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Apollo 11


Full Member
  • Feb 22, 2013
    Lafayette, La
    50 years to this moment, I was 11 years old and saw it first hand, the Saturn rocket leave the confines of this earth. It was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life! The ground shook and loud as hell. I'm still fascinated by what we did as a country.
    Years back I also saw the re-entry of one of the Space Shuttle missions! That was up there with Apollo 11.
    Just thought I would share, now look at us?
    160,000,000 horsepower vs 37,000,000 horsepower for a shuttle launch.

    The difference being the payload Saturn Upper stages which also needed to get to where they could then achieve Escape Velocity.

    Many of us are alive today because of the technological, medical, and economic advances bought about by the Apollo Project. I'm one of them myself. My Pacemaker/Defib keeps my VA Cardiologist informed on a daily basis about my heart health using electronics, computer, and radio technology that dates directly back to Apollo.

    When folks piss on that, they're pissing in their own nests. It's just the paranoia talking.

    When we turned our back on the Moon, and chose instead to waste vast numbers of American lives and treasure on a tiny shit hole in SE Asia; we undid a decade of progress that put the USA head and shoulders above the rest of the entire world.

    It was that Soviet manipulation in SE Asia that derailed our nation from it's deserved path of greatness, and lingers on today in the counterculture that originated then, and exist now in BLM, Antifa, and this additional myriad of well funded from offshore (Soros, the House of Saud, others, including Iran and the Norks) paths to America's self destruction.

    The Soviet Union is not dead. It has simply changed it's stripes, and not its directions. Its means and goals are still very much alive today. People I knew and respected told me that it was dead and irrelevant. They were, and still are, wrong.

    We committed ourselves to this slow suicide by ourselves, and condemned the USA to a back seat in any future that involves off planet exploration and exploitation. We can't even transport our own astronauts up to our own space station. That's just flatly disgusting.

    Abandon space exploration; and the next logical step is to live the rest of our national lifespan with our heads in sand. Do it, and we deserve to flounder and fade.

    That's an opinion.

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    160,000,000 horsepower vs 37,000,000 horsepower for a shuttle launch.

    The difference being the payload Saturn Upper stages which also needed to get to where they could then achieve Escape Velocity.

    Many of us are alive today because of the technological, medical, and economic advances bought about by the Apollo Project. I'm one of them myself. My Pacemaker/Defib keeps my VA Cardiologist informed on a daily basis about my heart health using electronics, computer, and radio technology that dates directly back to Apollo.

    When folks piss on that, they're pissing in their own nests. It's just the paranoia talking.

    When we turned our back on the Moon, and chose instead to waste vast numbers of American lives and treasure on a tiny shit hole in SE Asia; we undid a decade of progress that put the USA head and shoulders above the rest of the entire world.

    It was that Soviet manipulation in SE Asia that derailed our nation from it's deserved path of greatness, and lingers on today in the counterculture that originated then, and exist now in BLM, Antifa, and this additional myriad of well funded from offshore (Soros, the House of Saud, others, including Iran and the Norks) paths to America's self destruction.

    The Soviet Union is not dead. It has simply changed it's stripes, and not its directions. Its means and goals are still very much alive today. People I knew and respected told me that it was dead and irrelevant. They were, and still are, wrong.

    We committed ourselves to this slow suicide by ourselves, and condemned the USA to a back seat in any future that involves off planet exploration and exploitation. We can't even transport our own astronauts up to our own space station. That's just flatly disgusting.

    Abandon space exploration; and the next logical step is to live the rest of our national lifespan with our heads in sand. Do it, and we deserve to flounder and fade.

    That's an opinion.


    Thats not opinion, Greg. Well said.
    I'm in agreement too. Having worked on some of the programs following the space program I was able to see firsthand what the benefits of the money spent were. I was about 7 when they landed on the moon and remember watching the whole thing. We talked with my father stationed half a planet away in Greece by radio telephone as it was the only real choice at the time. Over. Now we can talk by cell around the world because of the space program.

    We sitting here today playing with our computers, phones or other internet connections are doing it because of the advances the Space program in the 60s brought to us. There are always those who will bitch and moan that the money should have beed dumped down the *_*_+hole of welfare where it would have evaporated like the billions have since. Let them bitch while they use their cellphones to twit and facebook to the masses. They're never happy even when you're feeding them, paying their rent and giving them a phone.

    The whole program more than paid for itself and is still doing so. The best money our govt (meaning us) ever spent.

    I still don;t understand what all the noise about traveling to the moon, we wanted to beat the Russian to it. and so what. waste of money IMHO
    at the time we made them spend money they didnt have and we did, they starved and suffered to try to keep up, eventually sinking their economy that sucked in the base case.

    now we dont have the money for this shit, we have to take care of the illegals first.
    Technology brings jobs, jobs bring money, money brings more spending, spending creates good economy, economy drives more technology...? We probably don’t directly see space program results, but the experiment and technology results trickle down.
    you just listed a bunch of nonsense and made it look like it made sense. 'Technology brings jobs, jobs bring money' you mean task payers money that was mismanaged on a project that yielded nothing. ???
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    massive waste of money, the excuse used to milk and enslave us as a country, fuck the corporate welfare fucks.
    The only government program in history that returned 28 dollars to the economy for every tax dollar spent... try that with free cheese.

    Measured today in the spin off technologies it and the engineers it inspired... probably in the trillions.

    The space program is the single best investment the USG ever made, except perhaps for the GI Bill.

    I'm in agreement too. Having worked on some of the programs following the space program I was able to see firsthand what the benefits of the money spent were. I was about 7 when they landed on the moon and remember watching the whole thing. We talked with my father stationed half a planet away in Greece by radio telephone as it was the only real choice at the time. Over. Now we can talk by cell around the world because of the space program.

    I had forgotten about that. I remember talking to my boys from where ever I happened to be. They thought it was so cool.
    The only government program in history that returned 28 dollars to the economy for every tax dollar spent... try that with free cheese.

    Measured today in the spin off technologies it and the engineers it inspired... probably in the trillions.

    The space program is the single best investment the USG ever made, except perhaps for the GI Bill.


    ^^^its called the money multiplier...makes the world go round
    so why are we wasting money, lets just keep the government spending so we can all get richer.

    Well, if we spent it on 'risky' research like DARPA does or NASA did, then, yes. Things that are a bit too far out for a company to justify spending R&D dollars on... to get the process started, to do some cool things. Sure.

    If you are talking about handing out free cheese to people who will never, ever contribute anything to society, no. Spend nothing.

    As a military historian I can tell you that spending on war has generally advance human society's 'civilian' technology more than all other driving factors combined. Once you learn how to make a better cannon barrel to kill people at longer ranges with, you also learn to add vanadium to steel and make a car frame that is light, strong and lets you sell a Model T for $250 and put the world on wheels... letting them free up time spent cleaning up horse crap and dying of typhus... and let them concentrate on inventing a microwave oven... which also came from radar technology... which was a war expenditure.

    Companies don't spend on war. Governments do. And after winning that war, the technology spills over to make civilian life better... until the next war.

    There is a difference between social welfare and applied research. I am happy to have my tax dollars go to figure out how to make a laser that can slice a boulder in half. Because in doing that, they will probably also develop a superconducting ceramic that will increase the efficiency of power transmission by 80 percent and solve world energy problems all while lowering my monthly bill. THAT, IMHO, is money well spent.

    Handing it to a bunch of Ghetto scum and free-cheese lazy-asses is nothing but a waste. But they vote themselves the money, so there ya go.



    P.S. I'm actually something of a fan of the 'free college' concept. But not in 'college's' current guise where people spend their lives learning Marxism, feminist studies and Sanskrit. Nor a 'free college' concept that is just for little snowflakes to stash themselves for 4 years of bong-smoking and protests. But if someone has the brains and wants to study STEM... incentivise that. Rocket science, computers, applied physics, medicine, air conditioning repair... useful things. De-incentivise the degree programs (like law school and Medieval Plumbing Studies) that have little application. Don't ban them. Hey, if you want to be a Feminist Studies major, by all means. Don't expect it to be incentivized, because there is no return. I've said it before, I'll say it again... somewhere sitting in an African Village, a Detroit %$#thole or a Vietnamese rice paddy is the person who will cure cancer and invent the 90-percent-efficient solar cell. Those people need to be found and given the tools to accomplish this. If we are only educating the whiny elite little bi^%$es of hollywood stars so they can go on to destroy our Republic, we are doomed. Let economics dictate education. Not the wims of 18 year olds who all want to be Art History Baristas. They don't know what they want. You don't have to force them... but with the right incentives, we can point education in the right direction. But it will never happen, because the 'educator class' is all Marxists and they like it that way.
    Best thing that ever happened for Ted Kennedy.

    Everyone was looking left while he was driving right off a bridge.

    A crime hidden in the noise.

    I never made the connection that it happened the very same day!

    Yet again, makes you wonder about those Kennedy elites, right? All the world was riveted by Neil Armstrong's steps on the moon. His own BROTHER had kicked the program off at Rice University c. 1962. And yet during the whole thing, Senator Teddy... was attending a private party with 6 unattached women at a secluded cabin at Chappaquiddick?

    Either so detached from the reality of America that he could not give a crap about history's greatest moment... or more likely, following his dick into immortality.

    Thanks for that, McLaine! What a fascinating fact!


    Technology advancements because of NASA is vastly overblown, how much more advanced would we be if the private companies were abvle to keep 75% of their money they paid in taxes back then to compete against each other vs offering the lowest bid on a government drawn request of interest????

    So you’re all using the telegraph and riding your horse to the range nowadays? You must be using a sundial and a hourglass to chrono your latest ammo recipe huh? Technology.....
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    Let us not forget war... Conflict breeds advancement across the board. Space did/does the same and both will continue to push us into the future. Private companies now, more than ever before, help the govt pave the way. Private companies would not be at the forefront of technological advancement if it wasn't in their best interest to do so...and who pays the most? The Govt. So it is in their best interest to innovate and snag a govt contract rather than the consumer market (at first).

    I say keep pressing forward with NASA and the DOD's visions for the future.
    Could be right.... but don’t forget that our government wastes a lot of money on other projects/programs other than NASA. Just happens that NASA does a lot of cool high tech stuff and by the way went to the freakin’ MOON! Better than giving health care and education to people who aren’t US citizens. If we’re going to spend our hard earned tax money on places that aren’t in the USA then why not the moon and outer space.
    Could be right.... but don’t forget that our government wastes a lot of money on other projects/programs other than NASA. Just happens that NASA does a lot of cool high tech stuff and by the way went to the freakin’ MOON! Better than giving health care and education to people who aren’t US citizens. If we’re going to spend our hard earned tax money on places that aren’t in the USA then why not the moon and outer space.

    The Govt, like most people (and because it is run by people), is extremely inefficient and wasteful.

    They need to hurry up and activate Skynet, that way we can let AI streamline our finances and lives. :D
    we have unsecured liabilities of 220 Trillion dollars.

    And you fucks want to go to the moon??????

    Is that too much to ask? I hear there is good cheese there.

    Its a better goal than living in a fantasy where we pretend that we are going to pay off our debts, provide clean tap water to Americans, fix our cluster-fuck of a public education system, and provide LIVABLE wages to those who WORK and PAY TAXES so they can ALL afford put a roof over their heads, food on the table, and be able to see a doctor when they are ill.
    Then make the countries that owe us money pay us. Still doesn’t change the fact that that the US spends too much money on less worthy things than space. Moon boots, Tang, big rockets, satellite TV, black holes, Apollo 13 the movie, moon walking- ALL things we can’t live without, all derived from our space program.
    Lot more where that came from....
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    Then make the countries that owe us money pay us. Still doesn’t change the fact that that the US spends too much money on less worthy things than space. Moon boots, Tang, big rockets, satellite TV, black holes, Apollo 13 the movie, moon walking- ALL things we can’t live without, all derived from our space program.
    Lot more where that came from....

    Don’t forget poop vacuums.
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    who owes us money?

    Then make the countries that owe us money pay us. Still doesn’t change the fact that that the US spends too much money on less worthy things than space. Moon boots, Tang, big rockets, satellite TV, black holes, Apollo 13 the movie, moon walking- ALL things we can’t live without, all derived from our space program.
    Lot more where that came from....
    160,000,000 horsepower vs 37,000,000 horsepower for a shuttle launch.

    The difference being the payload Saturn Upper stages which also needed to get to where they could then achieve Escape Velocity.

    Many of us are alive today because of the technological, medical, and economic advances bought about by the Apollo Project. I'm one of them myself. My Pacemaker/Defib keeps my VA Cardiologist informed on a daily basis about my heart health using electronics, computer, and radio technology that dates directly back to Apollo.

    When folks piss on that, they're pissing in their own nests. It's just the paranoia talking.

    When we turned our back on the Moon, and chose instead to waste vast numbers of American lives and treasure on a tiny shit hole in SE Asia; we undid a decade of progress that put the USA head and shoulders above the rest of the entire world.

    It was that Soviet manipulation in SE Asia that derailed our nation from it's deserved path of greatness, and lingers on today in the counterculture that originated then, and exist now in BLM, Antifa, and this additional myriad of well funded from offshore (Soros, the House of Saud, others, including Iran and the Norks) paths to America's self destruction.

    The Soviet Union is not dead. It has simply changed it's stripes, and not its directions. Its means and goals are still very much alive today. People I knew and respected told me that it was dead and irrelevant. They were, and still are, wrong.

    We committed ourselves to this slow suicide by ourselves, and condemned the USA to a back seat in any future that involves off planet exploration and exploitation. We can't even transport our own astronauts up to our own space station. That's just flatly disgusting.

    Abandon space exploration; and the next logical step is to live the rest of our national lifespan with our heads in sand. Do it, and we deserve to flounder and fade.

    That's an opinion.

    I never made the connection that it happened the very same day!

    Yet again, makes you wonder about those Kennedy elites, right? All the world was riveted by Neil Armstrong's steps on the moon. His own BROTHER had kicked the program off at Rice University c. 1962. And yet during the whole thing, Senator Teddy... was attending a private party with 6 unattached women at a secluded cabin at Chappaquiddick?

    Either so detached from the reality of America that he could not give a crap about history's greatest moment... or more likely, following his dick into immortality.

    Thanks for that, McLaine! What a fascinating fact!



    Remember this actual ad

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    Every once in a while an event transcends all other human concerns and for just a moment reminds us of our similarities and mutual dependence on each other. This was one of those events.

    QUOTE="Expert684, post: 7847991, member: 79672"]
    50 years to this moment, I was 11 years old and saw it first hand, the Saturn rocket leave the confines of this earth. It was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life! The ground shook and loud as hell. I'm still fascinated by what we did as a country.
    Years back I also saw the re-entry of one of the Space Shuttle missions! That was up there with Apollo 11.
    Just thought I would share, now look at us?
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    Wasn’t an actual ad... it was put on the rear cover of National Lampoon by PJ O’Rourke as a spoof of the BW ads done by Ogilvy Mather, the ad agency. Ask me how I know that... rainman, guess! But not an actual ad. But it is one of the best spoofs in history! PJ ORourke is my favorite satirist ever!

    Cheers, Sirhr
    Maybe on our next trip we plant a victory garden and set up a port-a-poty. First crap on the moon, priceless.

    Maybe set up a 1000yd range and take a few shots for some real data.

    I'm thinking flat base will out preform boat tail?

    For my portion of the tax money I have the need to know.
    • Like
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    Wasn’t an actual ad... it was put on the rear cover of National Lampoon by PJ O’Rourke as a spoof of the BW ads done by Ogilvy Mather, the ad agency. Ask me how I know that... rainman, guess! But not an actual ad. But it is one of the best spoofs in history! PJ ORourke is my favorite satirist ever!

    Cheers, Sirhr

    Didn't know that...I saw it elsewhere recently and thought it was a riot