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Hunting & Fishing Marcus' Thanksgiving Buck...


Full Member
Jun 30, 2008
Nashville Tn.
My younger sisters boyfriend Marcus has been hinting around to dad and I for the past few days that he wanted to go deer hunting for his first time. It would actually be his first time hunting period. I decided to take him along this morning. So there we sat in our shooting house, he and I overlooking what would usually be a 800 yard field in front of us. But as it turns out it was so foggy I could barely make out the brake on my rifle hanging out of the window. Around 8:30, the fog is burning off and I get a phone call from my dad who was sitting a few hundred yards away. He was giving us a heads up on a good buck coming our way. We hung up. Keeping an eye out in the direction he'd be coming from the phone rings again. Dad says there is a spike headed into the field we were watching. About mid sentence, I interupted him when I saw this buck come into the field. I watched him for a few seconds trying to predict where he'd go and how I could get Marcus set up for the shot. The deer ended up on my side of the shooting house and coming around over my left shoulder. I told Marcus to swap seats with me and get positioned. This seemed like it took six years for him to get situated as he is a lefty and it was very awkward for him. After settling in, he snapped off the safety and sent the 155 Berger towards the buck. Slamming him.. Followed by high fives and hell yeahs. I was proud of him.


A few shots from a previous morning in the rain from the same shooting house.


Re: Marcus' Thanksgiving Buck...

One hell of a first hunting trip. Easy way to get hooked for life.
Some of my first trips were disappointing but once I killed my first buck it made up for all those cold windy mornings.
Re: Marcus' Thanksgiving Buck...

I can remember my first times in the deer woods. Mind you, my dad and a very close friend of ours started me out at a very young age. Id say alot younger than most would feel comfortable putting a firearm in a childs hands. Anyhow I started off with a Remington model 7 in .243 win. After many days afield and many shots fired, I just could not seem to make a shot connect. I can remember getting so discouraged. It wasnt due to a lack of practice/range time either. Something just wasnt working in my favor. At that time I blamed the gun. After convincing dad that I needed a bigger gun, our friend David put a Ruger .270 win in my hands. The first morning out with the new rig I was able to shoot my first buck. A basket rack 6 point. I thought that rifle was magic..I dont know what it was to this day, other than just putting in my time and not giving up.
Re: Marcus' Thanksgiving Buck...

Looks like a great place to be, thats the type of view I can get used to. Like they said, I'm sure he's hooked for life, now he needs to learn to do it on his own. Hope this didn't spoil him too bad and he realizes its not usually that easy haha. Pretty cool.