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MD State Police officer is a clown

Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

"As far as the gun being drawn. This officer didn't know who this guy was or what he had just done. Stolen bike, a gang banger driving crazy. Bikes are 500lb projectiles with deadly guidance systems on board. If the guy had decided to run him over the time to draw was long over. The Trooper holstered when he had the situation under his control."

I think your really reaching for justification here....
In order:
Stolen Bike:Dont know of any cases where the theif fully suited up and camera'd himself to go bike stealing.
Gang Banger: Nope it aint a stretched and lowered Chromed to the hills Busa and he wasnt wearing a German helmet
Run him over: You have been watching to much mad max! I have personally seen riders tossed on their heads hitting things as small as cats.....

In my opinion it was very clear to the officer what the guy did which is why he didnt get tackled right off the bike.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Not sure about other states but I talked with a local PD guy and he said in this type of situation (if it were in Kalifornia) if you are off duty or in plain clothes that you main duty is to call it in a be a good professional witness.
There is a reason for this as here in San Diego we had an off duty PD who shot San Diego Charger linebacker Steve Foley. It caused a HUGE firestorm here because Foley thought he was "F"ing with him and was just a nut case until he jumped out of the car and started shooting at him.
It's a good read if you got the time.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Slapchop</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: doorkicker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just saw this on Fox News...
1. What the hell was the point of the UC officer drawing his weapon?
-He should've cited the guy, arrested the guy, had his bike impounded or any/all combination of...but drawing his gun on the guy

2. This particular case deals with Maryland's wire tap law (felony), however what expectation of privacy do these clowns think they have when they are in public.
3. All being videotaped does, is keep folks honest (for the most part).

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UK3u-C__4T8"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UK3u-C__4T8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>

Here we go, more Monday morning quarterbacking from people who know little of what they speak of.

How about the douchebag going 120 down the highway popping wheelies is the clown?

I think you're a clown for posting this bullshit. </div></div>

I've been to a nice school of instruction out in Iowa that teaches electronic surveillance and federal wire taping laws- unfortunately, state laws can differ. So I can't say with 100% certainty that Video taping this interaction was legal in MD... however, I have a very hard time believing any state law would stand up in court that makes forms of electronic surveillance, be it audio or visual illegal unless both parties know, IN PUBLIC (and it would seem MD law is for PRIVATE communications). Generally, these sorts of cases get dropped because the department harassing the individual realizes they will NOT win in court. And further, I don't know of any states that actually outright bans "wire-taping" in PUBLIC without consent from all parties involved. This is usually where they fail- the department wanting the video removed from public forum makes the argument that the interaction between an officer and an individual is not public, no matter what the location. That argument has not stood up very well in the past- if only they'd give it up.

On a side note, you seem to always automatically side with the officer. No doubt there may be things we're not aware of, but points 2 and 3 of the OP's post are indisputable, and point 1 has some very serious merit to it:
#1, Since when do un-marked, un-uniformed, badge hidden officers make traffic stops for reckless driving and excessive speed?
#2, Since when do you stop a vehicle with your personal car on an exit ramp by cutting them off while making a traffic stop? (COULD be a UC car... but if it is, it's not a very good one- he'd get spotted a mile away riding around in a VW attempting to make buys or what not).

Sure, the rider COULD have been running from the police... but usually marked cars are involved in that, and he'd have been sited for it. There are a lot of COULD HAVE's... but, the evidence points to a simple traffic stop executed horribly wrong.

Call it monday morning QB if you like... I'll call this "traffic stop" filled with errors that should have never happened, conducted by an officer who was acting like a cowboy. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

I think perhaps the more appropriate thing to do would have been to not draw your weapon getting out of your car, have your badge visible, immediately identify yourself and conduct yourself in a more professional manner... also not cut the motorcyclist off on the jammed up exit ramp in a totally unmarked car. That is if it was ABSOLUTELY required for you to get him off the road. Otherwise, wait it out and call in a marked unit to make the stop.

Judging from the video, if I were in the exact same situation, I would have done one of two things:
A. Been armed and drawing as soon as I saw him produce a weapon- and likely shot him... No queer in a VW hard up on his payments is stealing my $18k bike and leaving me full of holes!
B. Been unarmed and laying tread on his body with my 650lb Harley... same reasons as above.

I kind of like what someone else said (even if they misspelled)- two ways to get yourself killed, going 128mph doing wheelies on the highway... and pulling a gun on someone without any identification what so ever as law enforcement. There is simply no argument that makes either a sound decision.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Oh and it appears the ACLU is taking up his case- yeah, I foresee a department and prosecutor being made a fool of
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

This is stupidity...

The Officer was off duty... What the fuck is he doing drawing a gun at some joker speeding? This is the type of shit that is going to get a police officer a bullet in his head. I have respect for our authority. But hell if i get pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt rest assure that off duty cop is going to get a bullet in his head. That video of the cop is "Policing". He should have reported it to 911 like everyone else

As for the Speeding Biker... Who cares if he crashes or not. It is his life he is taking a chance on...

Video and/or Voice recording law is a joke! Anyone who supports this is clearing a crazy...
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mtneer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The rider is an idiot who deserved arrest and should/will be punished for his crime.

However, no lights, no badge, no ID, no verbal identification (until gun drawn and hands on bike), PLUS a marked unit with lights on less than 15 seconds behind while in stopped traffic 5+ cars deep...this is bad police work.

Oh and MD's law about not being taped without consent apparently only applies to the sheeple. They can film you, but you can't film them. Baahhhh, baahhhh... </div></div>

agree. But he deserves to be arrested if caught! He was not caught!
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

The off duty officer was out of line, but the catalyst that started the whole thing is the idiot who thinks that the public highway is his personal playground, if he hadn't put himself in a position for this to happen then he wouldn't be in the situation he's in. As for the officer some retraining may be in order.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Just to add my 02 cents. The law deals with the audio portion both on the state and federal side. Video would have been fine without the audio, but once he crossed that line the crime was committed.
He should have been happy to have gotten a ticket but chose to instigate the problem even worse by posting and opening a whole new can of worms for himself.
As for most states, the police can video and audio tape as long as they are party to that conversation, or can direct others to tape as long as the agent/informant are party to that conversation whether it be a one party of two party state.
As for whether he should have gone after that guy in the first place in an unmarked or personal owned vehicle, the mentality of a lot of the State guys who handle most of the Highway/traffic incidents take that shit very (too) seriously.
While he absolutely, without a doubt should have had something in the form of badge or ID to identify himself, the use of a firearm in a ready position was his choice as to being prepared to confront whatever force might need to be used, ie: a big old motorcycle running him over.
Now some of you might balk at that, but how many of you would be commenting if he would have jumped out with a badge in his hand and the bike charged him and struck him then took off. The comments would be what a dumbass. Should have had his gun at the ready, etc.etc.
And for the comments about pointing a gun at an unarmed person, your kidding right? Until I have control of a suspect and secured him, I don' know he's unarmed. And I can't believe people are posting that on a gun sight! There are a lot of military guys here that have been deployed to the sand box on this very post that can't say I never pointed my weapon at an unarmed civilian. I would think over there its a daily occurrence while on patrol. Anyway, the old saying goes "you gotta be tough if you're gonna be stupid". Its easy to watch and comment on things that we can analyze over and over again, in the comforts of the internet.
I bet you both guys are regretting being out that night!
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: flyboy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just to clear things up, He wasn't driving a VW, it was a Chevy Malibu from the looks of it. </div></div>

kinda looked like a VW to me... but either way.... a malibu very clean malibu doesn't make any better of a UC car.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: keithtb1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just to add my 02 cents. The law deals with the audio portion both on the state and federal side. Video would have been fine without the audio, but once he crossed that line the crime was committed.
He should have been happy to have gotten a ticket but chose to instigate the problem even worse by posting and opening a whole new can of worms for himself.
As for most states, the police can video and audio tape as long as they are party to that conversation, or can direct others to tape as long as the agent/informant are party to that conversation whether it be a one party of two party state.</div></div>

This is the only thing I have issue with in your post- the rest of it is a matter of opinion, and as such I may disagree, but having some sort of identification out would elevate most people's concern here, and you agree on that point. Anyway moving along

My issue is your mis-statement of the law in concerns to interception of an audio transmission. The state of MD does not have an "exclusion from the law" for law enforcement, and actually I don't off hand know of ANYWHERE that allows for law enforcement to conduct wiretapping activities without a warrant where any citizen cannot do the same.

The state of MD does not allow the "interception of audio transmissions" (there's a large legal background on what exactly interception means) of private conversations unless ALL parties involved are notified (this is a departure from federal laws in that only ONE party must be aware). There is no exclusion to this for LE. However, the issue here isn't what interception means in legal parlance... but rather if the conversation on a public roadway, with a public official constitutes a private conversation. To this end legal precedence in past cases says that it is not private, but public. Due to it being public conversation, wiretapping laws do not apply federally, and under MD's statutes, also does not apply.

I cannot begin to tell you how many people have been locked up from audio recordings taken in a restaurant or other public places with no consenting parties. Remember, if there is no REASONABLE expectation of privacy, it's free game to anyone with an audio recording device. SO first, is there a REASONABLE expectation to privacy on a public roadway? (or has recently happen, on a public sidewalk in FL) I think most reasonable people would say no. And in a addition to this, is there an expectation of privacy for a public figure conducting the duties of his job in public? This one hasn't been addressed as far as I know, but I would expect it to eventually work its way into case precedence.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown


"Marylanders appear to have the right to record interactions with police officers with devices such as video cameras and mobile phones, according to an opinion by the state attorney general's office. The advisory letter was issued as several people face or have been threatened with criminal charges for taping police.

It's unlikely that most interactions with police could be considered private, as some law enforcement agencies have interpreted the state's wiretapping act, wrote Assistant Attorney General Robert McDonald. The conclusion is based on prior rulings and opinions of courts in other states.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland is representing a motorcyclist facing criminal charges in Harford County, one of at least two people who are being prosecuted there for recording police. State police raided the home of Anthony Graber in April after he posted a video of a traffic stop that he recorded with a helmet-mounted camera."

Looks like MSP <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">WILL</span></span> be apologizing... and likely forking over some tax payer dollars. Unfortunately, that's likely to be the extent of it. SOMEONE should loose their job. These laws are pretty clear- as a prosecutor, you should without a doubt know what is out of bounds and the departments themselves should know as well. The decision to run with this should be traceable back to someone- an over reaching administrative officer in the department or an ill-advising prosecutor. This isn't some sort of new legal precedence where errors are expected.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sean the Nailer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Short version:

There are sport bike riders, and then there are cruisers. (I'm leaving scooters out of this)

Sport bike riders have, and need, to prove to themselves and others, their ability do do stunts and go fast. In general. I challenge any sportbike rider, whom has NEVER broken traffic laws, to stand up now.

Cruiser riders are out there for the enjoyment of the "wind in the knees" and the contemplation of life while traveling on a journey. It's not the destination, it is the getting there.

To back up my statement above, the reason why sportbikes are/were called "cafe-racers" is because of the races through the mountains and twisty roads in a bye-gone era in Europe. They would race from one cafe to another, and do so in groups.

Now, I'm not saying that this type of riding (and machine improvements) cannot be done with a cruiser, but I am saying is that MORE THAN JUST GENERALLY, cruisers don't (AND CAN'T) operate the same.

When I insured my bike last, it cost 2,300 bucks for a 6 month riding season. This is because of all the bike accidents, and the insurance company (there is only one, run by the gov't) deeming them "unsafe vehicles" as well as prone to theft. (forgot to add, my record is practically clear, and with the almost full merits)

Ironically, there was only one stolen that year, as well as (something like) 11 out of 93 accidents involving motorcycles were with cruisers. (2006 or 07) and bear with my bad memory. It was something like that.

I've very little use, nor patience for, sportbikes up here. Not denying their viability, but totally questioning the average young rider.

Sorry Sean but your comments piss me off and are complete BS. Way to go perpetuating hate for all sportbikes. I challenge you to go to a bike night at almost any establishment and if there are 100 riders there, watch how many of the cruiser guys sit and drink all night long before getting on their bikes. Funny you fail to bring that topic up. Do the same with the sportbike riders and I think you will be surprised. Fact of the matter is that everyone makes bad decisions from time to time whether at work, in a car, truck, sportbike, cruiser, scooter, etc.

Please try and open your mind a bit instead of being so short sided and prejudicial against a certain genre of people. By your thought process it leads me to question what else you are prejudice against. <-- And that would be wrong which is why I dont do it.

Back to the facts of the situation
Biker was excessively speeding and wrecless op and should be charged
Cops arrest method is extremely suspect and should also be looked into and prsecuted for any wrongdoings a jury sees.
Issue of taping a public official and being charged as a crime is complete BS and should also be looked into.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: M25BeastShooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Stolen bike, a gang banger driving crazy. Bikes are 500lb projectiles with deadly guidance systems on board. If the guy had decided to run him over the time to draw was long over. </div></div>

Good point!
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Dude on bike=IDIOT
"plainclothes" statetrooper=Gestapo (who is damn lucky HE didn't get shot)
Wiretapping charge=big brother run amok

Unfortunately not ALL "public servants" are heroes...As a side note. When I used to have to work with the public, one of the most belligerent customers I ever had to deal with was a drunken "plainclothes" police officer. Who came damn close to getting his ass whipped.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

all states are categorized as one party or two party states when it comes to recording conversations. When I worked in New York, it was a one party state. I could record any conversation of which I was a party of. I could set up a recorder on my person or attached to a cell phone and record your conversation as long as I was a party to the conversation. I could not leave a recorder hidden somewhere and record a conversation, or attach it to a phone and record a call between two people without at least the permission of at least one party or that would be construed as an illegal wiretap.
In Florida, where I work now, this is a two party state which means that both parties HAVE to have knowledge to any recording that is taking place or it would be deemed an illegal recording. A police Officer may record a conversation, and or direct another person to record a conversation while conducting a criminal investigation, but he or the person directed must be a part of that conversation. That is the exclusion to the law in Florida for law enforcement. I can only assume that MD is the same or a warrant would not have been able to be issued for the search warrant. If a search warrant was issued, it would have had to been approved by a prosecutor and signed by a judge to be executed. As far as whether the charges will stick or a conviction made is up to interpretation by a judge.
Many arrests have been made here for violating this law but convictions have been less and less due to whether police in their role with the public have an expectation of privacy. But it still violates the letter of the law.
There are more and more exceptions to the law now than in the past due to technology far exceeding the expectations of the law. One example would be the recording of everyone with cellular phone cameras in public places. While it may have violated the letter of the law to video tape with audio, people without there knowledge, expectations of privacy have become very lax in public places. But as the law catches, or attempts to catch up with technology, more and more stalking statutes are being enacted to equal the balance.
No where in my post did I mention the term wiretapping.
Nor was the subject arrested for wiretapping. Wiretapping is the use of electronic equipment to secretly record and or monitor the conversation of two parties or more by the use of some type of electronic equipment without the knowledge of parties involved. Law enforcement does this under statutes provided under title III of the US code. Most states follow this code and have specific statutes that branch off of this to include the interception and/or recording of conversations and their legalities.
Now I may be ignorant to MD law but to say there is no exclusion there I put this question to you. How would an undercover officer wear a body wire while conducting an undercover operation, buy/bust, and record the conversations of the suspect. Are you saying he would have to inform him he is wired? If a detective called a suspect on the phone and said he wanted to purchase some stolen property from his pawn shop and recorded the conversation for evidence for a future prosecution would he be committing a crime? Let me know. Thanks.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

The cop fucked up. Maybe he was having a bad day. Maybe he has seen one too many innocent people hurt by motorcycle jerk offs. Who knows.

But it wasn't the off duty cop that decided to raid the rider's house or prosecute the guy for wiretapping. I doubt this stands up in court and, as another poster already wrote, the department and prosecutor will be made fools of.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: keithtb1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">DP425,
all states are categorized as one party or two party states when it comes to recording conversations. When I worked in New York, it was a one party state. I could record any conversation of which I was a party of. I could set up a recorder on my person or attached to a cell phone and record your conversation as long as I was a party to the conversation. I could not leave a recorder hidden somewhere and record a conversation, or attach it to a phone and record a call between two people without at least the permission of at least one party or that would be construed as an illegal wiretap.
In Florida, where I work now, this is a two party state which means that both parties HAVE to have knowledge to any recording that is taking place or it would be deemed an illegal recording. A police Officer may record a conversation, and or direct another person to record a conversation while conducting a criminal investigation, but he or the person directed must be a part of that conversation. That is the exclusion to the law in Florida for law enforcement. I can only assume that MD is the same or a warrant would not have been able to be issued for the search warrant. If a search warrant was issued, it would have had to been approved by a prosecutor and signed by a judge to be executed. As far as whether the charges will stick or a conviction made is up to interpretation by a judge.
Many arrests have been made here for violating this law but convictions have been less and less due to whether police in their role with the public have an expectation of privacy. But it still violates the letter of the law.
There are more and more exceptions to the law now than in the past due to technology far exceeding the expectations of the law. One example would be the recording of everyone with cellular phone cameras in public places. While it may have violated the letter of the law to video tape with audio, people without there knowledge, expectations of privacy have become very lax in public places. But as the law catches, or attempts to catch up with technology, more and more stalking statutes are being enacted to equal the balance.
No where in my post did I mention the term wiretapping.
Nor was the subject arrested for wiretapping. Wiretapping is the use of electronic equipment to secretly record and or monitor the conversation of two parties or more by the use of some type of electronic equipment without the knowledge of parties involved. Law enforcement does this under statutes provided under title III of the US code. Most states follow this code and have specific statutes that branch off of this to include the interception and/or recording of conversations and their legalities.
Now I may be ignorant to MD law but to say there is no exclusion there I put this question to you. How would an undercover officer wear a body wire while conducting an undercover operation, buy/bust, and record the conversations of the suspect. Are you saying he would have to inform him he is wired? If a detective called a suspect on the phone and said he wanted to purchase some stolen property from his pawn shop and recorded the conversation for evidence for a future prosecution would he be committing a crime? Let me know. Thanks. </div></div>

You're telling me stuff I already know very well. As I said before, I've actually been to a school on electronic surveillance, which covered federal laws, a little on the variations as seen by states as well as implementing said devices and even building various devices.

From most of what I have seen (and FL may be different, I don't have a lot of experience in two party states), in a two party state, a warrant must be obtained to do any sort of electronic surveillance that falls under the various "wire taping" (not everyone here knows there is a difference between actual wire tapping and interception- hell, even our law makers don't!) and "interception" laws.

BUT, the key factor here is that virtually all of these laws are for the expressed purpose of private interaction. It goes to the "reasonable assumption of privacy" which time and time again the courts have held up as the standard. Which is why the cases against recording civilian and law enforcement interactions in public with cell phones WILL fall flat on their face. This is a matter of some departments, prosecutors and judges vastly over stepping their bounds.

The rulings of assumption of privacy have worked in the favor of law enforcement as well as to their detriment (exposing unjust acts). If the conversation is in public, no one involved has to be knowledgeable of the interception. As I stated before, this has locked up a large number of guys. The ATF Agent who instructed the school seemed to favor this type of surveillance if possible as you have no one personally involved, at risk or who could screw up and blow it. Downside to this is however, placement of recording devices to clearly pick up the conversation without it being drown out by background noise.

To further dive into the cell phone issue- if an officer states anything that would be an acknowledgment of the recording device being present and in use, you are no longer breaking the vast majority of laws (assuming there is an assumption of privacy) because he is AWARE that his audio is being recorded. Most laws simply require one party to be aware, not necessarily consenting. So at this point it is the officer's choice to continue with his actions or stop. HOWEVER, all is not good in home movie maker land with this situation... you're now impeding in the lawful duties of an officer simply by putting him in the situation... But again, this is with the assumption of privacy. I don't think I'd call anyone realistic to say there is a reasonable assumption of privacy during interactions with law enforcement in public. In other words- Roads, sidewalks, parks, parking lots, public businesses are good to go... Private residence, bathroom, any room where the parties to the conversation are the only ones present are a no-go.

The Md Attorney General's assessment on this video in question should be sufficient enough to support my above statements- read it, he based his judgement on legal precedent.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Give me a break. The Officer did nothing wrong. He didn't know who the jackass was. He has every right to pull his gun out in such an incident. He didn't even point it at the guy. He also identifed himself. As far as the taping thing, I don't understand that law. We have cameras in our cars and I love them. Keeps us honest and the cameras have helped us more than hurt us. The biker was a jackass and deserves it.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Give me a break. The Officer did nothing wrong. He didn't know who the jackass was. He has every right to pull his gun out in such an incident. He didn't even point it at the guy. He also identifed himself. As far as the taping thing, I don't understand that law. We have cameras in our cars and I love them. Keeps us honest and the cameras have helped us more than hurt us. The biker was a jackass and deserves it. </div></div>

What is your department's policy on making traffic stops/citations in unmarked cars without being in uniform? How about in Personal cars off duty?

I'm just curious- I think that is where MOST of the objection is from in relation to the stop itself; the appropriateness and discretion of this exact instance; not if the biker was out of line or not. I don't imagine this would have gotten much attention if this were a traffic stop by a marked unit with an officer in uniform. Or even an unmarked with lights and an officer in uniform.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Technically were are on the job 24 hours a day. If we see a crime being committed, we have to at least call 911 if we can't get involved because we might be with family or not have our weapon.

If we see things such as minor traffic violations, we are kind of discouraged from getting involved because things might get ugly over something minor. I wouldn't consider this incident minor. When involved in an off duty incident we have to report it to our department ASAP just in case there are any injuries so we could be covered.

In 10 years I've been involved in 1 off duty incident that I had to draw down on some guys and I was wearing a suit. I don't like to get involved in crap when I am off, but given the circumstances, I didn't gave too much of a choice because time was the issue, so calling 911 would have been too late. Like the saying goes, "when seconds count, the police are minutes away."
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Give me a break. The Officer did nothing wrong. He didn't know who the jackass was. He has every right to pull his gun out in such an incident. He didn't even point it at the guy. He also identifed himself. As far as the taping thing, I don't understand that law. We have cameras in our cars and I love them. Keeps us honest and the cameras have helped us more than hurt us. The biker was a jackass and deserves it. </div></div>

So every traffic stop the cop should pull a gun then? I would venture to say that a cop doesn't know the person he is pulling over 99.9% of the time. How about when he is called out to a home?

Also what is up with bashing the sportbikes? I love how people just group all bad motorcyle riders into that group. I've met harley riders that are ten times worse. I guarantee you that you cannot find a single biker, regardless of what they ride, that haven't broken some law....shit I guarantee literally most of the people in this country if not all have broken a law or ordinance of some type. Yes I do have a sportbike and yes I have broken a rule such as the speedlimit. Then again I don't go 120 mph and no I don't do stunts. I also don't dare ride and drink like I see a ton of harley riders do and yes I have seen sportbikers do it as well....it's amazing how often I see poeple lumped into a group etc especially on a forum like this and even more so on a gun forum.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

With all the said I am not defending the rider. going that fast in traffic and pulling stunts is stupid. With that said I agree with an earlier post that both hands were clearly visible etc etc and so no need to pull a weapon (put your hand on the weapon in the case you feel you may need to pull the weapon I have no issue with). I do feel that the video taping thing is bogus. You are civil servants and taping shouldn't be an issue. The only reason you wouldn't want to be taped is if you're doing something wrong.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: anthony20031</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Give me a break. The Officer did nothing wrong. He didn't know who the jackass was. He has every right to pull his gun out in such an incident. He didn't even point it at the guy. He also identifed himself. As far as the taping thing, I don't understand that law. We have cameras in our cars and I love them. Keeps us honest and the cameras have helped us more than hurt us. The biker was a jackass and deserves it. </div></div>

So every traffic stop the cop should pull a gun then? I would venture to say that a cop doesn't know the person he is pulling over 99.9% of the time. How about when he is called out to a home?

Also what is up with bashing the sportbikes? I love how people just group all bad motorcyle riders into that group. I've met harley riders that are ten times worse. I guarantee you that you cannot find a single biker, regardless of what they ride, that haven't broken some law....shit I guarantee literally most of the people in this country if not all have broken a law or ordinance of some type. Yes I do have a sportbike and yes I have broken a rule such as the speedlimit. Then again I don't go 120 mph and no I don't do stunts. I also don't dare ride and drink like I see a ton of harley riders do and yes I have seen sportbikers do it as well....it's amazing how often I see poeple lumped into a group etc especially on a forum like this and even more so on a gun forum. </div></div>

A cop should not pull out his gun on every stop, but if justified HE COULD. It is all about justification. If you pull over an old lady, I find it hard to believe that anyone can justify pulling out their gun. I've pulled over guys that as I walked up to the car, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I pulled my gun out and had it down at my side. I was able to justify it. And once the hairs on the back of my neck went down, I reholstered my gun.

I owned a Honda CBR and a Kawasaki Ninja when I was in the Military. I love sportbikes. That guy was a piece of shit and makes bike riders look bad.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Give me a break. The Officer did nothing wrong. He didn't know who the jackass was. He has every right to pull his gun out in such an incident. He didn't even point it at the guy. He also identifed himself. As far as the taping thing, I don't understand that law. We have cameras in our cars and I love them. Keeps us honest and the cameras have helped us more than hurt us. The biker was a jackass and deserves it. </div></div>

All I see are 2 dumb fucks trying to get killed.
Glad I don't live in New Joysy
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

Its funny to me how each side sees each thing as this ginormous deal. Its funny to me those that see this little zip and lift as if he tried to jump the grand canyon with a sack of babies on board. Conversely I am equally amused by those horrified that he pulled. Now I do NOT believe he had justification but I still give leeway because he was looking at what arguably looked like Master Chief from Halo staring back at him LOL.

The REAL ginormous deal is he got a ticket for his act, the officer went on his way AND THE STATE RAIDED HIM FOR A YOUTUBE VID AND SOUGHT A FELONY OFFENCE!!! A rip and lift wasnt the issue, the draw wasnt the issue, a freekin vid is the issue that gets you raided and hooked up!!!
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: trilogymac</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Give me a break. The Officer did nothing wrong. He didn't know who the jackass was. He has every right to pull his gun out in such an incident. He didn't even point it at the guy. He also identifed himself. As far as the taping thing, I don't understand that law. We have cameras in our cars and I love them. Keeps us honest and the cameras have helped us more than hurt us. The biker was a jackass and deserves it. </div></div>

All I see are 2 dumb fucks trying to get killed.
Glad I don't live in New Joysy </div></div>

I see 1 dumb fuck trying to get killed and 1 guy doing his job. Glad I don't live in Texas
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shane45</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.

The REAL ginormous deal is he got a ticket for his act, the officer went on his way AND THE STATE RAIDED HIM FOR A YOUTUBE VID AND SOUGHT A FELONY OFFENCE!!! </div></div>

Agreed,The Dipshit Biker Need his Ass Kicked for sure,he thinks it is cute to record his escapades with his "Helmet Cam".Love to see it stuffed up his ass and let it record all it wants.

The Trooper was acting on Emotion and letting anger cloud his judgment IMO.I've been pulled over for reason by WSP Troopers that were clearly pissed at me (Aggressive Driving)and never had them act like this Douche.I don't ride a bike anymore,but cut me off and block my car in an unmarked car,I'll be locked and loaded before you are even out of your car.Too many crazies out there looking for trouble.

As far as the Raid ? What Chickenshit Bullshit !!! Guess the video did make them look bad,just hope the Judge stamped "No Desserts" on their meal cards.Probably got handled "Internally".The "Guild" took care of that.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

More BS they waste tax payers $$$$ so they can do some BS case and feed the fucking system more $$$ then they already get.

Yes the guy endangers others driving that way but this extra crap the DA pulls out of his ass about wire tap and recording is crap.

He should have taken off on the ass wipe and left him standing there..another power trip cop fuck off !!!
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 308LR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
More BS they waste tax payers $$$$ so they can do some BS case and feed the fucking system more $$$ then they already get.

Yes the guy endangers others driving that way but this extra crap the DA pulls out of his ass about wire tap and recording is crap.

He should have taken off on the ass wipe and left him standing there..another power trip cop fuck off !!!


You are a very angry dude. Typical anti-cop SnipersHide bullshit.
Re: MD State Police officer is a clown

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: paulosantos</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 308LR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
More BS they waste tax payers $$$$ so they can do some BS case and feed the fucking system more $$$ then they already get.

Yes the guy endangers others driving that way but this extra crap the DA pulls out of his ass about wire tap and recording is crap.

He should have taken off on the ass wipe and left him standing there..another power trip cop fuck off !!!


You are a very angry dude. Typical anti-cop SnipersHide bullshit. </div></div>

The Trooper seemed to be a very angry "DUDE" too.We had an off duty cop here in WA that fired a shot in a Road Rage incident not too long ago,unjustified,another,angry,out of control "DUDE".