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I agree with Malcom X


Invite new Gun owners to the range in 2021

Lots Of talk In this video that makes sense.

a black man or any man has the right to protect the life of human beings. Something the federal government can’t do

the worse enemy of the black man is the white elite... people who put labels on thingsand won’t fix the problem
Malcolm X said: "The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."
Malcolm X said: "The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."

That was back in the 60s. His head would explode today.
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Yes and it's disappointing that vision and direction has been lost. The Democrats are using black people as pawns, and many cannot see it or there blinded by the trinkets there getting dangled in front of them.

Malcolm's vision of the white liberal should apply to all of us. Do not trust someone that thinks they know the best for all. They are only interested in there own agenda.
Yes and it's disappointing that vision and direction has been lost. The Democrats are using black people as pawns, and many cannot see it or there blinded by the trinkets there getting dangled in front of them.

Malcolm's vision of the white liberal should apply to all of us. Do not trust someone that thinks they know the best for all. They are only interested in there own agenda.
First the Democrats held them as slaves, then the held them as pawns.
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Malcolm-X and MLK were both on the right track... Great Americans.

Unfortunately, their legacies got hijacked by the violent crackpots like Newton and Cleaver... and, worse, by the "I'm gonna get rich off of race baiting" like Jackson, Sharpton and numerous others. Those scumbags lined their pockets while making things worse for the people that MLK (and Malcolm-X) were on the cusp of genuinely helping.

The War on Poverty was the nail in the coffin. Of all the "-ism's" that are thrown about... Paternalism is the worst of all. It's slavery in velvet handcuffs.

Everyone should read The Autobiography of Malcolm-X and see what "bootstraps" success really means! Everyone in my generation read "Black Like Me" which did a fine job trashing southerners... but offered little other than division and resentment. Noone read Malcolm-X. Because that was considered terrifying and taboo. Probably because it was right. Our HS Library did not have a copy of it. I finally read it in college... on my own. Not part of a class.

Read, absorb and (yes) enjoy Malcolm-X. He most certainly agreed that his fellow African-Americans were often their own worst enemy. But that everyone could change themselves... Bootstraps indeed.

Louis Farrakhan had a hand in Malcolm X's assassination. Too bad he wasn't the target.

Malcom X made the mistake of realizing after his pilgrimage that race was nothing but a social construct that was being used by the elites to divide the working class and keep them occupied fighting their fellows so that the Elites could continue their rule.

He found out just like JFK, that the Elites don't take it kindly when you actually threaten the sources of their power.

Stealing a line from an English politican,

Think about it, a small group of elites, probably who could all fit in one large room, manage to impose their will on the 7 billion humans on this planet...
The sad part was before Obama I really felt racism was incredible at an all time low.
Unfortunatly Obama and his party turned it into hot button issue.
Even the first black president used blacks as pawns like farakon and Jackson.
Very accurate. Before Obama we are heading in a great Direction where we can all get along. Unfortunately, that steals the power from those that poor strings... Can't have that.

We're somebody above it said that the problem with the black community is the black community... Partially true. While I can't completely disagree with the sentiment, because everybody needs to take responsibility for their own actions, the black community has been lied to and duped and strung along by the liberal democrat party. I can't fault somebody that has a different thought process specifically because they've been lied to their entire life. It's extremely difficult to go change that wiring. Take religion for example. Everybody's religion is the truth. Well, that can't possibly be true. But if you combine everybody's religion you will probably find the truth.... it's extremely difficult to try to get somebody that's a devout whatever religion to seek truth in other religions.
Growing up in AL in the 80's, we were taught that Malcolm X was a terrorist. They made a sharp distinction between him and MLK.

I only know of him what I've seen in that movie, a few documentaries, and what I was told.

I think he was finding out religion wasn't organized much different than politics right before he was killed.
The sad part was before Obama I really felt racism was incredible at an all time low.
Unfortunatly Obama and his party turned it into hot button issue.
Even the first black president used blacks as pawns like farakon and Jackson.
and it was.
Let us not forget who destroyed decades of progress in race relations and respect for police in eight short years, at least according to the "news" network that now blames Trump and conservative white people for everything that is wrong with America.
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Sad he was killed. A smart and amazing man. I wonder what good he might have accomplished for race relations.
I actually think Malcolm-X would have been a strong proponant of separation. Not segregation. But the idea that African Americans can create an incredible self-sufficient economy that integrates well with the greater economy... but without having to depend on patriarchy or paternalism of "we feel sorry for you, here is some equal opportunity legislation to advance you because you can't advance yourselves." Which he (and anyone with a brain) knows is not needed and has caused more harm than good.

MLK, I think, was more about a single, integrated American (Christian) people. Malcolm-X was about voluntary separation.

Remember, up until the 1960's and the massive drug influx, places like Harlem were flourishing communities with their own traditions, histories and economies. Harlem was replicated in cities all over America. As a product of Harlem, Malcolm-X understood that the community that existed in Harlem was thriving and capable of sustaining itself for a long term.

Along comes bussing, projects, drugs (introduced largely by woke hippies), welfare, support for single-parent-households, destruction of church... etc.

It's complicated. Very complicated. But Malcolm-X was a big proponent of having his community divorce itself from dependance on the greater 'white' community... to seek its own fame and fortune.

Ultimately, I think he recognized that money is green... and that black or white money... was still green. And that financial, business and social success equaled success. Regardless of race. What a great concept! Judging people by their accomplishments instead of by the color of their skin. It's where MKL and Malcolm-X overlapped 100 percent!


Must say that for that statement MX hit the nail on the head. The (any color any adjective) liberal elite are the enemy of ALL who love America not just blacks. They are the invisible puppet masters of Joe Biden the deep state bureaucrats that run roughshod over the constitution and the phony media who covers for them all. They are the ones who despise Trump's base for having the gall to foist orange man on them.
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Malcolm X said: "The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn't taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man."

This is what instantly came to mind when reading the thread title.

Liberal middle aged white women are the actual fucking enemy of America.
For a while I lived in Philly, or rather, just outside. For the 2012 election I made a point to listen to different radio stations (I used to drive to NYC occasionally). What I heard on the urban and black audience targetted stations was truly depressing. 100% of the ads were messaging on keeping entitlements and welfare access. Benefits, etc.

There was not one ad on how the Dems. would elevate those on welfare into the work force etc.

To be fair, there was no similar message from the Republicans, but for the party who messages "we're on your side" the subtext was "so long as you stay on your side of town..".