Maggie’s California Financial Crisis


Full Member
Feb 2, 2004
Out West
California financial crisis explained in a single photo


This financial crisis is forcing California State and local agencies

to make some tough decisions. If things continue for much longer,

there's a real risk that <span style="color: #FF0000">we may have to lay off Jose.</span>
Re: California Financial Crisis

This some really funny shit right there. That's probably where the 'six-sigma' bullshit all comes from. If they manage better then more work will get done.

What a bunch of crap!
Re: California Financial Crisis

Just saw that scene this morning on my street. About 3 guys working and a shitload of paid by the taxpayers standing around watching. We are the biggest welfare state in the country but as soon as we have a "new" budget crisis they want to lay off cops, firemen, park rangers (closing parks), and teachers. It is all done to "scare" the sheeple into giving more than half of all their hard earned money to the state of Kalifornia because they know better than you on how to spend it. Rant off...