The saga continues:
After posting the dastardly details of the horrific #metoo incident he witnessed, the lumbersexual sits back to await the praise he expects from internet strangers.
The seconds tick by as he enjoys a vape of his special bubblegum sprinkle flavored e-liquid.
“What’s this? A reply!!! Now i’ll receive the vindication I so desperately seek!!” He exclaims up the basement stairs to his mother.
“Go buy a hooker, and quit using my hand cream!!” His mother screams back down. His father can be heard sighing with disappointment in the background.
He scrolls down to revel in all the attaboys he should be receiving. Instead, as he begins to read, his stomach drops. “What’s this?!” He exclaims. Where he expected back patting, he is only met with ridicule and scorn.
His mind reeling from disappointment, he is shocked. This isn’t how the facefail system works. Everybody usually gives me likes when I post pictures of my cats!!
Not sure what to do, he runs upstairs to his mother. His tearful eyes pleading for acknowledgement and a compliment. He gets neither...
In a fury, he ties up his man bun, grabs his vaporizer, and runs back upstairs to ask his parents if he can use their car.
He was last seen headed to a starbucks to get a venti iced mocha frappe with extra whipped cream.
This has been an absolute epic weekend on the Hide.
It's hard to know who to thank, for Mr Fatcock has truly delivered with his pithy commentary. At the same time, we wouldn't have this opportunity, without 308$ marvelous rendering of "The Friend Zone".
Then there are Bender's contributions...
Just so many people to recognize and thank for such performances....