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Jury duty coming up

I cant partake in a corrupt two tiered justice system run the republican and democrst parties. Going to tell the judge. Or just do a nullify.

Once when the old farmer was called for jury duty and was too backed up at work to be able to go, he went in for the interview. One of the lawyers asked him how much weight he would be inclined to give to a police officers testimony. My dad answered that he would believe anything an officer said unless the officer was lying. The Judge asked how he could tell when an officer was lying The old farmer pondered for a minute and said "well if his lips are moving mostly he is lying, except if he is claiming a black person committed the crime then I know he is an honest cop." The old farmer was dismissed.
When asked if I have formed an opinion on the case, I say, yes your honor, he must be guilty because he's sitting in your courtroom. That's always good for a thank you and a dismissal.
The only jury I would want to sit on would be a lawsuit against any government agency at any level. I had a head on collision with a country fire truck because the driver passed out and because of tort, the county and their insuror slimed their way through the whole settlement precess. I would go to any length to give them a PR nightmare and I'm going to. I just havn't made to the local TV stations yet. I'm bound by non-disclosure against talking about the settlement, but I can damn sure talk about the incident.
Just ask who is really on trial. The defendant or the obviously two tiered system. Then ask who in the courtroom has the last name of Clinton, then loudly say, if you have that last name you can literally get away with treason and murder.

If you get locked up we will all chip in to post money on your books.
This!!! Do it!!!
I've been called to jury duty plenty.
Never get picked or make it past the first round.
They probably notice on the forms my race, gender and maybe a bit of searching in the voter database to find my political leaning & neither side wants me.
I have been on jury duty more than a couple of times and consider it an honor.
The Lawyers and the Judges have a hard time figuring out how to deal with someone who is honest and will listen to all testimony presented,--- then deal with it.
Pray that you have someone like me who gives his undivided attention to everything put out, then makes his decision, good bad or ugly.
After a few Trials, I have not been called back.
I called it like I saw it but never caved in to the prosecution nor the defense and listened to all put forth then made my judgment.
I back up to NONE, probably why I am seldom sent a jury duty notice now but I would want someone like ME in the box were I on Trial.

I hate people that shirk their "Duty" as they may have made a difference. You may have saved someone from illegal prosecution or you may have sent someone guilt as Hell to prison. FM
The jury is literally deciding what the verdict will be. The only way to have any affect on whether the judgment is “corrupt” or what you you perceive to be corrupt is to participate, which you already know or you wouldn’t have used the term “nullify”. The best way to get off of jury duty is for any of the attorneys picking the jury to perceive you to be dishonest in any way. Any good trial lawyer will tell you that you can never trust anyone that would lie to get on a jury.
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I cant partake in a corrupt two tiered justice system run the republican and democrst parties. Going to tell the judge. Or just do a nullify.


If it's civil case= stick it to the D Bag

Criminal case- do what is right

The system we have - criminally - counts/required people to not show up for jury duty
94-96% of criminal settle with a plea deal....

Do your job
And educate other jurors of their rights too
Don’t know about where you live; but in the state of Georgia, the jury has the duty to not only judge the guilt or innocence of the defendant, but also the moral necessity of the particular law itself. If you don’t think something should be illegal, you can announce not guilty. The judges and prosecutors hate this, and won’t tell juries about it, but fuck em. There is nothing stopping you from using your moral compass to judge the defendant this way. It’s one of the only ways left to us to stick a finger in the eye of the corrupt system. I encourage you to take advantage of it and do your best to get on a jury.
I just received a jury duty notice from my old residence in Oregon. They sent it to my address in Texas! According to the paper, I cant call them to advise that I am no longer a resident of the People's Paradise of Oregon, but a citizen of the Republic of Texas, I have to send their form back. This to a town of 2500, of whom probably half were my patients at one time. Brain trust!
When I went to jury duty we filled out a questionnaire...income, occupation, education, membership in organizations. When the lawyers came back in for voir dire, they had listed us in the order to be interviewed. They start with the most likely to be accepted to the least likely. My number was 75 out of 75. Retired Green Beret, MBA, upper income rancher NRA member and disabled vet makes me totally unacceptable. I never have to be worried about being selected for a jury.
  1. It's a pain in the ass.
  2. It's your duty as a Citizen and someone that enjoys probably more freedoms than most anywhere else in the world.
  3. It's a real eye opener as to how 12 people can all be told the exact same things at exactly the same times and each of them "hears" 12 different versions.
  4. It's scary that those same jurors, with what have now become obvious flaws, are responsible for the fate of the defendant and indirectly, that of the plaintiff.
  5. It's scary that when you go through the jurist/jury process and an eventual trial, you see gaping problems, inconsistencies and outright contradictions with the process. But, it is incumbent upon you and all of the other jurors to reach the "right" verdict in spite of those obvious flaws in the system.
  6. In spite of how bad the jury system appears, you quickly realize that it is better than any other alternatives, all things considered.
Go, do your duty. Clear your head of as much pre-conceived bias about the process as possible before hand. Tell yourself it is important, because it actually is. Do your best. If we don't all do our part, we may look back one day and wish to have not lost such a "great" system, compared to what it may have been replaced by. ;)
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Just wear this the first day. Problem solved, problem staying solved.


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Do your civic duty, an do it with honor.
Just think someday it may be you on trial. Would you prefer a person with honor an the ability to see the real picture, vs a person with a room temp IQ being spoon fed by either side? If jury nullification is warranted do it, educated the others an fuck the legal system because it will damn sure fuck you given the chance.
I have been on jury duty more than a couple of times and consider it an honor.
The Lawyers and the Judges have a hard time figuring out how to deal with someone who is honest and will listen to all testimony presented,--- then deal with it.
Pray that you have someone like me who gives his undivided attention to everything put out, then makes his decision, good bad or ugly.
After a few Trials, I have not been called back.
I called it like I saw it but never caved in to the prosecution nor the defense and listened to all put forth then made my judgment.
I back up to NONE, probably why I am seldom sent a jury duty notice now but I would want someone like ME in the box were I on Trial.

I hate people that shirk their "Duty" as they may have made a difference. You may have saved someone from illegal prosecution or you may have sent someone guilt as Hell to prison. FM
True FM, thats why I made the Nullification option above. but it pains me to take part in corruption and pretend all is okay...

Is it a duty if its corrupt?
Serve, and do what is right, Change corruption one vote at a time. All we have left.

If it's civil case= stick it to the D Bag

Criminal case- do what is right

The system we have - criminally - counts/required people to not show up for jury duty
94-96% of criminal settle with a plea deal....

Do your job
And educate other jurors of their rights too
You might be pleasantly surprised and find out that some judges present correctly as non-partisan and are truly expecting you, as a juror, to decide based upon the law. Such a judge will be specific and provide for you clear instructions for each aspect of the law(s) in question, their possible applicability to the case in question, and your options as a jurist based upon your understanding of the testimony.

I’ve sat on juries three times. I state that I’m an engineer, that I will base my decision on the case as presented and that I feel it is my responsibility as a citizen to do so. I never choose to be a jury Forman and prefer to present my “case” to the other jurors and shed light on points they may have missed. It is important that people of intelligence and good moral character do not shy from this responsibility in my opinion. I have seen too many juries wherein the chosen 6 or 12 (depending upon the nature of the case) are heavily retired people just wanting something to do and get paid for or those that have too few brains and short attention spans. Thus, being a voice of reason and sense can make a difference between a just finding or another travesty of justice.

Our jury system, while maybe not perfect, is still the best system in the world. Be the difference that you want to see in the world.
The court system is fucked with or without you. Chances are AJ wouldn't even get picked because he's so opinionated about the Constitution, lol. Goes just as much for probably 95% of the folks in The Pit.

I don't look down on anyone skipping jury duty, nobody has the right to force you into it. That said, I'd appreciate it if folks like us could keep it from sliding any further into pageantry-veiled draconian barbarism by participating.
When I went to jury duty we filled out a questionnaire...income, occupation, education, membership in organizations. When the lawyers came back in for voir dire, they had listed us in the order to be interviewed. They start with the most likely to be accepted to the least likely. My number was 75 out of 75. Retired Green Beret, MBA, upper income rancher NRA member and disabled vet makes me totally unacceptable. I never have to be worried about being selected for a jury.
I was called for jury duty in federal court for a bank robbery. Like you, I filled out a questionnaire. Army helicopter pilot in Vietnam, retired CPA, NRA life member, member of three shooting clubs, participant in 20+ shooting competitions per year, concealed weapon permit, etc. I thought my shooting background would get me bumped, but I was selected and served. I did see that any prospective jury member who was the victim of a crime, or who had family that was a crime victim, were quickly bumped. I have no use for those who shirk their duty as productive citizens by not serving on a jury.
When called for Jury Duty I always feel that it's my turn to actually have a part of the Justice system instead of just complaining all the time about how unfair it is. I volunteered for additional Duty if needed as there are literally Dirt Bags going free due to mistrials because the courts can't field 12 people to form a Jury.

I'm pretty good at being impartial and can hear the evidence and convict or acquit according to law. The Judge who signed me up for additional duty asked me why I would volunteer and I told him "Becasue if I ever end up being tried for a crime it will be probable that I am unjustly accused and I'd hate to have to take my chances with a Jury of "My Peers" who are pissed because they couldn't get out of Jury Duty. Rather be tried by folks like myself who consider it our Civic Duty and are proud and competent to hear the evidence and put criminals away and see the innocent go free."

I always considered it a learning experience and enjoyed the process.

Having read all of the above, if, and it is a big if as I try to be a Good Boy, were I going to trial I would want My Jury picked from Snipers Hide, hence a jury of my peers.

Someday I will tell you about being a witness to an incident I saw and being put on the chair to field questions about what I saw from those sleazy lawyers, how many times I was asked the same question over and over [3 times] by "Sleaze Bag" lawyer to the point that I asked the Lawyer to come closer to the stand as he was having trouble hearing the same answers the last 3 times I had been asked the same question.

He came close but not close enough. I asked him to come closer and he did, then I grabbed his head and hollered as loud as I could right in his ear, "This is what I saw, The guy ran over that man in the street because the driver wasn't looking at what he was doing. Do you now understand that?"
That lawyer, reeling from the shouting in his ears, asked that I be shown as a hostile witness and I was still hollering at him,"Do you now know what I was saying?"

I guess that now, instead of Someday, is when I tell that story but it is not a story at all, but fact. and yes I was filed as a hostile witness and that Douche Bag Lawyer now has Tinnitus. FM

I walked out of the Courtroom after that and know how it went down, the right way, and never heard anything else from those Shyters.
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I got called last year. In the process of voir dire we came to learn that this was not the defendant's first rodeo in the court room. We also came to find out that his "immigration status was not to be considered".

When they got around to me I was very clear and direct - the court was wasting my time and I wanted no part of it. I lit into the judge and asked why is it that an obvious illegal (who needed an interpreter) was here in the county in the first place? Why was I being asked to waste my time listening to the details of a crime that has been committed b/c the State of Oregon chose to look the other way in the face of the predicate crime of the defendant being in the country illegally in the first place?

You could have heard a pin drop.

30 seconds later I was in the elevator and on my way out of the courthouse.

I see the judge at the gym routinely, he still looks at me crosseyed.
I would give anything to be a fly on the wall in the Jury room. However, it is doubtful you will make it past a challenge. I always wear slacks, button down (nicely pressed) and good quality shoes.

You'll never serve...even if you want to.
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I have been on a couple juries. Most of the other jurors were pretty level headed but holy shit there's always one that seems to be from another planet. If I was on trial for a defense shooting I would sure as hell want AJ on the jury.
My wife got called up for it. Ended up never having to go in as there wasn't a need for her pool. I want to do it, as I hope that if God forbid I ever need a jury, it would be full of level headed, God fearing people like myself. The issue is that you don't get compensated and companies now days (including mine), don't pay you while you serve. I of course understand its their right to do so, but if the state is telling me, under threat of arrest and confinement, that I must do something, they need to pay me the wage that I am out, taking unpaid leave. Being a vet, pro gun, white, a Christian, and conservative, I'd likely never get chosen anyway.
I've been called to jury duty plenty.
Never get picked or make it past the first round.
They probably notice on the forms my race, gender and maybe a bit of searching in the voter database to find my political leaning & neither side wants me.

I have made the first round every time, but never been picked. I answer honestly, but I think both sides can sense I think they're scumbags.
Just wear this the first day. Problem solved, problem staying solved.

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Not in my county you won't.... Judge will send you home and tell you to come back tomorrow dressed appropriately.

Last time I had it there was a guy that told the judge if by kept having to go he was going to get laid off. The judge pulled his boss in on the next selection, ended up having the Constable go pick him up. It was funny as hell. That judge is a good guy, doesn't take any crap.
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Do your fucking duty. I posted a jury duty thread and all you harped about was "do your duty!" now youre going to bail. I always knew AJ would tuck tail and run when things got real.
I just assisted in getting 3 fine police officers off some bogus excessive force charges last week... Those other idiot liberals on the jury wanted to hang them because they were cops so they MUST be bad. Plaintiff ended up with a broken wrist out of the whole deal, nevermind that she was drunk & fell off her own damn steps, haha!