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Maggie’s Bro!!! Do You Even Magneto?


Lost Squirrel
Full Member
  • Aug 7, 2011
    PNW WA
    So ya, ya I do. And this is how. Or, a cautionary tale of betrayal on the Hide.

    It all started about the middle of the month, maybe a tad earlier than that. I find this smoking deal on a MagnetoSpeed in the Accessories Section before I knew how deep into Dr Feelgood I was. So I'm waiting for the Mrs. to get home to see if it's still feasible to pull the trigger on this thing. Met her at the door, put her things away for her, and summoned her to the couch for an important family talk. Pacing with a slight limp for effect I grovel like a champ about how integral this piece of equipment is for what I love to do. After her much anticipated obligatory first remark in regards to my needs, she gives Shartzilla the go ahead.

    I'm stoked !! YES !!!!

    So I can the limp deal since I've accomplished winning over ComNavHousPac, saunter over the the PC, sans limp, and fire up the Hide to snag the deal of a lifetime.


    Uhm, ya. I miss it by (One) 1 minute. One. Done, gondy, nada. Ok, screw it. Not suppose to be and hey, I don't have to listen to it when the CC statement shows up. Win Win. So a bit o time goes by and @Tucker301 finds another deal and makes contact whether or not I'm still in the market for one. Meh, am, but not just right now. Told him the truth. Can't justify it now in my head and it wouldn't look so good doing it in light of @powdahound76 and the rest of you guys coming together to do a helluva nice act in my favor. Kinda felt it would be shameful. Period. So I get his response which was classic @Tucker301. Straight and to the point.

    A couple days........

    After telling @Tucker301 I'll consider his thoughts I'm sitting on the sidelines when I get contacted again telling me hold off if I'm gonna pull the trigger, he's onto a smoking fricking deal with a person in the know, like a vendor who's gonna do a group thing for him and a few others. No shit? Oh ya, if that's how it's going down I'm all in. *waiting for Wife to get home to grovel*

    Another message shows up and we're waiting for Wednesday before we'll know. But it's gonna be a smoking deal and "I think you're gonna really like the price". "I'll get ahold of you". Ya, ok. I'm not hearing the joy as expected. Kinda chewing on the bit a bit.

    Unbeknownst to me the Wife is only working a half day yesterday at the Youth Camp teaching. So I roll into the "MobileEstates" and see her vehicle parked in front of lot 7B. :ROFLMAO: No sooner than I penetrate the dwelling, passing the veneer door with cardboard inside of it, she hits me with "you have a package". "Did you order something"? No Honey, I didn't. I woulda asked or informed you if I did. "Well, it's from Nevada, and you never know these days, it could be a bomb". It's not a bomb Honey. I see it's from Amazon and pick it up. Hmmmm. It's fairly light and moves pretty freely within the box. Then I double check the name because my eldest and I share the same first name and he actually orders from Amazon. I never have. Then I see it.

    There is no doubt this is Hide related. The guess work is done. It's definitely the Hide and I've got like ZERO clue as to what the hell is going on because I ain't expecting no box from anywhere. Grab a knife, open the box, and Whammo. You've just been Magneto'd. Crazy ass bastards. Wham, flood of emotions and taken back a tad. So these guys decide we're gonna jack up Larry

    @Geno C.
    @Mike Casselton

    And they do. And it's appreciated and humbling as hell. Still shrugging my shoulders and shaking my head side to side. I'm gratefully indebted. The kindness and the kind words in the group PM are something else. Thank each and everyone of you. I hope nobody is left out on that list because I believe that's the current one? So after opening the box I have to run to a patient friends to do a little reloading mentoring, or patience test. Then I see I've got a group PM that I'm now privy to and the whole plot is shared. I asked if I could share this publicly and I was given permission, with a couple caveats. Just an FYI people, this is the kinda shit that goes on behind your back, probably more often than you know. It's disgusting and I'm embarrassed to pass it on, but rules are rules.

    First off, @Tucker301 takes one for the team because this is what @sirhrmechanic sent.


    Then of course the banter among the bunch

    sirhrmechanic said:
    What, you didn't write "Rosberg Mobile Estates" on the shipping envelope?

    No instruction for Fedex to "Leave next to Propane Tank?"

    You are slipping my friend...


    Click to expand...
    I'll see if I can edit. Good suggestions, carpetbagger!


    Oh, it gets worse.


    Monday at 6:46 PM
    Thought I'd found the perfect accessory but they're sold out.

    Head Of State Dong (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00515PAEK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_3u38Bb5RYFS6X

    Tuesday at 5:14 AM
    While you were ordering, did you get a nice cuttlefish for 1J's Cockatiel?


    So that pretty much sums it up, other than I did bring it to work today and have stated many times already. I'm fairly certain I'm thee only CO in America with a MagnetoSpeed V3 with him at work. :ROFLMAO:(y)

    Happy Thanksgiving indeed. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I'll cherish this for everything it is and stands for.

    Humble Larry Shartz

    Edit: If you're gonna be a drama Queen and grovel like a pussy for your shooting needs, PM me. I'm putting together a Class. :giggle::ROFLMAO:
    Last edited:
    Some good may come of this. Someone saw my mention of the spinner bait in the What I Want for Christmas thread and based on their general level of literacy and previously demonstrated higher caliber of character, I may have a shot at getting a wish granted this Christmas... or at least by next Spring.
    God bless us all!

    Great job telling the story! Did you get one of the overnight guests to write it up for you? ?
    Awesome, just awesome!!

    Jimmy, are these the same “brothers” that had dibs on your stuff a couple weeks ago? If so, this may be one of those deals where the rest of us get to watch them fight over your magneto speed once your gone!!! It’s like a gift that just keeps on giving!

    Seriously though, this just made my day to read this thread. Merry Christmas to you and all you guys that made this thread possible.

    What a great bunch of degenerates and misfits on this forum... ?????
    You damned vultures need to take a step back. I professed my love for this man via PM days ago, and I'm at the top of the dibs list on anything but his fishing lures making setup?

    "I'd say you're looking pretty good, but I'm still pissed about missing the dead pool on you by so much! :p"

    Invoking "Executive Priveledge" eh ?.......kind of a cheese dik move, isn't it ? (Besides, you're being selfish. Did you ever consider how much will it cost his poor widow to ship it back to you ? I'm much closer....gotta be one fourth the cost :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:).
    I texted Jimmy on Weds and he was workin. Sucker better be.
    Only a pansy would take so many days off after a non-surgical micro-perf.

    He's obviously still got meds, what's the big deal ?

    J; I'm w/Powda on this one. Suck it up and get back to doing something useful......:rolleyes::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    I was gonna go console her and pick it up. ?

    Ahhh......my sincere apologies, that's actually very decent of you. I'm so ashamed of myself for thinking poorly of you.....o_O

    (while you're there, please check and see if he's got some 69 grain and 168 grain Matchkings laying around, huh ?)
    Ahhh......my sincere apologies, that's actually very decent of you. I'm so ashamed of myself for thinking poorly of you.....o_O

    (while you're there, please check and see if he's got some 69 grain and 168 grain Matchkings laying around, huh ?)

    You mean some of these?

    I think I paid like 8 bucks for that box...:p:p
    What are ya’ll talking about lures for?

    Aintcha ever heard of dynamite? ?

    Now I just worm up a hook for the kids and run between 3 of em helping out.
    They get so darn tickled catching anything and I just love it. Kids loving activities outside and family time with all of us together makes me happy. Really the only thing I can ask for is more of that. Well, some alone time with momma is pretty awesome....?