Maybe they have passed some new laws but I don't see any DA doing anything with privately obtained info.
I would think that any sting operation would have some guidelines to keep within the law.
Probably any half assed lawyer would argue that these people are acting as agents of the state and if legal guidelines weren't followed it wouldn't go anywhere.
OK, here’s the other thing. I want to know where they were hanging out that this type of reaction flooded in so quickly. I’m not denying that it is out there but I think the level of response might have been inflated for dramatic affect. The story have huge overtones of virtue signaling and I recognize it in other types Of writing that leftists like to use to show how oppressed they are. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely know this goes on. But I read the whole thing and it seems a little hinkey . It reads like a virtue signaling wet dream of a leftist LOL.
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OK, here’s the other thing. I want to know where they were hanging out that this type of reaction flooded in so quickly.

Instagram. It’s owned by facebook but more picture oriented I think.

I upload the photo to Instagram — a generic, innocuous selfie of Bailey with an ear-to-ear smile — and caption it.

v excitedd to see my friends this weekend at carly’s party! Ilysm!! followed by a string of emojis and a #friends hashtag””
Instagram. It’s owned by facebook but more picture oriented I think.

I upload the photo to Instagram — a generic, innocuous selfie of Bailey with an ear-to-ear smile — and caption it.

v excitedd to see my friends this weekend at carly’s party! Ilysm!! followed by a string of emojis and a #friends hashtag””

Yeah, but it doesn’t work that way. You don’t see random posts from random people. It’s in a group or or it’s someone they already know. Like a group of friends. A new person posting a new post on their own wall isn’t going to reach very far, if at all. The story seems contrived. But that’s just my opinion.
It’s like the stories of feminists walking down the street being cat-called by 20 men in five minutes.

It simply doesn’t happen like that. It’s used to victimhood status. To garner sympathy points. It’s a currency used by leftists. “Look how oppressed I am”
Something in my gut says it’s heavily embellished.
Yeah, but it doesn’t work that way. You don’t see random posts from random people. It’s in a group or or it’s someone they already know. Like a group of friends. A new person posting a new post on their own wall isn’t going to reach very far, if at all. The story seems contrived. But that’s just my opinion.
Could be searching hashtags. If the account isn’t private then any hashtag you used is publicly searchable
Could be searching hashtags. If the account isn’t private then any hashtag you used is publicly searchable

True. I’m not saying it didn’t happen.

I know it does. Plenty of them in jail when I worked the pedo pod.

It just seems off.