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FBI Director

Comey takes it on the chin.
Something he is familiar with.
Hillary should kiss his ass for the interference he ran for her.
First MSM story will be "Trump fires FBI head because of Russians"

I have about 50 friends who are FBI. 20 percent of them are close. Like share toothbrush close.

I have not gotten confirmation of this (Drudge is reporting it, though, and he is usually 5 x 5).

But if this is true, there will be a lot of Jameson raised tonite.

That Klinton-Klan tool is the worst thing that happened to the bureau since Hoover became a Co-Founder of Victoria's Secret. And her Secret was that J. Edgar Hoover wore panties and a leather teddy.

If this is accurate, tomorrow will be a great day for America. And the rank and file in the Bureau will be doing the antlerdance all day.

Here's hoping!



P.S. I think it's unprecedented for an FBI Director to be relieved of duty. But I think Comey deserves this. He is a sierra-bravo who has had his head up Klinton touch-holes since Ruby Ridge and Waco. He is a blot on the reputation of a lot of fantastic, dedicated, Constitution-loving Americans who live and breathe the acronym "Fidelity Bravery Integrity.." The Feeb's have gotten a lot of bad press over the years. But it's not because of their agents. It's because some of their leaders have, for lack of a better word, been T$#@%ers.

Too late, the damage is done, our intel services need to be bought back under the direct control of the Army and the Navy, the FBI, ATF, and any other national non intel service needs to be dismantled, they have become a threat to our freedom. I fear the national law agencies more than the Russians, NORKS and any shitface mid eastern fkn group of the month. These agencies are now a direct threat to our base freedoms and liberties.
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Published May 09, 2017
Fox News
MAY 9, 2017

Dear Director Comey:

I have received the attached letters from the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of the United States recommending your dismissal as the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately.

While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.

It is essential that we find new leadership that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


Thats not what was written dumbass. Prior to ww2 Intel was handled by the army and navy, we didn't really have an FBI or CIA, NSA< NRO, etc etc like they exist today. need to take away the Dem and Repub toys they use against the population, time to defang DC. Intel can be handled by the two Military Services, policing can be handled by Andy Fkn Griffin and Barney frikken Fife.
Read your own post Retard.

Well, as for me, I think Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, should be the name of a convenience store, not a gub'mint agency.:p Old joke? Yes. Applicable? You bet.

There was a group before the CIA, the OSS. Of course they had close dealings with the Mafia for wartime intelligence in Europe, and never really shed the alliance, the CIA inherited the bond. JFK, anyone.

Do you really want the Army running much of anything intelligence wise. Check the article below.

[h=3]Government Mind Control Agent Talks - WhoWhatWhy[/h] https://whowhatwhy.org/2016/04/29/government-mind-control-agent-talks/
Apr 29, 2016 - They experimented on unsuspecting people, slipping them LSD without .... An internal CIA memo to Dulles declared the agency would have access to “tonnage quantities. .... Frank Olson was acivilian biochemist working for the Army .... because “nobody gave a goddamn about any of this crap over there.”.
Maggot, really , you know better, the crimes and unconstitutional actions by our own government, basically the DC governmental structure, against the people of our country and our Constitution need to be addressed, and those involved dismantled or crushed. I do sure as hell trust the Army and even the Navy more than any other fed organization.
Maggot, really , you know better, the crimes and unconstitutional actions by our own government, basically the DC governmental structure, against the people of our country and our Constitution need to be addressed, and those involved dismantled or crushed. I do sure as hell trust the Army and even the Navy more than any other fed organization.

Wat I think Jerry is that the problem is not really in WHO does it, but in that a

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

In any group there will be about 90% who will be straight and narrow, or mostly, and a smaller percentage who are corrupt. Over time, if that fact is not kept int the forefront, and managed, then the corrupt deceive the good, and shit hits he fan. So we are all here now.



Doesnt really mater, THE PEOPLE need to learn to pay attention and manage their resource or it will be stolen by the few.
Agree, but I will bet on big green and even big blue being more honorable and have more integrity than any civilian agency.

One more thing, the courts failed on every level, giving the Dem and Repub parties the power to remove our Constitutional Protections under the BOR, amendment 4 and others , 10 being another that comes to immediate mind. The courts are not to be trusted at all, they are full of Repub and Dem Party Members and hold their allegiance to the Party over the Constitution.
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I have about 50 friends who are FBI. 20 percent of them are close. Like share toothbrush close.

I have not gotten confirmation of this (Drudge is reporting it, though, and he is usually 5 x 5).

But if this is true, there will be a lot of Jameson raised tonite.

That Klinton-Klan tool is the worst thing that happened to the bureau since Hoover became a Co-Founder of Victoria's Secret. And her Secret was that J. Edgar Hoover wore panties and a leather teddy.

If this is accurate, tomorrow will be a great day for America. And the rank and file in the Bureau will be doing the antlerdance all day.

Here's hoping!



P.S. I think it's unprecedented for an FBI Director to be relieved of duty. But I think Comey deserves this. He is a sierra-bravo who has had his head up Klinton touch-holes since Ruby Ridge and Waco. He is a blot on the reputation of a lot of fantastic, dedicated, Constitution-loving Americans who live and breathe the acronym "Fidelity Bravery Integrity.." The Feeb's have gotten a lot of bad press over the years. But it's not because of their agents. It's because some of their leaders have, for lack of a better word, been T$#@%ers.


Good to hear your FBI buddies don't care for Comey. I always thought Comey was more than just a bit slippery. It finally caught up to him and outed him for the hot dog he's always been.

I think it interesting that the Dems hated the guy for what they felt "threw HRC under the bus" right before the election, the Repubs hated him for his ultra-thin explanation of why HRC was good to go.....pretty much everyone said he was wrong/corrupt and needed to be fired.

Advance 6 or 7 months, POTUS fires him and the Dems pitch a fit and say that now a special investigator needs to be appointed to investigate the Russian/election connection (which was debunked by their own former director of intelligence, under oath, literally 2 days ago) because POTUS fired the FBI director they absolutely hated 6 or 7 months ago.

Did I get all that about right?

Sometimes I feel like I live in a parallel universe where down is up and wrong is right.
I think it interesting that the Dems hated the guy for what they felt "threw HRC under the bus" right before the election, the Repubs hated him for his ultra-thin explanation of why HRC was good to go.....pretty much everyone said he was wrong/corrupt and needed to be fired.

Advance 6 or 7 months, POTUS fires him and the Dems pitch a fit and say that now a special investigator needs to be appointed to investigate the Russian/election connection (which was debunked by their own former director of intelligence, under oath, literally 2 days ago) because POTUS fired the FBI director they absolutely hated 6 or 7 months ago.

Did I get all that about right?

Sometimes I feel like I live in a parallel universe where down is up and wrong is right.

Its just that they are all crooked, every fucking one of them. You cant get a straight line with a bent ruler....pun intended. As Moses the Tank said about lawyers some time back, "They dont give a fuck about 'right' or 'justice' all they care about is 'winning'.

Fuck them.
Problem is, the new acting Director (McCabe) is an aweful Clinton political hack. His wife ran for State Senate unsuccessfully here in Virginia back in 2015, against my state senator.

The VA Governor, a very close associate of Clinton, gave her $700k in political donations basically at the same time McCabe was leading the investigation into Clinton's emails. Unsurprisingly, Mr. McCabe recommended that no charges be filed against Clinton a short time later.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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Problem is, the new acting AG (McCabe) is an aweful Clinton political hack. His wife ran for State Senate unsuccessfully here in Virginia back in 2015, against my state senator.

The VA Governor, a very close associate of Clinton, gave her $700k in political donations basically at the same time McCabe was leading the investigation into Clinton's emails. Unsurprisingly, Mr. McCabe recommended that no charges be filed against Clinton a short time later.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

McAwful is owned by the Obummer/Bumbag cartel. Just another liberal piece of shit.
fuck both comey and mc-fuck fuck. whatever happened to right and wrong? just i am just a dinosaur.

We live in an age where whats "right" is "wrong" and whats "wrong" is "right".

Crime is no longer crime if you didn't realize you were committing the crime. What a brilliant concept for a dumb society.
Great, so we finally fired this waffling idiot.

When can we really get some shit done and line up Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, Holder and Lynch and Rice and Weiner and Huma and McCabe and McAuliffe and Podesta and Yates and Clapper and Soros and BLM and the Antifa movement and Media Matters... and Harry Reid.... I can go on??

^^^ Fixed it for you.

Personally, right now I'd like to see a Special Prosecutor appointed. Give the prosecutor's office the mission to dig into the leaks, phone taps, unmasking, political use of intelligence.... Sure. Look into Russia. I bet there is nothing there that implicates the current administration.. But a good Special Prosecutor could darn well find out who dreamed up the whole Russia story, planted it... and is promulgating it. I good special prosecutor might have a great case looking current hard left sedition (including riots, shootings, looting, urban unrest, attacks on police, etc.) going on in the nation, including finding out who is paying the bills, who is directing it... and show it for the orchestrated action that it clearly is.

Just 'sayin.


^^^ Fixed it for you.

Personally, right now I'd like to see a Special Prosecutor appointed. Give the prosecutor's office the mission to dig into the leaks, phone taps, unmasking, political use of intelligence.... Sure. Look into Russia. I bet there is nothing there that implicates the current administration.. But a good Special Prosecutor could darn well find out who dreamed up the whole Russia story, planted it... and is promulgating it. I good special prosecutor might have a great case looking current hard left sedition (including riots, shootings, looting, urban unrest, attacks on police, etc.) going on in the nation, including finding out who is paying the bills, who is directing it... and show it for the orchestrated action that it clearly is.

Just 'sayin.



and........it will end up like Jill Stein's recount effort, oops not what we want you to see here, never mind.
Comey got the Bullshit FISA warrant for Obama and got nothing. Now they investigate till they find a crime. So Comey is not outed for pulling a phony FISA. They don't want Comey going down for having helped Obama spy on Trump.

I think Sessions got the smokin gun on Comey finally and the FISA malfeasance will come to light soon. JMHO
I am warning you gents, the FBI has been turned, it is now an enemy of our people. They will not prosecute these corrupt fuckers because they are part of the same gang, simple as that. Here is a story b a guy that has been way more right than he has been wrong. FBI relieved Comey is gone my ass, they are playing with fire, big fire.

ccording to The Washington Post, in the aftermath of President Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey, agents are now focused in laserlike fashion on taking Trump down. Here’s the report:
Many employees said they were furious about the firing, saying the circumstances of his dismissal did more damage to the FBI’s independence than anything Comey did in his three-plus years in the job.

One intelligence official who works on Russian espionage matters said they were more determined than ever to pursue such cases. Another said Comey’s firing and the subsequent comments from the White House are attacks that won’t soon be forgotten. Trump had “essentially declared war on a lot of people at the FBI,” one official said. “I think there will be a concerted effort to respond over time in kind.”​

The FBI director serves at the pleasure of the president. Trump’s firing of Comey might be a cover-up, as the Left claims; it’s just as likely (significantly more likely in my view) that Trump just wanted Comey gone, and Trump has terrible timing. But regardless, the notion that the members of the intelligence community are now empowered morally or legally to redouble their efforts to damage Trump is anti-republican and frightening. The intelligence community is not its own shadow government, poised to strike the head of the executive branch because he takes a measure for which he has full constitutional authority.

Months ago, just as President Trump prepared to take office, a wave of mainstream media reports emerged suggesting that the intelligence community hated Trump and would work to take him down. In January, Trump tweeted about the intelligence agencies leaking information about confidential briefings, in typical Trumpian fashion:
While the language was ridiculous, the concern wasn’t off base. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened Trump with the intelligence community cudgel: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he is being really dumb to do this.” As I wrote at the time, “This is actually frightening stuff. The intelligence community isn’t its own government.”

In February, Trump enemies began endorsing the notion of an intelligence community coup. Then, in March, tape emerged of former Obama deputy assistant secretary of defense Evelyn Farkas explaining that she had told her friends in the intelligence community to preserve information on Trump before Obama left office out of “fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left, so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy … that the Trump folks — if they found out how we knew what we knew about their … the Trump staff dealing with Russians — that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.” Farkas said that intelligence officials had distributed the information widely to avoid it being destroyed.

But this report from The Washington Post is on another level entirely. It isn’t second-hand discussions by a former official of conversations she supposedly had years ago. It’s contemporaneous reporting of what is happening right now inside the FBI. And that should frighten anyone of good conscience.
Jerry the problem they have is that Trump is President and now has the goods on them. Trump I have no doubt would declassify the entire NSA Database if he had to to beat them and they know it. Nothing scares them more than exposing them to daylight or truth. They will not jeopardize their little secret cookie jar. But I guess we will see.

What everyone is focused on now is keeping their dirty little secrets, secret. But as we all know it is very hard to put the Genie back in the bottle. If the Dems keep pushing too hard I would not be surprised to see some very bad leaks against them. The IC is in damage control mode. We know more than we were ever supposed to, because Trump is not playing minor league ball.

Just think how clean Trump must be, if a year of NSA spying can't take him down easy? But who knows? When dealing with spooks you will never see it coming.
^^^ We're not a democracy.... we're a Republic.

That said, whatever the media is reporting (because, what, they are totally accurate and non-partisan) the texts, e-mails and happy-memes I've been getting from my friends who are close to this... are 100 percent (I'll say again... 100 percent)... "Comey is gone... his idiot deputy will be gone soon.... Finally, our work will be appreciated."

Do you know how many agents have spent their careers finding total, unequivocal and prosecutable dirt on Clintons and others who we would deride as globalists and seditionists? And every time they have completely unassailable criminal cases built... they get the rug pulled out from under them by political hacks at the upper echelons?

The whole morale thing is a media fabrication. They have found the 10 leftard anomalies hired by the last administration to quote. The Antifa plants who are all over Gummint.

But of the 38K employees at the bureau.... if there are 500 who are leftards... I'd be surprised. Oh and most aren't Republicans. They are Constitutionalists and libertarians.

That said, to Army's points... 500 people can cause a ton of damage in an organization. Look at Walker, Pelton, Ames, etc. It takes only one.

But I'll disagree with the assertion that the Bureau and the intel community are somehow out to get us Americans. Army, I respect your viewpoint completely. But it's not the 'rank and file' of these communities. It's the outlying individuals.

Don't blame the group for the actions of a few.... Isn't that our mantra in the 2A community? Army... aren't there always a few Generals, Colonels and Lieutenants... who make the rest look retarded... and who get the media's attention?


I believe what Army Jerry is trying to say is quite obvious and productive - there should be a military style discipline in any LE organization, with no politics involved at all. That's it. "Civilian" LE tends to become "political" quite easy, depending upon personal connections of the upper management. Military discipline, in its core essence, still has certain resistance to this happening. How to make this work big time is a different matter.

I prefer to run my business, Borka Tools, as a "military operation". Hard to explain every detail, but what it means is that both the seller (me) and the buyer (customer) must treat each other with the same respect, and nobody has an advantage over the other. I fully expect my customers to pay respect to my business and comply with all the terms and conditions I've came up with, for whatever reason it could be. In exchange, I'll do my part to make things right for such customers every time. Strictly business, no "politics". That is a general approach, exceptions, of course, are possible, but are very limited in occurrence.
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On that front, you and I are in violent agreement.

Politics has no place in any judicial branch agency. Be that the FBI or the local dog-catcher. Sworn LE are to enforce the laws as proposed (and signed by) the executive branch. Passed by the legislative branch. And enforced (and confirmed IN COURTS) by the judicial... based on interpreting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

But that's just me.

The FBI should be apolitical. So should all the alphabet agencies. That said, there was an old saying dating back to the Kennedy years... in the CIA which was that there were "No Communists and no Republicans" in the ranks." La plus que c'es change....

And that changed bigtime in the 1980's. Casey was a rockstar.

But to ask our servants to put their politics aside is a tall order. Yet most do. But if 99 percent do... and 1 percent are partisan asshats... we get the situation we are in. In the Bureau, 1 percent of partisan asshats still is 300 people who are trying to sabotage the American people. Without the rank and file.... supporting them.

How much damage can 300 people with access to top intel do? Well, how much damage did 300 Spartans to?


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Sirh, I rarely disagree with any opinion you have ever expressed here on this forum and dont fully disagree with you here, I just see that 500 in this agency, the 500 in the CIA, the 500 in the NSA and the 500 in the NRO as fellow travelers so to speak, they have made the organizations they are in enemies of the people, enemies of our Constitution and are a threat to our Republic, the biggest threat we faced since the cold war communists. They have been and are fully politicized organizations, going back to the RR and Waco, they were politicized even then. They serve the state, not the Constitution, by state I mean the two parties, not in a Constitutional way either. From where I sit, we have had many many freedoms infringed upon or taken away by these organizations, they have basically infringed on every single basic inalienable right and every right in the BOR , all legally in their minds because the democrat and repub parties voted in a law they was upheld by democrat and repub judges who hold party higher than the Constitution they swear to, The alphabet organizations are the instrument the dem and repubs use as the muscle to keep the unconsenting citizens in line here in our country, they have not fulfilled they publicized mission of protecting the country from threats, hell that partake in strengthening the threat right here is our country with the 5th column of crazed ass muslins they turn a blind eye to. On this, I am guessing they are letting the threat fester They failed to predict the fall of the Berlin Wall, the fall of Russia, the Fall of the east block the attack of 9/11, San Bernadino, Orlando, Boston (all of these they had the perps on watch lists/interviews and did nothing), In my life time have not seen a success by the agencies in any way shape of forum, I do remember them testifying that they have not stopped shit in front of congress when asked by Rand. I am guessing you are 100% right that the majority are good people but I gotta tell them good people they are part of an organization that has become a threat to our republic and our way of life under the Constitution of this here United States of America. .

Clinton crime family taking bribes from all over the world while holding office, the FBI has the goods on her, the NSA has every email and keystroke gathered up in metadata, (just like they do this post) and that filthy criminal law breaking cunt still walks free? Why do we need these agencies again? I see not good coming from them, none at all. I bet when history is written about this election, it will show the agencies were in cahoots with the Dem and prob the repub parties to undermine the outsider Trump and possibly get him removed from office. I see no other logic as to what has happened with FISA (Secret courts wtf is that) being weaponized by the Parties, Dems in this case, to damage Trump. I am not even going to mention the IRS.

^^^ We're not a democracy.... we're a Republic.

That said, whatever the media is reporting (because, what, they are totally accurate and non-partisan) the texts, e-mails and happy-memes I've been getting from my friends who are close to this... are 100 percent (I'll say again... 100 percent)... "Comey is gone... his idiot deputy will be gone soon.... Finally, our work will be appreciated."

Do you know how many agents have spent their careers finding total, unequivocal and prosecutable dirt on Clintons and others who we would deride as globalists and seditionists? And every time they have completely unassailable criminal cases built... they get the rug pulled out from under them by political hacks at the upper echelons?

The whole morale thing is a media fabrication. They have found the 10 leftard anomalies hired by the last administration to quote. The Antifa plants who are all over Gummint.

But of the 38K employees at the bureau.... if there are 500 who are leftards... I'd be surprised. Oh and most aren't Republicans. They are Constitutionalists and libertarians.

That said, to Army's points... 500 people can cause a ton of damage in an organization. Look at Walker, Pelton, Ames, etc. It takes only one.

But I'll disagree with the assertion that the Bureau and the intel community are somehow out to get us Americans. Army, I respect your viewpoint completely. But it's not the 'rank and file' of these communities. It's the outlying individuals.

Don't blame the group for the actions of a few.... Isn't that our mantra in the 2A community? Army... aren't there always a few Generals, Colonels and Lieutenants... who make the rest look retarded... and who get the media's attention?


You pegged why I bought this idea up, but after thinking a bit more, I think we just need to dismantle all these federal agencies all together they are too dangerous and have not done a good job in what they were supposed to be doing (National Security) but a great job in areas they have been corrupted in (spying on the citizens). BTW your borka kits are great.

I believe what Army Jerry is trying to say is quite obvious and productive - there should be a military style discipline in any LE organization, with no politics involved at all. That's it. "Civilian" LE tends to become "political" quite easy, depending upon personal connections of the upper management. Military discipline, in its core essence, still has certain resistance to this happening. How to make this work big time is a different matter.

I prefer to run my business, Borka Tools, as a "military operation". Hard to explain every detail, but what it means is that both the seller (me) and the buyer (customer) must treat each other with the same respect, and nobody has an advantage over the other. I fully expect my customers to pay respect to my business and comply with all the terms and conditions I've came up with, for whatever reason it could be. In exchange, I'll do my part to make things right for such customers every time. Strictly business, no "politics". That is a general approach, exceptions, of course, are possible, but are very limited in occurrence.
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I believe what Army Jerry is trying to say is quite obvious and productive - there should be a military style discipline in any LE organization, with no politics involved at all. That's it. "Civilian" LE tends to become "political" quite easy, depending upon personal connections of the upper management. Military discipline, in its core essence, still has certain resistance to this happening. How to make this work big time is a different matter.

I prefer to run my business, Borka Tools, as a "military operation". Hard to explain every detail, but what it means is that both the seller (me) and the buyer (customer) must treat each other with the same respect, and nobody has an advantage over the other. I fully expect my customers to pay respect to my business and comply with all the terms and conditions I've came up with, for whatever reason it could be. In exchange, I'll do my part to make things right for such customers every time. Strictly business, no "politics". That is a general approach, exceptions, of course, are possible, but are very limited in occurrence.

I like this ^^^. As my friend used to say, "It's not personal, it's just business".
Politics is/are inescapable. We are all political creatures, and expecting others, as either individuals or groups, to be otherwise simply flies in the face of reality.

The Russians may be striving to meddle in our politics? I'm shocked, Ricky, simply shocked.... I'd be damned disappointed in them if they weren't elbow deep into that mire. What the Hell were we expecting them to be doing, anyway?

Schumer appears hypocritical? Again, I'm shocked, Ricky, simply shocked... If there was ever a more altruistic, honest, and non-self serving public servant in our government, they have yet to reveal their presence. Not. BTW, I remember when Congressman Schumer represented my Brother's district in Brooklyn. Bill said he'd go far, as far as necessary... Only the hypocritical will champion his continued presence in our government, thus guaranteeing his reelection ad infinitum, as nauseam,....