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Connecticut firearm surrender letter

Even with my post count being non-existent I would like to chime in here.

I've seen a lot of comments asking how people can vote for someone who is causing them a detriment, or providing them a diservice. I think that's because, like me, many people vote based upon more than 1 thing. If we only voted with Gun Control in mind, there are plenty of politicians that would have been in power that had much more dastardly plans (Like republican lawmakers in NC who wanted to flout the First Amendment and create a State Religion, or Utah lawmakers that are fervently working to actually OVETURN the freedom of gay population to marry).

I don't want a Piece-Meal constitution/state of liberty. I would like to preserve ALL of my rights, that includes freedom of and from religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, and all the other ones (you get the idea). It seems these days that to like guns one must be a Hard-liner Republican, most often identifying themselves with the fringe Tea-Party (at least according to every issue of American Rifleman I read). I can tell you (as undoubetdly you already know) that this is not True.

I consider myself a moderate. I vote with the issues that I hold to be most important regardless of party lines. I try to keep myself informed of those issues so that I at least feel qualified to make those decisions, as Jefferson said; ". . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right."

With the prevailing idea and continued misinformation that anyone who isn't a replublican wants to take your guns, and that anyone that owns guns must therefore be a righteous replublican, I feel like we citizens are like dogs chasing our own tails. I'm not a democrat, and I'm not a republican. I am a proud veteran of the USAF (I was enlisted when 9/11 happened and went to Afghanistan as a result), I'm an Atheist with Buddhist tendencies, I'm a father, and a husband, a fulltime firefighter, a science enthusiast, a tattoo collector, and more things than I could count.

I'm all of those things, so I cannot, with a clear conscience vote based soley on one thing. I believe we were born with the moral imperative to leave the world a better place than the one that we found, and I intend to leave my children the best world I can work towards, so most often, I make my decisions with them in mind.

Sorry, that got long winded, just tired of being pigeon-holed by people. I don't want the man to come and take my "scary black rifle", but I am more than my firearms, as I'm sure many of you are as well.
Personally I dont see post count as a qualifier for commenting on a thread and I suspect most of the honorable, dedicated folks here would feel the same.

I am struggling to see how you can reconcile your two comments. You are either in favor of the Bill of Rights or you are not. Or did I misread your comments?

Pro Bill of Rights: "I would like to preserve ALL of my rights, that includes freedom of and from religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, and all the other ones (you get the idea)."

Anti Bill of Rights: "I don't want the man to come and take my "scary black rifle", but I am more than my firearms, as I'm sure many of you are as well. "

As a side note..... Just after the wall came down between West and East Germany my wife and I flew to East Germany to see extended family(for fear we would never see them again). In my time over there I can say the overwhelming feedback from people living there for decades was the desire for freedom. Far beyond everything else it was freedom.

They were willing to trade security, comfort, etc for the freedom to 'say' things without fear of being imprisoned, leave the country as they wish, make decisions(regardless of personal impact) and get together in groups without having to have state approval to do so. One would be well served to remember the flight time from the end of WWII and a socialist structure was a very short time and the majority of the population was compliant in that transition.

I too am not a single issue voter however I see a clear distinction between wants and rights.
It's not about confiscating the guns, at least not at first. First it becomes impossible to use them unless they are registered. That forces all unregistered versions underground. Then, when there is no public use for that gun and no more can be acquired, the number of people who can legally own and use them is left to naturally dwindle to extinction. It's not an event, it's a process.

I used to wonder what the tipping point would be. I don't any longer.

While some here may be very familiar, for those that are not I encourage you to read the SF Manual on Unconventional Warfare.


Think carefully, and catalog the social, political and economic changes that have taken place in this country over the past 50 yrs. Then pay attention to the manual. Here are just two examples of many -

(Chapter Two) Why Populations Resist, Now ask yourself how Americans get their information, what entertains them, what they eat, their general level of knowledge, and their general level of health. Also look at the relative ease of life here in America, even the poor - color TV, vehicles, air-conditioning, gov provided food, shelter, health care, education.

Environment and Geography - Read the UN's Agenda 21 and understand that the land use planning section is / and has been in full swing in this country for more than 2 decades. The basic goal is to concentrate the population into greater density per square mile. Rebels need a place to train and lay up where the occupying power does not have access. What is the net effect of tethering everyone to an electronic device (smart phone or other device) that can be used to spy on them? Dragnets of all electronic data to determine relationships and connectivity?

That frog in the pot analogy that so many flippantly quote - it's real. Most have no idea how real it is either.

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Even with my post count being non-existent I would like to chime in here.

I've seen a lot of comments asking how people can vote for someone who is causing them a detriment, or providing them a diservice. I think that's because, like me, many people vote based upon more than 1 thing. If we only voted with Gun Control in mind, there are plenty of politicians that would have been in power that had much more dastardly plans (Like republican lawmakers in NC who wanted to flout the First Amendment and create a State Religion, or Utah lawmakers that are fervently working to actually OVETURN the freedom of gay population to marry).

I don't want a Piece-Meal constitution/state of liberty. I would like to preserve ALL of my rights, that includes freedom of and from religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, and all the other ones (you get the idea). It seems these days that to like guns one must be a Hard-liner Republican, most often identifying themselves with the fringe Tea-Party (at least according to every issue of American Rifleman I read). I can tell you (as undoubetdly you already know) that this is not True.

I consider myself a moderate. I vote with the issues that I hold to be most important regardless of party lines. I try to keep myself informed of those issues so that I at least feel qualified to make those decisions, as Jefferson said; ". . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right."

With the prevailing idea and continued misinformation that anyone who isn't a replublican wants to take your guns, and that anyone that owns guns must therefore be a righteous replublican, I feel like we citizens are like dogs chasing our own tails. I'm not a democrat, and I'm not a republican. I am a proud veteran of the USAF (I was enlisted when 9/11 happened and went to Afghanistan as a result), I'm an Atheist with Buddhist tendencies, I'm a father, and a husband, a fulltime firefighter, a science enthusiast, a tattoo collector, and more things than I could count.

I'm all of those things, so I cannot, with a clear conscience vote based soley on one thing. I believe we were born with the moral imperative to leave the world a better place than the one that we found, and I intend to leave my children the best world I can work towards, so most often, I make my decisions with them in mind.

Sorry, that got long winded, just tired of being pigeon-holed by people. I don't want the man to come and take my "scary black rifle", but I am more than my firearms, as I'm sure many of you are as well.

Well apparently you never read those rules you agreed to when you came to the site, you have veered this well beyond a conversation about guns into a diatribe about politics. No one cares where you are on the scale of left or right, or how you vote. Keep it to guns or I'm sure the ban hammer will be by shortly.
Special Licensing and Firearms Unit...

Oooo... Taxation.... Damn, I had a good conspiracy theory lined up, about how the lizard people from Uranus were behind this.

Shit, I might as well move to another state too, so that way my dissenting opinion in my current state is no longer there to stop any political destruction of my rights, and by somehow moving to another state it's all just going to magically make things better when just about every gun owner decides that, and then, well what the hell will happen? The problem will just fucking grow, and eventually it will have control over the House and the Senate. So long hope!

Seriously, how fucking hard is it to fight a political battle, against ideologies that died off in their own birth countries?

Does the fight sound so hard now?
Anti Bill of Rights: "I don't want the man to come and take my "scary black rifle", but I am more than my firearms, as I'm sure many of you are as well. "

I appologize if I was unclear, but I fail to see how this qualifies as "Anti Bill of Rights." I understand that our rights do not change as technology has changed, and I further understand there is a distinct seperation between the things we all want and need. The point I was trying to make was that my firearms aren't my ONLY priority in my voting.

For Instance:

Candidate A has a platform and a voting history that aligns with 5 of the 10 things I agree with politically, one of those being gun control.

Candidate B has a platform that aligns with 7 of the 10 things I agree with politically, but of those 7 things, I disagree with their gun control platform.

With Pythagorean levels of simplicity (in this instance) candidate B would be the clear choice. The data would need to be balanced by how personally important each of the given instances of 10 political agendas is to the individual. i.e. candidate B is mathematically the choice, but he wants to kill all koala bears, and I'm fiercely pro-koala bear. Who isn't? So I couldn't vote for him based on the increased importance of a single (or several) issues.

I think (IMHO) that we have to stop seeing things in black and white. I'm not going to vote for the pro gun control candidate as long as he also wants to kill koalas. I'm going to attempt to find a more friendly (at least to koala's) candidate.

(forgive the overly simplistic examples, I can't judge the importance of everyones agenda's, but simplicity tends to make a point easier.)

Sorry, I hope that explains the point I was trying to make a little better.
Well apparently you never read those rules you agreed to when you came to the site, you have veered this well beyond a conversation about guns into a diatribe about politics. No one cares where you are on the scale of left or right, or how you vote. Keep it to guns or I'm sure the ban hammer will be by shortly.

Mind describing how a letter sent by a political entity about confiscating a weapon that belongs to a private citizen them IS NOT about politics?

What GUN was mentioned?

And further feel free to describe how your comment of "Glad I still live in an American state, and not one of the communist ones. " is about GUNS? That mustn't be considered political due to what factors precisely?

Feel free to disagree, but please don't intentionally obfuscate the facts.
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(forgive the overly simplistic examples, I can't judge the importance of everyones agenda's, but simplicity tends to make a point easier.)

Here's a simplistic truism: If/when the second amendment is nullified by whatever means, the remaining nine amendments are useless. Koaloa bears are on their own.

I think (IMHO) that we have to stop seeing things in black and white.

And that is precisely what the progressives seek. Turn everything gray so the average person can't discern right from wrong or good from bad. Not everything is black and white, but not everything should be gray.
Mind describing how a letter sent by a political entity about confiscating a weapon that belongs to a private citizen them IS NOT about politics?

What GUN was mentioned?

And further feel free to describe how your comment of "Glad I still live in an American state, and not one of the communist ones. " is about GUNS? That mustn't be considered political due to what factors precisely?

Feel free to disagree, but please don't intentionally obfuscate the facts.

Notice how I said "well beyond a conversation about guns." It's tough to ban all conversations that have anything to do with politics, because nearly everything touches it some how. 2nd amendment issues come up regularly here, and we try to keep it to a minimum. My first quote was in reference to living in a state which still affords me the ability to practice my 2nd amendment rights. Did this statement touch the realm of politics, sure it did.

Your statements goes into social issues, IE gay marriage and states religion, which aren't even in the same realm as shooting, or 2nd amendment issues.

So like I said, we don't care how you vote, keep it to shooting related issues.

And I wasn't agreeing with or disagreeing with anything you said. I was telling you we don't want to hear your politically philosophy on how you choose a candidate.
And I wasn't agreeing with or disagreeing with anything you said. I was telling you we don't want to hear your politically philosophy on how you choose a candidate.

I'll freely give you the fact that not one person here cares about how I choose a candidate. I was using myself as an example of people that vote outside of singular issues. You are further right that I brought up social issues that did not pertain to this, but in my increasingly small defense they were being used as examples of the previous point; the inherent risks of voting based on a single issue when politicians also act on other issues that are important to some/same people.

I do appologize for the sidetrack, I really was merely trying to explain (using myself as an example) how I think we have arrived here.
Victory,Thanks for the reminder about political conversations here on SH.

In this case my comments are less focused on the OP's political views and more on the rational employed.

When a statement is made such as "I don't want the man to come and take my "scary black rifle", but I am more than my firearms, as I'm sure many of you are as well." the points made prior to 'but' are negated( I know....its common to interchange and with but......and its still not correct) Hence, you dont really care about them taking your firearms as a bedrock principle. You confirm this in your follow up posts that you want to weight your issues. And if thats how you get to the point of making a decision its your right. My post was to simply point out that, for many people, a right is not something you weight in your decision making process.
Umm. I may have missed something here. Somebody jump in and correct me if needed. The letter itself is dated Jan 2 yes? It states that the application was not received or POSTMARKED before Jan 1. Okay, so at very best the letter was drafted on Jan 2 immediately after receiving the application. The USPS is not open on Jan 1. By default the application had to be mailed and postmarked BEFORE Jan 1.
Before somebody says I am missing the point, I am not. Just looking the facts and questioning things that don't add up.
Any of you who allow confiscation of your rifles are nothing more than spineless milk toast sucking sacs of weak bones and a waste of free oxygen.

When they came for the Gypsy, I did nothing because it was not me. When they came for the Russian, I did nothing because it was not me. Now they are coming for me, the Jew. Why did I not help my neighbor when we all could have stood against this?
You want to be the first ones to resist confiscation? Do you have the will, the sac to send your family somewhere safe? Will you take your arms and leave to another state? Or will you safe your family, then stand and fight?
If you choose fight, let teh rest of us know so at least we can come help
Victory not bagging on you but that's the problem. Let me worry about myself and you worry about you. You sound like the others trying to protect us from ourselves.

Don't worry, my jimmies don't get rustled that easily.

That only works when you're not bothering people with the things you do. You want to stick a cucumber in your old ladies ass, while smoking a joint in the confines of your own home, go right ahead. You want to suck start a pistol, eat fatty foods, or inject a bag of meth, go for it, one less retard to deal with. Problem is that this is Frank's house, and in his house he has set rules for us visitors to follow, you don't get to do or say whatever you want here. Nobody saying anything is why we don't have a 2nd Amendment section anymore.
Any of you who allow confiscation of your rifles are nothing more than spineless milk toast sucking sacs of weak bones and a waste of free oxygen.

When they came for the Gypsy, I did nothing because it was not me. When they came for the Russian, I did nothing because it was not me. Now they are coming for me, the Jew. Why did I not help my neighbor when we all could have stood against this?
You want to be the first ones to resist confiscation? Do you have the will, the sac to send your family somewhere safe? Will you take your arms and leave to another state? Or will you safe your family, then stand and fight?
If you choose fight, let teh rest of us know so at least we can come help

I love it when you post about how awesome you are. Happens a lot.
I live in Europe, and havs always looked to the US as an example of how things should be with regard to firearms. This is obviously no longer the case in all of the states.

It's sad to see.
I'll try one more time before this gets locked.

The letter is real. The OP stated he knew someone who got one. The letter was drafted awhile ago in anticipation of those who would wait until the last second...and then a little more. The date was just thrown in there as a place holder when it was drafted. No one got one instantaneously but enough time has elapsed now that people probably have them incoming. If you intended to register and comply with the law, you had ample notice to do so. By being late, you have skylined yourself. That's sad but that's on you. Interestingly, people who haven't registered are in much better shape "stealthwise" at least until CSP goes through old forms from gunshops that show your purchases since 1993 or so. Then you might get a letter saying "we show you purchased these items in the past. Where are they?"

Finally for the Internet molon labe heros that would have done this and that, unless you are in CT we really don't give a shit what you think or may have done. It's not like we like the new laws. It's not like there were not organized protests at the capital. If you were so worried on how things were going up here, you should have drove up and lent a hand. A lot of people spent a lot of time trying to stop these laws and as bad as they are it could have easily been worse. When you have a Democratic governor and a super majority in both houses that don't like guns to begin with and schoolchlidren get butchered by some psychotic asshole with an AR-15, those who were anti-gun for years are going to hammer you. No politician wastes a good tragedy and ours certainly didn't.

I won't comment anymore in respect to Frank and the COC of this board.
Interestingly, people who haven't registered are in much better shape "stealthwise" at least until CSP goes through old forms from gunshops that show your purchases since 1993 or so. Then you might get a letter saying "we show you purchased these items in the past. Where are they?"

Actually, those people don't even have to worry when they look up an old purchase form. They cannot compel you to disprove ownership or possession of something. They could try, but you would luckily have both the ACLU and the NRA backing you up (probably a number of pro-bono constitutional law attorneys as well). They could ask...you could not respond, or just respond with "I don't know" and they wouldn't be able to go much beyond that.

Abiding by the registration scheme they've implemented is insanity. As to where many of us were...well, I donate a substantial amount to the groups fighting against those laws in your state, other states, and at the federal level. Unfortunately I can't go protest in every state where this insanity is happening :). I think there was an earlier statement regarding choosing candidates....I would say voting to ensure a super majority doesn't exist might be a good route.

I moved because of Colorado's BS laws, there is no way in hell I would stay in CT, or NY, or any other fascist gun hating state.

Seriously people, move. It sucks, but it is better in the long run.
Seriously people, move. It sucks, but it is better in the long run.
I submit moving is a short term gain for you and a long term gain for them. Better to stand an fight, before the overwhelming force is in place. Bottom line we all have let this happen on our watch, regardless of the state you live in. I have never live in Ct. but am as much to blame as the folks who live there.
I've been a member for a long time, and for the most part I keep my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut here on The Hide. But gotta say I never thought I'd see the day where this sort of stuff happened in this country. I just don't understand how they are able to trample all over the 2nd Amendment like this and get away with it?
Form letter, probably composed months ago.

I've been a member for a long time, and for the most part I keep my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut here on The Hide. But gotta say I never thought I'd see the day where this sort of stuff happened in this country. I just don't understand how they are able to trample all over the 2nd Amendment like this and get away with it?

Because we, who believe differently, are, through our actions, willing to let them. As Gunfighter says, this happened on our watch and, for years, i DID nothing. While living in CA presents certain challenges there are things that can be done and it starts at the local level. In my county a number of us have gotten together and supported law enforcement leaders that believe as we do, county board of directors that feel the same, state legistlators as well.

Not a lot of money in my back account so we attend board meetings when possible to make my opinion known, we drive around and post hand made signs, we get a lot of doors slammed in our faces when we go door to door. Thats what I now DO.
El Dorado County Sheriff Strips Forest Service Of State-Law Enforcement Power « CBS Sacramento

My comments here are not to open a debate on a specific political issue but to show that we can influence change. If you dont like it DO something.
Yeah, it's real easy to thump your chest online and talk shit about how much tougher you are than the guys with families, lives, and jobs in banned states but it's a lot fucking harder to actually DO something other than talk shit.