Re: Leave Rifle Cocked Or Not?
The issue would be the striker spring, which I prefer to store in the relaxed position. You can relax the striker by dry firing it, but I prefer not to dry fire rimfires.
Cocked and ready confuses me. If it's with a loaded chamber, there's a safety issue. If it's with an empty chamber, what purpose does that serve?
I decock my bolt actions by raising the bolt handle completely up, then slowly lowering it again with the trigger fully depressed.
I don't dry fire in the usual sense. I leave the rifle uncocked and simply draw the trigger smoothly rearward until it contacts its rearmost travel. When it contacts the stop, this is a discrete event which serves as much purpose, for me, as hearing/feeling the sear release, and that's good enough for my purposes, but no mechanical wear is likely.